Roczniki Filozoficzne, 1995-1996, T. 43-44, z. 2
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Pozycja Afirmacja Boga w ludzkiej moralnościKrąpiec, Mieczysław Albert (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 1996)Pozycja Czy możemy zrozumieć samych siebie?Winch, Peter (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 1996)Pozycja „Diligere veritatem omnem et in omnibus” a idea szkoły lubelsko-liechtensteińskiejSeifert, Josef (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 1996)Pozycja Édouard Jeauneau, L’âge d’or des écoles des Chartres, Chartres: Éditions Houvet 1995, ss. 82.Kijewska, Agnieszka (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 1996)Pozycja Etyka konsekwencjalna czy konsekwencjalizm w etyce?Chyrowicz, Barbara (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 1996)The problem of the consequentialism in ethics is the subject of this paper. J. Nida-Rümelin, who is a professor of philosophy in Göttingen, criticizes in his book Critique of Consequentialism the following thesis: one acts in a rational way when one endeavors to achieve the best possible effects. In his opinion this thesis gives expression to the false consequentialist rationality which is often used in ethics. The author notices the following errors of the consequentialist rationality: it disturbs the persons’s integrity and one’s individual rights and excludes the possibility of the so-called coordination. This coordination expresses a possibility of the harmonization the individual action led (guided by) the consequentialist postulate on one hand and of the social action on the other hand (also led by consequentialist postulate). We may say however that some intuitions of the consequentialist thesis are right. In fact everyone who acts, acts towards a certain effect. It does not mean however that one is obliged to act because one’s action achieves the best possible effects. One ought to act when is faced by the value. It depends upon the value which means should be chosen to reach it. So one calculates the means and not the effects. Moreover, before the calculation of the effects one ought to find out the relationship between the agent and the effects. Not all the effects are intended directly by the agent.Pozycja „Gdzie jesteś, Ewo?”Bajda, Jerzy (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 1996)This short article brings the phenomenon of modern feminism to light of Divine Revelation. Because of fear introduced in human consciousness by sin, the men continue escaping from God and from His truth inscripted in human nature. Consequently man is tempted to run away from himself. Therefore in present condition humanity, man and woman live in permanent tension and dialectic of violence. We must say, that even the modern feminist movement ought to be understood as symptom of pathological self-aggresion rather than trial to save the dignity of woman. This is one of the paradoxes of our civilisation, which is – in the most part – the incarnation of primitive logic of sin.Pozycja Jacques’a Maritaina koncepcja „szóstej drogi”Michałek, Tadeusz (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 1996)Pozycja Jak mamy nauczyć się tego, o czym poucza nas Veritatis splendor?MacIntyre, Alasdair (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 1996)Pozycja Kenneth Kearon, Medical Ethics: An Introduction, Dublin 1995, The Columba Press, ss. 111.Chyrowicz, Barbara (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 1996)Pozycja Kłopoty nauk religiologicznych z definicją religiiBronk, Andrzej (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 1996)Pozycja Kongres hermeneutyki w Halle/Saale (21-25 września 1994)Bronk, Andrzej (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 1996)Pozycja Kulturowe zawirowania wokół człowieka końca XX wiekuZdybicka, Zofia J. (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 1996)hilosophy whose principal lines may be laid down in three interrelated theorems: 1. The culture of the recent centuries has run the course starting from understanding man as “homo sapiens” to “homo demens”, that is people first confided unconditionally in reason and made it the ultimate authority, and then gave up reason. In other words, they started from radical Rationalism of the seventieth century, especially the rationalism of the Enlightenment, and then gave up truth and ended up in radical irrationalism in the period of Post-modernism, 2. from deification of man by endowing him with divine attributes to reification and subduing man to his own products, that is from superman to post-man, 3. from absolute freedom postulated by many philosophers to actual enslavement by things (the attitude of consumption), the mass media which impose attitudes and life styles, and politics (democracy founded on radical liberalism may easily become totalitarianism). Despite the fact that negative phenomena stand out, contemporary culture is not yet am aggregate of what is false and evil. One may notice there many crumbs of truth and good. Undoubtedly, philosophy has exposed the position of man; Christianity, notwithstanding its often opposition, is still present in life and culture. The Catholic Church, and in particular John Paul II, makes ever new efforts to defend human dignity of man. “The Church ever anew stands to struggle with the spirit of this world. This struggle is nothing else but a struggle for the soul of this world, the soul of man”. (John Paul II, Crossing the Threshold of Hope, Lublin 1994).Pozycja Rozmowa z profesorem Josefem Seifertem, rektorem Międzynarodowej Akademii Filozofii w Księstwie LiechtensteinJacko, Jan Franciszek (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 1996)Pozycja Rozumowe podstawy religii chrześcijańskiej w świetle Katechizmu Kościoła KatolickiegoMoskal, Piotr (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 1996)Pozycja Spór o interpretację testamentu BergsonaRomuald Jakub, Weksler-Waszkinel (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 1996)Pozycja Stanisław Kamiński, Metoda i język. Studia z semiotyki i metodologii nauk (do druku przygotowała U. M. Żegleń), Lublin: TN KUL 1994, ss. 530 + bibliogr., indeks nazwisk.Stanisławska, Anna K. (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 1996)Pozycja Tadeusz Kwiatkowski, Szkice z historii logiki ogólnej, Lublin: Instytut Wydawniczy „Daimonion” 1993, ss. 402.Stanisławska, Anna K. (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 1996)Pozycja W kierunku przedmiotowego myślenia o dziejachSzczyrba, Sławomir (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 1996)Pozycja Wlać ducha w ekologięFijałkowski, Włodzimierz (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 1996)