Roczniki Teologii Ekumenicznej, 2012, T. 4(59)

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  • Miniatura
    Problemy recepcji Dokumentu z Limy z perspektywy katolickiej
    Składanowski, Marcin (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2012)
    In the Year of Faith announced by Benedict XVI, while the ecumenical movement commemorates the 30th anniversary of the Lima Statement on “Baptism, Eucharist and Ministry”, the article aims to show the difficulties in the reception of the document. The first part presents the basic principles by which the Catholic Church evaluates the Lima Document. The second part indicates some positive elements of the Lima Text. The third part is devoted to difficulties related to the doctrinal statements of the text. The last part presents the current status and possibilities for further theological work on the Lima Document.
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    Kościół żyjący w świadkach Chrystusa
    Składanowski, Marcin (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2012)
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    From Jesus Christ to “Green Issues”. Development or Degeneration of the Ecumenical Movement?
    Składanowski, Marcin (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2012)
    The article discusses the issue of the evolution of subjects in the ecumenical movement. At the beginning the ecumenical discourse was dominated by doctrinal issues, whereas today social, political and ethical themes stand at its forefront. This demonstrates the richness of the Gospel, in which a believer can find responses to questions about his or her everyday life; on the other hand, ecumenism is here in danger of forgetting its primary purpose. The article ends with a conclusion that ecumenism should be involved in the current social and ethical debates, but to preserve its identity it should focus on the Gospel of Jesus as the ultimate criterion.
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    Bóg jako stwórca w interpretacji Harminusa Kuiterta
    Nadbrzeżny, Antoni (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2012)
    Harminus Kuitert belongs to the most known Reformed theologians. He refers in his theology to the thinking of D.F. Schleiermacher, while he stresses the importance of the feeling in the experience of the presence of God. According to Kuitert, a Christian image of God as Creator has been rooted in the humans experience of dependence on the “Power of Reality”. Within the framework of this universal experience, an individual feels an internal call which he recognizes as the sign of the presence of the Creator. The meeting with the “person in need” is declared to be an opportunity to experience God as Creator. God in Christianity is the God of Word, not as the “absent ground of being”. In his reflection on the Creator Kuitert entirely omits Trinitarian and salvation historical perspective. His interpretation of God as Creator is therefore of philosophical nature rather than theological.
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    Koinonia misją Kościoła w świetle dokumentu Komisji „Wiara i Ustrój” „Natura i misja Kościoła”
    Malina, Anna (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2012)
    The issue of the Church’s mission has accompanied the ecumenical movement from the beginning, both in its practical as well as doctrinal dimension. On the theological level it is inseparably connected to the question of the nature of the Church – the fulfilment of the mission means being fully in accordance with one’s own nature. In the discussed document of the Faith and Order Commission, the term used for both nature and mission of the Church is koinonia: the Church is and is yet to be materialized by koinonia – not only in the community of the believers, but also in the whole of creation, in order “to bring all things together under one head” (Eph 1,10). The mission is therefore expressible in various aspects of koinonia: it is a gift from God (the source of the Trinitarian mission, the proclamation of the Gospel, the eschatological realisation) and the concrete reality with its formal determinants (the Apostolic faith, baptism, Eucharist and ministry). The document The nature and the Mission of the Church is a synthesis of what the churches can say together in this subject and as well as of areas requiring further dialogue, or a change of attitudes.
  • Miniatura
    The Lima Process on Baptism, Eucharist and Ministry: Points of Orientation and Chances for Realisation After 30 Years
    Link, Hans-Georg (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2012)
    After 30 years of the event of Lima, there are still many important points of orientation and exciting chances for realisation of proposals from the past for ecumenism. The presentation examines what are chances and possibilities of the ecumenical circles regarding Lima Process after 30 years. Author states that the best thing for Churches is to sit together in ecumenical circles at many levels of Church life re-reading the actual Lima texts on Baptism, Eucharist and Ministry and asking each other in the light of the developments already accomplished in the last thirty years, which points of orientation might be especially relevant and which chances for realisation are realistic for us now in our given situation of today.
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    „Kanon paschalny” św. Jana z Damaszku jako liturgiczne urzeczywistnienie duchowości hezychastycznej
    Leśniewski, Krzysztof (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2012)
    This article deals with the Paschal Canon of St John Damascene in relation to the Orthodox service of the Easter Night and the hesychast spirituality. After the short presentation of Damascene’s life, it starts explaining the difference between singing and music from the biblical point of view as it has been taught in the Russian Orthodox Church. Then, it is posed the point that St John Damascene had belonged to the hesychast spiritual and monastic tradition. This argument is evident if one takes into account that one of his writings has been included in the Philokalia. Following this, the text presents the structure and the liturgical setting of the Paschal Canon as an additional evidence for the interrelationship of liturgical and hesychast traditions. Finally, it gives a concise analysis of the theological contents of the Paschal Canon, concerning on some important topics, such as liberation, freedom, light, purification of senses, the Good News, hope, faith in the Resurrected Lord, and the eternal life.
