Polonia Sacra, 2008, R. 12 (30), Nr 23 (67)

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    Samobójstwo u starożytnych Rzymian na podstawie pism moralnych Lucjusza Anneusza Seneki
    Kempys, Jerzy (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2008)
    Lucius Annaeus Seneca (4 B.C. – 65 A.D.), a representative of Stoic philosophy dating back to I A.D., tutor to emperor Nero and an outstanding moral authority of Rome, sentenced to death by Nero himself, without waiting for the death order to be carried out, Seneca committed suicide. According to him, suicide was morally acceptable. There were three main reasons for suicide in ancient Rome: contempt for life, a death wish, as well as looking for death out of fear of death itself. A person who made a decision to kill himself tends to search for a way to realise his aim, and frequently looks for a pleasant end of life. The philosopher describes four suicides: Cato's, Scipio's, Marcellinus's and of a Laconian boy. According to Seneca, one should abandon suicide every time it is required by the good of the loved ones: wife, father or friend. Summarising his deliberations connected with suicide, the philosopher declares that as concerns ending one's life, it is often unclear how to behave properly, and there is no universal rule to follow. Thus, in order to be able to make the right choices, especially as a non-Christian, one needs to look for guidance in the natural law. The Fifth Commandment of the Decalogue: You shall not kill, which complies with this law, reminds us that life, as the ultimate value, is inviolable – from the moment of conception till death of natural causes.
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    Dies Domini jako Dies Ecclesiae
    Leśniak, Marek (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2008)
    La domenica non è solo un giorno del Signore ma anche il giorno della Chiesa. Perciò ogni cristiano sente nel proprio cuore una chiamata a partecipare alla Santa Messa insieme con la comunità dei credenti. Vivendo però nella società scristianizzata spesso trova qualche difficoltà di seguire questa chiamata: tanti membri della società, a volte i propri colleghi, non lo fanno più. Nell'articolo qui presentato proviamo di nuovo scoprire il valore del „Giorno del Signore come giorno della Chiesa” Come la base ci serve F insegnamento di Giovanni Paolo II, soprattutto l'Enciclica Ecclesia de Eucharistia, l'Esortazione Apostolica Ecclesia in Europa e la Lettera Apostolica Dies Domini. Questi documenti non solo ci dicono che dobbiamo nel modo fruttuoso realizzare la vocazione cristiana, ma ci dimostrano come la partecipazione alla Santa Messa domienicale ci guida e rafforza a seguire questa vocazione.
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    Rehabilitacja i rewalidacja ludzi niesłyszących w programach Polskiego Związku Głuchych
    Pikuła, Norbert (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2008)
    The religious and moral instruction of the deaf is influenced by the people who work with them on daily basis. It is important then that they find methods for communicating the basic Christian values. Priests as well as the families can play a vital role in teaching the Gospel and its values. First of all, it is connected with the fact that the deaf-mute people follow in their life what they see in the world of the people who surround them. Example of the closest persons is an extremely important factor forming the morals of the deaf. Therefore, it is important that these persons feel responsible for forming those who need their help. Rehabilitation of the deaf is a branch of knowledge which is being developed with the progress of humanistic, medical, and technical sciences. It is open for a wide interdisciplinary cooperation, which serves to improve and make people with impaired hearing more independent.
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    Moralny obowiązek wychowania do pełnego uczestnictwa w niedzielnej i świątecznej Eucharystii
    Kalniuk, Jan (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2008)
    The Eucharist on Sunday and on other festive days, which has been passed on to us by tradition, holds an enormously rich content of both spiritual and pastoral nature. For the first Christians it was unthinkable not to participate in a Holy Mass on Sunday and not to commune, and not because it was a duty, but out of one's own will. For centuries the Church has attached a great importance to keep Sunday as the Lord's Day and the Church discipline treats it as a sacred duty. However, participation in the Holy Mass on Sunday and on other festive days should not be treated as an order, but first of all as a need inscribed in the very essence of Christian existence. Each Christian should realize that he or she cannot live the faith and fully participate in the life of the Christian community if they do not participate in the Eucharist gathering on regular basis.
