Scriptura Sacra, 2019, R. 23
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Pozycja Trzecia pieśń Sługi Pańskiego (Iz 50,4-11) – tekst kanoniczny i jego paralela w Targumie JonatanaSkutnik, Adrian (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego UO, 2019)The Suffering Servant of the Lord shown in four excerpts from the Book of Isaiah is both fascinating and extremely mysterious. This article, entitled The Third. Song of the Servant of the Lord (Isa 50:4-11), a canonical text and its parallel in Jonathans Targum, is intended to bring the person of the Servant closer to the person of the Servant through a detailed analysis of a passage from Chapter 50 of this prophetic book of the Old Testament. Point 1 presents the historical background and the theological climate in which the individual songs were created. Deutero-Isaiah, the anonymous prophet who collected and edited the thoughts of the so-called Isaiah School, was active during the Babylonian captivity. He proclaimed the consolation of the nation and the gracious love of the only God who used the person of the Persian ruler, Cyrus II the Great, to save his chosen nation from captivity. With the times of captivity in mind, the Third Song of the Servant of the Lord was written, the detailed analysis of which is reflected in point 2. From it emerges an image of a servant chosen by God, whose intimate relationship with the Creator intertwines with unjust suffering. However, trust in God’s help strengthens the Servants commitment to the mission entrusted to him. In point 3, the biblical text is enriched by the Jewish tradition of the Aramaic translations, the so-called targumim. These translations were a necessary help for the nation, which after returning from captivity only spoke Aramaic. In addition to its translating function, targumim also served the purpose of interpreting the biblical text, introducing necessary explanations and clarifications, and their revision in rabbinical schools helped to maintain the Orthodox Jewish theology. In Jonathans Targum, the Servant of the Lord is a prophet whose task is to teach the Torah to those who have departed from Gods commandments. So it will be easier not only to theological study of one of the Old Testament texts, but also to get to know the mysterious Servant who in the prophetic word became the image and prototype of the incarnate Word – Jesus Christ.Pozycja Tożsamość uczniów. Kompozycja i interpretacja J 17,9-19 w świetle retoryki semickiejOpiełka, Jan (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego UO, 2019)The subject of this paper is finding foundations for the identity of the disciples of Christ in the Gospel in a world where all borders are getting blurred and where we need to show a clear image of a disciple of the Lord. This objective was achieved through the exegesis of John 17: 9-19 by using the biblical Semitic rhetoric and taking into account the latest literature on the subject of research. The essential stages of this dissertation were: a delimitation of the analysed text, a description of the biblical context, the interpretation and the theological conclusions, all distributed in three chapters. In the beginning of the first chapter, the delimitation was discussed, to show the further and the closer context of John 17. Then, using a top-down analysis, the three units were separated: 1d-8, 9-19 and 20-26. The central unit (9-19), which expresses the prayer of the Son for his disciples, was chosen for the further part of the dissertation. Using a rhetorical analysis method the three parts was discovered (9-11c, 11d-13 and 14-19) which are composed in an ABA’ structure. For each of them, the internal structure of the analysed fragment was described. This was necessary to carry out a correct interpretation. In the second chapter, an interpretation of the individual parts of the text was conducted, proceeded by an analysis of the biblical context for each of them. This analysis showed the links between the studied pericope and the parable of the prodigal son (Luke 15: 31-32), or with the prayer “Our Father” (Matt 6: 9-13). The third chapter, which consists of two paragraphs shows the composition of the whole rhetorical passage that leads to the theological conclusions. The structure shows that the essence of the message of John 17: 9-19 is the love of the Father, which takes imperfect sons, so that they can become truly for themselves brothers.Pozycja Retoryka biblijna-semickaMeynet, Roland (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego UO, 2019)The aim of this article is to make a short and a practical introduction to the Biblical and Semitic Rhetorical analysis. It begins with a brief historical overview of the development of this biblical approach starting from its founders focus on their discovery of key elements of rhetorical compositions found in the Bible like parallelismus membrorum, parallel and concentric compositions. In the second part of this article the author show how those rhetorical compositions function on various levels of composition starting with small textual units and ending with textual large. In the last part the author give some hints on how to interpret the text taking into consideration its composition and the biblical context. The article concludes with a sample of rhetorical analysis