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    Filip Melanchton – autor „Konfesji Augsburskiej”. Ekumeniczna wizja reformacji
    Kopiec, Piotr (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2012)
    The article aims to explain how far the Augsburg Confession has been impacted by the person of Phillip Melanchthon. The history and the content of the Confession, which is still declared to be one of the most important documents of the Protestant Reformation, confirms the dream of its author about one, non-divided church. However, Melanchthon did not write his confession of faith, but the confession of whole Lutheran Church. His work bears the witness of going against the various current trends of the continuous struggle. The Protestant Reformation, despite itself, resulted in the Christianity torn apart. The Augsburg Confession was an attempt, however unsuccessful, to reconcile divided churches. Yet, this is the reason to consider the Confession as the document of an ecumenical character. Today, in the light of the Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification, its ecumenical feature is stressed again, for the doctrine of justification by faith alone was the theological background and the normative key of the Confession.
  • Miniatura
    Ecumenism and the Consumer Society
    Kopiec, Piotr (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2012)
    The description of “the consumer society” belongs to the catalogue of diagnosis of the modern world, in particular of the western civilization. It should be interpreted as a result of various social processes including globalization, spreading of the popular culture as well as the dechristianization. The article examines how the consumer society refers to the ecumenism.
  • Miniatura
    Działalność naukowa Instytutu Ekumenicznego KUL w 2011 roku
    Kopiec, Piotr (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2012)
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    Arcybiskup na trudne lata powojenne
    Nowosad, Sławomir (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2012)
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    Ekumenizm nieustającym imperatywem
    Nowosad, Sławomir (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2012)
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    Bibliografia pracowników Instytutu Ekumenicznego KUL za rok 2011
    Kopiec, Piotr; Składanowski, Marcin (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2012)
  • Miniatura
    What Happened to “Sola Scriptura”? How the Bible Was Used in the Fight for Women Priest and Bishops in the Anglican Communion
    Kantyka, Przemysław (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2012)
    In the article Author examines the traditional meaning of the formula sola Scriptura in the Anglican Church in the epoch of Reformation and confronts it with now-a-days use of the Bible in the process of decision-making in the matter of Church life and doctrine. The sample of this process is the adoption of women’s priestly and episcopal ordination in the Anglican Communion and especially in the Church of England. Christian denominations being reciprocally connected, the decisions taken in one confession do matter for the rest of the Christendom. This is proved by the substantial change introduced in the Anglican-Roman Catholic dialogue by the unilateral decisions of Anglicans to ordain women. The questioned decisions were taken however on the improper hermeneutics of biblical texts and on the presuppositions leading to dangerous intellectual short-cut. Thus the line of argumentation issued by Anglicans from the Bible omits what the Roman Catholic really stands for. The equal dignity of men and women proved by the biblical texts has never been denied by the Catholics. The argument important for the Catholics that the Church cannot change the will of Christ towards ordination has been simply by-passed by moving this subject from divine to human law.
  • Miniatura
    Nauka o małżeństwie w „Ewangelickim katechizmie dla dorosłych”
    Jaskóła, Piotr (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2012)
    „Evangelischer Erwachsener Katechismus” („Ewangelicki katechizm dla dorosłych”) w sześciu punktach uczy o małżeństwie: (1) zawarcie małżeństwa i ślub, (2) czym jest małżeństwo?, (3) co należy do małżeństwa?, (4) jakie istnieją formy małżeństwa?, (5) rozwód, (6) małżeństwa różne wyznaniowo. „Katechizm” wychodzi z obserwacji, że małżeństwo występuje we wszystkich narodach i religiach, jak i w różnych porządkach prawnych. Małżeństwo było zasadzone już w porządku stworzenia. Bóg stworzył człowieka jako mężczyznę i kobietę. Sam ustanowił małżeństwo, nadając mu tym samym wiążący charakter. Rzeczywistość małżeństwa jest obrazem relacji, jaką Chrystus ma do Kościoła. Gdy małżonkowie z wiarą opierają się na tej prawdzie i dana im jest w formie ślubu kościelnego Boża obietnica, realizuje się małżeństwo jako wspólnota życia ustanowiona przez Boga, wyłączna i trwała.
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    Soborowe zbliżenia
    Górka, Leonard (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2012)
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    Misja ewangelizacyjna w Rosyjskim Kościele Prawosławnym. Rys historyczny
    Górka, Leonard (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2012)
    After the East-West Schism the Byzantine Church did not participate in the geographical spread of the Kingdom of Heaven. In the family of the autocephalous Orthodox Churches, the Orthodox Church in Russia was the only one which was engaged in the missionary work. This fact is the more worthy of notice, as the Russian Orthodox Church has been within jurisdiction of the Patriarch of Constantinople down the centuries. This article intend to describe the Russian-Orthodox mission to the pagan nations. First, it seems to be important for the missiology in particular, to present the way of the Russian Orthodoxy to the pagans. After the historical scrutiny it is not easy to state, whether the missionary work had been recognized by the Russian Church from the very beginning and interpreted according to the Christian meaning. It seems, according to the missiological methods, that the Russian mission to the pagans had more to do in transforming nominal Christians into real Christians.
  • Miniatura
    Orthodox Commentary on the Culture of Christian Indifference in the Modern Society
    Dumitraşcu, Nicu (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2012)
    This article examines the moral crisis facing contemporary society with the alienation of European political thought from Christian values; a dictatorship of indifference which is paralleled in the struggles of the Cappadocian Fathers, faced with religious factionalism. Although St Basil and St Athanasius responded to religious matters, political exigency is revealed by the careers of Eusebius of Caesarea and Eusebius of Nicomedia. Similarly, modern religious leaders often fail to address political issues. The Church today requires a unity of faith and needs renewal rather than modernization. Orthodoxy requires greater transparency in accommodating the ethical norms of the Holy Fathers and faces challenges in its organization of pan-Orthodox structures.