Communio, 2021, R. 41, nr 1 (213)

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  • Miniatura
    O wielkości i granicach dowodów na istnienie Boga
    Grössl, Johannes (Wydawnictwo Pallottinum, 2021)
    The validity and soundness of proofs for the existence of God are heavily disputed in philosophy of religion and theology. We argue that the main purpose of such proofs is to clarify the meaning of the concept ‘God’ and to reveal logical requirements and implications of theistic belief. With reference to Anselm of Canterbury, Alvin Plantinga and Charles Hartshorne, we present and discuss the Ontological Argument, concluding that it can still be rationally defended, but only with the presumption that God grounds ontological modality independent of human thought categories. This strong epistemological thesis is outlined in the Alethological Argument, which we discuss with reference to Augustine, Hans Jonas and Robert Spaemann. The argument postulates an isomorphic relation between thought/language and being, which not only implies moderate metaphysical realism, but also necessitates the existence of God to warrant this relationship.
  • Miniatura
    Subsystowanie osób w substancji Boga
    Lipniak, Jarosław M. (Wydawnictwo Pallottinum, 2021)
    God’s substance is threefold. There are three personal specifics in it, three faces, three personal relationships and three ways of subsistence. Subsistence is an attribute of God and an eternal phenomenon in the measure of the Absolute. The subsistence of three Persons is being made concrete in three ways. This article points at the divine ground from which flows the threefold subsistence and at the three Persons who reside in the one and the only substance of God. This article is reflective in nature. Particular issues are presented from different points of view, thanks to which the path for further reflection is indicated.
  • Miniatura
    Energia Boga Ojca w teologii Piotra Liszki
    Lipniak, Jarosław M. (Wydawnictwo Pallottinum, 2021)
    The aim of this article is to show the energy of God the Father in the theology of Piotr Liszka. Theological reflection on the divine energies in our Western Tradition has never been able to develop properly and systematically. It is therefore necessary to pay close attention to the theology of Piotr Liszka and admit that he has been undertaking to fill this deficiency for many years. Contemporary theology, not only Polish but also world one, should follow the light that was lit by the Polish theologian and much more often undertake theological reflection on uncreated energies, based on a full reflection of Eastern and Western Tradition. Theology cannot be limited to recalling the history of disputes, but should attempt to develop a new and more complete approach to the issue under discussion. The task of theology is to show how energies combine God’s substance with the three Hypostases, and also how they bind people to God.
  • Miniatura
    Stać się Ojcem dla wszystkich – Boży plan według Listu do Efezjan
    Lestang, François (Wydawnictwo Pallottinum, 2021)
    From the opening benediction to the closing greetings, the figure of God the Father can be found throughout the Letter to the Ephesians. The mystery that it unfolds is that of a coherent plan, begun with the resurrection of the Son, extended to believers, and expanding to reach the entire cosmos, in an eschatology of growth, so that everything the Father created by his Word may be brought together in his Son, in the heavens and on earth.
  • Miniatura
    Obojętność religijna jako wyzwanie dla teologii systematycznej
    Lerch, Magnus (Wydawnictwo Pallottinum, 2021)
    Not only God’s existence, even the relevance of this question is no longer common sense. There is a widespread phenomenon of «religious indifference» especially in East Germany, a phenomenon that is analyzed in this article with respect to sociology of religion and is then regarded as a challenge for systematic theology. Can it be shown that the question of God is rationally conceivable and existentially relevant?
  • Miniatura
    Święta gorliwość
    Kruczek, Agata (Wydawnictwo Pallottinum, 2021)
    The aim of this article was to present the essence of holy zeal based upon the teaching of the Coptic patriarch and theologian, Shenouda III. The term “saint” makes this zeal is absolutely unique, because it is closely related to God. The phenomenon has been emphasized in the definition - holy zeal results from a pure love that comes from God and is an effort for the good that is His will. It was important here to show God’s zeal as an expression of the highest love that has nothing to do with petty-minded human envy. The redemption and the coming of God’s Kingdom became the fullness of this zeal. In the work of spreading it, passionate associates of the Lord are needed, who will be zealous as He is for every precious soul. The article showed how the holy zeal is being manifested. It is expressed in the desires and actions for the Kingdom, in involvement in the ministry, in tears of concern for the salvation of others, in patient leading of sinners step by step, in witnessing with one’s own life, in strength and courage despite difficulties. All this takes place in conjunction with God.
  • Miniatura
    Biblijna wiara w Boga
    Ratzinger, Joseph (Wydawnictwo Pallottinum, 2021)
    Joseph Ratzinger in his article shows the biblical faith in God. The author emphasizes that whoever wants to understand the faith in God contained in the Bible has to follow its historical development, starting from the patriarchs of Israel until the last writings of the New Testament. The Old Testament, from which it starts, shows the leading idea of the research of the German theologian, who following the teaching of the Old Testament spoke about the Creator basically in two names: Elohim and Yahweh. These two main names for God express the separation and choice that Israel made in the religious world of the time, and at the same time show that what he stood for through that choice, what was chosen, it positively supported. Ratzinger shows that there are always two elements in the biblical concept of God. On the one hand, personality, closeness, the possibility of calling him, personal help, everything that is condensed in giving Him a name has already been predicted in the thought of „God of the fathers, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob”, and later will be focused in the thought of „God of Jesus Christ” It is always about the God of people, a God with a face, a personal God; the choice and decisions of the fathers’ faith were directed towards him, and from Him leads a long but straight path to God Jesus Christ.