Studia Gdańskie, 2004, T. 17
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Pozycja Andrew J. Apostoli, We believe in the Holy Spirit, Our Sunday Visitor Publishing Division, Huntington, Indiana 2002, ss. 143.Kaczorowski, Robert (Kuria Metropolitalna Gdańska, 2004)Pozycja Timothy M. Dolan, Priests for the Third Millenium, Our Sunday Visitor Publishing Division, Huntington, Indiana 2000, ss. 334.Kaczorowski, Robert (Kuria Metropolitalna Gdańska, 2004)Pozycja Józef Kozielecki, Transgresja i kultura, Wydawnictwo Akademickie „Żak”, Warszawa 2002, ss. 262.Cichosz, Wojciech (Kuria Metropolitalna Gdańska, 2004)Pozycja Józef Kozielecki, Koncepcje psychologiczne człowieka, Wydawnictwo Akademickie „Żak”, Warszawa 2000, ss. 266.Cichosz, Wojciech (Kuria Metropolitalna Gdańska, 2004)Pozycja Kult świętej Marii Magdaleny w trójmiejskim cechu fryzjerówBorek, Magdalena Maria (Kuria Metropolitalna Gdańska, 2004)The article presents Saint Mary Magdalene as a patron of the Three-city hairdressers and the cult of her among them. The Three-cities hairdressers meet eachother for 10 years already to cultivate Her at the ceremonial Mass conducted by archbishop Tadeusz Gocłowski. The hymns ment for St. Mary Magdalene are being sang there among which are the orthodox Acatyst and the hairdressers hymn. The meeting’s organizers especially Jan Siedlik and Janina Husarek want this Mary Magdalene’s cult to be the creator of some wordly items as well. The painting and an icon has been founded, a CD with songs and a book about Mary Magdalene has been published. The Three-cities hairdressers do whatever they can to consolidate the memory about this Saint among the congregation.Pozycja Tomaszowy postulat recta ratio w relacji wiary i rozumuBała, Maciej (Kuria Metropolitalna Gdańska, 2004)Pozycja System społeczny a system wychowawczy w teorii PlatonaBała, Maciej (Kuria Metropolitalna Gdańska, 2004)Pozycja Zagadnienie „stanu pośredniego” w ujęciu filozoficznymŚwieżyński, Adam (Kuria Metropolitalna Gdańska, 2004)“After death provisional state of man” means the manner of existence of a man from his death till resurrection. Generally speaking this is a theological problem but closely connected with anthropological issues. Therefore according to accepted anthropological vision are shaped also opinions of advocates and opponents of conception of resurrection at the moment of human death. The main problem is: what is happening with the soul after human body’s death and before its resurrection? Some philosophers say that the whole of the person dies. Others are convinced that the soul doesn’t become separate from her body at the moment of death. But they also say about continual resurrection. In the evolutionary conception of human death is said that the moment of death is simultaneously the moment of resurrection. T. Wojciechowski explains this by transforming structure of human essence onto the highest level of excellence.Pozycja Religia społeczeństwa otwartegoJankowski, Jan (Kuria Metropolitalna Gdańska, 2004)In his criticism of religion Popper reaches for marxist and psychoanalitic – based argumentation. According to Popper religion is, on the one hand, the effect of social relations (closed society), and – on the other – the sign of the immaturity of the human psyche, seeking authorities. support in its escape from responsibility. Popper’s concept of an open society is an offer of a secular way of salvation. “An open society” is a society devoid of authorities, either epistemological or deontical. A human living in such a social structure experiences freedom from psychic immaturity. Popper also proposes a new religion of “critical rationalism”. It is a faith in human reason, its goals being peace, tolerance and unity among men. In order to accomplish this goal, Popper’s religion is based on the primary assumption of his epistemology, derived from his theory of science – that nobody is right, because it is impossible to prove the truthfulness of any statement. Popper’s criticism of religion does not consider the existence or non-existence of God. Popper’s analyses are only of sociological and psychological character, not metaphysical. Their effect is the postulate of a mode of life both individual and social, as if there were no God.Pozycja Dysfunkcyjność społeczna – subkultury młodzieżoweCichosz, Wojciech (Kuria Metropolitalna Gdańska, 2004)The beginning of the 20th century can undoubtedly be described as the era of debate. Society which is deep in discussion, repeatedly strengthened by questioning authorities and social and moral values is so much occupied with itself that it has lost sight of what is most crucial – the prospects for the future: in this case – the young generation. There are more and more young people around us who could be described as “unadjusted” or “difficult”, to put it mildly. It is especially noticeable on large housing estates. Young people who have been abandoned and left to their own devices begin to organize themselves and create their own alternative environment – different form the official one. In this situation it is easy to predict what threatens contemporary youth, who don’t have firm moral values and opinions of the world, and in addition to this, are deprived of the support of real masters, spelt with at least lower case “m”. Most prevalent and dominant subcultures include the so called “blockers, tracksuit-wearers, skinheads, scarf-wearers, heavy metal fans, satanists, New Age followers, punks and hippies”. It might seem that if someone uses violence, or at