Studia Ełckie, 2019, T. 21, nr 1
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Przeglądaj Studia Ełckie, 2019, T. 21, nr 1 wg Temat "Biblia"
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Pozycja Bóg, który mówi do serca. Sposób działania Boga wobec niewiernego Izraela w Oz 2, 16Jaszczołt, Maciej (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2019)The article talks about the actions of God as described by prophet Hosea in Hos 2: 16-25, which are the consequence of the sin and the unfaithfulness shown by Israel to God. Despite the fact that Israel's sin of should be met with punishment from God, Hosea predicts God's mercy. To formulate this, the prophet applies a rare idiomatic Hebrew expression דבר על־לב, which could be translated as talking kindly to the heart. The article conducts a short analysis of nine instances in the Bible in which this expression has been used, underlining the difficulties and lack of consequences in translating this expression to Polish. Subsequently, an interpretation of דבר על־לב, as applied by Hosea in the above mentioned passage, was carried out. The explanation of the idiom has as its aim a more profound understanding of the message conveyed in the selected excerpt. The use of the image of marriage in this text, which is accompanied by forgiveness to an unfaithful wife, became for Hosea an illustration of mercy that God shows to His believers.Pozycja Cinque discepoli, radunati ai piedi della croce, accompagnano Gesù morente come il vero e autentico Maestro (Gv 19,24h-27)Grochowski, Zbigniew (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2019)The episode of the division of Jesus’ garments (Gv 19,23-24g) and the scene of the “testament from the cross” (Jn 19:24h-27) is strongly contrasted by the correlative and antithetical particles μέν-οὖν-δέ (Jn 19:24h.25a). It suggests, among other things, to see precisely four women below the cross of Christ (and the disciple whom Jesus loved). Other arguments also lead to this conjecture. The importance concerning the number of Jesus’ followers, accompanying their dying Master, is connected with a rabbinical tradition that says: to deserve the title of a true and authentic master it was necessary to have at least five disciples around him. The inclusion of the whole Fourth Gospel, obtained thanks to the pericopes Jn 1:35-51 and Jn 19:24h-27, where five disciples appear – first called by Jesus to follow him, then present at the foot of the cross – leads to the conclusion that Jesus, from the beginning of his activity on earth until his last breath, appears as the true and authentic Master, always accompanied by his disciples, whose number was incessantly sufficient to ascribe to Jesus the title of the Rabbi.Pozycja Jordan jako prefiguracja wtajemniczenia chrześcijańskiego. Przykład geografii zbawieniaZybała, Michał (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2019)The term “geography of salvation” rarely appears in biblical theology. Occasionally, the term “sacred geography” is encountered. Yet it seems that the geography of salvation signifies much more than the sacred geography which means an arrangement of biblical events in space and their relationship with the sites. The geography of salvation, as proved in this article, implies a deliberate work of God who wanted to veil his Revelation not only in history but also in geography. It means that analysing the geographical environment of the sites related to biblical events and linking them with their function can lead to a discovery what God wanted to reveal by placing the events in the specific environment. The argumentation in the thesis was conducted on the basis of the River Jordan and its function in the synoptic Gospels against the background of the other books of the Bible. The conclusion of the article is the discovery that the River Jordan, and more precisely its geographical environment and function in the Bible, is a prefiguration of the baptismal initiation and the nature of the baptism itself.