Polonia Sacra, 2024, T. 28, Nr 2
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Przeglądaj Polonia Sacra, 2024, T. 28, Nr 2 wg Tytuł
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Pozycja Early Christian prophetesses in the New TestamentKubiś, Adam (1976- ) (Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie, 2024)This article presents a characterization of several women identified explicitly in the New Testament as prophetesses: (1) Philip’s daughters in Acts 21:9; and (2) the prophetesses in the community in Corinth mentioned in 1 Cor 11:5. The article highlights the historical and theological context of their activity and defines the content and object of Christian prophecy. The presentation of these two groups of prophetesses points out the major exegetical problems presented by the text and contemporary attempts to resolve them.Pozycja John Paul II and Benedict XVI’s concern for the protection of the faithful against the most serious crimes, with particular emphasis on the sexual abuse of minors committed by clergyTrojanowski, Bartosz (Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie, 2024)The problem of dealing justly and efficiently with the most serious crimes in the Church after the promulgation of the Code of Canon Law in 1983 became the concern of Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, later Benedict XVI, and John Paul II. Their cooperation and the decisions of Benedict XVI, as a continuation of the path started, laid the foundations for the creation of a system of canonical criminal law capable of responding properly and effectively to the most serious crimes committed by the faithful in the Church. The introduction of a clear scope of competence for the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, the definition of a longer limitation period, the possibility of revoking it, the centralization of procedural steps, entrusting them to qualified personnel, enabling the control of the action of individual superiors are very concrete legal solutions that confirm the teaching of the Church and the definite statements of the two Popes on the protection of the most vulnerable in the Church from the immense harm of sexual abuse that some clerics could commit against them. The article presents and discusses concrete legal solutions and relates them with the teachings and attitudes of the two popes towards protecting minors in the Church. It is an attempt to argue for the defense of their good names and to oppose the unfounded accusations made against these two authorities.Pozycja Preaching the Word of God in the Polish synodal synthesisSzewczyk, Leszek (Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie, 2024)Launched in the Catholic Church by Pope Francis on October 10, 2021, the Synod on Synodality is entering the next stages. Continental syntheses have already been published, preceded by diocesan and national syntheses. The nationwide synodal synthesis and individual diocesan surveys are valuable sources containing numerous opinions on the state of preaching the Word of God in Poland. Despite the noticeable lack of theological references, Polish syntheses are important for the theory and practice of preaching the Word of God. The syntheses were prepared based on the opinions of 65,000 people participating in parish and diocesan meetings and 42 thousand people who responded to surveys and written correspondence. This study aimed to extract from the syntheses mentioned above issues concerning the nature of the homily and its position in the liturgy, the preacher of the Word of God, the general assessment of preaching in Poland, as well as the assessment of the content and form of homily preaching. However, the opinions and proposals contained in the syntheses should be the subject of further, in-depth research in the theology of preaching the Word of God.Pozycja Preparing a homily as an important element of pastoral careSławiński, Henryk (Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie, 2024)The homily, which the Second Vatican Council assigned a special role among various forms of preaching the Word of God, is an important task for those, who are entrusted with pastoral care. The faithful eagerly listen to homilies, but at the same time, they often complain that their level is too low and expect homilies on the good level. Yet, the solution to the problem lies in good preparation of the homily. Also, preachers must be convinced that the time allocated for this is one of their most important pastoral duties. We have evidence of how the last popes, Benedict XVI and Francis, prepared their homilies. Working on a sermon is a creative process that goes through the following phases: research and collection of materials, incubation, illumination, and verification. The fruit of reflection and prayer is a homily characterized by Christocentrism, a positive message from which a moral call arises; it contains the teaching of the Church, actualizes the word of God, introduces the celebrated liturgy, and is single-thematic. Hence, in the pastors’ belief in the important role of the sermon and its reliable preparation, there is an opportunity to improve the quality of the homily.Pozycja The apocalyptic thought in the early Church as a response to the fears in the 21st centuryKulik, Bogdan (Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie, 2024)This article concerns the