Roczniki Teologiczne, 2022, T. 69, nr 2
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Pozycja Natchnienie w diachronicznie ujmowanym ciele Chrystusa. Przyczynek do eklezjologii natchnieniaZatwardnicki, Sławomir (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2022)The paper contributes to the theology of inspiration. The author draws conclusions regarding the biblical inspiration from contemporary ecclesiological thought presenting the Church as the Body of Christ. The Holy Spirit acted upon both the hagiographers included in the “we” of the Church (the New Testament) and those preparing the way for the future Body of Christ (the Old Testament). Inspiration was given to individuals, but for the sake of the community and through the influence of other members of the Body of Christ on the inspired authors. All biblical writers serve each other diachronically, too: the New Testament is not possible without the Old Testament hagiographers, while the Old Testament reveals its deepest meaning only within the New Testament fulfillment. The influence of the Holy Spirit on inspired authors should be seen in the framework of the communio sanctorum (the union of the earthly Church with the heavenly Church).Pozycja Zbawcze pośrednictwo Chrystusa w myśli Paula TillichaWalczak, Marcin (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2022)The question of the redemptive mediation of Christ is one of the key issues in dogmatic theology. One of the thinkers who presented the original concept of soteriology in modern times was Paul Tillich. This article presents his theory. In the first step, Tillich’s views on the question of historical Jesus will be presented. Then the concept of salvation as a victory over the conditions of existence will be analyzed. Finally, the issue of redemptive mediation in paschal events will be discussed. The conducted analyzes lead to the conclusion that it is impossible to separate Christology from soteriology, and it is also impossible to build theology without using the category of mediation.Pozycja Linguaggio teologico su Dio incomprensibile e ineffabileSiwecki, Don Leon (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2022)The article develops some reflections on the “theological” knowledge of God, conditions of its possibility, its nature, its tools, and its limits. The theological knowledge of God is that which springs from his free self-communication, and is therefore distinct, without being separated from it, from «natural» knowledge. In the first place, the article presents the theological concept of Mystery and then reflects the limits and models of the theological language on God; at the end he deepens the idea of analogy, as a Christian rule of language on God. The Christian conscience of God is not only knowledge of absolute Being, but also and properly of personal and interpersonal Being in dialogue with us. Personal knowledge certainly has a conceptual moment, as it is a strictly human knowledge, but also and above all an a-conceptual depth, as it is based on sympathy or more deeply on “connaturality” (Latin connaturalitas, to use the term of St. Thomas), which indicates a moment of free choice (basically reciprocal), and on the presence of the “You” as the reality of our life. Every theological language presupposes a religious experience as a personal encounter with the God of faith, incomprehensible and ineffable.Pozycja A Comprehensive Introduction to Synodality: Reconfiguring Ecclesiology and Ecclesial PracticeMoons, Jos (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2022)This article contributes to the growing body of literature on synodality with a comprehensive introduction. Firstly, the author observes the link between the synodal approach promoted by Pope Francis and the Second Vatican Council. With the help of Myriam Wijlens’ term ‘reconfiguration,’ he then discusses the theological foundations of a synodal understanding of the Church. Synodality recontextualizes the bishop’s responsibility by situating it within the community of the faithful. In addition, as the Holy Spirit is the main actor in the synodal process, all the faithful, including bishops, have to listen to what He is saying, a task that requires discerning the spirits. In the third place, the author focuses on the reconfiguration of ecclesial practice. In a synodal way of proceeding, the traditional virtue of obedience is complemented by various other virtues, such as speaking out, listening with interest, and a deep openness to the Spirit’s newness. Finally, the author identifies practical issues that need attention.Pozycja Which Philosophy for Which Theology?Duque, João Manuel (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2022)The ancestral relationship between philosophy and theology will be worked here not abstractly but based on some of its historic achievements. From the diversity of theological areas and theological discourse trends – especially in the last century – the article proposes to establish a relationship between this diversity and the diversity of some contemporary philosophical proposals. Among the huge variety, we chose to refer to hermeneutical philosophy, philosophy of language, phenomenology and some “unique” cases. The article ends with a reflection on the relationship between theology and metaphysics.Pozycja The History and Principles of American Personalism: a Comparison of the Harvard and Boston University SchoolsAuxier, Randall (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2022)The author of this article outlines the background of American personalist philosophy and theology, and then he traces these German roots through to the two primary schools of American personalist thought: the Boston University and the Harvard schools of personalism. Along the way he points to the major points on influence and divergence of the development of American personalism. He summarizes the principles of both schools as well as the views rejected, both philosophical and religious, by personalists.Pozycja The Relationship of Pope John Paul II to the Father of the RedeemerAdam, Anton (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2022)The New Testament figure of St. Joseph comes to the fore in direct connection with his relationship with Mary, who is called to the service of motherhood, so that by divine action she may become the mother of the Redeemer. The title of St. John Paul II’s apostolic exhortation Redemptoris Custos indicates the mission of St. Joseph in the life of Jesus Christ as his protector. It is true that St. Joseph, Mary’s husband performs this role in certain situations. Joseph takes an attitude to a situation that affects him. For this reason, St. John Paul II does not focus only on the very service of the protector, but focuses on the relationship from which the protector’s service itself derives. This relationship is fatherhood, which corresponds to Joseph’s legitimate relationship with Mary. Mary herself defines Joseph’s relationship with Jesus as that of a father: „your father and I have been anxiously searching for you“ (Luke 2:48). It follows from the very marriage of Mary and Joseph, which unites them, that they both have the title of parent. John Paul II emphasizes this fact and formulates from it the relationship of fatherhood to Jesus. He revealed Joseph in the mystery of Christ with an emphasis on the biblical basis. The presented text reflects the new dimension of Joseph’s relationship with Christ, which is fulfilled by participating in the mystery of the Incarnation of the Eternal Word, together with Mary.