The Person and the Challenges, 2021, Vol. 11, No. 1

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  • Miniatura
    Voicing the Longing of the “Adolescent Heart” through Photography and Film: Connecting Transcendence and Revelation in Catholic Religious Education
    Wright, Edward (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2021)
    This paper explores how through narrative pedagogies inspired simultaneously by divine pedagogy revealed in Scripture and the power of modern media to visually represent the human heart’s most profound longings, divine revelation can, through Catholic Religious Education (CRE), reach and transform adolescent hearts. Such a transformation is made possible through adolescents’ expression of transcendence in a communal context that is facilitated when metaphor’s power in helping adolescents tell stories about themselves is unlocked through photography and film. These media teach young people use their capacity for imagination and critical thinking more effectively and produce narratives of self through which they narrate who they are and would like to be. Such media impact identity through the process of merging words, imagery, music and movement, and can be so dynamic and effective in representing self. CRE can thus enable young people to become critical, even of their own past experiences, make them more integrated and coherent, empower them to meet life’s challenges, and afford them the opportunity to project their lives in the future as they wish them to be. All throughout such a process, adolescents learn more what God’s revelation entails and its potential to make human life more beautiful and meaningful.
  • Miniatura
    The First Relationship – the Experience of Fundamental Trust as a Foundation for the Development of Faith
    Skubic, Metka (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2021)
    The article is an important starting point for reflecting upon the emergence and development of fundamental trust through the first, primary relationship between the newborn and the parent. The birth of the first child signifies establishment of a family system, in which the concepts and mechanisms that Relational Family Therapy is built upon, are reflected on a systemic, interpersonal and intrapsychic level. Relational Family Therapy can find a way to resolve painful psychical contents and bring about a relief of the family system. The starting point for the study of the family described in this paper is the method of observing newborn behavior, the Newborn Behavioral Observations System (hereinafter NBO) with elements of Relational Family Therapy, which significantly helps to build a confident parental role and establishes a closer relationship between parents and children, thus forming the foundation for all further relationships.
  • Miniatura
    What Happened to Our Will to Serve in the West? Secularization, Individualism, Family and the Decline of the Civilization
    Michalski, Michał (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2021)
    The West is changing profoundly and so is its cultural and community-building potential. When we observe the transformations of this civilization in such aspects as fertility rates, marriage and divorce statistics, single-parenthood and out-of-wedlock births, birth control and euthanasia, one may look for a common explanation of this phenomena. It seems that people care less for each-other and more about themselves, and spend less time in long-term relationships which demand engagement, devotion and readiness to serve. At the same time, they do not seem to be happier or wealthier. According to the thesis of my paper, in order to understand and explain the changes listed above it is necessary to analyze them in a wider framework of socio-cultural shifts that took place in recent centuries in the West. This paper concentrates on such phenomena as secularization, rise of individualism and transformations of family life. These elements are going to be tested as key processes which triggered and facilitated profound transformations of culture and social structure which manifest themselves today in such alarming trends as, for example, demographic imbalance due to declining fertility and population ageing, decreasing human capital due to low-quality socialization, population control as well as eugenic practices or feminization of poverty. It seems that the current socio-economic condition of the West calls for critical and thorough analysis of dominating norms, values and beliefs which influence everyday decisions and the actions of millions of people who, in general, do not want to see the decline of their welfare and well-being. The aim of this paper is to engage and combine different findings from such disciplines as economics, psychology, history, sociology and cultural studies in order to present the will to serve which can be described as a foundational dimension and condition of life.
  • Miniatura
    The Meaning Hidden Behind Every Human Suffering: A Christian View Concerning the Mystery of the Cross
    Fagiolo, Maria (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2021)
    The purpose of the present study is to demonstrate how each man could rise from a suffering circumstance, discovering in it an opportunity for inner conquest. This is the strong human potential as Homo Patiens. In this way it is possible to assert the opposite thesis concerning a deterministic view of human being. The main solution the paper offers in any given set of pain experience is Christian faith as the only way to discover the hidden meaning of suffering. The essay develops a Christian analysis about human pain and it takes in consideration, most of all, the reflections of Edith Stein and the Holy Pope st. John Paul II in view of deepening the saving philosophy proposed by the Mystery of the Cross.
