Roczniki Teologiczne, 2021, T. 68, nr 2

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  • Miniatura
    Personalizm św. Jana Pawła II i Benedykta XVI – przesłaniem dla Europy
    Panaro, Antonio (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2021)
    A personalistic interpretation of the equal dignity of the human person conditioned Karol Wojtyła’s thought throughout his life. It was at the centre of his speeches and texts, both when he was Bishop and Pope. Is not John Paul II’s emphasis on the subjectivity of the person a great prophetic message of hope and salvation for 21st century Europe? Benedict XVI, in his concept of the person, underlined the theological dimension of the relationality of the person and in Christ pointed to the model of perfection of humanity. Thanks to the personalistic concept of the Holy Trinity, although we remain immersed in the greatness of the mystery that transcends us, a new understanding of the reality of man and God appears. Ratzinger believes that when we talk about God, it turns out what man is; the greatest paradox becomes something brightest and most helpful. What is John Paul II’s personalism and how does it differ from Benedict XVI’s? Are these two personalistic models opposed? What message for Europe will result from this analysis? This analysis is an attempt to find answers to these and other questions – concerning the understanding of the person in Europe today – in the light of the personalistic message of hope of John Paul II and Benedict XVI.
  • Miniatura
    Giovanni Duns Scoto: un teologo incompreso, un santo da riscoprire
    Panaro, Antonio (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2021)
    In approaching the thought of John Duns Scotus, one inevitably encounters the luminous life testimony of a great saint. One is dealing with “an inseparable whole of philosophy, theology and spirituality.” John Duns Scotus, 13th century philosopher and theologian, is a controversial and original author. His works in the past have had more critics and opponents than supporters and disciples. He is a more modern thinker than one might imagine. He is by no means one of the many theologians and philosophers of the past, nor are his writings just gathering dust in our libraries. “He is not a fossil to be admired, but a living and throbbing Master, full of ardour and valuable insights” of great relevance. This Scottish-born Franciscan, born between 1265/66 and died in Cologne on the 8th November 1308, far from his homeland, is a theologian and a saint of great depth that we can perhaps only begin to appreciate today.
  • Miniatura
    A Fifth Mark of the Church?
    Lancton, Thaddaeus (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2021)
    In addition to the four marks of the Church, mercy has been emphasized since the pontificate of St. John Paul II as essential to the authentic fulfillment of the Church’s identity and mission. A Christological and pneumatological understanding of these marks of the Church leads to a proper grasp of the Church in relation to mercy. The Church is merciful not de facto because of her works of mercy on behalf of the poor or sinners. Rather, she is first the recipient of unprecedented Divine Mercy, poured forth in the gift of the Holy Spirit, and so shares that same Spirit of Mercy with others through her sacraments, preaching, and service. The Church’s mission of mercy thus extends beyond the myriad of manners to alleviate human misery. In union with Christ, her Bridegroom, the Church is to communicate the one gift of Divine Mercy, the Holy Spirit, to all.
  • Miniatura
    Sharing in the Eucharistic Sacrifice of Christ
    Kowalczyk, Marian (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2021)
    Staying in the stream of the pastoral program of the Church in Poland, which is carried out under the slogan “Gathered at the Holy Supper,” the content of the article focuses on the analysis and synthesis of the documents of the Magisterium of the Church and theological publications on the Eucharistic sacrifice. First, the article discusses the Eucharistic making present of the sacrifice of the Cross as a gift of glorified Christ, and then draws attention to the active participation of the faithful in the Eucharistic making present of Calvary. The context of God’s mercy in the Eucharistic Sacrifice is also emphasized. The climax of the article is the interpretation of the eschatic dimension of the Eucharist, confirmed by the testimony of the life of Christians, joining in the sacrifice of Christ and in his death and resurrection, which result in the perfect joy of the saved in heaven.