Christian understanding of the concept of “apocalypse.” It presents an original way of renewing eschatological thought in the modern world. Current events, social movements and ideologies are often seen as apocalyptic phenomena, because they instill fear, hopelessness, and a false understanding of God. The focus is on the issue of the apocalyptic thought of the early Church, its essence being faith in the resurrection and second coming of Jesus Christ. Based on the theological analyses of the apocalyptic doctrine of the early Church and the Revelation (Apocalypse) of John, the author proposes a method to overcome the fears people are experiencing in the 21st century. The cure for all fears is hope, which is a constitutive element of the Christian apocalyptic thought.Pozycja The nomination of Rev. Kazimierz Rolewski as bishop of Katowice and the reasons for the refusalSzczepaniak, Maciej (Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie, 2024)Rev. Kazimierz Rolewski (1887–1936) – parish priest in the Archdiocese of Poznań, rector of the theological seminary, and radio preacher – remains an inspiring figure to this day, as evidenced by the ongoing beatification process. Many people remember him as a priest who refused to accept the episcopal nobleness. This article refers to this common opinion in light of the Vatican archives. It is an attempt to highlight the important character traits of the discussed figure, especially his humility and sincerity. Based on the source analysis method, the article presents facts about Rev. Rolewski before and after the proposal to take over the bishopric of Katowice. This article presents the genesis of the interest in the parish priest from Ostrów Wielkopolski as a candidate for the diocesan bishop in 1925–1926. It describes the circumstances of the negative decision made at the apostolic nunciature in Warsaw. The above piece, which attempts to highlight the character traits important for the discussed character – his humility and honesty – fills the current biographical gap of Rev. Rolewski.Pozycja The synthesis of the Gospel and life as a goal of evangelizationDyk, Stanisław (Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie, 2024)The article presents selected examples of the synthesis of the Gospel and life, which is the goal of contemporary evangelization. In implementing the prophetic purpose, it was emphasized that the proclamation of the Word of God is to illuminate and transform human existence. In implementing the priestly function, the focus was on celebrating the Eucharist, revealing it as a source of human strength and energy, a school of sacramental perception of life and appreciation of matter, as well as a space for forming a new man. In the implementation of the priestly function, however, attention was paid to the presence of the Church in the world and the Christian lifestyle, which is closely related to the promotion of man and the quality of his life. The study emphasizes that the existential orientation of evangelization establishes the proper relationship of the Church with the world. It involves accepting the world, dialogue with it, and transforming it in the spirit of the Gospel.Pozycja The truth about man and for man. Practical implications of John Paul II’s encyclical “Fides et ratio”Hajduk, Ryszard (Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie, 2024)Twenty-five years ago, John Paul II’s encyclical Fides et ratio was published, where the question of truth occupies a central place. The task of the Church is to transmit to people the truth revealed by Jesus Christ, which discloses the mystery of God and man, is accessible in faith, and appeals to the intellect to accept it. In these times, dominated by a pragmatic approach to reality, a question arises about the practical, existential meaning of the truth proclaimed by the Church. The content analysis of the papal teaching in “Fides et ratio” leads to the conclusion that the truth cannot be reduced to a set of ideas that enrich human cognition. Therefore, the ecclesial ‘diakonia’ of truth serves human life because it helps man use his freedom properly and leads him to the fullness of humanity. The truth allows man to protect himself from relativism and religious egalitarianism threats. The communication of truth should consider people’s needs to perceive it as a precious gift from God, not as a yoke.Pozycja The vein of gold. In search of a methodological renewal of dogmatics based on the reading of Lech Wołowski’s book entitled “The problematics of paradox in the thought of Henri de Lubac and Hans Urs von Balthasar”Smuniewski, Cezary (Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie, 2024)This study is presented in the form of a research-review article and consists of reflections informed by a reading of Lech Wołowski’s monograph “The Problematics of Paradox in the Thought of Henri de Lubac and Hans Urs von Balthasar”, while simultaneously drawing from other works by the same researcher. The aim of this article is to present the paradox method as a means to deepen theological research. This method is portrayed as a proposition that can be applied in theological research, much like in other scientific domains. This approach may contribute to addressing the contemporary crisis in dogmatics and serve in formulating responses to current “profound” questions posed by individuals and society.