The Person and the Challenges, 2018, Vol. 8, No. 1

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  • Miniatura
    Il pensiero pedagogico italiano nei manuali polacchi di storia dell’educazione
    Wnęk, Jan (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2018)
    This paper describes the popularization of the Italian pedagogical thought in Polish textbooks about the history of education in general. It has shown that the authors of the textbooks gave a lot of information about the Italian school system and education and presented profiles of outstanding Italian educationalists, e.g. St John Bosco or Maria Montessori. This paper indicates that in the past centuries Poles were open to Italian intellectual currents, academic trips to the Italian Peninsula, and education at local universities. Polish textbooks about the history of education were popular (in the 20th c.) and still are an important source of knowledge about the history of Italian education. For the purposes of this paper, the contents of the most representative and popular textbooks have been analysed.
  • Miniatura
    Motivation for assistance activities among hospice, missionary and sport volunteers
    Śliwak, Jacek; Zarzycka, Beata; Partyka, Józef (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2018)
    The aim of the study is to analyze motivation for undertaking activities to help others by people involved in various forms of volunteer work. We analyzed two sources of motivation: moral endo‒exocentrism and the value system among three groups: hospice, missionary and sports volunteers. The study involved 173 people between 16 to 77 years of age, 59 giving service in a hospice, 63 in missionary activities and 51 as sports volunteers. We applied the Moral Endo-Exocentrism Questionnaire (MEEQ) by Karyłowski, Górski and Wasiak and the Portraits Questionnaire (PVQ) by Schwartz. The study showed higher levels of exocentric than endocentric motivation among the three groups of volunteers. However, the intergroup value preference comparison revealed 7 values which significantly differentiated hospice, missionary and sports volunteers: Tradition, Hedonism, Success, Power, Self-Directing, Stimulation and Universalism.
  • Miniatura
    Itinéraire d’un bouc emissaire
    Prijatelj, Erika (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2018)
    Sacrifice is an important part of religious, ethical and political life. In addition, the term;sacrifice’ has several meanings; one of them denotes a victim of crime. In this paper, we focus exclusively on victims of scapegoating. Scapegoats – individuals or communities – may be victims of others, or otherwise they may experience themselves in this way. This paper explores both possibilities. It, primarily studies the psychology of scapegoating based on the premise of the innate human need to discharge tensions, and then presents several paths out of the scapegoating mechanism. It also illustrates scapegoating dynamics in the media and explores the example of Slovenia based on its history and the current situation with respect to transferring of blame.
  • Miniatura
    International Conference: Educating Young People for the 21st Century
    Osewska, Elżbieta (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2018)
  • Miniatura
    A Depersonalised Object of Hope in a Funeral Sermon
    Masarik, Albín (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2018)
    In this article, the author calls attention to a danger of proclaiming a depersonalised object of hope in a Christian funeral sermon, which he does not consider to be a legitimate Christian practice. The author reached this conclusion based on his analysis of one particular sermon from his research sample of 3x50 funeral sermons from three different church traditions (Lutheran church, evangelical churches, and Roman Catholic church). In the aforementioned funeral sermon, the object of hope was found to be articulated in a depersonalised form – the hope is not the eternity with the Lord, but simply: heaven. Christ is, in this particular sermon, merely a means by which the hearers may obtain their desired goal. Even though this funeral sermon was formulated using Christian terminology and was delivered by a Christian preacher, the author of this article does not regard its fundamental approach as Christian.
  • Miniatura
    Contemplation and rationality. The sacred dimension of theology
    Królikowski, Janusz (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2018)
    This article raises the question of the mutual relation between theology and prayer. Theology is knowledge about God – the Holiest – and should carry out research in a holy manner, contributing to the holiness of the person who is connected with theology as a teacher or a student. The question of the relation between theology and prayer belongs to the most fundamental issues concerning the method of theology to which we should constantly refer as to an important source of guidelines for today. This article first focuses on certain statements which appeared in the past centuries and which discussed the relation between theology and prayer, trying to find the adequate approach to the spiritual and scientific situation in the field of theology in those times. After this introduction, it presents the view that prayer may be used in service of theology. Theology, on the other hand, in its full and traditional sense, is total and complete only then, when it constitutes the foundation of piety and leads to prayer. Theology through prayer can permeate the inner life opening itself to the state when we belong to God who resides in our heart.
  • Miniatura
    Mary is a Model of Faith and Moral Life for the Contemporary Disciples of Christ
    Kluz, Marek (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2018)
    Observing the transformations taking place in the world, it is important to note the need for continuous reference in various areas of human life to Mary, whose example is always relevant. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to present Mary as a model of faith and moral life for the contemporary disciples of Christ. Mary – with her example – teaches one how to be a disciple of Christ in an authentic way, not superficial one. She is an example of understanding the Christian life as a commitment. Looking to Mary as an example, the individual learns to obey God in the path of faith and finds the values that lead him or her through the paths of the Christian moral life. Life permeated with the Marian spirit becomes an inspiration for the contemporary disciples of Christ to grow in faith, to do good and radically reject everything which is in contrary to the Christian ideal.
  • Miniatura
    Contemporary Catholic Studies in a Secular University: Friend or Foe?
