Roczniki Teologiczne, 1999, T. 46, z. 6

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  • Miniatura
    Społeczne uwarunkowania przepowiadania
    Kalinowski, Mirosław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1999)
    As well as the Liturgy and ministry, the prophesy of the word of God is the fundamental function of the Church. It cannot be refuted by any process of religious transformations and it calls for revival and renewal. Contemporary church teaching needs to be made important again, to part with very statistical forms of prophesy and to make the recipients of the word of God more active. The study deals with social conditions defined also as environmental conditions. They considerably affect the efficiency of the church prophesy. The proclamation of the Word of God should be imbued with evangelical-kerygmatic contents and should stress their rich existential reference. Catholics in church teaching should find an answer to the current and ever changing life problems they and their families have. In seeking the answer to the contemporary problems of man, the prophesying people should take into account the post-conciliar directions of the Church.
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    Teologia praktyczna i jej dyscypliny
    Kamiński, Ryszard (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1999)
    The concept of „practical theology” has a twofold meaning. It is used to denote several theological disciplines, each of which, in its own way, deal with the practical activity of the Church. Among such disciplines we find pastoral theology, pastoral didactics (catechetics and homiletics) and liturgy. The term is used to denote one of the above-mentioned areas of practical theology. Each of the above disciplines of practical theology is endowed with an appropriate range of the Church’s practical activity, a special manner in which to conduct scientific reflection and its own methodological repertoire. Practical theology as a theological discipline has a practical character and embraces four partial disciplines, and has some tasks towards the whole of theology. The specific character of practical theology is determined by its subject-matter, i.e. the salvational activity of the Church as a fellowship of the People of God, its own methodological workshop, its conclusions and pastoral principles drawn from the twofold kind of the source: Divine Revelation and experience.
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    Wspólnoty zakonne na progu trzeciego tysiąclecia chrześcijaństwa
    Kopeć, Jerzy Józef (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1999)
    Religious life stems out from the mystery of the Church. It is a prophetic gift which the Church receives from her Lord, and it is a token of God’s love expressed in the language of our day. All the religious communities today face the question how to make this form of charismatic service to Christ and people a testimony of the Gospel of the beatitudes in the third millennium of Christianity. During the general chapters, orders work out forms through which they adapt the charisms of their own institutions in order to be faithful to Christ and to their calling and mission. By serving people wherever they are, they may demonstrate a magnanimous and brave ministry towards the needs of the universal and local Church, dealing with those evangelical values which have been neglected in the world. Therefore they seek a new motivation for the evangelical counsels, treating celibacy as a means to make their ministries of love more efficient, poverty as a way to be magnanimous in sharing what they have with others and obedience as a decision to listen to the voice of the poor and rejected by the world. In renewing their prophetic calling, religious communities should put into practice their faithfulness: 1) to man and the present day, 2) to Christ and the Gospel, 3) to the Holy Spirit and His inspirations, 4) to the Church and her mission in the world, 5) to religious life and charisms of their own institution.
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    Niektóre uwarunkowania modlitwy wybranych grup katechizowanych
    Kulpaczyński, Stanisław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1999)
    The paper addresses the problems of some selected conditions for the prayer of the catechized form grades seven and eight of elementary schools, and two and three from secondary schools. The results of research carried out by seven people (each of them examined on the average from 150 to 200 students), the author performs a secondary analysis of the results and presents mean results for particular grades. It was first reminded what a prayer is, mainly on the basis of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, and what elements there are which promote its development in the catechetical handbooks for elementary schools and grades one to three of secondary schools. It followed from the studies that the catechized most often prayed at home or in a church, usually in the evening. During prayer they almost always kneel. The following elements most often make prayer difficult: noise, lack of concentration, presence of other people, laziness and others; now silence and peace, concentration, faith in God, family and the like help to pray. The studies are still carried out and they will in the future render a more faithful reflection on how the catechized pray.
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    Podstawy biblijno-teologiczne duszpasterstwa ludzi starych
    Leonowicz, Józef (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1999)
    Pastoral care for old people becomes more important in the context of the function the diaconate of the Church plays (see EV 46). In the present day old people become more and more aware. They become more conversant with geriatric medicine, gerontology, andragogy, psychology and sociology. There is also a pastoral need for the Church to take new tasks towards old people, engaging them in this work and taking into account the post-conciliar term „the People of God” Consequently, it is necessary to notice and take advantage of the great potential of the laity. Old people may become in a parish promoters and implementors of many pastoral initiatives, serving to themselves and to the parochial community. It is commonly held, and this approach disproves it, that the aged need only help. Old people should be made active in their ministry on behalf of the Church’s community not only in the parochial, but also diocesan dimensions.
