Colloquia Theologica Ottoniana, 2009, nr 1

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    Droga do utworzenia Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego
    Krzystek, Andrzej (Wydział Teologiczny Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego, 2009)
    The creation of the Faculty of Theology in Szczecin has deep justification not only in the history of the Church in the Western Pomerania, but also in contemporary rights of the Church, the University and the region. For a long time, especially since the creation of a metropolitan church involving Western Pomerania and the land Lubuska in 1992 and in particular, the entry into the Faculty of Theology of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, theological seminars in Szczecin, Koszalin and Paradyż in 1998, the formation of the Faculty of Theology, University of Szczecin was highly anticipated. The direct work of faculty appointment began in 2000 and was successful on August 2003. The decree founded the department, issued by the Congregation for Catholic Education.The process of creation of the Faculty of Theology has a specific process. The first step is to prepare all documentation and obtaining a favorable decision of the Holy See. In our case it was the most difficult stage, because the Congregation decided to cease for some time the creation of theological faculties in Poland. The personal conviction of Pope John Paul II, in early 2003, led to a positive resolution. Work on the creation of faculty focused on the University and Ministry of National Education and Sport. Completion of the joint took place on 9 January 2004 signing of the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Poland and the Polish Episcopal Conference on the establishment and operation of the Faculty of Theology at the University of Szczecin. Five years of operation of the department fully confirms the validity of its arguments against the creation. Here are the words of John Paul II said on January 27, 2004 to the University mission, the Faculty of Theology and to the city authorities: I think that needs to be held at the Polish region of the Faculty of Theology was strong supported by organizational strctures and scientific potential of the University. I am confident that this will make young people from Szczecin and the entire north-western Poland will have greater opportunities to acquire philosophical and theological knowledge. [...] Let scientific cooperation, creative dialogue, and even the scientific disputes bring the fruit of the truth and let the development of these be comprehensive for those who wish to draw from a source of knowledge and wisdom.
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    Pięć lat Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego. Zamierzenia i realizacja
    Wejman, Grzegorz (Wydział Teologiczny Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego, 2009)
    It was created on January 9, 2004 and developed very dynamically, both in terms of training staff - seven doctors obtained a D.Sc., the number of students - faculty has reached the desired number of 1,000 students and it is hoped that it will increase further; for new courses - from one to three - and this is a big success, and in the field of scientific publishing - the Resarch Committee for the Development of Science granted the first category and the Department received the PhD right - it is the result of hard work the majority of researchers.
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    Przyczyny i konsekwencje rezygnacji Benedykta XVI z tytułu „Patriarchy Zachodu”
    Bujak, Janusz (Wydział Teologiczny Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego, 2009)
    The purpose of this article is an attempt to understand why Pope Benedict XVI, decided that in the Annuario Pontifìcio for 2006 among the titles that define his ministry will no longer determine the “Patriarch of the West” The event triggered protests and outrage Orthodox parties, both the Moscow Patriarchate and ecumenical. Also, many Catholic theologians, including Cardinal Kasper expressed their disapproval, claiming that it will have a negative impact on relation with Orthodoxy. The main reason was to protest, said Bishop Hilarion that the Orthodox Church would accept the primacy of the Bishop of Rome, but only in terms of primus inter pares, within the Pentarchy institution, from the limited jurisdiction of the Pope to the Western Church, Latin.The abandonment of the title: Patriarch of the West is seen as a departure from previous treatment the Bishop of Rome in the Catholic-Orthodox dialogue and as a betrayal by the theologian Joseph Ratzinger as Pope Benedict XVI, who in those 70s and 80s the last century, claimed that it is obvious to separate the different levels of authority the Bishop of Rome and the Orthodox should not be offered more than it was in the first millenium of the Church. The main defender of Pope Benedict XVI is Adriano Garuti OFM. The Italian theologian points out that the Holy Father did was right for giving up from the title of the “Patriarch of the West” because, firstly, he is not him, at least in the Orthodox sense of the term, and secondly, the title suggests that the Bishop of Rome was just one of the five patriarchs in the Pentarchy structure, with a function of honorary chairman. This title denies the same, at least indirectly the dogma of Vatican Council I, of the universal jurisdiction of the Bishop of Rome. The decision of Pope Benedict XVI makes it clear on what grounds and what direction in ecumenical dialogue on the primacy in the Church should be brought.
