Wrocławski Przegląd Teologiczny, 2024, R. 32, Nr 1

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  • Miniatura
    Verbum abbreviatum and silentium Dei in Benedict XVI’s Writings and the Object and Method of Biblical Exegesis
    Linke, Waldemar (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2024)
    This article deals with the development of biblical exegesis in the light of the theory of knowledge and methodology, which operates on the concepts of verbum abbreviatum and silentium Dei, which Benedict XVI caused to be included in the Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation Verbum Domini. These terms describe the object of biblical exegesis as a theological discipline. The article commences with an analysis of the use and understanding of verbum abbreviatum in Verbum Domini and continues with an addendum on the motif of silentium Dei. The disproportion between the two corresponds to the different roles that the concepts play in the construction of the document. For silentium Dei is merely a supplement – as important as it is – to the theology of the Word. Together with the concept of verbum abbreviatum it forms the descriptive part of the article. The third part is a search for an answer to the question of what biblical exegesis deals with, and therefore what its formal object is, which leads to the fundamental epistemological problems of biblical exegesis. These are considered in the light of an analysis of the aforementioned concepts in the thought of Benedict XVI and in the document mentioned above. The phenomenological approach seeks to answer the question of what biblical exegesis is and what its methodological consequences are. The phenomenological treatment of Scripture as the object of exegesis aims to integrate the theological aspect into exegetical considerations and to show exegetical procedures as intrinsically linked to the theological interpretation of the Bible. In the methodology of Scripture exegesis, this offers the possibility of constructing a methodological project that, on the one hand, makes use of all research procedures, allows the elimination of ideological elements incorporated into the research, and, on the other hand, preserves the theological sense of exegetical research. In the last part of the article, the author analyses various attempts to frame the problem of theological exegetical method in biblical studies, and offers his proposal based on all the considerations of the topic.
  • Miniatura
    Jesus as hilastērion: The Aspect of Propitiation in St Thomas Aquinas’ Commentaries and Joseph Ratzinger’s Writings
    Artemiuk, Przemysław (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2024)
    This article aims is to explore the aspect of propitiation (hilastērion) present in St. Thomas Aquinas’ and Joseph Ratzinger’s writings and to show it against the background of the whole soteriological reflections of both theologians, as well as to emphasise the novelty of their soteriology. In the first part, the author discusses the thought of St Thomas, accentuating the systematic teaching on salvation in Summa theologie. Drawing on Aquinas’s Commentaries, the author then goes on to present Jesus as propitiation, in whose blood the mystery of redemption is accomplished. In the second part of the article, analysing Joseph Ratzinger’s writings, key soteriological terms and the biblical word hilastērion are explained. The study offers the following conclusions: the idea of propitiation (hilastērion) in Commentaries complements the whole of Thomas’ soteriology demonstrated in Summa theologiae. On the other hand, in Ratzinger’s writings the soteriological thought takes no systematic form, yet the aspect of hilastērion becomes for Joseph Ratzinger a symbol of the realisation of redemption.
  • Miniatura
    Philosophical Analysis of the Concept of Faith on the Basis of Benedict XVIʼs Encyclicals
    Sieńkowski, Marcin (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2024)
    The article deals with the problem of faith based on three encyclicals of Benedict XVI. The author pays attention to what and how the pope says about faith from the point of view of philosophical analysis (realistic trend). It is important to show the essence, purpose and structure of the act of faith. The conducted study allows us to conclude that Benedict XVI defends the claim that supernatural faith is the substance (basis) of invisible things (Letter to the Hebrews). Thanks to it, it becomes possible to present the goal in the form of eternal (happy) life. Its updated demands the involvement of intellect and will in an act of faith. In this way, the pope emphasizes that faith is constituted by both purposeful and subjective reasons (the structure of faith). The philosophical analysis of the concept of faith presented in the article is not only about quoting the position of Benedict XVI, but also about recalling the views of those thinkers (Bacon, Luther, Kant) with whom the pope argues.
  • Miniatura
    Joseph Ratzinger on the New Evangelization: The Implications for Consecrated Life
    Pagacz, Małgorzata (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2024)
    The article deals with the issues on consecrated life, raised by Joseph Ratzinger in his address The New Evangelization. The aim of the article is to consider the following questions: to what extent the reality of consecrated life corresponds to the dynamics, structure and method of the new evangelization and related recommendations; and to what extent the content of the new evangelization is present in this form of life totally devoted to God? The first part presents Joseph Ratzinger’s address The New Evangelization in the context of contemporary Church teaching. The second part of the article shows the structure and method of the new evangelization in the life of consecrated persons. Then – in the third part – it is argued that the essential contents of the new evangelization (conversion, the kingdom of God, the person Jesus Christ and eternal life) are at the very centre of the consecrated life and are of fundamental importance for it.
