Roczniki Teologiczne Warszawsko-Praskie
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Pozycja Adam Bieranowski, Piotr Bogdalski, Prawo cywilne w zarysie, Kantor Wydawniczy Zakamycze 2003Warchałowski, Krzysztof (Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Diecezji Warszawsko-Praskiej, 2003)Pozycja Adam Łopatka, Dziecko. Jego prawa człowieka, Polskie Wydawnictwo Prawnicze - Iuris, Warszawa 2000, ss. 200.Warchałowski, Krzysztof (Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Diecezji Warszawsko-Praskiej, 2002)Pozycja „Adoro te devote”. Doroczna adoracja Najświętszego Sakramentu - historia, znaczenie i praktyka duszpasterskaMatuszewski, Mateusz (Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Diecezji Warszawsko-Praskiej, 2008)Adoration of the Holy Sacrament is one of the basic cult forms of the Eucharistic Mystery, as reminded by the liturgical book which is assigned to conduct the cult of the Body and Blood of Christ aside from the Holy Mass. Annual three-day adoration, later named as ‘the forty-hour mass’, is one of the oldest ones and its history of development is quite interesting. The article also speaks of the goals of adoration, its theological foundations and post-conciliar standards which apply while exercising the ceremony.Pozycja Aleksander VI jako władca Rzymu i Państwa KościelnegoSzociński, Samuel (Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Diecezji Warszawsko-Praskiej, 2017)Pope Alexander VI is a controversial persona in the history of the Roman Catholic Church. An effective ruler, efficient politician, and at the same time a pope whose moral compass is evaluated negatively. Hence the historians’ assessments are not unequivocal. The political decisions of Alexander VI are discussed within the political and socio-economic context of the epoch.Pozycja Analiza ikonograficzna wystroju kościoła pokamedulskiego na Bielanach w WarszawieKruszewski, Marek (Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Diecezji Warszawsko-Praskiej, 2009)Pozycja Antropologiczne implikacje Jr 1,4-19Klimek, Piotr (Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Diecezji Warszawsko-Praskiej, 2009)This article presents an analysis concerning the special task the prophet Jeremiah was to undertake: Yahweh appointed him a prophet for nations and therefore sacrificed him as a gift for the people. A statement that God’s messenger belongs, in a certain sense, to the people, seems to have a special anthropological meaning in this text. Jeremiah personally found out how much he was the part of the Israel community after he had been persecuted for the words of reproof and had witnessed the conquest and destruction of Jerusalem. As these events were taking place, Jeremiah was acting as a defenceless man who cannot resist his persecutors. When he appears before the court, his only weapon is the strong belief that: “in truth the Lord had sent me to you to speak all these words in your hearing” (Jer. 26,15). Nevertheless, he cannot oppose them with word or deed since he is a servant of the people he was sent to. His task is to reprove them and he is not able to resign and ran away, no matter what the reaction of his listeners would be. He remains in Jerusalem after its conquest and then accompanies fugitives to Egypt. He never leaves his people. In the light of the analysis that has been carried out we can therefore declare that Jeremiah was very strongly inscribed into the world he lived in. Specially prepared and equipped by God, he undertakes a specific activity towards particular people. That is what happens in prophets’ lives. Jeremiah is distinguished from the others by his relationship with God. Perhaps that is why in the Matthew’s Gospel (16,14) he is mentioned among the prophets associated with Jesus’ mission.Pozycja Apologetyczny charakter homilii ks. Jerzego PopiełuszkiWięcek, Dawid (Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Diecezji Warszawsko-Praskiej, 2016)Father Jerzy Popiełuszko preached evangelical truth in his religious- patriotic sermons intended for participants of Holy Mass for the homeland. The words he preached were the source of power, uplift, hope, and love in dark times. The apologetic character of rev. Popiełuszko’s preaching is the subject of the authors deliberations.Pozycja Apologetyczny wymiar nawrócenia św. Edyty SteinRożnowski, Kamil (Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Diecezji Warszawsko-Praskiej, 2020)Jesus called everyone at the beginning of his teaching to a complete change of heart and mind, saying: „Repent and believe in the Gospel” . Integral metanoia is „an effort to constantly deepen the relationship with God, to change the way we think and act, to change attitudes and values” to turn towards eternal Love. The aim of this article is to reflect on the basic questions that arise when analyzing Edith Stein’s life and the possibility of conversion and its meaning.Pozycja Aspekt wspólnotowy sensus fidei w pismach Nowego TestamentuSztreja, Michał (Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Diecezji Warszawsko-Praskiej, 2018)Teksty Nowego Testamentu w niniejszym artykule poddano