Polonia Sacra, 2015, R. 19, Nr 3 (40)
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Pozycja Ambrozjańska krytyka astrologicznej koncepcji fatum Juliusza Firmicjusza Maternusa. Analiza Quaestio CXVBabiarz, Grzegorz (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II, 2015)The polemic of Ambrosiaster against Julius Firmicus Maternus has been presented in five points. The first point is introduction. The second point describes fate in terms of an act of disbelief because it depreciates the Creator and contributes to portraying him as unjust and tyrannical. The third point presents a method of Astrology used to build a false worship: by rejecting the concept of miracle and prayer. Another point concerns the effects of rationality disorder induced by the logic of fate. The last point shows the destruction of the structure of a person trapped in irrationality. Ambrosiaster proves that he knows the work of Firmicus perfectly. He treats it as a serious threat to Christianity. In addition, Quaestio CXV is a testament to a growing disparity between cultural demonology and the one presented in the revealed teaching. The teaching of this author constitutes a part of a wide socio-religious context of the 4th century. It also opens up the field for discussion about the internal condition of Christianity of the tolerance period and its impact on the development of religious and social behaviours.Pozycja Osoba św. Melanii Młodszej w świetle Vita Sanctae Melaniae Senatricis Romae autorstwa GeroncjuszaWitos, Barbara (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II, 2015)St. Melanie the Younger was born in Rome in 383 or 385 A.D. in a rich and wellknown family Valeria. She was the daughter of Valerius Publicoli, a Roman senator, and Albina Ceionia as well as the granddaughter of Malanie the Older, a Christian ascet and founder of many monasteries. At the age of 14, upon her parents’ decision, she married her cousin, a 17 year old Valerius Pinianus. She preferred to run a life focused on God and she continuously encouraged her husband to follow her example too. After their two children had died, both Melanie and her husband made a decision to live in ascesis and resigned from all signs of belonging to the upper social class. They started selling their mansions scattered all over the world one by one and donated their money to people in need. Having left Rome, they proceeded to Nola where they met St. Paulin, and next to Africa, where they met St. Augustine. After spending 7 years in Africa, they went to the Holy Land. There Melanie also founded monasteries. She spent a few years in the Mount of Olives living in severe ascesis. She went to Egypt, where she visited the most famous monastery life centres and hermits’ centres. Having returned to Jerusalem, Melanie came back to living in penance. She died on 31st December 439 A.D., in opinion about her holiness. In 1907 the Pope Pius X formally confirmed her liturgical worship.Pozycja Człowieczeństwo i bóstwo Syna Człowieczego w Jego męce, śmierci i zmartwychwstaniu. Trzy pouczenia Jezusa o swej pasji w ujęciu MarkowymWitkowski, Stanisław (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II, 2015)The article refers to Mark’s Christology, that has a primitive character and expresses itself, inter alia, under the title “Son of Man”. The author presents it as a specific aspect referring to three teachings of Jesus on his dramatic fate (Mark 8, 31–32, 9, 30–32, 10, 32–34) and also in the statement of Jesus where He speaks about the giving of his life as a ransom for many (cf. Mark 10, 45). The analysed title “Son of Man” combines humiliation and glory. Mark indeed stresses in each of the three teachings that the Son of Man will resurrect by his own power. His death is a liberation of man – the slave of sin. Therefore, the Evangelist showed indirectly that in the title „Son of Man” are hidden both the humanity and divinity of Jesus, despite the fact that Mark put more emphasis on Jesus’ tormented humanity.Pozycja Ateizm praktyczny czy a-teizm metodologiczny? Problem Boga w dziele Bycie i czas Martina HeideggeraMałyga, Maciej (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II, 2015)In his famous work from 1927, Being and time, Martin Heidegger remains noticeably silent on the subject of God. His silence may be interpreted as a form of atheism, more methodological than dogmatic, which excludes the question of God from the methods of phenomenology. The fundamental ontology, which Heidegger wanted to expand upon in Being and Time, is based upon a theological distinction between Being and God. Although his atheism must be classified as being of a methodological nature, the events which occurred following the publication of Being and Time can be accounted for, to some extent, by the view held by Catholic theologians, that Heidegger was a philosopher who denied God’s existence. He had accepted Nietzsche’s diagnosis that God was dead and had developed a vision for the intellectual renewal of mankind based on the ideology of National Socialism. Catholic theology initially considered his work to be a crude argument in favour of atheism. Only later was a more positive assessment of his philosophical work generally accepted.Pozycja Ciało dla Pana, a Pan dla ciała (1 Kor 6, 13). Przyczynek do teologii ciała ludzkiegoKozakiewicz, Stanisław (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II, 2015)In these times more attention is concerned with the human body. It can be observed how human body cult is growing strongly, often detached from the real love. In this way the specific degradation of dignity of the human being follows, and narrowing of ontology as well as reduction of the human existence to the only earthy matters takes place. In some circles of the contemporary, secular Europe, some centres are developing where cult of the human body as well as the focus on bodily matters are main activities. Not to deepen the destructive process regarding the understanding of the human being and its’ body, the urgent matter is the development and propagation of Christian science concerned with the human body matters. The human being and its body cannot be depleted from what is regarded as his/her mystery and a kind of sacrum which in God has its source. Therefore the truth concerned with the creation of the man according to the God’s image and the truth about this similarity should be constantly deepened and made more public. The reason for it is because the man is the God’s image not only because of