  • Miniatura
    “Ecclesia semper convertenda” como princípio eclesiológico segundo a exortação “Ecclesia in America” de João Paulo II
    Hable, Edson José (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2021)
    The objective of this article is to verify the hypothesis if Ecclesia semper convertenda is a ecclesiological principle. The study is based on the John Paul II’s post-synodal exhortation Ecclesia in America. The hypothesis was verified positively as an ecclesiological principle. Ecclesia semper convertenda embrace: a) the mystery of God as a source of conversion; b) the Revelation in Jesus Christ who reveals to human beings the divine plan of the God’s Kingdom through the call to conversion and faith in the Gospel; c) communion with God and with people in the Church as fulfillment of the conversion; d) the accomplishment of the Church’s mission as a result of personal and community conversion. Conversion/metanoia has a deeply theological foundation; it comes from Sacred Scripture and addresses the whole life of those who accept the call of Jesus Christ and fully respond. This theme has wide scope and applications and is related to the Christian faith, being hermeneutic of Gospel and the Church.
  • Miniatura
    The Relationship Between Theology and Law on the Basis of the Encyclical “Pacem in terris” of John XXIII
    Grzenkowitz, Mikołaj (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2021)
    The above research permits one to draw legal and theological conclusions. The first sub-point, presenting the legal value and social-political context of the papal teaching, permits the creation of a foundation for the following theological considerations. The second subpoint permits for the separation of the theology of the encyclical and its meaning for the whole document. The last sub-point reveals in what way the legal and theological elements intersect in the encyclical’s text and what consequences this has for ecclesiology and the methodology of research at the intersection of theology and law. This article presented many mutual points of reference for theology and law and emphasized their methodological and substantive autonomy. The encyclical Pacem in terris of John XXIII is a creative proposal for the cooperation between theology and law, in which the Pope follows the principle of efficacy, which is the desire that the catalogue created by him is not only theoretical but also actually used. His teaching focuses on the theme of peace, which seems to assume the meaning that has already placed on justice, and the Pope seems to make it the centre of all international relations. That, in turn, allows to distinguish peace as a clearly legal category and so decisive for the just character of law itself. Because of the connection between peace, God’s order and Christ’s mission, there is a perfect intersection between temporal matters regulated by law and supernatural ones, which are the subject of theology. There exist two alternative models of the unity of humankind: the natural and the ecclesial. They have a complementary character as the two paths leading to a common goal and take the form of attaining the commonly desired peace on earth and the unification of humanity in Christ, who is peace himself. The Pope uses legal language, which has characteristics manifesting the openness of theology to law and vice-versa. Among them are cognitive realism, universal concepts, universal themes, social efficacy, legal naturalism, and mutual inspiration.
  • Miniatura
    Uma imagem de Deus para o futuro da Europa
    Duque, João Manuel (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2021)
    The article intends to explore the possible impact of the image of God originated in Judaism and Christianity on some elements of the configuration of Europe, in an essentially cultural perspective, although with also political effects. It is not intended to assess this impact only within Christian or Jewish communities, that is, in relation to the believers of these religious traditions. It is intended to extend this impact to European society, as such, since the effect of this image of God can also refer to non-believers, especially in the way they interpret their daily lives and their social structures. It is not, therefore, about the recovery of a theocratic system, but about the possibility of effects of the reference to God, as if God did not exist.
  • Miniatura
    Theological Icons of the Virgin Mary in the Teachings of Pope Francis
    Adam, Anton (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2021)
    At the center of the world’s attention is man as a being who is called to complete his life in communion with God. To fulfill this purpose, after the fall of the first people, God sends his Son, who received human nature from his mother – the Virgin Mary. The motherhood of Jesus‘ mother is the reason for taking the right attitude toward the woman through whom we received the Creator of life. It is rightly spoken of the Marian veneration, which is shown by the cult of hyperdulia. The doctrine of the Catholic Church takes a position on all the important aspects of this reverence as well as the correct attitude of the believer to mariological topics that resonate in theological circles. An important and irreplaceable role is also played by the teachings of the popes, which are presented in different ways and on different occasions. Pope Francis takes a stand on the issues arising from the participation of the Virgin Mary in the history of salvation. In the study we will point out the theological images of the Virgin Mary in the teachings of Pope Francis as they are contained in the documents of his pontificate.