Communio, 2020, R. 40, nr 3 (211)

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    Tajemnica natury
    Di Ció, Andrés Francisco (Wydawnictwo Pallottinum, 2020)
    The author showed that by the term „nature” we can understand the way of functioning characteristic for a given organism, its actions, its way of existence, life and development. If we recognize that the world (and everything that exists in it) was created by God, then the nature of specific things can be viewed as a project invented by the Creator. Both inanimate and animate nature were designed according to the God’s idea. The human being also received his nature from God – he finds it, does not choose it; it is a gift that needs to be „unsealed”, to be known, one must learn to use it. The author explains the Catholic theology of the term „nature” from the dogmatic theology point of view, theology of spirituality and from a pastoral point of view.
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    Pochodzenie człowieka: o ewolucji, dewolucji przyrody, historii i prawdy
    Hanby, Michael (Wydawnictwo Pallottinum, 2020)
    In „The Descent of Man: On Evolution and the Devolution of Nature, History, and Truth”, Michael Hanby discusses how Darwinian theory’s collapse of ontological perfection into historical process undermines the intellect’s proper capacity to grasp natural wholes. Once we can no longer speak meaningfully of an intrinsic end for the sake of which a given thing exists, we can no longer speak meaningfully of things at all, let alone of a mind that can know them. „The negation of transcendence in the conflation of being and history, the ‘de-Platonization’ of nature that reaches the apex of its authority in Darwinian evolution, effected a corresponding transformation of what thinking now means, indeed in what we think there even is to think about” In order for science to operate at all, Hanby points out, it must continually borrow from the very metaphysics it purports to jettison.
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    Natura usprawiedliwienia grzesznika
    Lipniak, Jarosław M. (Wydawnictwo Pallottinum, 2020)
    The purpose of this article was to show the nature of justification in the theology of the German theologian Michael Schmaus. A professor from Munich gave a systematic lecture on the science of grace. He avoided many scholastic distinctions and controversial issues. Schmaus was never concerned with the letter, but with the spirit and the living testimony of revelation. He had a sharp insight into the conditions of time, and thus into the relativity of many theological statements that can actually be properly understood only from a spiritual horizon. He realized that the neo-scholastic theology of his time had to be translated into a new language and way of thinking understandable to modem man. He was of the opinion that a man must feel dogmatics, for it is about his salvation. Michael Schmaus is the author of the first Catholic dogmatics textbook written in a language understandable to the general public. He explains the teaching of the Council of Trent in an accessible way. In theology, particularly in the treatise on justification, he sought simplicity without simplification. He focused on a person, hence many personalistic elements. He appreciated the ecumenical efforts.
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    Refleksja teologiczna nad różnymi znaczeniami terminu „natura”
    Liszka, Piotr (Wydawnictwo Pallottinum, 2020)
    The main purpose of the article written by Fr. Piotr Liszka was to show that the term “nature” is ambiguous and to indicate its various meanings. It turns out that – both in dictionaries and in publications – the term is used in many different meanings. Two meanings are the most famous and popular: nature (cosmos, universe) and essence (specificity, features, properties, structure). All other meanings are of a minor nature and are not often used. Moreover, it has been revealed that in theology this issue appears more intensely, more commonly than in the natural sciences. This is due to the extension of the subject of reflection to the reality that exists outside the material universe. For the same reason, it is also possible to explain the causes and functioning of the various meanings of the term “nature” The problem discussed in the article clearly shows the question about “nature of nature”, in which the same word has two different meanings. The article is not limited to indicating texts that use different meanings of the term, but also indicates the meaning of this term in a given text based on the context. On this basis, a reflection has been made showing the possibility of new interpretations and the use of already known meanings over there, where they are only sensed, but have not been clearly written and published yet.
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    Fizyka bez physis. O formie i teleologii we współczesnej nauce
    Oliver, Simon (Wydawnictwo Pallottinum, 2020)
    In „Physics without Physis: On Form and Teleology in Modern Science”, Simon Oliver examines how mechanistic physics loses a coherent vision of the cosmos by its attempt to conceive nature exclusively in terms of the principle of matter. This reductive understanding results in an account of bodies as simply external or even opposed to one another, so that causality is reimagined as a necessarily violent impingement of one thing upon the next. „Mechanistic cosmology did not abandon final causes altogether, but construed teleology in entirely extrinsic terms as derived from the inscrutable will of God” Taking recourse to David Bohm’s reflections on quantum theory, Oliver suggests that contemporary physics is poised to retrieve Aristotelian principles through a new recognition that all natural entities interdependently pursue a common purpose, and, in so doing, express in action the unified fabric of being in which they share together.
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    Prawo naturalne: Ewangelia i ideologia
    Ratzinger, Joseph (Wydawnictwo Pallottinum, 2020)
    The article discusses the position of Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, continued by Pope Benedict XVI, on the sources and essence of natural law in a view of currently in force, dominant positivist approach to the legislative order. Pope Benedict XVI answers the following questions: upon what internal authority the catholic teaching can be based? Where does the spiritual content of this doctrine on natural law come from? What sources is it actually derived from? The intellectual debate on the sources and the essence of law known from the times of Greek antiquity, enriched with the achievements of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, gained a special resonance during the 17th century period of prosperity of the so-called nature law school. The Pope recognizes the source of universally binding law as a rational and free-will human nature, open to its divine origin. Only such a morally conditioned human existence guarantees that human dignity and subjective rights are treated as inalienable and unquestionable against the claims of other individuals, as well as the socio-political communities established by them.
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    Natura jako źródło wolności
    Schindler, David C. (Wydawnictwo Pallottinum, 2020)
    David C. Schneider in the article „Nature as the Well-Spring of Freedom” shows, based upon Catholic theology, especially the encyclicals of Paul VI Humanae Vitae and John Paul II Veritatis Splendor, that freedom is a tool to achieve perfection for a Christian, although it never leads to full perfection. God is the only one who is, while we are condemned to becoming. Having God’s perfection before our eyes, we can choose whether or not to „condemn ourselves” to getting better and better. If there is any aspect of negative freedom here, it is only in the context of breaking the person free from his own limitations. There is a real difference between a person and human nature, but it is not the opposition. A person means the highest human subjectivity and the human „me” in terms of one’s own being and action. On the other hand, nature means specific forms of immersion of a person into matter, biology and history. At the same time, the human nature, humanity, has such properties that allow a specific person to be a person. In and through the person, the human nature is integrated into one single supposition „human being” The human person is therefore a special compositum humanum.
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    Ks. Bogdan Ferdek, Logos nadziei. Camino jako laboratorium nadziei, Wrocław 2020.
    Lorek, Piotr (Wydawnictwo Pallottinum, 2020)