analizie pod kątem ich odniesienia do sensus fidei fidelis. Wykazano powiązanie między pouczającym o wszystkim namaszczeniu (1 J 2,20.27) a działającym w uczniach Duchem Prawdy (J 14,17). Ważnym owocem niniejszej pracy jest zauważenie tych tekstów jako kluczowych dla dociekań biblijnych dotyczących zmysłu wiary poszczególnego wierzącego: to właśnie Duch jest źródłem szczególnego poznania Jezusa, pogłębienia rozumienia Jego nauki i aktualizowania jej do pojawiających się nowych wyzwań w życiu Jego uczniów. Następnie przeanalizowano pewne sformułowania z listów Pawłowych, które poświadczają przekonanie Apostoła o wyjątkowych zdolnościach poznawczych wierzących w Jezusa. Wierzący jest kimś, kto przyjmuje sposób myślenia Chrystusa (1 Kor 2,16) i jest w stanie wyczuć w sposób wręcz instynktowny wolę Bożą (Flp 1,9; E f 1,18). Wskazano, że wspólnota wierzących, Boża owczarnia, jest zdolna rozpoznawać swojego Pasterza i pójść za Nim, opierając się fałszywym głosom obcych (J 10,3b-5). Podkreślono wreszcie znaczenie recepcji słowa Bożego, jaka się dokonuje we wspólnocie Kościoła (1 Tes 2,13), uzdolnionego do niezachwianego trwania w wierze (Jud 3).Pozycja Autorytety młodzieży w dobie kryzysu. Implikacje pedagogiczno-katechetyczneGawroński, Jarosław (Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Diecezji Warszawsko-Praskiej, 2012)In the process of bringing children and teenagers up the forming of the attitude towards the authority isn’t proceeding in the single-track way. It results from the complexity of the process of communization (socialization) of the man. This process is beginning along with the birth, but developmental psychologists will regard only a four-month-old child as the essence truly social. It is possible then to notice peculiar and deliberate distinguishing the significance of the human facial expression. On average to the sixth month of life the child is learning to distinguish strangers and friends. Coming into existence of the authority at that time has at bases a primal relation child - parents. At the age of 2 the child is starting recognizing the authority of older, discovering resemblance to the own person of adults, and phenomenon of their total dependence from them. Child at first unwittingly, then more and more consciously, is starting accepting orders and commands of parents. Child is starting to regard just everything, whatever they are doing. Personality of the small man is being formed, in this period, practically exclusively under the influence of parents and siblings. Parents are the first source and the forerunner of his attitudes and the morality of the child. It means that authorities and shown positive patterns are, for the young man, helpful in forming of personal practical postures and world of values. Thereby Christian class tutor (religion instruction teacher) should be conscious, that his authority comes from the religious card. And so he is supposed to hand it over in a sense of responsibility, as a guiding light. It means however that waking up the awareness of the Divine origin of authority, particularly of the ones existing in the Church, seems to be one of important tasks of the religious education with reference to the authority. And so in religion teaching it shouldn’t be missing the presentation of values and shaping attitudes based on exemplary role models. At the same time a catechist himself should be for his students an authentic witness and example of life of shown values.Pozycja Bez Kościoła nie ma zbawieniaSmentek, Izabella (Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Diecezji Warszawsko-Praskiej, 2003)Author of this article shows history of ideas of the understanding the thesis “there is no salvation out Church” She begins with St. Cyprian of Carthage, next researches teaching of II Vatican Council, declaration Dominus Iesus and John Paul II as well. Her conclusion is that salvation in the Church is the consequence of the main goal of God’s history of salvation - reuniting with Trinity. We are saved as a members of community not ourselves.Pozycja Biblia i pieniądzeRumianek, Ryszard (Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Diecezji Warszawsko-Praskiej, 2003)Pozycja Biblijno-teologiczne podstawy kapłaństwaHarasim, Grzegorz (Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Diecezji Warszawsko-Praskiej, 2016)One of the sacraments of the Church established by Jesus Christ is the sacrament of priesthood. The author presents the understanding of priesthood, at first in the Old Testament, then in the New Testament, and discusses the paramount rulings on priesthood of the Magisterium of the Church. In this article, the biblical roots of this notion are explored, and subsequently its understanding in a contemporary perspective is examined. This understanding bases on scientific findings of biblical scholars; however, in certain places, it is supported by personal analysis of contemporary documents of the Church.Pozycja „Błogosławione” Tridentinum i „przeklęte” Vaticanum II? Uwagi na temat recepcji Soboru Trydenckiego i Soboru Watykańskiego II na marginesie książek: „Riforma cattolica e concilio di