least supports it, if they carry dangerous objects or weapons, then they must be determined and self-confident. Nothing could be more misleading! First of all people who belong to various subcultures do not have any self-esteem. As they are convinced of their inferiority and rejection by others, they experience constant anxiety. The research clearly indicates that at the basis of externally demonstrated boldness, arrogance and brutality lies insecurity, fear and lack of self-acceptance, which in turn results in deteriorating social contacts. Artificial and noisy acts of “marking” one’s place, attempts made to shock others have the purpose of numbing the nagging feeling of low self-esteem. Subculture groups give young people conditions for self-fulfillment. This fulfillment is obviously specifically understood. A subculture is also an attempt to look for collective identity, and through that also an individual identity, as everyone has the right to vote, to make a decision or to come up with an initiative. The phenomenon of subcultures is the result of pathology of the system of socialization and upbringing, which in turn stems from dysfunction of all social institutions, and most of all – family.Pozycja Współczesne pochłaniacze: o konsumpcjonizmieCichosz, Wojciech (Kuria Metropolitalna Gdańska, 2004)A human being of the beginning of the 21st century can be proud of various achievements in different aspects of life. Rapid technological development and achievements concerning medicine make our future quite optimistic. However, the same economic development and achievements of human intellect are causing even bigger need for the consumption of goods and services. One could wonder if the future of our earthly society is safe in the face of growing consumption. For an average consumer, huge shopping centres are becoming “temples”. The omnipresent consumption is instilling an idea of “more, faster and easier” – including the upbringing, social pressure and advertising, simultaneously creating some kind of a vicious circle. Consumption, together with other cultural and sociological phenomena, leads to some dangerous crisis – the human crisis. Contemporary people are behaving like small children. They keep on fighting for everything, demanding more and more to possess and conquer (practical materialism and hedonistic consumptionism). Like children who can’t concentrate long enough on one toy, contemporary people aren’t able to stop consuming new goods. What is it heading for? What will our future be like? Will we still subscribe to such a motto: “I am what I possess and what I consume”? There is no doubt that every worried person should ask themselves: To have or to be? Let’s hope that the answer will be: to be. In a biblical imperative from the Book of Genesis, not the earth and ruling it (matter) is the most significant, but a human being.Pozycja Znaczenie paradygmatu szkolnego dla przekazu wartości religijnych w procesie edukacyjnymZieliński, Zbigniew (Kuria Metropolitalna Gdańska, 2004)Social Teaching raises the problem of education in its scientific reflection. The question of the direction and the form of the youth’s upbringing is one of the basic questions raised in different sciences. The problems of upbringing are taken into consideration by such branches of science as: sociology, politology, psychology, pedagogy and theology. The root of this old pedagogical problem is the upbringing without any values. So, once again we have to face the question: where do young people take the values from? One says: “young people must take values from their family only”, but the other says: “they can take values from school, too”. Now, we have several points in modern pedagogy and psychology. Same people want to form the process of scholar upbringing on the basis of values whilst the others prefer school of no values. Another problem are religious values at scholar process of education. For many people: teachers and parents, values of religion have very important significance. John Paul II and Social Teaching of Church say about religion as natural and fundamental human’s need. The task of religious teaching and upbringing of the young people, and their religion education is one of the firm elements of educational responsibility of the Church, in the universal and local dimension. The Church realizes these important tasks by school religion lessons (catechesis). But it is not one and only method of transmitting religious values. The other method is integral education, which is being realized also by other school subjects. So, transmission of religion values is not only the duty of Church, but also all educators. A great deal of my dissertation is devoted to the situation of the contemporary generation of youth. The occurring socio-political, economical and cultural changes, a revolution in electronic communication and a spectacular rise of media – all of this has influence on the education of young generation.Pozycja Promocja zasad demokratycznych w dokumentach i działalności Niezależnego Samorządnego Związku Zawodowego „Solidarność” w latach 1980-1989Socha, Jacek (Kuria Metropolitalna Gdańska, 2004)A human being as a living creature free by nature and living in society has to find protection for his or her dignity, which in the contemporary world can be a democracy. The article is an attempt to present the fight of NSZZ “Solidarność” (“Solidarity”) in the name of freedom from 1980 to 1989. A worthy life is only possible in freedom and can exist only where the right to personal