  • Miniatura
    “Life without God and against God”: Joseph Ratzinger on Christianity and the (Secularized) World
    Kaucha, Krzysztof (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2024)
    Despite all the efforts of responsible Christians to withstand secularization, the process as shown by various parameters appears to be unstoppable. Joseph Ratzinger developed a much-desired comprehensive, theological understanding of secularization. His theology of the world and his vision of the modern times is presented here succinctly at the time that the Western world seems to dispense with God and even live against Him. First, the article recalls Ratzinger’s 1965 text on the meanings of the term “world.” Any serious thought about the world should first deal with the question of how it is conceptualized. Ratzinger responded by presenting the Christian understanding of the worl+d and confronted it with various philosophical positions and scientific visions. He demonstrated the superiority of Christianity as having the exclusivity of possessing “good news” for humankind. Further, this article offers a comparison of the Christian and increasingly secularized worlds. While denouncing the project of building a secular world (the modern Tower of Babel) and challenging the tenets of the advocates of secularization, Ratzinger also enumerated elements uniting the global community. Finally, the article quotes an important text by Ratzinger brought back to the public attention during the COVID-19 pandemic, in which he juxtaposed two main mechanisms propelling human history: the development of a world without God and the operation of the providential “hand of God.” The clash of the belief in God with that of a life without God started at the dawn of history and will continue to the end of time. Ratzinger’s understanding of the world and secularization is realistic, intellectually principled, and very often dramatic, but concurrently full of Christian hope and optimism. His theology rebuts and reverses the common understanding of the terms “liberal” and “conservative.”
  • Miniatura
    Europe in the Prisoner’s Dock? The Signposts of Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI’s for the Old Continent
    Papciak, Kazimierz F. (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2024)
    Harmony of the European ethos based on an appropriate system of values should be achieved as a historical necessity for the 21st century Europe. The current lack of this harmony, which can be brought down to a number of reasons, leads to an identity crisis and as such is a cause of concern for Christians. Therefore, Joseph Ratzinger asks a provocative question: “what are the essential mistakes of Europe that have brough it to the prisoner’s dock today?” This is the main research question of this article posed in the context of reflections and teaching of Joseph Ratzinger/ Benedict XVI. This question urges to make an examination of conscience and prompts questions to be further addressed, concerning the depreciation of Europe’s Christinan roots, the negation of natural law as a source of values or the dictatorship of ethical relativism that supports a social chaos. As a result, the idea of Europe today – according to Ratzinger – “has falled into a strange twilight” and its ethos that has been the strength of the Old Continent for centuries is being destroyed. What is necessary and urgent is a re-Europeanisation of Europe based on strong and sound axiological foundations.
  • Miniatura
    Benedict XVI’s Legacy to Youth
    Berry, John Anthony (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2024)
    This article aims to explore the enduring legacy of Pope Benedict XVI in the context of World Youth Days through an analysis of five profound “invitations” he extended to young people. This article begins with an examination of how the Pontiff recognized the Church’s genuine “aliveness” and “youthfulness” in the Lord. It then looks at how he implored young individuals to manifest God’s presence, particularly in challenging circumstances or in places where faith might appear to be absent. The article goes on to discuss how the Pope encouraged the youth to respond to this call by opening their hearts to Christ, dispelling fear, and embracing Christian hope. In essence, young people were motivated to engage in active listening, prioritize moments of silence, make courageous resolute decisions, experience joy, and maintain trust. This article concludes with a demonstration of how these five “invitations” continue to serve as a perpetual reminder for younger generations to immerse themselves in the Word of God, seek contemplative moments, be willing to take calculated risks, nurture enduring happiness, and live with hope. Pope Benedict XVI’s legacy remains a poignant reminder and challenge for the youth as they strive to attain authenticity in their identity and professed faith. Though the Pontiff passed away in 2022, his teachings persist in inspiring and guiding young individuals as they cultivate a hopeful faith and find unwavering support within the Church to become joyful witnesses to Christ in the world. The author intends to shed light on the enduring significance of these teachings and their continued impact on the younger generations.
  • Miniatura
    Homily on the Day of Benedict XVI’s Funeral, Cathedral of Christ the King, Katowice, 5 January 2023
    Szymik, Jerzy (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2024)
  • Miniatura
    Benedict XVI and the Foundations of Politics
    Seweryniak, Henryk (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2024)
    This article aims to present the political theology of Joseph Ratzinger/ Benedict XVI. The first paragraph focuses on Ratzinger’s interpretation of selected New Testament source texts and the basic assumptions of what he called the “service to politics rendered by the Christian faith.” The second paragraph deals with Ratzinger’s interpretation of the key relevant logion: “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and to God the things that are God’s” (Mark 12:17). It cut the knot of the legal, moral and cultic order, on which states based their status, regarding the binding character of its laws as an expression of the divine will. The Enlightenment, according to Ratzinger, was faced with the necessity of cutting the equation “in two,” this time in the Christian world, by exposing the Gospel-rooted model of separation of Church and State. The fundamental task of Christians then is to maintain the balance of the dual system as the basis of freedom. The third paragraph traces the development of Ratzinger’s reflection on the greatness and weaknesses of the contemporary vision of democracy. The clou of this reflection was the reference to the “Böckenförde paradox,” particularly topical in the era of the “dictatorship of relativism” that destroys democracy. The author refutes the criticism of the “Böckenförde paradox” made by Chantal Delsol in her book predicting the end of the Christendom, and concludes with a presentation of the Doctrinal Note on Some Questions Regarding the Participation of Catholics in Political Life (2002), which is, in his view, the culmination of Ratzinger’s thought on the foundations of politics in the light of fundamental theology and Catholic social teaching.
