Family Forum, 2012, T. 2
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Pozycja 6th European Society on Family Relations Congress Families in a Changing Europe: Challenges, Conflicts and Intervention. Lillehammer/Norwegia, 26-29 września 2012Kalus, Alicja (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2012)Pozycja Between ideal and morality. Family and its socio-moral problems and challenges in RomaniaIloaie, Ştefan (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2012)In Romanian society, family was one of the fundamental “institutions”, strongly supported by religious convictions, by tradition, stability and need of social safety. Inside a family man is educated from a religious point of view, he receives the model of behaviour he needs in society, he discovers the first social relations. Until today, these characteristics have been preserved in many families in Romania and they represent the foundation of a good training for young people for beautiful life, well anchored in the realities of the society. After the fall of communism in Romania at the end of 1989 and especially when the first manifestations of the globalization of secularization occurred, family was and still is confronted with new and unparalleled challenges. It has lost a lot of its value, since young people consider that they can live together without an engagement blessed by the Church and legislated by the state. Instead of assuming the responsibility of becoming a family, young people have now other priorities in life: career, their own happiness, social and economical fulfilment. These are the reasons why the average age of contracting a marriage is very high. The model of the monoparental family seems to be now in fashion, since more than 20% of children in Romania live in such a family. There is an increasing number of divorces, concubinages, abortions, people who neglect the education of their own children, of people who do not get married any more. Some of the members of Romanian families live and work abroad – the official number is 900,000 – and this situation has serious consequences upon family itself and especially upon the children who remain at home. All these realities have placed family, in the last 10 years, in the center of attention of all the institutions in Romania which have a social and educational impact. Churches especially engaged themselves in supporting family, in protecting it and rendering its value again. They hope that young people and members of present families will discover and assume the values of the most important institution of moral and social education.Pozycja Bezdzietność z wyboru w konfrontacji z podstawowymi wartościami małżeństwa. Perspektywa katolickiej teologii moralnejGlombik, Konrad (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2012)Contemporary socio-cultural changes and the mentality associated mainly with individualism have a significant impact on marriage and family. This is manifested not only in the change of the concept of marriage and family, but also in delaying the decision of marriage, alternative forms of marital life, acceptance of divorces and infidelity, as well as transformation in the understanding and realization of the procreative function of marriage. The report published by CBOS in January 2010 presenting the results of the studies on the procreation attitudes of Poles shows that the vast majority of respondents under 30 years of age are planning to have an offspring, but there are also those who do not intend to have children. There are many reasons for this approach to procreation, and the phenomenon of voluntary exclusion of children from marital life is referred to as childfree by choice. Although childlessness affects nowadays many marriage couples, and it has its roots in various biological and social reasons, being childfree by choice is a conscious attitude of exclusion offspring from marital life, in a situation where parenting is possible, based on different motives and not just for some defined period of time in marriage, but for the whole martial life. The phenomenon of childfree by choice is the subject of researches of various sciences, including sociology, psychology, anthropology, cultural studies and philosophy. The childfree by choice, understood as a specific attitude to formation of marital life, is also an interest of moral theology, especially of its important branch which is the morality of marriage and family life. The following text is an attempt to assess the problem of the childfree by choice from the perspective of catholic moral theology and its confrontation with the core values associated with the meaning of marriage and family life. One of the fundamental values of marriage is the vocation of spouses to parenthood, the negation of which is the attitude to the childfree by choice. Another problem that arises in connection with the conscious resignation by spouses of parenting is the understanding of the nature of spousal love, which is the foundation of marriage. Childfree by choice is an attitude justified by the spouses with different reasons, including responsibility, which makes it important to confront the issue from the perspective of the concept closely connected with married life, namely responsible parenthood. Marriage and the fulfillment of its procreative function is for the catholic moral theology an important social value, consequently also from this point of view the attitude of conscious choice of childfree in marriage was analyzed.Pozycja Familien in Ungarn. Werte, Normen, TendenzenRagadics, Tamás (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2012)According to the