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    Nadużywanie słowa w bioetyce
    Kraj, Tomasz (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2008)
    The purpose of the founders of bioethics was to protect essential human values threatened by an uncontrolled development of biotechnology. Nevertheless, only a few decades later, we see these values being threatened by the same bioethicists. This is due to the peculiar way that some of them practice their profession. Instead of helping to explain new moral dilemmas to protect man they use a corruption of language thus hindering an objectively correct evaluation of specific problems. They do this in are two ways. Either they use some well known (or even historical) terms but disregard their contemporary meanings or they create new terms which obscure reality. Thus they remind us of ancient sophists who would use words to please their listeners. Their purpose was not to communicate truth but flattery as a preliminary step to manipulate their listeners. There is a well known work by J. Pieper which describes sophists' activity which helps to trace its similar forms within contemporary philosophy and ethics of which bioethics is a part.
  • Miniatura
    Wobec kryzysu czystości seksualnej
    Królczyk, Małgorzata (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2008)
    In summing up, there are many causes of a sexual purity crisis, but it seems, that the main cause is the falsification of human freedom, a justification for the right to act in accordance with our own desires. One must call attention to the fact, that the contemporary crisis of sexual purity is connected with a decline in sensitivity of our conscience, as well as the tendency to treat a healthy sense of shame as a sign of backwardness. The is reason for the current state of things is our utilitarian approach to human sexuality, absurdity, hedonism, materialism, moral relativism and permissiveness. This crisis is intensified by media influences, as well as propagation of hostility toward Christian morality. It is thus necessary to take measures aimed at overcoming this sexual crisis. A point of exist would be undoubtedly to acquire an appropriate knowledge of the structure of human sexuality, which would be a true multidimensional reality. It is also necessary to show the value of sexual purity to modem man. In order that a young person doesn't yield to evil which awakens in his heart, he must find a firm foothold in his belief in Christ. In reference to faithful people essential is the consideration of arguments based on religion. It is not possible to destine the body to debauchery after its redemption at the price of Christ's body and blood. Each person, irregardless of his state, who desires life of sexual purity, must derive his strength from the sacraments. It is important also to promote the virtue of purity in the modern world not only through the media but by presenting a personal example of life. In order to counteract the sexual purity there is a clear need for education. This requires not only knowledge and pedagogical skills, but also the existence of emotional ties between educators and the educated.
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    Zagrożenia antropologicznych podstaw rodziny na kanwie wypowiedzi Jana Pawła II
    Orzeszyna, Jan (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2008)
    After analyzing the reasons for the attacks on a modern family John Paul II points out the failure of anthropology which has lost the truth about human being. He pays attention to the fact that the family crisis is connected with the crisis of freedom. In the name of freedom from religion one rejects God's revelation and at the same time the truth about marriage and family. He/she attacks the conception of family as a community in which a basis is a marriage of a man and woman. John Paul II believes that the remedy for the anthropological misconceptions which threaten marriage and family is a return to Bible as a source of the truth about a human being. In the Pope's opinion the marriage and family issues should be considered in the light of mystery of the Holy Trinity. The mystery is the deepest foundation in the search of the truth about family. The family, in a remarkable way, reminds us about the mystery of God. John Paul II brings to the forefront a religious dimension in the discussion about a man, marriage and family despite the tendencies to reduce this subject matter to the margin of subjectivism and privacy.
  • Miniatura
    Chrześcijaństwo wobec pokusy utopizmu. Społeczno-polityczne implikacje dogmatu o grzechu pierworodnym
    Andryszczak, Piotr (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2008)
    Christianity is repeatedly accused that the truths it preaches cannot be translated into the reality of man's life here and now. These truths are unquestionably important and valuable for the faithful because they speak of heaven, which the Christians are looking forward to in the future, but they do not speak much of the world in which they presently live. So, if they do not want to walk with their heads in the clouds, but have their feet firmly on the ground, then they must look for inspiration and advice elsewhere, not in the Gospel or the Church Tradition. This accusation, considering its force and range, needs serious consideration, the expression of which would be an assessment of its worth on the example of one truth from the Catholic credo. It is the teaching about the original sin.
  • Miniatura
    Dynamika zachowań religijnych młodzieży różnych typów szkół średnich na przykładzie Pabianic
    Chmura, Paweł Jan (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2008)
    Writing his “Letter to the Youth from All Over the World” in 1985, Holy Father John Paul II began it with a wish: “Always be prepared to make a defence to any one who calls you to account for the hope that is in you.” These words resound all the more clearly in today's world when the changes in the social sphere affect all walks of human life, including the religious life. The Polish youth at the threshold of maturity seem to be especially prone to the present social and religious transformations. The current dynamics of the religiousness of the youth can be seen relatively easily in its external dimension on the basis of an analysis of fulfilling religious practices. Such a research can constitute the basis for determining a strategy for pastoral activity.