Trento. Storia o mito storiografico?” Massima Firpa oraz „La contestazione cattolica. Movimenti, cultura e politica dal Vaticano II al ’68” Alessandra SantagatyŻak, Łukasz (Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Diecezji Warszawsko-Praskiej, 2022)Pozycja Bóg jako Byt Absolutny. Filozoficzna interpretacja traktatu De docta ignorantia Mikołaja z KuzySzewczyk, Mateusz (Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Diecezji Warszawsko-Praskiej, 2013)An important stage in the European philosophical tradition was the decline of the Middle Ages and the beginning of the Renaissance. One of the representatives of this period of the European philosophical tradition was Nicholas of Cusa who was undoubtedly one of the greatest thinkers of the fifteenth century. He worked primarily on the question of the nature of the Supreme Being. The central treaty, in which Nicholas expressed his vision of the Absolute, is the work entitled On Learned Ignorance (De Docta ignorantia). At the core of his philosophy of God lies the belief of radical ontological and cognitive transcendence of Absolute. He formulated the theory of a “learned ignorance” (docta ignorantia). The deepest truth we can get from this ignorance is the claim that God is a “coincidence of opposites” (coincidentia oppositorum), which is the greatest ontological discovery of Nicholas of Cusa. According to another of his formulas God is also the greatest (maximum) and the smallest (minimum), because apart from God there is nothing greater or smaller than He himself Nicholas’ image of Absolute, embedded in a finite world of phenomena and rules of logic functioning in this limited reality, is largely derived from his delight over the infinite and unlimited. As a result, his mind centers on the idea of the infinite and everlasting Maximum which is divided into three types. Maximum of the first type is Maximum absolute et simpliciter — Maximum absolute and non-relative which is God. The second type is Maximum contractum - Maximum contractual - limited and finite. The most paradoxical is a Maximum of a third type that Nicholas describes as a Maximum both absolute and limited and that is Jesus Christ himself. This Maximum combines, without confusion, what is absolutely transcendental with what is limited, i.e., the Creator with the creation. The transition from this hypothetical, preliminary knowledge of Maximum, both absolute and limited, to an identification of that Maximum with the person of Jesus Christ is an act of faith. Because faith in a form of complicité (involute) includes everything that we can understand intellectually, and intellectual understanding means the development (explication) of faith that seeks to achieve unshakable confidence. The innate desire, present in each human person, to know, which cannot be satisfied by what is temporal, stimulates a man to take a spiritual journey along the path of learned ignorance. So, Nicholas of Cusa, in his treatise De docta ignorantia, volens nolens, combined into one system two potentially opposite currents of human cognitive activity — faith and reason. In this way, he introduced to philosophical speculation the issues of a strictly confessional nature - the whole spectrum of Christian revelation which focuses on the person of Jesus Christ and on the works that he introduced.Pozycja Bohdan T. Woronowicz, Uzależnienia. Geneza, terapia, powrót do zdrowia, Wydawnictwo Media Rodzina, Poznań 2009, ss. 672Wielebski, Tomasz (Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Diecezji Warszawsko-Praskiej, 2009)Pozycja Bp Jacek Grzybowski, „Potęga kultury”, Wydawnictwo Jedność, Kielce 2022, ss. 284Gaworek, Sylwester (Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Diecezji Warszawsko-Praskiej, 2022)Pozycja Carla Rossi Espagnet, „Missione famiglia. Un percorso di Spiritualita coniugale”, Edizioni Santa Croce, Roma 2022, pp. 273Skierkowski, Michał Jacek (Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Diecezji Warszawsko-Praskiej, 2022)Pozycja Cechy osobowości u osób z syndromem postaborcyjnym. Badania empiryczneNowosielski, Mirosław (Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Diecezji Warszawsko-Praskiej, 2002)The Author of this article looked for psychological factors in post abortion syndrom. His researches, with the group of women, show the neurotic element in characteristics.Pozycja Celebracja Liturgii Godzin wyrazem eklezjalnościStachera, Michał (Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Diecezji Warszawsko-Praskiej, 2020)Spośród dwóch możliwych sposobów odmawiania Liturgii Godzin z całą pewnością należy stwierdzić, że pierwszeństwo przysługuje wspólnotowej celebracji. Praktyka odmawiania tej modlitwy w grupie w pełny sposób ukazuje jej eklezjalny czyli wspólnotowy charakter. Z tego powodu Kościół zachęca wszystkich, nawet niezobowiązanych do chóru, aby zawsze, ilekroć zdarzy się ku temu okazja, celebrowali poszczególne Godziny liturgiczne w sposób wspólnotowy. Bez wątpienia taka praktyka sprzyja aktywnemu uczestnictwu tych wszystkich, którzy biorą w niej udział. Dokonuje się to poprzez odpowiedzi, odmawianie psalmów czy responsoria.