Roczniki Teologiczne Warszawsko-Praskie, 2004-2008, t. 4

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  • Miniatura
    Problemy moralne, religijne i narodowe na podstawie dziennika Bogdana Jańskiego (1830-1839)
    Kietliński, Krzysztof (Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Diecezji Warszawsko-Praskiej, 2008)
    The Diary of B. Janski which concentrates between 1830-1839 was published as late as 160 years after the authors demise (Rome 2000). It contains ample notes on the biography of the founder of the Congregation of the Resurrection (p. 814) and is an authentic example of the dramatic life one of the most eminent workers of Polish socio-religious emigration of the 19th century. Janski’s memoirs present the reader with a very complicated personality; on the one hand burdened with the awareness’s of evil and inability of overcoming it and on the other dreaming about embarking on a great mission for the good of the entire humanity. Jasiński followed the ideas of the Saint-Simonists movement which involved the rejection of bad habits; this in turn allowed him to achieve moral liberation including both moral and physical freedom. The important part of the Diary is dedicated to the socio-political and patriotic issues; among the latter ones a highly original idea of the National Service Brotherhood. As we read in one of the extracts from the Diary (s. 354): „the existence of the Brotherhood is necessary to achieve the complete religious revival of the people, the improvement of the morals as well as the national customs, and subsequently spreading education and welfare. These would make the Nation strong and educated in order to resist egoistic and false democracy, false philosophy and godless industrialism”.
  • Miniatura
    Kształtowanie się doktryny Soboru Trydenckiego o natchnieniu Pisma Świętego
    Linke, Waldemar (Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Diecezji Warszawsko-Praskiej, 2008)
  • Miniatura
    Rozum przeciwko intelektowi. Uwagi o kontemplacyjnym wymiarze filozofii
    Stępień, Tomasz (Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Diecezji Warszawsko-Praskiej, 2008)
    Greek philosophy from its beginning was described as a contemplation of reality (contemplano rerum). It is already shown in the testimonials about the philosophical life in the Pythagorean School. After the Plato’s discovery of super sensual reality contemplation was conceived as seeing of the intellectual truth. Aristotelian theoretical cognition (theoria) could be also described as passive activity of the intellect. Further development of this issue was delivered by Neo-Platonists who understood Intellect as the second hypostasis. The most perfect activity of Intellect was contemplationseeing of the One. All those issues were passed to medieval philosophy, and we can see their most developed stage in the writings of st. Thomas Aquinas. He underlines that, the contemplation is a passive activity of potential intellect (intellectus possibilis) which is different from the active cognition of reason. Intellect sees the truth but reason strives to achieve truth which in this case is a result of reasoning. Unfortunately in modem and contemporary philosophy the passive aspect of human intellectual cognition was completely abandoned. All differences between intellectual powers of human soul have disappeared. It can be already seen in Descartes Second meditation where all terms like reason (ratio), intellect (intellectus), mind (mens) etc. are used to describe one res cogitans. This means that Descartes suggests that there is no difference between those terms, and no difference between intellectual powers of human soul. Res cogitans can no longer see or contemplate the truth, it becomes one and only base of any truth and all philosophical knowledge. There are two most important consequences of Cartesian thought, which can be seen in modem and contemporary philosophy. Firstly, the most important philosophical problem becomes the question of how the human cognition could be objective, and be somehow linked with external reality. Secondly philosophy no longer answers to human desire of truth. In all ancient and medieval philosophy contemplation of super sensual reality was conceived as a source of man’s ultimate happiness. The road to such happiness become closed, because all that man can now contemplate are the products of his own mind.
  • Miniatura
    Pismo Święte w nauczaniu religii młodzieży gimnazjalnej
    Tomasik, Piotr (Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Diecezji Warszawsko-Praskiej, 2008)
    The changes in the pastoral theology during the last centuries returned Bible into the right place of catechetical programs. Using the Bible exist in previous catechetical models has been changed into catechesis concentrated into the Bible as the source. This process puts biblical catechesis into the heart of catechetical activities. It doesn’t means, that this process is working without problems. One of them is contemporary mentality of human being, especially of young people, who are living in pluralistic and agnostic world, where sacrum seems to be died and became as unclear and lack connected with revealed religion. This world prefers to communicate more using the pictures then words, what is result of information revolution. In that point of view there are important difficulties in proclaiming of the Word of the Lord, especially in case of young people, opening more for virtual word. In this article Author made a brief characteristic of biblical catechesis and shows two points of view: teaching of catechesis as a “school” and possibilities or restrictions of biblical catechesis during the catechesis in the secondary school.
  • Miniatura
    Specyfika powołania i duchowości na drodze świeckiej konsekracji, oraz istotne elementy z niej wynikające, które powinny być brane pod uwagę w duszpasterstwie powołań
    Gołębiewski, Jerzy (Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Diecezji Warszawsko-Praskiej, 2008)
    After Second Vatican Council in Church became a new forms of consecrated life. One of them is a consecration of lay people, who are living in the world out of any community and its rules and try to offering themselves for Christ with special acts of major spiritual freedom of the heart, body and soul. Author of this article wants to show this form of consecrated life focused in three points: special elements of the consecration of laics, its spirituality and pastoral problem of vocations.
  • Miniatura
    List do Filemona i Pawłowa sztuka perswazji
    Adamczewski, Bartosz (Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Diecezji Warszawsko-Praskiej, 2008)
    The Letter to Philemon contains rich and manifold strategy of persuasion. Its literary form comprises elements of various epistolary types. It contains various rhetoric means of influencing the recipient. Their common aim is transformation of the intended reader’s world-view. The methods of persuasion, applied by Paul in the Letter to Philemon, may and should be employed also in the pastoral activity of the modem Church.
  • Miniatura
    „Kim ja jestem?” (Wj 3,11) - Mojżesza droga do patriotyzmu
    Adamczewski, Bartosz (Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Diecezji Warszawsko-Praskiej, 2008)
    Narrative analysis of the Book of Exodus reveals that its author depicted gradual personal maturation of the figure of Moses: from his feminised childhood and his expatriated youth, through his patriotic “awakening” at the threshold of his adult life, through his emigrational hopelesness, to his discovering the foundation of his identity and patriotism in the faith in God, which was accompanied by Jahweh’s removal of his previous national, social, and religious disgrace. In such a way, Moses was prepared by God to become the leader of God’s people.
  • Miniatura
    „Adoro te devote”. Doroczna adoracja Najświętszego Sakramentu - historia, znaczenie i praktyka duszpasterska
    Matuszewski, Mateusz (Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Diecezji Warszawsko-Praskiej, 2008)
    Adoration of the Holy Sacrament is one of the basic cult forms of the Eucharistic Mystery, as reminded by the liturgical book which is assigned to conduct the cult of the Body and Blood of Christ aside from the Holy Mass. Annual three-day adoration, later named as ‘the forty-hour mass’, is one of the oldest ones and its history of development is quite interesting. The article also speaks of the goals of adoration, its theological foundations and post-conciliar standards which apply while exercising the ceremony.
  • Miniatura
    Duszpasterstwo chorych w parafii
    Wielebski, Tomasz (Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Diecezji Warszawsko-Praskiej, 2008)