Roczniki Liturgiczno-Homiletyczne
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Roczniki Liturgiczno-Homiletyczne były kontynuacją wydawanego od 1998 r. zeszytu 8 „Roczników Teologicznych”, poświęconego liturgii. Czasopismo zostało wydane samodzielnie w roku 2009 jako „Roczniki Liturgiczne”, w latach 2010-2013 ukazywało się pod tytułem „Roczniki Liturgiczno-Homiletyczne”, gdyż wydawane było przez Instytut Liturgiki i Homiletyki KUL. Obecnie ponownie stanowi część „Roczników Teologicznych” – zeszyt 8: Liturgika i zeszyt 12: Homiletyka.
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Pozycja 46. Sympozjum Wykładowców Liturgiki na Wydziałach Teologicznych i w Wyższych Seminariach Duchownych w Polsce. Katowice, Uniwersytet Śląski, 7-9 września 2010 rokuOlsiński, Tymoteusz Piotr (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2010)Pozycja Abp Piero Marini. Liturgia i piękno. Nobilis pulchritudo [tytuł oryg. Liturgia e bellezza. Nobilis pulchritudo]. Tł. Wiesława Dzieża. Pelplin: Wydawnictwo Bernardinum 2007 ss. 140.Megger, Andrzej (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2010)Pozycja Abraham – ojciec wiaryKrasowski, Andrzej (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2011)Every vocation is the work of God. It is God who gives the grace and everything one needs to fulfil the vocation. So it was in Abraham’s life. Being called Abraham had to follow his way – the way of faith. All this was given to him that he could learn to look at the events of his life not as a pagan but as God Himself. Allowing the transformation God sends consolation. But He also allows doubts and even sufferings that purify. God acts in certain time continuum and through the definite events. Abraham learns not only to believe in God, but just trust Him. Being put to the test on Moria Mountain he doesn’t hesitate to follow the senseless, from the human point of view, way of life. He has already experienced the great love of God who leads him. Abraham believes God because he has experienced earlier that God gets life out of death! This is the moment when in his deep faith Abraham sees the Resurrection. Being baptized everyone gets vocation to holiness. God also leads us through the way of faith giving us the events we could respond to with the words of Abraham – the words of faith: “God will provide.”Pozycja Adam Matyszewski. Z pieśnią wielkopostną przez wieki. Poznań: Wydawnictwo „Hlondianum” 2011 ss. 308. ISBN: 978-83-6021-489-3.Lisiecki, Tomasz (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2013)Pozycja Biblijne wzory osobowe w katechezieSłotwińska, Helena (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2010)The article consists of three parts. The first part of the article explains the concept of the personal model in general, and the second one – limits the concept to catechesis. In the last and most important part of the article personal patterns both from the Old and the New Testament are shown, with special attention paid to Jesus Christ and Our Lady.Pozycja Biskup Marian Fulman (1918-1945) jako promotor życia liturgicznego w diecezji lubelskiejPetryk, Piotr (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2009)This paper shows the activity of Bishop Marian Fulman as a promoter of the Liturgy and various forms of popular piety. He was appointed Bishop of Lublin in 1918. Bishop Fulman reorganized the network of deaneries and parishes. He erected seven new deaneries and eighty-six parishes. Through his legal and pastoral activity he contributed to organization and development of the ministry to God. He introduced the practice of systematic teaching of catechism on each Sunday. He was concerned about the development of Eucharistic life, introduced two Holy Masses on Sundays and holidays, ordered Sunday devotions, promoted early First Communion, and convened an Eucharistic Congress. He propagated the worship to the Most Sacred Heart of Lord Jesus and Christ the King. He popularised the cult of the saints, especially St. Stanislaus Kostka and St. Andrew Bobola. In this cult he found moral and patriotic values, such that were specially needed in the education of the youth. he would lay much importance on the development of church societies for adults and adolescents.Pozycja Celebracja Liturgii Godzin w życiu i w posłudze kapłanaSłotwińska, Helena (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2011)The article is divided into four parts. In Part One the connection between the Liturgy of the Hours and the Eucharist is dealt with. Part Two presents the Liturgy of the Hours as the source and crowning of pastoral work. In Part Three the other reasons inclining the priest to celebrate the Liturgy of the Hours are given. The last part – Part Four is an instruction concerning the salutary fruit resulting from a proper celebration of the Liturgy of the Hours. When writing about the connection between the Liturgy of the Hours and the Eucharist the emphasis is put both on the role of the Liturgy of the Hours in preparing the priest to the celebration of the Eucharist, and on enriching the whole day with Eucharistic values. The value of the Liturgy of the Hours for