Studia Paradyskie, 2012, t. 22

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    Trudności teorii decyzji w ujęciu Klemensa Szaniawskiego
    Czakon, Marcin (Instytut Filozoficzno-Teologiczny im. Edyty Stein, 2012)
    In this paper the author shows some objections and limitations of application of theory of decision. Specifically he notes, that rationality of decision is in some way arbitrary which relies on rejection of at least one axioms of rationality. Also the author points out, that some criterions of choice contain subjective parameter. He indicates that we come across a many difficulties during construction of definition of the conditions of uncertainty. Also the author notes that application of theory of decisions is very limited, specifically in medicine and law. Finally he says some remarks about representation effects of the action as a numbers.
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    MacIntyre’a podważenie gilotyny Hume’a
    Sobczyk, Anita Mira (Instytut Filozoficzno-Teologiczny im. Edyty Stein, 2012)
    A purpose of the article is showing one of the ways of negation Hume’s guillotine. Hume’s guillotine says: One cannot derive an „ought” from an „is”. This thesis comes from a famous passage in Hume’s Treatise of human nature. Alasdair MacIntyre argues that Hume is not making the strong claim of an unbridgeable gap but rather insisting that the relationship should be explained. This article is presenting his argumentation.
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    Magia jako pragnienie czynienia zła
    Kowal, Sebastian (Instytut Filozoficzno-Teologiczny im. Edyty Stein, 2012)
    The practice of magic in all its forms is a very dangerous activity. Lack of knowledge about magic rituals does not protect against the activities of demons. Witchcraft should be evaluated negatively. Justifying his actions ignorance should not be taken seriously because the same intent to harm another human being is morally reprehensible.
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    Uwagi o rozumieniu funktorów modalnych
    Karczewska, Anna Maria (Instytut Filozoficzno-Teologiczny im. Edyty Stein, 2012)
    Modal logic is intended to be the logic of modality, the logic of necessity and possibility. Modal notions are deeply problematic even without the appeal to modal logic. Moreover, there are a number of modal logics and each of them formalize the logical relations between modal sentences in a different way. The objective of this paper is to present main propositional normal modal calculus and consider selected problems concerning the interpretation of the modal connectives in the propositional modal logic.
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    „Kilka uwag” w dyskusji na temat rezygnacji z uporczywej terapii
    Ferdynus, Marcin (Instytut Filozoficzno-Teologiczny im. Edyty Stein, 2012)
    The article attempts to answer the question: should human life always and at all costs be extended by means of medical resources? To elucidate the problem, the author discusses the following principles: the principle of basic care, the principle of double effect (applied to analgesics and sedation), the principle of accompanying the patient, the principle of respect for patient autonomy, the principle of proportionality and the principle of medical futility. Conclusion of the article is as follows: not always nor at all costs human life should be extended. Artificial prolongation of life may be immoral if the action would be done without any chance of restoring to life or would attempt to extend the agony combined with the proliferation of unnecessary suffering.
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    „Polish” theology of the icon (sacred image)
    Draguła, Andrzej (Instytut Filozoficzno-Teologiczny im. Edyty Stein, 2012)
    The historical and pastoral importance of the image of Our Lady of Częstochowa from Jasna Góra for the Church in Poland makes it become „the image” par excellance. In many expressions in the language of Church the picture from Jasna Góra is merely „the image” which becomes the theological point of reference for other „sacred images” as well. Polish theology, based on the experience of peregrination, is similar to orthodox one, which grows directly from Nice theology. It has to be mentioned though, that S. Wyszyński himself never used the term „icon”, nor does it appear in any of K. Wojtyła’s studies. It must be noted thus, that the theology of Jasna Góra’s picture according to Wojtyła – John Paul II refers to mariology of the council much more than to Nice theology of the image. According to this theology, the image is not a causative tool of presence for him but it is only a sign of objective presence which is in fact independent of the picture. It seems that western „sacred image „is a theological inverse of the icon. The frontier theology of Jasna Gora’s image projects on Polish theology of the holy image, and especially on Polish iconic piety.
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    Aktywność pastoralna i misyjna wczesnośredniowiecznych mnichów i pierwszych organizatorów życia monastycznego od IV do VII w.
    Cyrek, Olga (Instytut Filozoficzno-Teologiczny im. Edyty Stein, 2012)
    The article describes the pastoral and missionary activities undertaken by the early medieval monks, and the first organizers of the monastic life. At first hermits prefer to stay alone and away from human settlements. However, over time have taken a broader evangelizing activity not only in the close vicinity, but also in distant areas. Pastoral activity manifested itself in the writing and preaching, which gave a good example of Augustine of Hippo and Caesarius of Arles. It also was associated with converting the pagan Europe and involved carrying out the mission. In particular, Irish monks made pilgrimades for evangelization. The most famous was the abbot Columbanus the Younger, who worked in the area of Gaul, and his disciples evangelized the Germanic areas. While the monks from the area of Europe undertook missions overseas areas. Contributed to this Pope Gregory the Great, who began exstensive missionary campaign in the British Isles.