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    Macierzyństwo w nauczaniu Kościoła polskiego w latach 1945-1994. Wybrane aspekty
    Parysiewicz, Beata (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1999)
    The paper depicts the teaching of the Church on motherhood in Poland in the years 1945-1994. The documents of the Episcopate and the primate of Poland have been analyzed. The paper reflects especially on those documents which develop the teaching of the Universal Church and are specific to Poland. The documents in question address motherhood in three aspects: 1) in its social role, 2) its threats and 3) family spirituality. In the first aspect motherhood is an indispensable social service that women have towards the nation and society, a service which makes it possible for its duration and development. To question motherhood at this level on a social scale would lead to a biological threat to the existence of the nation and society. Analyzing the threats to motherhood in Poland, the documents stress especially two: anti-natalistic policy of the State and the laicized character of marriage. Motherhood is defined as a foundation of the spirituality of marriage and family which is composed of wisdom, grace, justice, purity, love, fellowship and the turning to the ultimate goal.
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    Religijność żołnierzy w wymiarze wspólnotowym
    Święs, Kazimierz; Bieniek, Tadeusz (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1999)
    The paper deals with the communitarian religious life of the soldiers conscripted to elitist military units. It is determined, among other things, by a conception of the Church in subjects’ awareness, their identification with a religious group and their relationship to the clergy. More than half of the respondents identify themselves the Church with a fellowship of the People of God; one third of them see in it only an institution or a worldwide organization. In the subjective identification with a religious group they most often list their parish and the universal Church, and less their diocese or the Church in Poland. One third of them feel strongly bound with their military parish. Generally speaking, their attitude to their religious leaders is positive. Almost 75% of the subjects see the need for a priest in the today world; half of them reduce his function only to religious matters. The most desirable priest are those who are good and kind; most often they accuse him of materialism and greed. Social origin and place of residence make soldiers’ viewpoints more varies than their time and character of military service. This means that their religious attitude, as it was formed in their families, remains stable under specific military conditions.
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    Funkcje urzeczywistniania się Kościoła
    Przygoda, Wiesław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1999)
    The author seeks to bring us closer to the current knowledge on pastoral theology about the basic functions of how the Church is made real, that is to say their sources, number and mutual subordination. These problems have not yet been thoroughly worked out in Polish pastoral literature, though the subject-matter is important and critical. The knowledge about the sources of Christian mission, that is about the essence of the Church; it is indispensable not only for theological instruction, but also for further analyses and investigations in making pastoral care more efficient. The Church is not a static, fully completed reality. It is a dynamic fellowship always in the course of construction. Self-implementation of the Church is carried out hic et nunc, and it embraces all the levels of life and the activity of the Church. No Christian can be ruled out of this process. Whoever stays out of this process ceases to be a living member of such organism as the Church. In a healthy organism each organ, and even a small cell, fulfills its function. The Church cannot be a passive viewer and listener, but each has a function to fulfil. Therefore the Church is thought to be a living organism in its dynamic aspect, that is it may be described in its life and action by means of the category of function. And by the function here it is meant a range of activities, forms of action and tasks which particular members of the Church should fulfil to make the self-implementation of the Church in the world come true. It follows that there basic functions own to which the Church lives, develops and builds herself for the future: prophesying, the Liturgy and ministry. These functions have their source in the mission of Christ and are well grounded in the theology of fellowship. In their interrelations they are firmly bound, for its is through them that the Holy Ghost acts. None of the functions may be left out or belittled in pastoral practice, for this would mean to give up or destabilize the process of the Church’s self-construction. To neglect even one of those fundamental dimensions in church practice could give rise to pathological phenomena in the life and development of ecclesial fellowships. Now to have concern about bringing all the basic functions into practice is to guarantee a healthy development of the Church’s organism.