his/her spirituality but also because of his/her body. The human being belongs entirely to the God. Positive and true socialization of the human body will ensure integral view on a human being. The theology of the human body was an important part of the blessed John Paul II teachings. The theological option enables consideration of the man in his/her entire dimension. Therefore the theological understanding of what is the human body and his/her bodily matters are closely related to the theology of the human love. This work can be regarded as only signaling many aspects of the Christian understanding of the human body.Pozycja Katolicka Agencja Prasowa – utworzenie i działalność pod kierunkiem księdza Józefa GawlinySzczepaniak, Maciej (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II, 2015)During the 1920s the first Polish Catholic Press Agency (KAP) was established in Warsaw. The agency was founded in 1927 by Bishop’s Conference of Poland. It had an extended correspondent network in various Polish dioceses and in the world. Obviously, it was impossible for the agency to continue its activity during the time of communist government. There are no monographic academic publications about KAP, thus its history and significance for the Polish culture is hardly known. On the basis of archival material and published dispatches the author of this article describes the creation and activity of KAP during the first two years of its existence under rev. J. Gawlina’s direction. The analysis of sources allows to say that the first Polish Catholic Press Agency owes a lot to rev. J. Gawlina, his diligence and talent. He put KAP on the press market and made it compete with the government agency. It is widely believed that from the beginning the KAP became a modern informative forum about the Church, nonetheless sometimes giving rise to controversy, yet, at the same time, winning recognition. According to the scientific research, KAP was a significant source of information about the Church. Foreign patterns of work, background reports written by professionals, cooperation with international correspondents and agencies, employing correspondents from the local area and offering them professional training, made the activity of the agency very valuable. KAP allowed Polish users to get news from abroad. Thanks to dispatches in both Polish and foreign press, religious life in Poland was mentioned. KAP also had a significant influence on how Poland was perceived both internationally and by the Holy See.Pozycja Biblijne przykłady ludzi wiary i modlitwy w zastosowaniu katechetycznymStypułkowska, Beata (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II, 2015)Religious education should provide pupils with examples of the life of faith. Such examples can be found, first of all, in the Bible. Both in the Old and in the New Testament, we can read about people who met God and this fact influenced all their life. The biblical canon provide us with distinct catalogues of people to whom the God’s Wisdom revealed itself and who are the examples of the life of faith. Two lists can be found in the Old Testament: one in the Book of Wisdom, verses 10, 11 – 11, 3, second in the Wisdom of Sirach, in the so-called “Praise of the Ancestors”, verses 44, 1 – 50, 21. The third series occurs in the New Testament, written by the author of the Letter to the Hebrews in Chapter 11. The present paper begins with the introduction of the catalogues of persons given by biblical authors as the examples of faith and prayer. Then follows the analysis of both the Core Curriculum of Catechesis of the Catholic Church in Poland and the Program of Roman Catholic religious education for kindergartens and schools with respect to this matter. The paper is concluded with suggestions for both the religious classes in public schools and the parish catechesis.Pozycja Znaczenie, geneza i struktura Dyrektorium homiletycznegoSławiński, Henryk (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II, 2015)W związku z zapotrzebowaniem na dyrektorium homiletyczne zgłaszanym na synodach biskupów na temat Eucharystii i słowa Bożego Kongregacja ds. Kultu Bożego i Dyscypliny Sakramentów przygotowała taki dokument, który został podpisany 29 czerwca 2014 roku, a oficjalnie zaprezentowany 10 lutego 2015 roku. Niniejszy artykuł analizuje etapy powstania Dyrektorium homiletycznego na tle innych tego typu dokumentów Stolicy Apostolskiej, a ponadto omawia istotę i strukturę tego dokumentu. To pierwsze omówienie dokumentu, który czeka na oficjalny przekład na język polski oraz potrzebne opracowania teologiczne.Pozycja Doktorzy Kościoła znad Wisły?Napiórkowski, Stanisław Celestyn (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II, 2015)Pozycja Epifaniusza z Salaminy krytyka doktryny herodianIbkowska, Elżbieta (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II, 2015)Epiphanius from Salamis, showing the Herodian sect, he points at the fact, that they will regard the king of Herod as the Christ, of lion rubbed with oil from the generation for them will stuff with Judy which is and with the waited savior. Their faith bases on the text from the Book of Genesis. But Epiphanius presents the counter argument that none of nations put the trust in Herod, as well as nobody could see, in order to the one was able to rescue people through the victim from oneself. Therefore Epiphanius warns against going behind Herodian views. Bishop of Salamis shows moreover that the Herodian group moved on too far in interpreting the text of the religious Letter. Not quite they didn’t take into consideration the entire, both closer and more distant context, of fragments chosen by oneself, still tried this way to explain them in order to ingratiate oneself ruling master, Herod. It is showing that their exegesis fully was subordinated to political purposes and not had anything to do with seeking the truth and Divine principles. Dating back to the Jesus of the Christ with reference to Herodian mention concerning their beliefs isn’t turning up at current studies concerning Jewish parties, that Herod was a waited Christ. So one can see, that their political activity was far more developed than, their faith in the salutary soil of the dynasty of Herod. As the party they were faithful of dynasty represented by Great Herod, thanks to which they were promoted in the social hierarchy. In religious views they were similar to pharisees, by what with shared powers tried to fight dangerous, in convincing them, of opponent a Jesus Christ was which.