Wrocławski Przegląd Teologiczny, 2020, R. 28, Nr 1

Stały URI dla kolekcjihttps://theo-logos.pl/handle/123456789/24118


Ostatnie zgłoszenia

Teraz wyświetlane 1 - 20 z 24
  • Miniatura
    Homily Building Based on Euchological Texts in the Light of Exhortations of the Homiletic Directory
    Żądło, Andrzej (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2020)
    The author devoted the article to the preparation of homilies based on euchological texts. His inspiration was Homiletic Directory by the Congregation for Divine Worship and Discipline of the Sacraments. His attention was due to the impression that the Directory gave too little consideration to them, especially the methods that can be used to preparing the homily. The Directory mentions that the spectrum that inspires homiletic work includes, apart from Bible, typically liturgical texts. Nonetheless, a more thorough reading provokes the impression that focus on biblical readings by far dominates. The method proposed by the Directory is lectio divina, which is growing out of the patristic exegesis of the spiritual sense of the Scripture. This method considers the biblical texts belonging to the canon recognised to be inspired. Euchological formulas, on the other hand, belong to an open catalogue, so they differ from the biblical texts. Hence the thesis in the article appears that the lectio divina method can be used as a model for prayer formulas and treated in an inspiring way, however, the methodology typical for liturgical hermeneutics should be employed. The paper proposes to use the historical-critical method, which allows for reading their diachronicity, and the linguistic (semiotic), which enables their synchronous richness to be explored. The juxtaposition of these methods makes it possible to see how they correspond to each other and thus confirm the rationality of the conducted argument and the validity of the thesis indicating the need to use adequate methods when preparing homilies based on euchological formulas.
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    The Metaphor of the Interior Cell for Jesus in Writings of Elizabeth Catez – St Elizabeth of the Trinity
    Wilk, Janusz (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2020)
    The article addresses the “interior cell for Jesus” in the writings of St Elizabeth of Dijon. Her writings (poetry, Dairy, Spiritual Records, letters, Recent Retreats) in which the term cell (in the French original cellule) or cellar (in the French original cellier) is used about God’s dwelling (unification) in a man were examined chronologically. The metaphor of the “interior cell” in this Saint’s writings reflects her spirituality precisely: the intense experience of God’s presence in a man, simplicity towards Him, as well as a constant and zealous concern not to left Him alone in the human heart. Moreover, she recalls that this kind of union with God is not reserved exclusively for those endowed with the vocation to the consecrated life. God wants to dwell in every soul that opens its doors to Him.
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    Jesus Christ and Contemporary Bible Teaching: Questions about the Jesus of History
    Tarocchi, Stefano (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2020)
    When defending the divinity of Christ, it is very easy to highlight and criticize the tendency to reduce or transform Jesus into a mythical symbol or a timeless archetype, and thus to slip into crypto-monophysitism. There is a risk in this approach of obscuring or neglecting the true and full humanity of Christ, including His Jewishness. The Gospels are a necessary source when investigating the historical person of Jesus, in order to, as J.P. Meier said, “prevent a bourgeois form of Christianity from domesticating Jesus (…). The reader who wanted to know the real Jesus should close this book immediately because the historical Jesus is not the real Jesus or the easy way to Him. The real Jesus is not accessible and will never be” (English transl. by WTR). This quotation confirms the importance of an accurate study of the New Testament texts. Through the witnesses of the events transmitted to us, we are able to meet the real Jesus Christ, the one who is the subject and the object of the Gospel.
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    Kerygmatic Catechesis in the History of the Church
    Sroczyński, Piotr (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2020)
    From the analysis of the catechesis over the centuries it can be concluded that the origin and development of kerygma dates to the beginning of the Church. Catechesis has always been the basis for the renewal of faith. In the history of the Church each century has pursued its own style of preaching kerygma. At the beginning of the Church it was the first proclamation of Jesus Christ. Over the course of the centuries the achievements of this trend have taken root in catechesis, thus bringing abundant fruit. Pope Francis in his statements, and especially in his Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Gaudium, bearing in mind the contemporary crisis of faith in the Church, refers to the tradition of kerygmatic catechesis.
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    The Problem of Method in Theology
    Sobeczko, Helmut Jan (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2020)
    The problem of method (methods) in theology is connected to the understanding of theology as a science as well as to the understanding of its identity. In theology understood as a science there is no single scientific method, because there are many theological disciplines and each of them uses its own methods. Therefore, we speak in fact of the pluralism of the theological methods. In this paper the Author limited the analysis of the methodological issues of theological studies to showing the basic methodological elements: first, to those which are common to all theological disciplines and second, he presented one of the most important hermeneutic methods, i.e. the linguistic one, which is a method of analysing texts, used mainly in biblical, liturgical and patristic sciences. In the last part of the paper he refers to some of the newest works concerning the methods used in different theological disciplines.