of an Islamic prayer and its comparison with the Lord’s Prayer.Pozycja Narodzenie z wody i z Ducha w J 3,5 jako gwarant dostąpienia królestwa BożegoKern, Krystyna (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego UO, 2019)The article presents a new look at the subject of the birth of water and of the Spirit (John 3:5) which is necessary for attainment of the kingdom of God. It is a new birth for the Christian in his life. The explanation of the meaning of the birth of water and of the Spirit is difficult, because it is found only once in the Holy Bible (John 3:5). In this work it is discussed the meanings of words “water” and spirit” in the phrase “to born of water and the Spirit” (John 3:5). The pericope John 3:1-21 is compared with other texts of the Holy Scripture (especially with the Gospel of John, the Letter to the Galatians and the Book of Ezekiel). In the Gospel of John and the Letter to the Galatians there is an opposition between the flesh and the Spirit (John 3:6 and Gal 5:19-23). The meanings of deeds done in God (John 3:21) and of the fruit of the Spirit (Gal 5:22-23) can mean the same. People who do the deeds of the flesh “shall not obtain (not inherit) the kingdom of God” (Gal 5:21). The text Gal 5:4-6 is very important, because it shows the importance of Christ and the Spirit in the Christian life. In the Book of Ezekiel God promises the sprinkling of clean water, a new heart, a new spirit and a gift of His Spirit (Ezek 36:25-27). Jesus Christ is “the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world” (John 1:29) and “baptises with the Holy Spirit” (John 1:33).Pozycja L’Insegnamento dell’Apostolo Paolo sui carismi in alcuni testi ecclesiologiciCocco, Paolo (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego UO, 2019)Po przedstawieniu rzeczywistości dotyczącej charyzmatów w Starym Testamencie, w Ewangeliach, Dziejach Apostolskich zostało omówione pierwotne znaczenie i występowanie słów „charyzmat/charyzmaty” w Biblii. Na tym tle autor rysuje bezpośredni kontekst nauczania o charyzmatach omawiając wspólnotę Koryncką i Pierwszy List do Koryntian. W swoich analizach koncentruje się na sekcji dotyczącej rzeczywistości duchowej (1 Kor 12–14) ukazując różne funkcjonowanie charyzmatów wewnątrz Kościoła przedstawionego jako ciało Chrystusa. Ujmuje zależności pomiędzy charyzmatami a miłością oraz praktykowaniem glosolalii i proroctwa. Całość dopełnia omówienie analiz dotyczących nauczania św. Pawła o charyzmatach dokonanych w różnych artykułach przez Käsemann, R.Y.K. Fung, G.D. Fee, J-D.G. Dunn. G. Barbaglio.Pozycja Miłość, błogosławieństwo, zdrada. Analiza tekstu J 13,1-30 w świetle hebrajskiej retoryki biblijnejBiałowąs, Anna (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego UO, 2019)The idea behind this work is to present love, blessing and betrayal as the main themes of the 13th Chapter in the Gospel of St John. The aim, which was to present the theological conclusions obtainable from St Johns recount of the Last Supper, was completed through the analysis of John 13:1-30, by the help of Hebrew biblical rhetoric. This method, which mainly focuses on revealing the relation between smaller units of the text, making up the whole text, helps to develop the understanding of the message, which the author of the last Gospel wished to convey to the reader. This work has been presented in the form of three points, the first of which was dedicated to the overall structure of the text, as well as the analysis of its smaller units. Delimitation, which is the first stage, made it possible to obtain the sequence from the 13th Chapter of John’s Gospel, contained in verses 1-30. The next division pointed towards seven parts, forming 3 fragments, of which the dependence was described in the second paragraph. In the final paragraph, the entirety of the text was depicted and appropriate titles were assigned to the fragments composed, on the basis of the general topics they mention and describe. The research conducted, enabled the extraction of essential expressions and ideas, which functioned as a starting point to compare them with the parts of the Bible, in which they appear. The biblical context was an essential stage of the analysis, which lead interpreting the parts described in the first chapter. The 3rd and final Chapter was dedicated to the theological conclusions present in the three major themes of the sequence, such as love, blessing and betrayal. Individual paragraphs point to the meaning of love and blessing in the context of the Old and New Testaments, and portray Judas, as the one who betrayed Jesus. The conclusion of each paragraph ended with a sub-section showing the impact of these three concepts on the theology of the analysed unit.Pozycja Benedykt XVI – kard. J. Ratzinger, Papież o Papieżu. Słowa o św. Janie Pawle II – homilie, rozważania, przemówienia i wywiady, red. A. Demitrów, Wydawnictwo i Drukarnia Świętego Krzyża, Opole 2019, ISBN: 978-83-7342-674-0, ss. 160.Kochel, Jan (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego UO, 2019)Pozycja Benedykt XVI, Mystagogia Benedirti. Wprowadzenie w tajemnice roku liturgicznego – Wielki Tydzień, red. A. Demitrów, Fundacja Ordo et Pax Biskupów 2019, ISBN: 978-83-950641-2-8, ss. 276.Kochel, Jan (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego UO, 2019)