Studia Ełckie, 2014, T. 16, nr 4
Stały URI dla kolekcji
Ostatnie zgłoszenia
Pozycja Godne zachowanie się pracownika w kontekście wypełniania pracowniczego obowiązku dbałości o dobro zakładu pracy (100 § 2 pkt 4 k.p.)Ziółkowska, Krystyna (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2014)Dignity of employee behavior in the workplace and outside it is included in the labor required to care for the welfare of the employer (Article 100 § 2 point 4 of the Labour Code). This obligation is governed by the provisions of the Labour Code in a very general way. Seems to be necessary in this situation to make it concrete (detail). A worker taking care of the interests of the employer (his or her) must also proudly represent in the workplace as well as outside of it, for example, in your spare time. An important point of this article is to highlight and identify correlations behave properly from work and private time with the performance of the staff duty of care for the welfare of the employer (Article 100 § 2 point 4 of the Labour Code). It is also stated in the employee's attitude affects what a good image of the company, its prestige and reputation in the context of the duty of care for the welfare of the workplace. Actually, they were matched colleagues pillar of the company, even in times of crisis in the economy of the state.Pozycja La noción de experiencia ética en Karol WojtylaFerrer, Urbano (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2014)The History of Ethics has often dissociated experience and rational normativity, which are the epistemological components of Ethics. Scheler has tried the synthesis of both through the phenomenological a prioris. But this experience is emotional and thus does not integrate enough in itself the person. This article analyses and develops the thesis of Wojtyla that there is a phenomenological experience which is simultaneously anthropological and ethical. For such an experience reveals the person in acting and her moral growth with the dinamysm of the person.Pozycja Przyczyny i procedura wydalenia ze stanu duchownegoWronowska, Marta (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2014)The subject of this article are offenses which are the basis for dismissal from the clerical state. At the pre- article explains how the loss of the clerical state standardized in canon 290 of the Code of Canon Law. These methods are: judgment judicial or administrative decree, the papal rescript and the Holy See, and the penalty of dismissal imposed in accordance with the law by committing a serious offense by a cleric. Then, detailed and thoroughly discussed the reasons for dismissal from the clerical state. The procedure for dismissal from the clerical state was divided into two sections. The first is the procedure for transfer of a priest to the lay state. Described special powers to transfer a priest to the lay state, which has been given to the Congregation for the Clergy special powers to transfer the clergy to the lay state. The second procedure is the procedure for dismissal from the clerical state, which is reserved to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.Pozycja Homilia (neo)apologetyczna, jako współczesna forma przepowiadaniaSzałanda, Tomasz (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2014)The paper presents one of the contemporary methods of homily preaching, referred to as neo-apologetic. Based on truth, it is meant to aim at the Truth, which is the Triune God. This will happen through the preacher's faith and reason, which will allow each listener to decide on accepting the Truth in full freedom, as well as through apologetics, understood as committed testimony of a herald of the Gospel.Pozycja Duch Święty prowadzi ku zbawieniuMaj, Grzegorz (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2014)Vatican Council II is one of the most special moments of pneumatological experience in the twentieth century. This article is showing some of the pneumatological aspects especially those contained in the Dogmatic Constitution Dei Verbum, one of the most common documents of Vatican Council II. Revelation is God's great gift to man but at the same time also an invitation. A man in his freedom is invited to respond to the voice, but without the help of God’s intervention, he is not able to do that. Hence, by God's initiative, we find different ways by which God gives us the means to enter into this "dialogue of salvation". This article present the route to God’s dialogue and how the Holy Spirit in our time passes on the gift of redemption. Primarily has been made the analysis of Dei Verbum pneumatological aspects to understand better the Holy Spirit’s place in the transmission of the revelation of God in the Church. To emphasize this update the topic is worth quoting the words of Paul VI, whose beatification we expect . He emphasized that one of the most important messages of Vatican II was to recognize that the Church lives by the grace, presence and the action of the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Christ, received by the growing Church on the day of Pentecost. The last Council focused around ecclesiological pneumatology. This article underlines pneumatological and fundamental truths concerning God's revelation and His message .This work will aim to see how the Fathers of the Vatican Council spoke of the Holy Spirit in his role in passing on the gift of salvation.Pozycja Katechizować w duchu nowej ewangelizacjiRozen, Barbara (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2014)The author of the article “Catechization is the spirit of new evangelism” refers to the teachings of the Church, especially those of Pope John Paul II and Pope Francis. She indicates the need for catechetical revival so that the everlasting truth of the Gospels can be conveyed to young people in a way which is better suited to contemporary mentality and the conditions that we live in. The first paragraph, entitled “New evangelism” explains the concept, referring especially to the teaching of John Paul II. Paragraph two, entitled “Catechetical renewal” points to the need for in-depth understanding of catechesis, for being open to contemporary youth and to the need for revival of the Christian identity. The third paragraph, entitled “How to stand up to the task of the catechetical revival” points to the main aspects which are essential in the process of revival; these are: awareness of the mission, responsibility for one’s own formation and opposing egoistic acedia. The last paragraph, which concludes these scientific considerations, is entitled: “Teaching religion as a way of achieving sainthood”. The entire article indicates the need for a fresh look into catechetic activities, which is necessitated by cultural changes.