  • Miniatura
    Authentic Renewal of the Church vs. False Renewal: Intellectual Struggles of Joseph Ratzinger in the Years 1965–1966
    Bachanek, Grzegorz (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2024)
    In some publications one can find a claim about a radical shift of views of Joseph Ratzinger which was supposed to transform a progressive theologian into a conservative guardian of faith. Some even speak of two Ratzingers. and link this change to his becoming a bishop or the prefect of Congregation for the Faith. Others point out that there was a distinct evolution of Ratzinger, linked to the 1968 events. According to the author of the article, in the years 1965–1966 there could have been a certain development in Ratzinger's theology on the renewal of the Church. This research hypothesis has been confronted with the texts of the German theologian. The first part of the article shows the painful experience of Ratzinger who already at the end of the Second Vatican Council saw a misperception of the ideas and documents of the Council. The second part analyses the problem of a false, superficial renewal that is far from the intention of Ratzinger and the Council. Next, the criteria of an authentic renewal formulated by this theologian in the aforementioned period are explored. The problem of a distinction between an authentic and a false renewal seems particularly relevant today.
  • Miniatura
    References to the Teaching of Benedict XVI in the Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Gaudium of Pope Francis
    Jasiński, Andrzej S. (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2024)
    This article analyses quotations from the teaching of Benedict XVI contained in the Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Gaudium of the Holy Father Francis (2013). The document includes 23 excerpts from Benedict XVI’s teaching and one from Joseph Ratzinger’s address; the most important ones were taken from the Encyclical Deus Caritas Est (4 times). The aim of this article is to determine the contexts of these quotations in the Exhortation and to determine their meaning for the message of Pope Francis. It has been shown that the Exhortation contains references to Benedict XVI in all its main topics: the postulate of an authentic encounter with Christ in faith, the care for the poor people, the God made known to the man, Christ becoming poor for our enrichment, the principle of the being enlivened by the fire of the Holy Spirit and by the Word of God, the expansion of the Church “by attraction,” “the service of charity,” the courage to go out with the Gospel to the “peripheries,” the poor people as the privileged recipients of the Gospel, the importance of the faith and the hope in Christian life, the docility to God’s initiative, “the evangelizing power of popular piety,” the importance of the “way of beauty” in the evangelization, the importance of the dialogue in the evangelization and the respect for religious freedom. The statements analysed in this article have shown that there is a consistency of the message between Benedict XVI and Francis concerning evangelization. The incumbent Pope not only quotes the teaching of Benedict XVI, but also creatively develops it, to match it to the needs of our times in which the Church fulfils the universal mission of the evangelization.
  • Miniatura
    Credo in Patrem: Paterological Elements in the Teaching of Benedict XVI
    Sosnowski, Aleksander (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2024)
    The aim of this article is to present the paterological elements in the teaching of Benedict XVI. These elements appear as relevant when the Pope discusses other truths of faith. Thus, the papal teaching on God the Father presents Him in nexus mysteriorum of the truths of faith. The article consists of three parts, which correspond to the historical periods in which the truth about God the Father was gradually revealed. The first part discusses the concept of God’s “fatherhood,” which, based on human experience, recognises God as the origin and source of all existence. Additionally, the care and goodness of God towards human beings in the Old Testament proves God’s qualities of a father, and thus the universal brotherhood of all human beings and the necessity of caring for creation as a gift originating in God’s love. The second part of the article reveals the fullness of the revelation about God the Father made in his Son, Jesus Christ. God not only can be called Father, but is indeed Father. The life and teaching of the incarnate Son remained in constant reference to the Father, a fulfilment of his will, and the particular event that revealed this truth to the apostles was the prayer of Jesus. Christology, then, as the Pope makes clear, is the necessary hermeneutical key to paterology. The last part of the article discusses the sanctification of people in baptism. Through this sacrament, people become sons and daughters of the Father in the only-begotten Son and, like Jesus, can address God with the word “Abba.” The mystery of God the Father impels us to discover the other as a brother and to take concrete actions through which, already here on earth, the brotherhood of Christians is made a reality.