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    Korespondencja związana z pracą dydaktyczną i naukową w Katolickim Uniwersytecie Lubelskim w latach 1970-1998
    Majewski, Mieczysław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1999)
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    Karl Rahner o diakonacie stałym
    Marczewski, Marek (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1999)
    Karl Rahner was interested in the renewal of deaconate as a theologian sensitive to the renewal of the Church, among other things, of her office. He was also sensitive to the needs of the contemporary man in whom social disintegration is often combined with departure from Christ. It goes without saying that it was the discovery of the Church’s deaconal dimension that decided about the renewal of diaconate in the Church, and not only the Latin, but also Evangelical or reformed deaconate. Thus it may become a faithful witness and tool (i.e. a sacrament) of Christ the Lord who came „to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many” (Mk 10-45) Rahner often committed himself to the renewal of deaconate through his personal contacts with Josef Hornef and Hannes Kramer, contacts which bore fruit in the preconciliar period with an imposing collected work entitled Diaconia in Christo (Freiburg-Basel-Wien 1962). He was also constantly concerned with the passus about the renewal of permanent deaconate in the Latin Church which he himself worked on behalf of the Commission for Disciplines and the Sacraments would be included in the text about the Church and would remain in it.
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    Celebracja liturgiczna przymierza Boga z ludźmi
    Matwiejuk, Kazimierz (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1999)
    As well as a salvation activity of God and cultic activity of man, the Liturgy is in the service to the living God who persistently carries out His plan to save man. The Liturgy of the Old Covenant was built on the Sinai covenant. Yahweh God became the God of His people, and the Chosen People became the people of God. The people of the Old Covenant gained a consciousness that it was a sacerdotal people and has a right to participate in the cult of the Most Holy. The Hebrew Liturgy celebrated the covenant reached at the foot of Sinai. It was carried out in offerings made in temples, in the celebration of the Word of God in synagogues and in the celebrations of home liturgy, where again, thanks to liturgical anamnesis, people experienced a saving God. Christ also participate in the liturgical celebrations of the people of the Old Covenant. He introduced some of their elements into His own liturgy, yet He gave them a new character. He replaced numerous offerings of the Old Covenant for His only salvation offering on the cross. He fulfilled the Scriptures and the Prophets which resounded during services in synagogues. He made the house of His believers a home Church. The celebration of the New Covenant, which is a work of redemption, is carried out in the sacraments, sacramental and the Liturgy of the Hours. „The Christian Liturgy mentions not only the events which made our salvation, but it actualizes it and makes it present” (KKK 1104). Thanks to anamnesis, they are celebrated, and not only repeated. This is done by the power of the Holy Spirit who in the Liturgy actualizes one Mystery of Christ.
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    Mass media, sztuka komercyjna i zagrożenia środowiska naturalnego jako wyzwanie duszpasterskie
    Narecki, Zbigniew (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1999)
    Many things have changed in the course of recent years in Poland. These years have seen an increase in the interest of pastoral, moral and religious messages in the Church and in literature. We have to name here: 1) the mass media, 2) Christian art, 3) the issues of natural and social ecology. The demands on the lay apostolate and the pastoral needs make us see their position and tasks in the evangelical and humanizational mission of the Church. Their new status is defined not so much by the current needs and threats, resulting from an inappropriate use of the mass media, art and the care about the natural environment in the life of a community. Rather, it is the demands posed on them at the threshold of the Jubilee of the Church, demands that should be satisfied, i.e. they should complement, enrich and make pastoral care effective. Today it is hard to imagine pastoral ministry without taking into account those areas-means, which should be used in the process of the proclamation of the evangelical message. It is also a well-known fact that, left on their own, or used perversely, they may hamper or even destroy the flow of values in the world. Their ubiquitous and everyday character with which they influence man in various aspects of his life, his activity and his environment, suggests that these realities should be treated in pastoral care as a mass general component. In other words, priests must every day take into account their existence and influence. They should be treated as a constant element of the lives of the believers and, at the same time, a component of that mission. That contact, therefore, may be neither occasional or partial. Now, it is difficult to imagine somebody who should wish to distance himself from the mass media as bearers of values. Even their shameful or negative role as a „system of sin” (see Enc. SRS) may not thwart a positive attitude. On the contrary, it is the Church’s task to oppose it with a creative and alternative activity, using those means of evangelization, as formed in the spirit of Christianity, towards all the people who pass on anti-values through them. It is a permanent task of the Church-the People of God to sanctify all sinful deeds and tools and include them in the service of universal and evangelical values. It is likewise with commercial art, or, rather, with its trash, which as an anti-value should be transformed according to the humanistic and religious paramétré. Art and material culture, formed in the Christian spirit, should become a meaningful and, at the same time, efficacious tool of spreading the „civilization of life and love” Moreover, if need be, they should be bearers of the Gospel. The perennial patronage of the Church over culture, art and science should now be again a matter of primary importance within its local dimension. What is more, it should become a method with which to make the world more human, in which the religious man, endowed with the supernatural grace of the omnipotent Creators impresses its visible mark in „the image and likeness of God” In like manner, nature, which has been ecologically destroyed, and social communities, become „challenges” for churches as it has been written already in the first pages of the Bible. They are orders which, for some important reasons, can hardly be taken lightly. We ourselves are part of nature; therefore we can, thanks to our „friendship with nature” shape duly our religious vocation. It is possible on the basis of the incarnation of earthly gifts and respect for the rights of creations. A mature responsibility of mankind for all the gifts from God; they are deposits we may pursue in the journey of generations through the „common earthly garden”, and become a special vocation for the believers. It is their mission and we shall be brought to account before God Himself and be taken responsible for the state we have left nature for the generations to come.
