Studia Gdańskie, 2004, T. 17
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Przeglądaj Studia Gdańskie, 2004, T. 17 wg Temat "Biblia"
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Pozycja Bóg albo pieniądz. Wymagania Kościoła pierwotnego od katechumenów na podstawie perykopy Mk 10,17-31Ormanty, Stanisław (Kuria Metropolitalna Gdańska, 2004)The article begins with a nontraditional exegetical interpretation of Mark 10, 17-31 in which there exist two paths in the life of man. The first is the path of the commandments, which is for regular mortals, that is, those who are satisfied with fulfilling the minimum. The second is the path of evangelical rules for those, who wish to follow this path because they want something more. These are the people who enter into religious orders. In the analysis of Mark 10, 17-31, the author of the articles looks at the sitz in Leben of the early Church. He follows the thought of C. M. Martini, who sees in the gospel of Mark catechumenal context. The structure of this biblical fragment is given as follows: the question of the rich man (Mark 10, 17-22); the problem of the salvation of the wealthy (Mark 10, 23-27); the reward for imitating Jesus (Mark 10, 28-31). After this, the author continues with interpreting the text itself. The final point made is the function of the Mark 10, 17-31 in its context, that is, that the biblical fragment is dominated by the topic of eschatological salvation, eternal life, the entering into the kingdom of God, and of being redeemed.Pozycja Liturgia i muzyka w Biblii w ujęciu Józefa RatzingeraKaczorowski, Robert (Kuria Metropolitalna Gdańska, 2004)In our times Joseph Ratzinger is the greatest theologian among cardinals and the most prominent cardinal among theologians. As a professor of theology, but not only, he wrote many books, e.g. “A New Song for the Lord: Faith in Christ and Liturgy Today”, where he shows relations between liturgy and music of the church. The article by Robert Kaczorowski tells about Ratzinger’s biblical context of art and music. The author presents the analysis of Ps 47,8 and the evolution of Hebrew’s word maskîl to Greek’s word psalate. Kaczorowski adds that the biblical theory of art and music is still current.Pozycja „Oko za oko, ząb za ząb”. Formuła talionu w biblijnym prawie IzraelaSzamocki, Grzegorz (Kuria Metropolitalna Gdańska, 2004)This paper presents an interpretative study of the talion formula: “eye for eye, tooth for tooth”, occurring in three law codes of the Old Testament, shown against a background of history, function and meaning of this principle in the oldoriental law, particularly in the Code of Hammurabi, as well as in fundamental rules of the oldtestamental law. The research has showed that the famous formula of the Bible should be understood in the meaning of a rule, which confirms the legislator’s intention to protect a human life, especially in the dimension of the social human relations. The expression “eye for eye, tooth for tooth”, stated in the context of a concrete law regulation cannot be understood as a calling to retaliate, revenge, but as an order to rightly pay for harms and give equivalents. Such form of satisfaction should also be an external sign of conciliation between an offender and their victim, what would make possible a new common life in peace.Pozycja Perspektywy biblijne człowieka jako istoty społecznejOrmanty, Stanisław (Kuria Metropolitalna Gdańska, 2004)Genesis 2, 18 states that, “It is not good for man to be alone”. This sentence can be considered the fundamental biblical tenet of the social aspect of man. This means that man is directed towards others – he has a tendency towards communities. Only in a community does man become fulfilled. The basic and most important relation between people – in the Biblical view. is the relation between man and woman. In the first story of the Creation, the central statement is that man and woman have the same personal dignity. They were created in the image and likeness of God. The article then speaks of the mutual fulfillment that occurs in the communion of love. When keeping in mind family, country, nation – man is a part of a group. We are all sisters and brothers because we all have One Father and Brother. In consequence, all men are equal. The final topic of discussion is the problem of the solidarity among all people which comes from the knowledge that we have One Father and Brother.Pozycja Pismo Święte o działalności złego duchaKowalczyk, Andrzej (Kuria Metropolitalna Gdańska, 2004)Authors of the OT assumed the existence of the demons. They show them as creatures competing with the God and trying to conduct man to the evil, but they define neither their nature nor their relation to the God. Reflections of the Authors of the OT head toward discovering the source of all evil in the demons. In the Book of Wisdom, which was written in the first century before Christ, we can read: “But by the envy of the devil, death entered the world” (Wis 2,24). The NT gives the more developed teaching about the demons. In the Gospel narratives about the temptation of Jesus the Satan is shown as a very intelligent person who possesses big power and lusts for idolatry. According to the Synoptical Gospels the fight against the Satan is the essential characteristic of the Jesus. activity similarly to the preaching of Good News and healing of sick people. Jesus gets the demons out the demoniacs, He orders Apostles to do the same and announces, that all believers will posses power over the demons. According to Jesus exorcisms will be the signs of the forthcoming reign of God. The activity of the devil is mentioned by saint Paul Apostle in his letters. He thinks that the obstacles in the preaching of the Gospel, confusions in communities and rejection of the Word of God are the result of the Satan’s ruse. The Apostles Peter and Jacob call on believers to be vigilant in the battle against the devil. The activity of the demons is also mentioned very often in the works of saint John. In his Gospel Jesus calls Satan “the father of lies” and because of the influence that he exerts on the world – “the world’s prince”. In the First Letter John Apostle writes that the aim of Jesus. coming to the earth was the destruction of the devils. works. From the chapter twelve in the Revelation on John shows the battle of the God and Church against the Satan. This battle will be finished on the day of the Last Judgment. The battle will not be free from dramatic episodes, there will be victims on the part of the “saints”, the Satan will delude the world by means of the signs, but Jesus and His Church will achieve the final victory.Pozycja Wzajemna relacja człowieka i świata w teologii doby ekologiiDańczak, Andrzej (Kuria Metropolitalna Gdańska, 2004)