  • Miniatura
    The Eucharist and the Holy Trinity. The liturgical aspect
    Królikowski, Janusz (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2021)
    Christian faith is based on the mystery of the Holy Trinity which, therefore, plays an in dispensable role in the understanding of the particular truths of faith. This statement refers also to the Eucharist. The New Testament, especially the Gospel of John, conveys an explicit depiction of the links between the Holy Trinity and the Eucharist. The New Testament tradition has found its continuation in theology, and it has been predomi nantly seen in the Eucharistic Prayers. This paper highlights certain Trinitarian aspects of the mystery of the Eucharist, in order to point out further possibilities, both for deep ening the understanding of this mystery and for more integral incorporation of it into faith and Christian experience.
  • Miniatura
    Relational Family Therapy in the Treatment of Sudden Cardiac Arrest Survivors and their Relatives
    Košir, Meta; Simonič, Barbara; Gostečnik, Christian; Noč, Marko; Tadel Kocjančič, Špela; Jazbec, Anja; Dovečar, Klementina; Kotnik, Anja; Kotnik, Polona; Kropivnik, Špela; Smonkar, Helena; Vačovnik, Julija; Vehovar, Karmen; Pate, Tanja (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2021)
    Sudden cardiac arrest is the most common single cause of death in the contemporary world, but the proportion of survivors is increasing thanks to modern intensive methods of hospital treatment. However, data show that survivors experience high rates of neurological and cognitive deficits and poorer emotional well-being, which is a major challenge in treating these individuals and encouraging their integration in everyday life. These issues range from a number of emotional problems, such as anxiety and depression, to lower levels of participation in social life and a low rate of return to their workplace. The need for security and support increases because of the feelings of insecurity, vulnerability and fear of the recurrence of symptoms. Relatives/caregivers who report emotional problems and a higher level of post-traumatic stress are physically and mentally burdened, too. Hence, sudden cardiac arrest is a life-threatening event which is traumatic for survivors and their close relatives. It triggers strong emotional responses that are characteristic of all types of trauma (reliving the trauma, avoidance, negative thoughts and mood, increased agitation). People who have survived trauma thus suffer long-term effects, which are reflected in various dysfunctional behaviours and activities due to inadequate regulation of affective states. Because of these issues, there is a need for effective interventions that can psychologically help patients and relatives after surviving sudden cardiac arrest. In this paper, we will present the model of Relational Family Therapy, which can enable survivors and their relatives to appropriately emotionallyaffectively process this experience and thus more appropriately integrate into a new way of life. With the qualitative research method of task analysis, we will show the process of change, which is based on the establishment of a new regulation of affect and allows in-depth processing of difficult emotional states after this event.
  • Miniatura
    An axiological approach to the problem of sexual education
    Bobko, Aleksander (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2021)
    Among all sorts of technological and cultural breakthroughs affecting our civilisation which we have witnessed over the last few decades, the changes regarding the most intimate spheres of human nature, those of sexuality, may have passed unnoticed. A series of changes in social norms triggered after 1968 resulted in a situation which, as far as sexuality is concerned, can be described as a real „controversy over human existence”. This paper will briefly outline some of the characteristics of the social changes that have occurred over the past fifty years and which have had a significant impact on the understanding of the nature of sexuality. Then, two apparently competing visions of man, the traditional and the modernist will be compared. As far as the traditional concept is concerned, reference will be made to the teachings of John Paul II. The modernist approach will be illustrated based on the „Standards for Sexuality Education in Europa” formulated by the World Health Organisation. The objective is not to settle the dispute, but to try and highlight its substance as well as the consequences arising from adopting one or the other of the proposed approaches.
  • Miniatura
    The Role of the Family in the Child’s Musical Development
    Bachowska, Monika (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2021)
    The text contains examples of the influence of parents on the advancement in the music education of their children. It analyzes statistics of research studies concerning the dependency between parental influence and careers of mature musicians. It deals with the influence of the family on the basic musical development of each child from the beginning of his life and human musical development. The article draws attention to anomalies in upbringing. Examples of artistic stimulation within family are shown.
  • Miniatura
    The Learning and teaching process of children from socially excluded communities
    Rác, René; Ludvigh Cintulová, Lucia (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2021)
    The current problem of the low standard of the educational system for pupils from socially excluded communities is that it is not a flexible system and the primary schools do not only provide an educational but also a space to socialize for children. It is important to create a functioning education strategy that will not only respond to specific aspects of the personality of children from excluded communities, but will also be able to create a stimulating environment for them to develop. The emergence of socially excluded communities is the result of several factors; some examples are the low social status of families, low level of parental education and school aspects in the locality where primary school is associated with segregation. The social development of children from an early age is influenced by the family and the environment where their education takes place.