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    Sakramenty inicjacji chrześcijańskiej w tradycji anglikańskiej
    Nowosad, Sławomir (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1999)
    Liturgy has always played a central role in Anglicanism. The spirit of Anglicanism is to be found in its worship rather than in any documents. The liturgy calls all members of Christ's Body into a common act of praise. The establishment of one uniform liturgy was a distinguishing mark of the Church of England at the Reformation. It explains why the Book of Common Prayer has become a special authority in this tradition. For many reasons the Book has undergone several revisions. The last major one was in 1662. After the Lambeth Conference of 1968 the Church of England produced in 1980 the Alternative Service Book. Anglicanism has always seen the sacraments as visible means of God's grace and placed them in the centre of Christian worship. Since R. Hooker the sacraments have also been regarded as „moral instruments” There is an indispensable link between worship, in particular sacramental worship, and a Christian's daily life. The recent decades have seen a rediscovery of theology of initiation which is directly related to the recovery of biblical understanding of the Church as the people of God. In the following chapter of this paper the author outlines the changes in the liturgy and understanding of baptism, confirmation and Holy Communion that have taken place over the centuries in the Church of England. These changes indicate some common concerns like indiscriminate baptism, confirmation as a rite for a mature reaffirmation, ceremonial enrichment or the centrality of the eucharistie aspect in the Christain worship. In the new rites of initiation as a whole there is a clear commitment to the integral unity of initiation itself. The last part of this article deals with the relationship between liturgy and ethics. According to O. O'Donovan they are both concerned with the speech that shapes a man's action. Liturgy here has a threefold task: to communicate the basic moral principles to the faithful, to integrate those categories into a whole moral vision and to interprete the world into which the Christ's disciples must act in the light of that moral vision.
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    Akceptacja w rodzinie a postawa religijna młodzieży w świetle analizy transakcyjnej
    Tomkiewicz, Antoni; Pawłowska, Beata (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1999)
    The paper seeks to show the relationship between parental acceptance, as it is experienced by adolescents, and their religious attitude. Accordingly, a study was carried out among 96 subjects (students from the secondary school final form) by means of two methods: a Questionnaire designed by the author and D. Hutsebaut’s Questionnaire worked out by W. Prężyna. The authors’ questionnaire served to select a group of adolescents due to the frequency with which they receive positive or negative support from their mother or their father. The Questionnaire was grounded on the theoretical assumptions of transactional analysis. Now Hutsebaut’s Questionnaire allowed us to determine the differences between the selected groups as regards the following dimensions of the religious attitude: dependence, autonomy, rebellious attitude, guilt, identification, humanitarian fellowship with others, ethical norms, acceptance of convictions, central role of religion and fear against incertitude. Our analyses take also into account sexual difference. The results we have obtained confirm our hypotheses. The subjects who experienced a positive acceptance from their mothers and fathers had higher scores as regards their religious attitudes; those subjects who did not experience such a support had lower scores. The adolescents who often obtain positive and rarely negative support, who at the same time are accepted in their families, feel concern, care and sense of safety, have a chance to open themselves up to God and to perceive Him in the other man. They are more able to receive and accept religious values and norms. The adolescents from that group identify themselves with Christ, seek to follow Him, keep God’s commandments and to approve of God as Someone who gives sense to their life. In the families where young people experience a negative support, i.e. they receive from their parents messages that they are not loved, they experience loneliness, for they feel that they cannot trust their close relatives, such as their parents, and draw back from the relationship with other people and with God. They rebel against God, doubt His justice, or even doubt His presence. The adolescents who rarely receive a positive support, and often they receive a negative support from their parents, do not experience God as Someone who gives them a sense of safety; and they regard themselves as the ultimate source of norms. The studies have confirmed that the family is a basic milieu in which man’s attitudes towards himself, to the world and God take shape.
