The Person and the Challenges, 2012, Vol. 2, No. 2
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Pozycja Halík Tomáš: Geduld mit Gott. Die Geschichte von Zachäus heute, Freiburg 2010, Herder, 258 Seiten, ISBN: 9783451303821Zulehner, Paul Michael (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2012)Pozycja Hospice Counsellor Facing the Grief of the Terminally Ill Child and Its FamilyGodawa, Grzegorz (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2012)The child’s illness, suffering and death provoke many emotions in the family. The ill child and its family both experience grief which is an emotional reaction to the danger of losing health or life. Support offered by home hospices for children aims at overcoming the destructive influence of illness. A hospice counsellor’s task is to improve the ill child and its family’s quality of life. He is helping the family overcome grief and prepare for the child’s death. The hospice team supports the family members who experience anticipatory and later, actual mourning. Preventing pathological effects of grief is a basic challenge for people who offer help.Pozycja Die Ökologie der Person – Kantische Motive des Personbegriffs in Karol Wojtyłas “Person und Tat”Waleszczuk, Zbigniew (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2012)Apart from many legitimate concerns about ecology, the most important contemporary concern should be of anthropological nature and must address the human as a person (Benedikt XVI). What is man? Are human beings free? What should human beings do? These Kantian questions also describe the main starting points of Karol Wojtyła’s philosophy in “The Acting Person”. With regard to the importance of the question (ecology of man) our challenge is divided into three parts. Firstly, man is a person; secondly, his call is to liberty and lastly, responsible love is an emanation of personal dignity. In this manner the three important points in Wojtyła’s philosophy (person, liberty, love) are well characterized. The essence of man is his personal dignity as a source for the possibility of free (responsible) decisions – “the act”. The experience of morality is included in the experience of being a person. Wojtyła poses the question “how do I understand who I am throughout my acts?” Like Kant, the author emphasizes the importance of free will, conscientiousness as an obligation, which speaks to the conscious person. I determine myself through my own decision (person’s actions). For Wojtyła, participation in love is the basis of all human personal experiences. “Only persons participate in love”. Participation in the character of the other becomes – in the language of Wojtyła – “the choice of the other person in myself”.Pozycja Rezension Józef Stala, Familienkatechese in Polen um die Jahrhundertwende. Probleme und Herausforderungen (Tarnow: Biblos 2008), 204 Seiten, ISBN 978-83-733267-4-3Vodičar, Janez (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2012)Pozycja Love and Truth in Social Involvement of the ChurchSzmulewicz, Henryk (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2012)This study begins with a brief outline of the essence of the whole encyclical Caritas in veritate. Benedict XVI expresses the desire for „the dialogue with the world”. He understands this dialogue as a special kind of the service of the Church towards eternal love and truth, fully revealed in Christ. The dialogue of the Church with the world, in the spirit of love and truth, is accomplished every day at the level of so-called official relations. There are numerous opinions that in the past the Church repeatedly neglected the dialogue with the world. Indeed, the Church historians point out the existence of examples of the fall of the authority of the Holy See in particular countries and circumstances. Similarly, the Church is the sign of objection in the contemporary world. Instructed by past experiences the Church is aware that what is necessary for the renewal of culture and society, is evangelical love and truth.Pozycja Der Mensch als Person: Die bestimmende Grundlage für Johannes Paul II. in seinem Bild von der FamilieStala, Józef (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2012)Pope John Paul II frequently describes humans in terms of personal being. One could say that this is one of the most fundamental aspects in his teaching. This text analyses the anthropology underlying his papal teaching in the context of the modern world and modern family life. The author emphasizes that the contemporary context reflects a multifaceted crisis affecting humans. The text explores a core aspect of Pope John Paul II’s teaching in his vision of the family, which is the issue of how to understand the human being as a person. Fundamentally the family is presented as a communion of persons, then a person is shown as the primary determinant in family education.Pozycja Las facultades para la confesión en el Código de Juan Pablo IISaj, Marek (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2012)According to the law of the Church, contained mainly in the Code of Canon Law, priests are entitled to certain rights and obligations arising from their Holy Orders. Some of them require also appropriate faculties in addition to the orders. This is the case in relation to the sacrament of penance and reconciliation. This so-called faculty is required in order to exercise this sacrament validly. The of such faculty causes the incurrence of ecclesiastical penalty of suspension latae sententiae. This text examines the norms of the Codex regarding the conferment of the faculty to administer the sacrament of penance, its use and the ecclesiastical penalties incurred for hearing confessions without such faculties.Pozycja La dimensione ecclesiale della vocazione missionaria dei laici nell’insegnamento post-conciliareRostkowski, Marek (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2012)In the post-Council period, one can find different attempts at a synthesis of the declarations of the Council with regards to the theme of the apostolate of the laity. The authors recognizes that the faithful participate in the mission of the Church, with a variety of ministries, functions, and services for the common good and for the benefit of the entire body through being active members. The text maintains that Christian vocation and mission are inseparably united in the life of the faithful – one implies the other.Pozycja The Current Situation of Education and Continuing Professional Development of RE Teachers in Poland in the Context of the Social ChallengesOsewska, Elżbieta (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2012)The author of this article presents Religious Education teachers continuing professional development in Poland in