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    Związek obrazu Boga z obrazem własnego ojca. Psychologiczne uwarunkowania
    Bukalski, Sławomir; Cyrny, Agnieszka (Wydział Teologiczny Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego, 2009)
    The first part of the article presents the theoretical issues related to the concept of fatherhood and the mechanisms linked with the image of god. Theoretical considerations, refer to the concept of Anton Vergote. The image of his own father Vergote describes by three components: “the right”, “the example” and “the promise” In this light, we discover the image of God. The second section of the article shows the impact of the image problem of his own father in the image of God in the light of empirical research. Analysis of images of God like “the father”, “the example”, and “promise” stated unequivocally that there are typical features of paternity, which respondents attributed to the same rate, the Lord God. The concept of God which formed the child in early childhood under the influence of the relationship with his father, remains in its essential features for life.
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    Ceremonie pogrzebowe w polskim ustawodawstwie synodalnym przełomu XX i XXI wieku
    Dullak, Kazimierz (Wydział Teologiczny Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego, 2009)
    The death of man always raised among people agitation. Christian approach to this breakthrough event in the life of each human being, gave rise to the need to remain in prayer, while addressing bury human remains. Both elements are combined in a ceremonial funeral. It is often, at least in the Polish reality, religious rite. In this rite Catholic Church has many forms. The selection of forms is the tradition of the region, from a religious commitment to the deceased for his age and other factors which are taken into account when determining the funeral order. The various Polish dioceses, synods by the turn of the twentieth and twenty-first century, moved to a greater or lesser extent, issues related to funeral ceremonies. Most space is devoted to comment on tasks such as pastors and families of the deceased. These issues are not recorded in the books of liturgical rite of the funeral, so meeting the practical needs of the synodal legislators. Get all the ceremonies which they pass, the determination of the celebrant and the other person liturgical sets out details of funeral ritual. A very important issue raised in the synodal rights, was to refuse the funeral. In what instances a decision should be made of the strong, though painful for the pastors, the total deprivation of a religious funeral the deceased person, in which case, you can take part in the form of reduced to only one station. It is hoped that the statement of standards of interest to use in the matter, will contribute to a more creative approach to the development of synodal law in the future. It means, in the dioceses where the synods take place or have them scheduled.
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    Z tradycji szpitalnictwa w dawnej Polsce
    Bartkowiak, Edyta (Wydział Teologiczny Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego, 2009)
    The history of Polish hospitals, in the medical - care nature, which are the prototypes of today’s medical facilities and care and educational institutions goes back to medieval times and is inextricably intertwined with the history of the Christian Church, and then - Catholic. Over the centuries, church hospitals, first episcopal, then the religious and the parish, were founded in masses after Trent Synods increasingly specialize in a particular activity not only for the benefit, but also for the particular individuals, represented by the end of the First Republic of Poland the main centers of care and the most important element in our social welfare lands. The dynamic development of hospitals, preceding the partitions was primarily associated with the establishment and development of congregations profile charities. The arrival of The Order of the Holy Spirit (Ordo Fratrum Canonicorum Regularium Sancii Spiritus de Saxia) began development of the Polish church’s care works for parentless children and unwanted. The Brothers Hospitallers of St. John of God {Fratres misericordiae b. Joannis de Deo) started activities linked to the birth of a typical hospital treatment. The domain of their activities was to work with demented men. The development of care and hospital care and education in Poland developed Systers of Charity (Congregatio Puellarum Caritatis Sancii Vincentii a Paulo), dealing with the problems of orphaned children, abandoned, who were denied the right to life.
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    Grzech publiczny a mechanizm wyparcia
    Bukalski, Sławomir (Wydział Teologiczny Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego, 2009)