pastoral activity first of all lies in its being the source of the whole of apostolic work. Apart from this, by celebrating the Liturgy of the Hours the priest consolidates his love for Christ and His Church. However, if he wants to gain from the celebration of the Liturgy of the Hours, to which he is obliged every day, as much fruit as possible, he should celebrate it not only integrally, but also zealously.Pozycja Celebracja Mszy Świętej w wierności lex orandi KościołaMatwiejuk, Kazimierz (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2011)Liturgy is a continuation of Christ’s salutary work. The Resurrected One actualizes it in the Church and through the Church. He wants to introduce man, especially through the holy sacraments, into the mystery of His passage through death to resurrection. His salutary presence in liturgical actions happens by the power of the Holy Spirit. The Second Vatican Council’s liturgical renovation has been directed at deepening the whole God’s People’s liturgical awareness of the fact that liturgy is a place and a way of experiencing Christ’s salutary presence. It also includes rites and liturgical books. Liturgical books contain norms that concern administering particular holy sacraments. Liturgical law guards the sacred character of liturgy. It has the obliging force. It does not allow voluntary actions. However, it gives the celebrant the possibility of creating certain elements within the Eucharist celebration. The actions should be taken in the spirit of the content of liturgical texts that are included in the missal.Pozycja Celebracje liturgiczne w katechezie parafialnejSłotwińska, Helena (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2009)This paper, in its theoretical part, depicts some questions contained in the Program Katechezy Parafialnej Młodzieży Szkół Ponadgimnazjalnych (“Programme of Parochial Catechesis for Secondary School Students”). They should be discussed at parochial catecheses (1). It also stresses the significance of liturgical celebrations in the catechesis (2). In its practical part (3) it provides concrete liturgical celebrations. They are considerable support for some questions that are proposed at parochial catecheses.Pozycja Charytologia liturgiczna psalmu 118 (117) w uroczystości, święta i wspomnienia świętych pasterzyRutkowski, Andrzej (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2011)Putting Psalm 118 (117) in the Liturgy of the Word on solemnities, feasts and memorials of saint Pastors contributes to transmitting the teaching about grace and to actualizing grace, experiencing it, accepting and implementing its fruit. The concept of liturgical charitology means here charitology in liturgical texts and in the way it is formed, especially in joining the Psalm with the passage 2 Cor 5,14-20 and its subject of service and conciliation thanks to the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. In this way charitology of Psalm 118 (117) is concerned with three memorials of saint Pastors and monks, and especially when the memorials are elevated to the rank of a solemnity (sollemnitas) or a feast (festum). The solemnities or feasts refer to Saint Clemens Maria Hofbauer – on 15th March, Saint Szymon of Lipnica – on 18th July, and Saint John of Capistrano – on 23rd October. In this form of Liturgy of the Word on these feasts or celebrations grace is revealed first of all in God’s dynamic action. In the service of grace of reconciliation especially the Saints’ activity is inscribed that aims at preaching God’s Word and at the work of salvation, teaching faith and involvement in the development of one’s own religious orders, but also in one’s own conversion or in harmony between towns or countries. In God’s grace of paschal kindness, His faithfulness and glory, the Saints’ experience of help and protection is inscribed, especially in their childhood years, and then the power of their effect on others that is owed to following God’s kindness in their lives. In the grace of joy, victory and light, the Saints’ way is inscribed of searching for their vocation, their fight with themselves, trust in God and service for the defense of faith. In the grace of rejection, building and perseverance, the Saints’ faithfulness is inscribed to the foundations of faith, to unity of the Church, despite adversities, as well as service to the poor, sick and suffering.Pozycja Pozycja Debata „Polityka na ambonie – dogrywka”. Katowice, 15 Października 2012 RokuPintal, Leszek (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2012)Pozycja Debata studencka na temat kary śmierci zorganizowana przez Koło Naukowe Teologów. Lublin, KUL, 19 marca 2012 rokuMielnik, Dawid (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2012)Pozycja Diakonalny wymiar liturgii, czyli otwartość na problemy świataNadolski, Bogusław (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2009)Public theology, which first appeared in the United States of America at the end of the 20th century, presents a certain challenge also for the liturgy. In this article the author addresses the “diaconisation” of the liturgy, pointing to the reasons, which authorize