  • Miniatura
    Katechizacja w Polsce w okresie przemian społeczno-politycznych (1990-1997). Wybrane aspekty
    Słotwińska, Helena (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1999)
    The paper discusses some aspects of catechization in Poland in the years 1990-1997. The issue of bringing catechesis back to school has undoubtedly become one of the most important pastoral tasks in the post-war history of the Church in Poland. The socio-political circumstances have changed, allowing religion classes to become anew an integral part of school educational curriculum. Such a decision has brought forth a wave of polemical opinions in a post-communist society, especially in some milieus. The paper shows what social reactions accompanied those events. Moreover, it depicts what young people from grades eight and from final grades of secondary schools think about school catechesis, its pluses and minuses, how they evaluate their catechist, what they would like to change to improve the standard of their religious instruction. The final part of the paper includes factors which facilitate or make it difficult to carry out the catechetical process in Polish school.
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    Święci oraz ich nauczanie w „homiliach” Godziny Czytań Liturgii Godzin
    Głowa, Władysław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1999)
    The heroes of the faith and the evangelical lifestyle have always been looked upon with admiration in the history of the Church. It is preachers who immensely contributed to the popularization of saints. As regards the homilies and sermons about the Saints in Western Church, the study is limited to the sources found in the present Liturgy of Hours and is the second of the Lessons of the Hours, i.e. the hagiographie reading. An analysis of all whose texts about particular saints allows us to notice how abundant are their subject matters, which should be discussed in the sermons preached on the feasts of saint patrons. First we find here an explanation of the cult of saints and its relationship to the worship to God. Furthermore, the homilies under study deal with the events derived from the lives of the saints, they advocate a concrete state or lifestyle, show duties related with their appropriate state. They contain prayers and various instructions we obtain from the Saints about the Triune God and about particular Divine Persons, about the Blessed Virgin Mary, about the Angels, about man, his life, his elevation, tasks, duties, about what is beneficial and what is „human,” about the Church, Peter and the Apostles, about the Holy Sacraments, about virtues, the evangelical counsels and the beatitudes, about prayer.
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    Formacja katechizowanych do świadomego i czynnego udziału we Mszy świętej
    Krakowiak, Czesław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1999)
    It is an important tasks of the catechists and pastors to form children and the youth who take part in catechization in such a way that they could consciously, actively and fully participate in the Liturgy of the Church, especially in Sunday masses. Accordingly, it is necessary to show them a close relationship between the contents of the Creed, principles of moral conduct and the Liturgy, especially the holy sacraments, among which the Eucharist is the source and climax of the whole Christian life. Therefore it is necessary to have a more profound liturgical formation for a conscious, active, outer and inner participation in the Eucharist. Such a formation should be carried out mainly during catechesis, but also in the family or through participation in the Liturgy. In the course of catechesis one should especially explain the significance and function of the signs, gestures, attitudes, symbols and verbal formulations which altogether make a special vocabulary of the Liturgy. It is by means of them that the dialogue with God is carried out, expressing the unity of all the members of a liturgical service. It is also through them that man sanctifies himself. In result of such a formation the catechized will first systematically take part in Sunday Holy Masses, will eagerly fulfil liturgical functions and will adopt appropriate moral and apostolic attitudes.
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    Propaganda a nauczanie społeczne Kościoła
    Pamuła, Stanisław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1999)
    The term „propaganda” has changed its meaning in history. The origins of propaganda date-back to antiquity. From the etymological point of view, however, the origins of propaganda should be sought in the Church herself, in her administrative structure, to be precise. Pope Gregory XV established a Congregation for the Propaganda of the Faith in 1622. Positively speaking, its purpose was to promote the Catholic faith in the world which has not yet been exposed to evangelization. Negatively speaking, it was to root out heresy from the doctrine of the Church. The congregation seeks to spread the Catholic doctrine, and not merely an opinion about it, yet the term „propaganda” bean to function as gaining advocates of the Gospel. In time, the concept has changed its church and religious reference, and has taken on a lay and ideological character. As a tool of new ideas, currents and systems propaganda was most often stressed during the pontificates of Pius XI and Pius XII. This was due to the totalitarian regimes, fascism and communism. When the two systems were formally over, the teaching of the Church in this respect was somewhat silent. John Paul II points to various forms of contemporary imperialism, which on the one hand manifest the lust for profit, and on the other, it-tends to gain power in order to impose one’s own will on others. Consequently, we have propaganda manifested through an idolatrous cult for money, material values, technology and consumerism.
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    II Forum Pastoralne Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej w Szombathely 17-20 maja 1998
    Przygoda, Wiesław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1999)