Roczniki Teologiczne, 2020, T. 67, nr 11
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Przeglądaj Roczniki Teologiczne, 2020, T. 67, nr 11 wg Temat "Bóg"
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Pozycja Nawrócenie jako warunek pojednania z BogiemZając, Marian (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2020)This article stems from the narrative contained in the Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation Reconcilatio et paenitentia of Saint John Paul II, who strongly warned Christians against losing their sense of sin. The work consists of three parts. The first one presents the main causes of the loss of the sense of sin in the modern world, and a catechetical strategy that calls for making a distinction between sinners and their sins and misconduct in order to attain true reconciliation. In the second part, an attempt will be made to justify the need to combat moral misconduct, which may result either from mere negligence or spiritual indifference. The author explains that sin is an obvious disturbance of the objective order of God, caused by a free and conscious act of man, that exists in the world. Also, it will be highlighted that there still exists a process of temptation to sin by the significant forces of evil; this process weakens the ability to be converted. Moreover, the five-stage process of sinfulness is described. The third part will explain why man’s personal conversion is a necessary element of forgiveness. Although only God can truly forgive guilt and wrongdoing by giving man His grace, still forgiveness is necessary as a prerequisite for the proper development and maturation of the human person. The article ends with a reflection that without conversion and the ability to forgive there is no true human community, much less a Christian community.