freedom is respected. The work of NSZZ “Solidarność” was a fight for free and democratic Poland. The mentioned values – freedom and democracy – are not only given to a man and society, but they are also a challenge, which might turn out to be difficult. The matter of democracy occurring within the union and a conflict which appeared between L. Wałęsa and Grupa Robocza (Labor Group) can be the process of strenuous learning of freedom and democracy by “Solidarność”. For “Solidarność” having participated in deliberations of Okrągły Stół (Round Table) agreement also seems to have been problematical. Some union members could see it as contradiction of their ideals of solidarity, truth, and freedom as well. In spite of the mentioned doubts and difficulties, the work of the “Solidarność” ought to be acknowledged as pure evidence of freedom and democracy. The peaceful fight for a man’s and society’s dignity, for law and order in the country revealed the genuine face of “Solidarność”.Pozycja Trzeci sektor – pojęcie i jego rola w państwieBiedrzycki, Tomasz (Kuria Metropolitalna Gdańska, 2004)Pozycja Liturgia i muzyka w Biblii w ujęciu Józefa RatzingeraKaczorowski, Robert (Kuria Metropolitalna Gdańska, 2004)In our times Joseph Ratzinger is the greatest theologian among cardinals and the most prominent cardinal among theologians. As a professor of theology, but not only, he wrote many books, e.g. “A New Song for the Lord: Faith in Christ and Liturgy Today”, where he shows relations between liturgy and music of the church. The article by Robert Kaczorowski tells about Ratzinger’s biblical context of art and music. The author presents the analysis of Ps 47,8 and the evolution of Hebrew’s word maskîl to Greek’s word psalate. Kaczorowski adds that the biblical theory of art and music is still current.Pozycja Duchowość współuzależnionych czyli o sztuce posiadania siebie w dawaniu siebieNawrot, Jacek (Kuria Metropolitalna Gdańska, 2004)Pozycja Problem cierpienia niewinnego u Fiodora Dostojewskiego na podstawie powieści „Bracia Karamazow”Penke, Andrzej (Kuria Metropolitalna Gdańska, 2004)Pozycja Wzajemna relacja człowieka i świata w teologii doby ekologiiDańczak, Andrzej (Kuria Metropolitalna Gdańska, 2004)Pozycja Pismo Święte o działalności złego duchaKowalczyk, Andrzej (Kuria Metropolitalna Gdańska, 2004)Authors of the OT assumed the existence of the demons. They show them as creatures competing with the God and trying to conduct man to the evil, but they define neither their nature nor their relation to the God. Reflections of the Authors of the OT head toward discovering the source of all evil in the demons. In the Book of Wisdom, which was written in the first century before Christ, we can read: “But by the envy of the devil, death entered the world” (Wis 2,24). The NT gives the more developed teaching about the demons. In the Gospel narratives about the temptation of Jesus the Satan is shown as a very intelligent person who possesses big power and lusts for idolatry. According to the Synoptical Gospels the fight against the Satan is the essential characteristic of the Jesus. activity similarly to the preaching of Good News and healing of sick people. Jesus gets the demons out the demoniacs, He orders Apostles to do the same and announces, that all believers will posses power over the demons. According to Jesus exorcisms will be the signs of the forthcoming reign of God. The activity of the devil is mentioned by saint Paul Apostle in his letters. He thinks that the obstacles in the preaching of the Gospel, confusions in communities and rejection of the Word of God are the result of the Satan’s ruse. The Apostles Peter and Jacob call on believers to be vigilant in the battle against the devil. The activity of the demons is also mentioned very often in the works of saint John. In his Gospel Jesus calls Satan “the father of lies” and because of the influence that he exerts on the world – “the world’s prince”. In the First Letter John Apostle writes that the aim of Jesus. coming to the earth was the destruction of the devils. works. From the chapter twelve in the Revelation on John shows the battle of the God and Church against the Satan. This battle will be finished on the day of the Last Judgment. The battle will not be free from dramatic episodes, there will be victims on the part of the “saints”, the Satan will delude the world by means of the signs, but Jesus and His Church will achieve the final victory.Pozycja „Oko za oko, ząb za ząb”. Formuła talionu w biblijnym prawie IzraelaSzamocki, Grzegorz (Kuria Metropolitalna Gdańska, 2004)This paper presents an interpretative study of the talion formula: “eye for eye, tooth for tooth”, occurring in three law codes of the Old Testament, shown against a background of history, function and meaning of this principle in the oldoriental law, particularly in the Code of Hammurabi, as well as in fundamental rules of the oldtestamental law. The research has showed that the famous formula of the Bible should be understood in the meaning of a rule, which confirms the legislator’s intention to protect a human life, especially in the dimension of the social human relations. The expression “eye for eye, tooth for tooth”, stated in the context of a concrete law regulation cannot be understood as a calling to retaliate, revenge, but as an order to rightly pay for harms and give equivalents. Such form of satisfaction should also be an external sign of conciliation between an offender and their victim, what would make possible a new common life in peace.