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    Catholic War Discourse in the German “Sonntagsblatt” of the Silesian Diocese Breslau during the First World War of 1914–1918
    Schmerbauch, Maik (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2020)
    The First World War, 1914–1918, demanded that even the Breslau (Polish: Wrocław) Catholic Church give answers to their millions of faithful at home and the soldiers at the front how to value the war in theological and religious terms. “Sonntagsblatt,” the Catholic weekly published during the entire Great War period a large number of articles on this problem. Herewith we attempt to analyse how the Breslau clergy used the “Sonntagsblatt” to give spiritual support.
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    Theology as a Christian Gnosis in the First Three Centuries
    Roux, René (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2020)
    During the second and third centuries A.D., challenges from various gnostic groups forced mainstream Christianity to deepen its understanding of its core message. Partially reacting to gnostic teachings, Irenaeus of Lyon, Clement of Alexandria, and Origen all contributed to establishing the methods and contents of the authentic “gnosis,” i.e., the orthodox doctrine of faith, in its relationship to historical knowledge and its moral and spiritual endeavor. The importance given to the regula fidei as criterium veritatis manifests the fundamental desire to be faithful to the original experience of Jesus Christ.
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    Review: M. Prusak, Bioetyka dla farmaceuty (Bioetics for Farmacist), Bernardinum, Pelplin 2018, pp. 165
    Reroń, Tadeusz (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2020)
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    “According to the Whole:” the ‘Catholicity’ of the Church in the Theology of Henri de Lubac
    Persidok, Andrzej (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2020)
    This study has as its subject the meaning of the ‘catholicity’ of the Church in the works of Henri de Lubac. The French theologian, drawing his inspiration mainly from the Fathers of the Church, recovers the complete meaning of the adjective ‘Catholic,’ as containing in itself the true universality as well as the strictest unity. In his works he also tries to show that it is a multifaceted reality: the Church is Catholic in her social, historical and internal aspects. Only all three make up the full picture of her ‘catholicity.’ This study attempts to explain each of the three closely related aspects on the basis of a selection of de Lubac’s works. Although the French theologian does not belong to the most recent authors, it seems to us that his concept of the ‘three-dimensional’ character of Catholicism can help to develop the proper attitude of the Church towards today’s world – so that it will be possible to avoid both the loss of identity and the closed, sectarian mentality.
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    Theological Epistemology and Trinitarian Ontology in Aquinas
    Maspero, Giulio (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2020)
    Thomas Aquinas’ theological epistemology is presented as a response to an aporia of classical metaphysical thought, which affirmed the relationality of the episteme but denied that of the First Principle. The path that led from a cause to another cause down to the ultimate cause thus remains without a true foundation. On the contrary, the Trinitarian ontology developed by the Fathers of the Church allowed Aquinas to recognize the foundation of the episteme with its immanent relationality of the triune God. This emerges from his rereading of John Damascene and from how Thomas – contrary to what happened in the thought of Boethius and Richard of Saint Victor – reworked the concept of person so that it could be applied both to man and to God. The very analysis of the act of faith and the rereading of the name Verbum in an exclusively notional sense reveal how Thomas developed a true Trinitarian epistemology as a reflection of his Trinitarian ontology.
  • Miniatura
    The Spiritual Realism and the Proposal of Holy Communion for the Non-Sacramental Marriages
    Lubowicki, Kazimierz (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2020)
    The discussion on the proposal of Holy Communion for those living in non-sacramental relationships should be viewed through the prism of spiritual realism. There is a need to sort out the doctrinal facts related to this reality to clarify the subject of discussion and the reality of communion in the metalanguage. It is also necessary to consider the contradictions between the basic idea of communion and the objectification of the Person, which is expressed in the instrumentalization of the Eucharistic Communion. For the realistic and comprehensive approach to the sacraments, it is necessary to be aware of the dimension of the spousal sacramental life. One needs to also reckon with the uninterrupted and unchangeable Tradition. It is necessary to ensure the right use of the terms and Gospel of the family. The correctness of the theological discussion requires a real discernment rather than the lobbying for the “already marked path,” omitting even St Paul VI’s Humanae vitae or St John Paul II’s Familiaris consortio and his entire extensive teaching about marriage and the family. It is also important not to instrumentalize the practice of the “spiritual communion.”