regular value-surveys Hungary belongs to the secular-rational and material thinking countries. As a heritage of communism there are a strong basis of paternalist structures and a low rate of trust and social capital. Although family and children are important and central parts of Hungarian value system, there are a high rate of divorces and non-marital cohabitation and a low level of willingness to marriage and childbearing in Hungarian society. Fertility index (1,3) is one of the lowest in Europe. In the background of unfavourable indicators we can find the crisis of values. These values and patterns have formed in different historical situations and effect on people as a special mixture of norms. External circumstances do not allow people to develop their learned values. Women at the labour market are impacted by double pressure: in a modem society after the expansion of higher education they are motivated to work and build a carrier. (It is also a compulsion because of the insufficient incomes.) On the other hand they share traditional values, too: women are responsible for the happiness and cohesion of families. Social problems, uncertain future, inflexible and labile workplaces do not support them to have a real chance for decision. This paper attempts to give a view about the state and roots of Hungarian values in connections with family patterns and also the current demographic trends. State, local governments, NGOs, churches and other actors in the field of social policy have a great challenge to protect and strengthen families for a renewable and sustainable society.Pozycja I Ogólnopolska Konferencja Interdyscyplinarna „Rodzina w zmieniającym się świecie”, Opole, 24 października 2012Kalus, Alicja (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2012)Pozycja Illicit drug use and Romanian adolescents. Parental protective factorsBărbat, Aurora Carmen (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2012)The present study used the „CORT 2004 Questionnaire Regarding Risk Behavior for Health in Young People" for an epidemiological survey on 2908 high school students of the urban area of Timis County, western Romania. The aim of this study is to analyze the magnitude of the illicit drug use of Romanian adolescents and to delineate the parental protective factors inside the family.Pozycja „Media a przemoc” oraz „Źródła i skala przemocy”. Konferencje naukowo-edukacyjne z cyklu „Oblicza przemocy” Wydział Teologiczny Uniwersytetu Opolskiego Opole, 19.11.2011; 03.03.2012Podzielny, Janusz (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2012)Pozycja Model kompleksowego wsparcia samotnych matek w Domu Matki i Dziecka w Opolu-GrudzicachLandwójtowicz, Paweł (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2012)The model of comprehensive support for single mothers in the Long-Stay Public Shelter in Opole-Grudzice The dynamics of social changes, the emergence of new problems and phenomena concerning single mothers is becoming today an appeal to develop and specify the model of support which shall be provided for single mothers in institutions like long-stay public shelters for single mothers and their children. Particular centres shape their styles of providing care for single mothers and their children. However, there is still no common model of support, which will be appropriate for all kinds of aid institutions. The aim of this presentation is to show the comprehensive model based on personal experiences drawn from over 10 years of commitment in the Long-Stay Public Shelter in Opole-Grudzice. According to the author the essential elements of support are: stages of the stay of single mother in an institution, using of the method of therapeutic community, the conviction that the aid is needed for the whole person. Hence the comprehensive character of the model which aims, by providing appropriate social, psychological, legal, spiritual and educational assistance, at giving residents the possibility of rebuilding the positive picture of themselves and achieving greater psychological maturity to undertake an independent life. Additionally, the essential requirements for the realization of the presented model of support for single mothers – the quality of personnel of these institutions have been discussed.Pozycja Przedmałżeńskie współżycie seksualne a odraczanie decyzji o małżeństwie i rodzicielstwieJuroszek, Weronika (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2012)In this publication it is analyzed how premarital sex influences postponing a decision to marry and decision to have children. Basic reasons of postponing marriage are also presented. It is proved that premarital sex delays such a developmental task as selection of the spouse. It is explained that the decision to marry is influenced by the following factors resulting from premarital sex: cultural acceptance of sex outside marriage, trauma due to interruption of previous sexual relations. Longer period of fertility in case of men than women is also considered.Pozycja Recenzja: Gerhard Marschütz, Theologisch ethisch nachdenken, t. I: Grundlagen, Echter Verlag, Würzburg 2009, ss. 268.Podzielny, Janusz (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2012)Pozycja Redefined Family as a Challenge for Modern Society and BioethicsStrehovec, Tadej (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2012)The redefinition of family and marriage is an ideological and political topic in modem society, where the public is more and more interested in issues like IVF, surrogate motherhood and child adoption for LGBT couples. What is the definition of family? why is the conventional nuclear family being replaced by