Liturgia Sacra, 2009, R. 15, nr 2 (34)
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Przeglądaj Liturgia Sacra, 2009, R. 15, nr 2 (34) wg Temat "architektura"
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Pozycja Neogotycka architektura sakralna w obecnych granicach diecezji włocławskiejSierzchała, Piotr (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2009)The late eighteenth century, becoming synonymous with neogotyk religion and the most appropriate style of church building. It gives him also, in some countries, meaning and symbols of the politically oriented. The presented study concerns religious Gothic Revival architecture (in parish churches belonging to the Roman Catholic Church) in the current boundaries of diocese. The study ignored the problems connected with the neo-Gothic cathedral redevelopment Włocławek, made by Constantine Wojciechowski. At the end of the second decade of the nineteenth century begins to appear at the premises of the neo-Gothic style churches Dioceses. In addition to the forms and practices commonly used, there are attempts to highlight the innovative nature of the native structure. In this case, used the architecture of churches in Vilnius, Cracow and Sandomierz. Based on the tests, it was found that from 1818 to January Uprising erected only five churches, but since the last quarter of the nineteenth century for the next fifty years built them were forty-five, including only four Neo-Romanesque Among the buildings which merit special attention are the churches of the two towers churches in Białotarsku, Chełmicy, Przedczu, Turku, and among single-tower churches in Little Charłupia, Krzymowie, Witów. Since the beginning of the twentieth century to the mid-twenties twenty-seven consecrated the new church, of which less than twenty-three are Gothic buildings. Although ten was designed by a well-established architects from the environment in Warsaw (Dziekoński, Schiller, Wojciechowski), it is none of these facilities did not receive a separate and detailed studies, both in terms of art, iconography, design or copyright. Collected historical and descriptive documentation allowed to write this article which has been highlighted the activities of famous architects and their neo-formation in the diocese, and those projects whose authors we do not know. It's become part of their projects on a permanent basis in the neo-Gothic architecture in the landscape diocese of Włocławek.