  • Miniatura
    The History of the Jesuit Post in Opava in Cieszyn Silesia in the Years 1625–1773
    Lec, Zdzisław (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2020)
    Until the dissolution in 1773, the Jesuits in Silesia were involved in the intense re-Catholicised activity. Their institutions had the rank of colleagues, residences and missions. The largest establishments – the Jesuit colleges – were founded in the following Silesian cities: Głogów, Legnica, Nysa, Opava, Opole, Świdnica, Wrocław, Żagań, and Kłodzko. Nevertheless, one of the most critical Jesuit institutions in this area – the college in Opava – has not been monographed. Therefore, the article aims to bring closer its fate, as well as to lead other researchers to Latin, Czech and German sources concerning the college. Its history is rich. The Jesuits were appointed to Opava by Prince Charles I Liechtenstein in 1625. Five years later, they established a college. In 1635, Charles Eusebius Liechtenstein, son and successor of Charles I, donated the Jemetice estate to the Jesuits in Opava. In 1642 the institution acquired the rank of a college. There was a boarding school of St Ignatius for students from the impoverished nobility and four Marian sodalities for townsmen, young craftsmen and Czechs. The Jesuits built a new church of St George and a college building in Opava. After the dissolution in 1773, their property was taken over by the state school fund.
  • Miniatura
    Lecture: What is Missing in Contemporary Sacramental Ministry? Pope Francis’ Option
    Kurzydło, Dariusz (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2020)
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    Importance of Ecclesiastical Universities for the Church and the World of Science
    Kowalczyk, Dariusz (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2020)
    The assessment of the importance of ecclesiastical universities depends on the attitude to the Church and its mission, as well as understanding the relationship between it and the world. The word “world” is not unambiguous. The Bible sees the world as the place of God’s action, and, on the other hand, it calls “the world” everything that opposes God. Therefore, religious universities must discern when to cooperate or wrestle with the world. One of the planes is recognising the truth and the way leading to it. The problem appears to be urgent since today, in many academic circles, the so-called post-truth has been held in high esteem, or the concept of truth is reduced to arbitrarily indicated areas. Under these circumstances, ecclesiastical universities should promote interdisciplinary reflection open to reality in all its dimensions of reason, experience, and faith. Their models depend on ecclesiology models. A certain pluralism is possible and necessary here. However, it is essential that the Church, through its universities, is not afraid to speak with its own voice, sometimes going against the current, but it is ready for dialogue with unlike-minded ones. In every model of the university, quality is crucial, which is also a dimension of ecclesiology. It is precisely the quality of Church high schools that decides whether they will be able to play a significant role in the world of science. The article present the importance of this goal, the paths that the Church can take towards it and the difficulties that can be encountered.
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    The Main Aspects of John Paul II’s Encyclical Fides et ratio in the Current Historical and Theological Environment
    Kopiec, Maksym Adam (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2020)
    The article presents the fundamental aspects of the encyclical Fides et ratio of John Paul II concerning the historical and theological context of contemporary culture. It indicates current problems in the harmonious existence of societies that function according to paradigms contrary to the absolute truth of the theological subject. The errors resulting from modernism (subjective rationalism, the cognitive negation of faith) and postmodernism (relativization of truth, atheism and antitheism, the reductionism of faith) are discussed. Further, the existential value of religious faith is demonstrated through the correlation of meaning/sense and truth. In doing so, this article serves as an apologetic for the rational nature of faith. Truth is emphasized as a gift both contained in and received from God’s Revelation, a gift necessary for discovering the sense of human reality.
  • Miniatura
    Efforts of Bishop Thomas I of Wrocław to Develop the Cult of St Stanislaus in Silesia
    Kogut, Mieczysław (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2020)
    Undoubtedly, the cult of St Stanislaus has been known in the Diocese of Wrocław since the end of the 11th century. However, none of the decision-making and pastoral centres took proper action to strengthen it in all spheres of life, especially pastoral. It was only Bishop Thomas I of Wroclaw who took up this task with great interest because he was greatly concerned about the salvation of the diocesan souls entrusted to his care. By joining in the great project of Bishop Prandota of Krakow regarding the finalization of the canonization of St Stanislaus, he wanted to achieve not only the devotional effect, but also to implement his life’s programme. He was a supporter of the idea of unifying Polish principalities and establishing the dominant role of Church power over its secular counterpart. By promoting the cult of the Saint, he put into effect many of his goals. His death in 1268 stopped the enthusiasm for promoting the cult for some time.