  • Miniatura
    The Fifth Gospel in the Context of the Way of St. James
    Ostrowski, Maciej; Wiater-Kawecka, Anna (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2021)
    What is referred to as the Fifth Gospel is the tangible and intangible memorabilia from the area of the present-day Holy Land. The buildings, landscape, nature, social atmosphere and customs cultivated till this very day allow to have a better understanding of the inspired biblical texts. The authors prove this thesis to be valid. They show that although it is mainly used in the pastoral care of pilgrims, it is not devoid of theological foundations. People experience faith also in a physical manner. Sensual experiences associated with the stay in the Holy Land make it easier to grasp spiritual matters and to reinforce faith. The article illustrates the issue in question with a few practical examples. The closing paragraphs formulate pastoral postulates. They show how the experience of visiting the land of biblical events can be used in the pastoral care of pilgrims more effectively.
  • Miniatura
    Senior policy as an element of local government activities in Tarnów
    Młyński, Józef (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2021)
    This article is an analysis of the social policy of practical activities implemented for seniors in the environment of their local residence. Tarnów was chosen as the local environment, in which seniors are the majority of the population. It discusses the principles of social policy, the resources of the Tarnów local government, activities and initiatives for seniors in Tarnów as well as the objectives and tasks of the Tarnów local government implemented in 2015–2020 The analysis of social policy shows that the local government authorities in Tarnów organized many valuable and good initiatives for the benefit of seniors. This is demonstrated by the cafeteria of activities undertaken by social institutions (state and local government), non-governmental organizations, religious associations (church), and other economic entities (enterprises and business). However, there are some lacunae, especially in the area of care standards.
  • Miniatura
    Symbolism of the Rural and Suburban Landscape of the Holy Land in the New Testament
    Mirošević, Lena; Krasicki, Arkadiusz; Faričić, Josip (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2021)
    The article discusses the symbolism of the rural and suburban landscape of the Holy Land in the New Testament. Based on the results of previous geographical and theological (exegetical) research of certain elements of the natural and cultural landscape, and studies of biblical texts and descriptions of landscape motifs in areas where Jesus Christ lived and worked, the article attempts to point out the symbolism that enriches mere facts about the geographical reality of the Holy Land. It has been determined that the most important natural-geographical forms and phenomena are clearly recognized in the rural and suburban landscape of the Holy Land, while the identity of the Jewish community formed by different human activities and ways of life is imprinted in the cultural landscape, which includes a related web of multiple dualities: the real and the imaginary, the natural and the supernatural, and the material and the spiritual
  • Miniatura
    Association between one’s attachment to parents and subsequent attachment to a partner
    Kovač, Jernej; Javornik Krečič, Marija (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2021)
    The primary purpose of this study was to explore the association between individuals’ attachments to their mothers and fathers, and their subsequent attachments to partners, based on research conducted in Slovenia. Participants in the empirical study were antenuptial couples who attended the premarital counselling course organized by and offered through the Franciscan Family Institute in Ljubljana, Slovenia. In order to explore more fully the concept of attachment, the authors of the study focused on the following dimensions: trust, communication and estrangement. The results of the study showed greater similarities in the three identified dimensions to the way in which both women and men experience attachment to their mothers and partners, while there were marked differences in the subjects’ experience of attachment to their fathers.
  • Miniatura
    The Process of Creating a Digital Communication Model for the Vatican
    Kloch, Józef (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2021)
    In 1978, in the Holy See, all communication took place thanks to the analogue technology of text, sound and image recording. In the following years, the progress in computer science, made it possible to save any kind of data in the form of digital recording, so that one could collect data and transfer it to any place in an instant. Digitalization also allowed the Vatican to create a new model of communication with the modern world. This model was first based on the capabilities of computer networks and then on the Internet. It was first tested by the Holy See in Latin America. The experience of the Latin American Church’s Computer Network (RIIAL) was transferred to the Vatican, and then developed and proposed by John Paul II to the entire Universal Church. This model of digital communication would not have been possible without collaborators such as John Patrick Foley, Judith Zoebelein, Joaquin Navarro-Valls and a group of lay Catholics and clergy from Latin America. It was thanks to them that the Holy See began to communicate digitally through the World Wide Web and to use e-mail in a relatively short time since their invention. The present analysis concerns the creation of a digital model of communication during the pontificate of John Paul II (1978–2005).The inclusion of social media in the communication model of the Vatican, took place during the successors of the Pope from Poland.