    Briliute, Birute (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2018)
    Through the introduction of a new hermeneutical model of communication in RE, this article intends to explore an innovative approach to developing Christian identi ty in a secular university. The author holds a joint lectureship in religious education, catechesis and pastoral theological education. Religious education and catechesis are concerned with all aspects of the teaching of religion in schools, within the parish and any other pastoral setting. pastoral theological education is concerned with the place of learning within religious communities and the larger society. This distinction has resulted in this research proceeding along two parallel routes: the institutional educa tional environment, religious communities and society as a background influencing our value change as well as the way we do RE in schools. The main concern of the author is to develop practical ways of enhancing the Catholic religious identity and theological literacy of students in the state secondary schools and universities in the UK, on the ba sis of contemporary theological anthropology and educational theoretical foundations. This article is an investigation into a new understanding of the development of Catholic identity and new models of RE used in a contemporary secular university.
  • Miniatura
    Collective identity in the age of globalisation
    Bobro, Magdalena (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2018)
    This article deals with the legal liability of collective person in the age of globalization. It touches the problem of the “person” in such fields as law, philosophy and sociology. The article presents the influence of globalisation on identity and the question of individualisation. Identity is defined as a process of internal and external adjustment. The processes of globalisation may contribute to the loss of cultural identity. The diverse nature of globalisation has given rise to new identities. Concurrently, the article also presents the challenges posed by globalisation, for instance: identity and freedom of individualisation versus community and belonging. The author aims to make a short analysis according to the liability of collective persons throughout the history of civil and criminal law.
  • Miniatura
    Catechesis and its Six Tasks
    Sultana, Carl-Mario (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2018)
    The aim of catechesis is not simply to give information to interlocutors about the Catholic faith. Catechesis seeks to do much more than this, with its ultimate aim being that of putting the human being in communion with Christ. This is achieved through the six tasks of catechesis which need to be deeply embedded in human experiences. The six tasks through which catechesis seeks to achieve its endeavours include: knowledge of the faith, liturgical education, moral formation, formation in prayer and methods of prayer, education for community life and missionary initiation.
  • Miniatura
    The Family Communio Personarum and Upbringing
    Stala, Józef; Garmaz, Jadranka (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2018)
    Not only are marriage and the family, natural and religious institutions but, above all, they are communities of persons fulfilling their personal calling. However, communio personarum does not only result from the natural relations, but is a consequence of faith, which unites family with Jesus Christ. This article will present the pedagogical consequences of acknowledging the family as communio personarum, including the fact that every family is a privileged place of upbringing and parents, who bestowed the gift of life upon their child, have been gifted with a wealth of upbringing skills. The marital relation, as a “me” and “you” relation, constitutes the foundation for other family relations, as well as the everyday educational support for the child. Parents, however, accompany their children in forming their mature personality and religiousness.
  • Miniatura
    Polish Literature for Children as Support of Children’s Creativity and Polishness
    Osewska, Elżbieta (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2018)
    Poland has a long history, but unfortunately, this history is also full of battles for independence, to keep the Polish language and culture, and a struggle for Christian values. What was supporting these processes? According to many experts Polish literature has been one important factor. In this article, the role of Polish literature for children, especially poetry, in supporting their creativity and Polishness will be analysed. Subsequently the article will outline the history of Polish literature for children, the importance of patriotic and religious literature, especially during the Partition and Soviet time and the nature of children’s literature.
  • Miniatura
    La administración de los bienes de la Iglesia hasta el siglo X: algunas de las disposiciones, especialmente de los concilios, y su recepción en el Código de Derecho Canónico de Juan Pablo II
    Di Nicco, Jorge Antonio (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2018)
    This article analyses the evolution of the goods of the Church and its administration during the first millennium of the Christian era. It reveals the first community of Jerusalem where believers had everything in common, discusses the centrality of the Bishop and severely damaging mismanagement, and some of the provisions on the subject under study, especially those arising from the various councils. It talks about the attempts and tendencies towards the disintegration of the diocesan heritage as a unitary whole from the sixth century; notwithstanding which, the Bishop has the responsibility for his subordinate entities, keeping the administrative power over the property of the diocese. In the last part, the article presents several of these provisions in the Code of Canon Law by John Paul II.
  • Miniatura
    Emigrazione economica dei giovani polacchi come fattore significativo di sfide all’interno del matrimonio e della famiglia nella perspettiva canonistica
    Brzemia-Bonarek, Aleksandra (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2018)
    In Poland, in the last 25 years, theologians, lawyers, sociologist and psychologists have discussed significant changes in the field of marriage and family. The political transformations caused not only economic development, but also cultural transformation and globalization of social phenomena. Among such issues there is the problem of the emigration of young polish citizens. Apart from the positive economic and cultural aspects of working abroad, some negative influence on the strength and unity of the families has been observed. In the article effort was made to examine the impact of labor migration on the reorientation of the general family in the light of matrimonial nullity processes, where the emigrant was involved as the Petitioner or the Respondent party. The author`s conclusion is that it is the last chance to create and put into practice, as soon as possible, the modern and interdisciplinary program of pastoral care directed to the families of the migrants, especially the new generation.