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    Czas w myśli i filozofii Abrahama Joshua Heschela
    Sobieraj, Andrzej (Instytut Filozoficzno-Teologiczny im. Edyty Stein, 2012)
    Time as irreducible reality of existence is contemporarily analyzed mainly from the perspective of mathematics and biology science. Yet one may enquire whether or not it is the only possible way of interpretation. Can time be defined beyond materialistic concept, let’s say in the context of metaphysical questions? Has the time its transcendent reference? Jewish philosopher of religion Abraham Joshua Heschel who in all his works concentrated on Judaism and Bible deals with the problem of time in a very unique manner. In his reflections he treats the concept of time as a crucial element of God’s creation so to speak as a fundamental tool in realization of God’s will and freedom, divine intention and love. Significant not only on the level of relation to space and matter, but also and first of all – meaningful to human being and human spiritual and transcendent references, to purpose and sense of human existence and its condition. His time philosophy is mainly related to the sense, the source and the general aim of one’s being, what he calls himself „unspoken”. The one who speaks via what is „unspoken” is eventually God – the Creator.
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    O prawdziwości norm postępowania
    Krzos, Bartłomiej (Instytut Filozoficzno-Teologiczny im. Edyty Stein, 2012)
    The aim of this article is to deal with the issue of the truth of the norms of human behavior. The subject has been problematic, in particular in domain of ethics and morality. The science of the norms of behavior is different if it is assumed that these norms are the prepositions, which means that they can be true or false. Many thinkers, particularly those involved in deontic logic, had a different opinion on the issue-in-question. Some of the views about the truth of the norms have been briefly presented. in this paper. In addition to this, philosophical and logical argumentation in favor of the truth of the norms has been presented and exemplified here. Agreeing for the truth of the norms can bring very important consequences in the field of ethics and morality.
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    Wybrane sposoby rozwijania wiary w duszpasterstwie parafialnym
    Kamiński, Tomasz; Ścisłowicz, Paweł (Instytut Filozoficzno-Teologiczny im. Edyty Stein, 2012)
    Authors, referring to the statement of John Paul II from exhortation Catechesi Tradende no. 67, notice that it seems to be justified to assume that besides a parish, there is no such place in Church in which such multiple and various meetings of the faithful with Christ that develop their faith would occur. Therefore, in this article they try to answer the following questions: Are there any methods of developing faith in parish ministry? Does modern man still need a parish? These questions are answered on four levels: Firstly, they indicate the basic functions of parish that develop faith: – foretelling the word of God; – liturgical celebration; – pastoral service. Through realisation of these functions, parish is undoubtedly the most important place in which Christian community is formed and where it lives. It is created to be a family, brotherly home in which Christians witness the fact that they are People of God (CT 67). Secondly, they notice that parish is a place of evangelization. Parish is directed at development of faith through ministry that occurs in it. It is the necessity of evangelization of new environments that caused the process of parish creation. In parish, more than in any other place, evangelization becomes teaching, education and school of life which is based on constant development of faith. Thirdly, they define the duties of parish community to catechesis and its listeners. As Halina Wrońska, they state that parish is the most appropriate place for full realisation of basic functions of catechesis: teaching, education and initiation, while the third one can be completely realised only in parish. Fourthly, they define the methods of faith development in parish ministry that are characteristic for work with adults, teenagers and children. Authors notice that catechesis directed to parents of children who are preparing to the sacraments (of penance and reconciliation, eucharist and confirmation) is a great chance for development of adults’ faith. Priest’s actions aiming at development of faith should also be directed to teenagers. One of many forms of development of faith among teenagers is the preparation to sacrament of confirmation, but also retreats for high school graduates and pilgrimages. While developing the faith in parish ministry, one cannot forget about the youngest – children, whose formation is directed at creating in them a desire to contact with Jesus Christ and necessity of praying. The reflection discussed in article indicates that the fact of faith development in parish ministry is necessary. It is proved with theological arguments, statements of the Church’s Magisterium and religious and cultural conditions of today’s world.
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    Rola aksjomatu komprehensji w rozwoju teorii mnogości
    Jaworski, Krzysztof (Instytut Filozoficzno-Teologiczny im. Edyty Stein, 2012)
    The publication of Georg Cantor’s „Über eine Eigenschaft des Inbegriffes aller reellen algebraischen Zahlen“ in the 1874 gave birth to the new scientific discipline – set theory. One of the main points of the Cantor’s theory was the axiom of comprehension which states that for any formula there exists a set consisting of only those elements that satisfy this formula. This axiom played a significant role in the development of the set theory in the 19th and 20th centuries. On the one hand it seemed indispensable for a consistence of theory, but on the other it turned out to be a „saboteur” that destroyed the very basis of mathematics. The paper presents the origins and the importance of comprehension axiom: its applications and dangers that it brings. It attempts also to answer the question whether is this axiom indeed indispensable in the set theory or it could (or even should) be replaced with some other formula.