Scriptura Sacra, 2020, R. 24

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  • Miniatura
    Rudolfa Bultmanna koncepcja kerygmatu pierwotnego Kościoła a pojęcie τò κήρυγμα w Nowym Testamencie
    Tomczyk, Dominik Tomasz (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego UO, 2020)
    The paper analyses the concept of kerygma in the early Church in the interpretation of Rudolf Bultmann and attempts to dehne the kerygma in the light of New Testament texts using the historical-critical method as well as the linguistic and semantic analysis of the Greek noun τò κήρυγμα. Bultmann’s writings have been analysed using the method of critical analysis in comparison to Paul’s letters. For this purpose, the paper has been divided into two parts. In the first part, main tenets of the early Christian kerygma according to Bultmann, on the basis of the Theologie des Neuen Testaments monography 1980") have been presented. The author also discusses the issue of salvation in Jesus’s teachings, the identity of Jesus as understood by Bultmann, addresses the idea of “dehistorification” of God and man as well Christs messianic cognisance. For the German Biblicist, it is the Christ of Faith proclaimed in the post-Easter kerygma of the early Christian community that matters, as opposed to the Jesus of History. In the second part, the author’s own interpretation of the term kerygma based on key writings of Apostle Paul (Rom. 16:25; 1 Cor 1:21; 2:4; 15:14; Tit. 1:3) has been shown. Kerygma is the proclamation of Jesus Christ, who was crucified and resurrected. Jesus is the promised Messiah foretold by Old Testament prophets rather than the post-Easter interpretation of the Christ of Faith and the kerygma as understood by Bultmann. Continuity of the proclaimed kerygma of Jesus and about Jesus can be seen through the Gospel taught by Paul and other apostles. The studies have led to the following theological conclusion: the “Christ of Faith” and the kerygma cannot be separated from “the Jesus of History just like the resurrection of Jesus Christ cannot be separated from his passion and death. The word of the Gospel proclaimed is the kerygma of Christ himself, thus confirming the continuity of “the Jesus of History” and “the Christ of Faith”.
  • Miniatura
    Sąd Boży w Biblii jako pozytywne wyczekiwane doświadczenie
    Rucki, Mirosław; Szymański, Karol (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego UO, 2020)
    The context of the researches was created by contradictions in various opinions on the God’s judgment, present both in everyday discussions and in scientific papers. The objective was to find out, what main elements the Gods judgment consists of, and how it is performed. The scientific methodology of text analysis was applied, paying attention to the historical context as well as to the sender-recipient system. The element of translation studies were applied as well, since the main source was the Hebrew Bible, with references to Polish versions and Talmudic texts. The obtained results consist of generalized view of the judgment procedure from the perspective of Biblical revelation, where numerous examples of God’s judgment can be found in the past, and the eschatological Last Judgment is foretold. The conclusions were derived that God is presented as a just judge who concerns about the rights of the weakest ones, and thus every aggrieved person can find protection. That means that the Last Judgment is a positive experience for everyone unfairly treated, and only to offenders who did not take chance of repentance, this experience will be painful.
  • Miniatura
    Egzegeza J 11,1-46 w ujęciu retoryki semickiej
    Kontny, Dawid (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego UO, 2020)
    The context of the research was that various commentators pointed to different structures of the text under examination. The reader may have the impression that this is done on a feeling which is not a scientific method. The aim of the research was to develop the structure of the text using the scientific method. The method of Hebrew rhetoric, developed by Roland Meynet, was used. A result was obtained which indicates that the structure of the text studied is schematically as follows: A (11:1-19), B (11:20- 32), A’ (11:33-46). The conclusion was drawn that the examined text means a sign which reveals the power over physical death, it also conveys the information that faith in Jesus opens to the gift of eternal life and assumes the healing of love, as well as the resurrection of people is possible at the price of death and resurrection of Jesus.
  • Miniatura
    Pasja biblijnych poszukiwań. Silvano Fausti SJ (1940-2015) – kierownik duchowy i spowiednik kard. C.M. Martiniego
    Kochel, Jan (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego UO, 2020)
    The article presents the life and work of Silvano Fausti – an Italian biblical scholar, philosopher and theologian; co-founder of the community of brothers and lay families in Villapizzone (Milan) and spiritual director and confessor Cardinal C.M. Martini. His passion for biblical search has resulted in an impressive output of publications that promote the ancient lectio divina practice, catechetical reading of the Holy Scriptures – narrative catechesis and discernment of vocations according to Ignatian spirituality. The community of brothers and lay people in Villapizzone and many other communities that practice the personal and communal reading of the Bible benefit from this achievement. The lectio divina method, originally practiced in the monastic environment, has now become available to all believers in Christ – the Word of Life. The meditative reading of the Holy Scriptures is the living experience of many clergymen and lay people, an authentic gift of God, without which Christians would not be able to read, meditate, pray and live the Word. Exercising in listening to the word of God makes it easier to get to know the “case of Jesus of Nazareth” (Acts 10:38), enhances the research passion (“catching/tracking” in the Bible), that is, proper interpretation and updating of the message of salvation.
  • Miniatura
    Das Problem der Gerechtigkeit bei Protojesaja. Eine kognitiv-exegetische Analyse
    Dziony, Marek (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego UO, 2020)
    This article is in the context of cognitive-eggetic research on the text of Scripture. On the one hand, it hooks into the area of linguistics, but takes a step further, towards the exegesis of the prophetic text, in this case the Proto-Isaiah text. The aim of such an approach is to try to assess the usefulness of the method of cognitive linguistics for the analysis and interpretation of the biblical text, and to determine how innovative the results of this type of analysis are, and to what extent it confirms the achievements to date. The research uses the method of conceptual metaphor in the definition given by George Lakoff and Mark Johnson. As a cognitive method, it gives the possibility of a synchronous study of the text, allowing us to penetrate the thinking of the people of the time when the work was created. As a result of the analysis of the text, this method gives a comprehensive picture of the issues of justice that emerges from the text of the book Proto-Isaiah. The research has shown that this method is most suitable for the exegesis of the sacred text, showing a holistic picture of the problem under investigation and its evolution. However, it should be stipulated that only a selected aspect can be studied with this method, and that studying multiple threads simultaneously can lead to chaos and a lack of concrete results. Although the method itself rather confirms the analyses made so far, its innovation is attested to by the fact that it gives a holistic view of the phenomenon under investigation.
  • Miniatura
    L’Insegnamento dell’Apostolo Paolo sui carismi in alcuni Documenti di Dialogo Teologico Interconfessionale
    Cocco, Paolo (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego UO, 2020)
  • Miniatura
    Niegodziwi pasterze i Dobry Pasterz. Ez 34 w świetle retoryki hebrajskiej
    Bosowski, Jerzy (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego UO, 2020)
    The context of the research undertaken was the different description of the structure of the Ezek 34 text by different commentators of Ezekiel. The aim of the research was to discover the structure that the ancient author planned and wrote down. The method of Hebrew rhetoric, developed by Roland Meynet, was used. The following research results were achieved: a fragment of Ezek 34,1-10 has a parallel-concentric structure with the scheme: A, B, C, B’, A’. Fragment Ezek 34,11-31 also has a parallel-concentric structure with the same scheme A, B, C, B’, A’. The conclusion that can be drawn from the text under examination is that the Book of Ezekiel is current today.