for the use in the liturgy aspects of public theology, which emphasize the characteristic elements of the liturgy, as a rich cultural inspiration for society in an extremely direct perspective for progression, recalling to mind the richness of the Eucharistic mystery by which ars celebrandi and ars praesidendi should increase sensitivity and better motivate the participants in the liturgy to a greater love for the community.Pozycja Die Katechumenatsmethode in der Vorbereitung auf das Sakrament der Firmung (Katechumenat in Engeren und Weiteren Sinne nach dem II. Vatikanischen Konzil)Krakowiak, Czesław (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2012)Preparation of the candidates for Confirmation is at present a serious problem for many priests and catechists. The methods of farther and nearer preparation that has been used up till now are getting less and less efficient. Referring to the teaching of the Church the author first characterizes the method of formation of adults for receiving sacraments of Christian initiation, and then points to the possibilities of using it in preparing candidates for Confirmation. Formation of catechumens is done in the parish community and in a similar way, in preparation for Confirmation at least its representatives should be involved. Formation of adult catechumens in preparation for sacraments comprises their evangelization (kerygma and catechesis), that is transmission of the contents of the Church’s faith and principles of moral life, as well as numerous liturgical celebrations connected with the candidates passing to a higher level of preparation. This method may be successfully used in preparing young people for the Sacrament of Confirmation. Chapter IV of the ritual “Preparation for Confirmation and the Eucharist of adults who received Baptism as children, but did not receive the teaching in the faith” may be a model for such formation. Since the candidates are already baptized, this sacrament should be constantly referred to. In this way they are conducted to personal acceptance of the faith in which they were baptized, and to conversion confirmed by accepting the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation.Pozycja Die Ökologie der Heiligen MesseWyrostkiewicz, Michał (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2013)Research on the ecology (ecological nature) of the Holy Mass is both a topical and original dimension of theological studies. Apart from the positive premises that encourage taking up such studies, one can also mention a need to prevent “pseudo-ecological approaches to the Holy Mass” (and other religious realities), which can multiply in the context of the current pontificate. They often represent the intentions of “theologizing pseudo-ecologists” to subscribe to the main current of the teaching of Pope Francis. All and any inquiry in the world of ecology of the Holy Mass needs to begin with the clear definition of the criterion of being ecological. In the most general sense, one can claim that an ecological Holy Mass is one that functions and uses the ecological context, staying in agreement with its laws and nature. Thus, defining the identity of the ecology of the Holy Mass is paramount in building its conception. At the same time, lack of reference to the links with environment would lead to a dysfunctional ecological conception. To comprehend these relation properly, one needs to determine the elements of the natural environment of the Holy Mass, that is components that constitute its natural environment, which determines the definition of the above-mentioned identity. The ecology of the Holy Mass is not a mere reference to naturalistic motives in the liturgy, or to the links between the Eucharist and the natural world. Instead, it is a conception which draws upon understanding of what Holy Mass is in order to show how to retain its identity against the natural fluctuations of networks of variables representing the specifically-defined natural environment.Pozycja Dlaczego sakramenty potrzebują wiary?Głowacki, Zbigniew Michał (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2011)Salvation given man by God is at the same time liberating him from sin and giving him a possibility to live a divine life. Man gains participation in it in faith and in sacraments. These two realities are connected with each other, which was noticed by the teaching of the Vatican Council II that treated them as two elements of the same salvation process. Defining the relations between them is a significant theological problem, as limiting participation in salvation to the sacrament only results in sacramentalism; and remaining with faith only – in fideism. The connection between faith and sacraments may be seen in their personalistic and historical-salutary character. Both faith and the sacrament involve the entire man, and have Mysterium Christi as their foundation. Their mutual relation is a complementary one. The sacrament needs faith to be fruitful for Christian life, and on the other hand, faith is expressed and consolidated in the sacramental way. The time in the history of the Church, when this relation