new types of households? and what are the potential consequences of redefinition of family for society as a whole? These are some of the most important questions. Family ethics and bioethics could be an excellent framework to present the historical and social background of these kinds of phenomena.Pozycja Review: S. Bukalski (editing), Teoria przywiązania i jakość więzi. Analiza empiryczna (The attachment theory and the quality of ties. An empirical analysis.), Wyd., Szczecin 2012, ss. 236.Landwójtowicz, Paweł (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2012)Pozycja Rodzina w dobie kryzysu ekologicznego – perspektywa teologicznaBroszczak, Izabela (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2012)There is a lot that we can read and speak about ecology today, but also about its crisis. Searching for reasons of environmental degradation we can notice the problem of people’s desire to possess and dominate over creation. Such an attitude of the man is denying the will of God, which was presented to people at the very beginning of their existence: God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground.” Then God said, „I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food...” (Genesis 1, 28-29). A new chance for the man and the created world is a family, where the man can experience the presence of God and pursue his vocation of love to the created world. A family and joint actions undertaken give the possibility of changing not only the destroyed nature, but the man as well. The family is the prime performer of God’s command to care about the created world. That is the man living in a family, according to the God’s will, who is supposed to rule over the earth in a responsible way and with love. That is why it so important for a family nowadays, in times of ecological crisis, to live ecologically. Healthy lifestyle together with respect for the whole creation make up a platform for understanding among people and a chance for appropriate implementation of God’s „ecological command” To fulfill obediently God’s command of human service towards natural environment it is necessary to know what contemporary ecological threats are. One of the ways to protect nature, among many concerns for the work of God’s creation, is an environmental attitude towards procreation, which, in the family, reflects a servant attitude towards others, an attitude which is focused on giving and not on possessing or using. Man’s responsibility for his family „here and now”, but also for future generations that are going to possess the earth with all its stock – good and bad, is enormous. It is all the more necessary to form people’s sense of responsibility for preserving creation, scrupulous environmental attitude and knowledge about possible forms of family involvement in the affairs of ecology. It is necessary to retreat from the way of economical splendor and change the mode of thinking and acting in order to fulfill the assumptions. It is also necessary to realize that the possibility of the cooperation with God in the creative plan of the earth is God s gift, great privilege for man.Pozycja Różnice w emocjonalności kobiet i mężczyzn a style radzenia sobie ze stresemKornaszewska-Polak, Monika (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2012)Presented article includes three psychological phenomena: emotions, stress and interpersonal differences. The article reveals relationships among these phenomena in the context of sex differences. It was hypothetically assumed that there are statistically important differences between women and men concerning the choice of stress coping strategy and that these differences could be caused by different emotions. The results of statistical analysis confirmed the hypothesis and showed that women cope with stress by seeking social support, taking responsibility and escape-avoidance more often than men. Men cope with stress by self-control and distancing more often than women. Different structure of dominant emotions can be the main cause of differences between women and men in their choice of coping strategy. Women experienced high level of anxiety, neuroticism, high emotional reactivity and high level of situational control. Men experienced high level of psychoticism, emotional resistance and high level of emotional expression control. Two types of emotionality were based on separated differences: famine – defined as emotional commitment and masculine – defined as emotional distance.Pozycja Seksualność a przywiązanieJuroszek, Weronika (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2012)This publication refers to the J. Bowlby’s attachment theory. This theory says that in human there is a biologically conditioned tendency to search and create proximity to significant persons. Followers of Bowlby – C. Hazan i P. Shaver considered romantic relation as an attachment relation. They have found that both in child-parent and romantic relation the same biological system is responsible for emotional and behavioral evolution of relation. The base of attachment is emotional and psychical proximity. In this work it is emphasized how important for creation of attachment in romantic relation first sexual contacts are. It is also underlined that breaking romantic or child-mother relation may provoke serious traumatism. The author of the publication claims that among factors influencing proximity in sexual relation are: emotional proximity, sex (stronger impact in case of women), earlier effort to abstain from this relation (eg. religiously motivated), whether the partner is or is not the first one (stronger impact in case of the first sexual partner).