the context of political, social, economic, cultural and educational changes. During the last years, Poland has developed a national strategy for teacher training and introduced many new regulations. The aim of the new legal solutions is to prepare RE teachers as will be competent specialists in theology, accomplished in didactics and pedagogy and capable of caring for – and contributing to – the upbringing of pupils of varying needs; as well as organizers of social activities in class and school, also in effective cooperation with the local parish. Despite the many changes, RE teachers still have very difficult situation in Poland and face many challenges.Pozycja Was John Paul II an Apologist of Christianity?Michalik, Andrzej (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2012)The paper tries to answer the question whether John Paul II was an apologist of Christianity. Moving along scholastic methodology, the paper progress along three stages, exploring a negative statement (videtur quod non), justifying a positive assertion (sed contra), to formulate a conclusion (ergo). Through this methodology the paper argues that Pope John Paul II was the defender of Christianity. This methodology allows thorough study of the highlights of the pontificate of this Great Pope and on the basis of counter-points to bring out a more clear answer to the research question.Pozycja Genitori dei figli innamorati (tattiche educative)Mastalski, Janusz (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2012)In the contemporary global context where people devalue tradition, the challenge which faces many parents is how they can be meaningfully present in their children’s lives. This can be problematic as in the contemporary world children are often searching for their own identity and space which they do not necessarily locate within their own family home. This text explores the question: how can family ties be nurtured to include children’s interests and affections? The author provides specific guidelines for raising children so that parents can accompany their children’s emotional development.Pozycja Obediencia sacerdotal como una de las especiales obligaciones de los clérigos en la Iglesia católicaKantor, Robert (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2012)During this year’s homily on Holy Thursday Pope Benedict XVI explored the subject of priestly obedience. He drew attention to some European priests’ incitement to disobedience which ignored the teaching of the Magisterium of the Church. This article argues for the importance and role of priestly obedience in the Catholic Church. Firstly, it identifies the nature of obedience through a close examination of the documents of the Second Vatican Council. Secondly, it identifies Pope Paul VI teaching on obedience through the magisterium of the Church. Finally, the nature of obedience in the Code of the Canon Law from 1983 onwards as well as practical manifestations of obedience pursuant to the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples is discussed.Pozycja Lourdes Grosso García (ed.), El soplo del Espíritu. Nuevas formas de vida consagrada en la Iglesia de España, Madrid 2010, s. 106, ISBN 978-84-7141-725-1Kantor, Robert (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2012)Pozycja International Conference „Pedagogical Multidimensionality of Development”, Lublin, 4-6 April 2011Lendzion, Anna (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2012)Pozycja Project “Euro2012 – in Search of Values”Kostorz, Jerzy (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2012)Pozycja Orbiting by Bharati Mukherjee: A Contemporary American Short Story in the English ClassroomKonopka, Ewa (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2012)The article puts forward arguments why American short stories should be used to teach English as a foreign language. It also describes the method which might help to teach literature in secondary schools. Additionally, it presents the results of the research conducted among students in Lomza, Poland, which aimed at examining the pedagogical potential of applying ethnic American short stories in teaching English as a foreign language. This was done by comparing the literary critical analysis of Orbiting – a short story written by Bharati Mukherjee with its intuitive interpretations by young Polish adults. Finally, the article is supplemented with the passage from the said text as well as lexical and reading comprehension exercises based on its contents, which can be used in the English classroom.Pozycja XIV Internacional Congreso del Derecho Canónico „Administración en Derecho Canónico”. Varsovia del 14 al 18 de septiembre del 2011Kantor, Robert (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2012)Pozycja Los «ministerios laicales» y la colaboración de los laicos en la función pastoralFuentes, José Antonio (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2012)The activity of the laity in aid of or substitution for the ministry of the clergy has become increasingly common in the Church. Citing various factual explanations, this article shows the growth of lay ministry from the 1950’s up until today. The doctrinal and normative determinations which the Hierarchy has made, since 1983, have established more precise and effective guidelines for these ministerial tasks. The author summarizes the most important normative documents on this subject, in particular, the Instr. Ecclesiae de mysterio. This text raises a variety of practical issues, including the duty of giving the ministerial works of the laity an adequate financial remuneration. Finally, it offers guidelines for the effective development of lay collaboration in the pastoral ministry.Pozycja Ordo Dei – Inspirations by the Thought of Blessed John Paul II (Będzin, 26 November 2011)Buchta, Roman (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2012)Pozycja Quelques aspects de la spiritualité conjugale selon Jean-Marie LustigerBiernat, Ryszard (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2012)In his pastoral teaching Jean-Marie Lustiger repeatedly explores the subject of marital spirituality. His teaching emerged as a response to young people’s difficulty in understanding the nature of marriage as a result of being immersed in the mentality of the world. In this article the author explores two important aspects of Cardinal Lustiger’s teaching on the spirituality of marriage: marriage is presented as a vocation and there is an emphasis on the correct understanding of marital love. In the context of the decline of religious practices in Western Europe, the article contains some of Jean-Marie Lustiger’s thoughts on the sacrament of marriage as well as his role in contributing to a deeper understanding of matrimony.