was emphasized, was in the first centuries of Christianity. In a natural way faith demanded to be expressed in the sacrament, and the sacrament needed prior faith. Return to this proper relation between the sacrament and faith should happen in two ways. The first one is referring faith and the sacrament to God’s Word, which will give it a historical-salutary perspective. The second one is mystagogy that will allow treating the participation of the faithful one in the sacrament as his participation in the Mystery of Christ. Closer ties between the liturgy of sacraments and God’s Word, in connection with sacramental mystagogy may be a way to return to the primeval unity of faith and the sacrament.Pozycja Drama w dydaktyce homiletycznej jako nowy sposób wspomagania skutecznego przepowiadania Słowa BożegoTurowski, Wojciech (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2011)A homily consists of many components, e.g. the situational context, the relation between the preacher and the listener, the language that is used, the use of symbols and signs as means of expression. Contemporary preachers manage all this very well, structuring good homilies both in their contents and form. However, such preachers are also encountered who look like they have never heard about certain problems belonging to the homiletic technique, or who show a lack of consolidated practical skills. This is why there is a need to point to certain aspects of homiletic didactics. In the article attention is paid to contextuality of the homily, its expressiveness and impressiveness, and the image-symbolic form of preaching; also, the theological aspect of preaching is not omitted. Drama as a didactic attempt to search for solutions that will result in efficient preaching is thoroughly discussed. Drama used for the goals of homiletic didactics opens new horizons of looking at well-known Biblical pericopes, views, evaluations and people’s opinions in a new way. Active participation in drama allows a student of homiletics who takes part in it to experience something exceptional that may be a motive for creative work on a homily and on preparing an interesting catechesis. Drama teaches a homiletics student to work with the listener. Using it in homiletics classes develops the sensibility to different interpretations of the same content made by the participants in the drama, and it shapes the expressiveness and impressiveness of the future preachers of God’s Word. Using this method in classes probably will contribute to educating a good generation of “God’s heralds”.Pozycja Duchowość eucharystyczna jako duchowość komuniiMigut, Bogusław (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2012)The 50th International Eucharistic Congress in Dublin (10-17 June 2012) referred to the most important dimension and aim of the Eucharist, that is building people’s communion with God via Christ in the Holy Spirit, and with one another in God. As its main goal it chose showing the outline of these issues mainly on the basis of selected documents of the Church from the period of John Paul II’s and Benedict XVI’s pontificates. The Eucharist is the source and school of spirituality of communion in all its dimensions. First Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit makes the Eucharist a place of a personal bond with the mystery of the communion of the Holy Trinity, of deepening the dwelling of the Holy Trinity in each man, and of building communion with one another in God. The Eucharist is a place of communion with others, owing to a profound unity of members of the Mystic Body in communion with Its Head. This building of a bond, started in celebration, should be continued and should consist in the actual service of love, whose aim is unifying people with God and in God (cf. John Paul II Novo Millennio Ineunte, nr 43), making the whole life more Eucharistic, that is being an expression of “spiritual service to God” (logike latreia, Rom 12,1).Pozycja Dystrybucja psalmów w posoborowej reformie księgi Liturgii Godzin. Kwestie redakcyjneStefański, Jerzy (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2009)This study presents the editorial process related with the distribution of the psalms in the post-councillor book of the Liturgy of the Hours. Study Group Three was responsible for these works. It was part of the Consilium ad exsequendam Constitutionem de Sacra Liturgia. As a result several years of editorial work was resignation from the one and a half thousand-year-old tradition to quote the whole of the Psalter during one week. New ordinarium of the Psalter has been introduced with a four-week scheme of the psalms. The above Study Group, supported by the authority of competent organs of the Holy See, established a new set and number of the psalms in each of particular canonical hours of the current Breviarium Romanum. An additional question which the editors of the new book had to face, was the role, meaning, and place of the so-called cursing psalms (or only the very psalmodic lines of this kind) and the historical psalms. Eventually, the above psalms are left out of the ordinarium of the four-week set of the psalms.