  • Miniatura
    Wizja człowieka aktywnego w Akademii pobożności Mikołaja z Mościsk (1559-1632)
    Godawa, Marcin (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2008)
    This article is a continuation of the previous one titled Conception of good deeds in Reformation and Catholicism controversy, “Polonia Sacra” R XII(XXX) nr 22/66(2008). In this context Akademia pobożności (The Academy of piety) by Mikołaj of Mościska OP (1559-1632) published in 1628, Cracow, constitutes an application of the catholic teaching of the Tridentinum to Polish circumstances. The work embracing the whole spiritual way starting from beginners right up to a state of perfection displays a man as a subject of his deeds who in the cooperation with God's grace determines his own eternal reward. In this regard the thought of the author can be named a herald of the catholic personalism of the XX century. This optimistic image concerning even a psychological question makes as well a base of spiritual practice of which a particular expression is an example of Kasper Drużbicki who was developing a conception of human acts. Both authors let one see the features of the Polish religious life of that time and treat it as a factor of reflection on a present condition of mankind with a lack of personal relation with God.
  • Miniatura
    Fałszowanie obrazu Jezusa i Kościoła
    Jelonek, Tomasz (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2008)
    In our times false pictures of Christ appear abundantly. One of the wellknown among them was a false picture of Christ popularized by Dan Brown in his famous book „The Da Vinci Code”, in which true facts and biased fabrications are woven into one cohesive story used to propagate a false picture of Christ and Christianity. Such propagandists regard the canon Gospels as documents which were purposefully falsified by the Church. They try to show that the true information about Jesus can be found in other documents from the times, which were rejected by the Church, and often hid as they allegedly contain the true picture of Jesus, but do not agree with the doctrine that originated in the Church. These are Apocrypha and documents recently discovered in archaeological finds. For example, there is a book written by two journalists Michał Baigent and Ryszard Leigh, who follow the opinions of Professor Robert Eisenman. The book is entitled „Zwoje znad Morza Martwego. Historia pewnego oszustwa” (Dead Sea Scrolls. A Story of a Certain Deception), and was actively promoted and became a bestseller generously spreading the grains of falsehood. This paper presents the opinions propagated in the above mentioned book and tries to take an attitude towards it, supplementing the picture of distortions in the picture of Jesus with examples from other such books, equally arbitrary, based on a priori premises which manipulate accessible biblical and extra-biblical sources. These books have long bibliographies, which may include excellent works of Biblicists, historians, and others. Nevertheless, just like the sources themselves, these works cannot speak the language of truth as they have been muzzled with arbitrary limitations. The truth for these authors is not what they study, but an assumption they made and must prove, even though the sources and scholarly aids say something totally different.
  • Miniatura
    Służebnica Pańska wzorem misji Kościoła dla współczesnego świata
    Kluz, Marek (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2008)
    L'Eglise, comme l'enseignant et le témoin de l'Evangile, veille sur les valeurs morales dans la vie des individus, des familles, des communautés locales, des structures de la vie professionnelle et de l'organisation de la vie publique. Le rôle de l'autorité morale est indispensable pour l'Eglise. Le discernement constant des besoins de l'homme se fait dans l'Eglise qui se garde de céder aux caprices et aux modes passagères. Au contraire, les communautés de l'Eglise cernent concrètement le bien et le mal, ce qui doit conduire à la mobilisation et aux choix concrets, et à la victoire sur des oppinions relativistes de plus en plus fréquentes. C'est pourquoi le but de cette publication est de mettre le doit sur quelques bases de l'acitvité et des formes de la mission réalisées par l'Eglise qui est inspirée par le modèle de la sainte Vierge de Nazareth. L'attitude du service et du dialogue rend l'Eglise habile de se pencher avec une attitude de miséricorde sur des besoins de l'humanité entière. L'Eglise adopte cette attitude ispirée par l'attitude de Marie qui est devenue le modèle de la sympathie avec les les souffrances de l'humanité à travers le service concret et efficace. Marie est le don de Jésus à L'Eglise pour l'aider de ne pas se décourager dans le monde où règne la discorde, et de construire patiamment la société de la vérité, la paix et l'amour.
  • Miniatura
    Droga wiary s. Emanueli Kalb, duchaczki (1899-1986)
    Machniak, Jan (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2008)
    A convert from Judaism to Christianity, a daughter of a rabbi from Rzeszów, Sister Emanuel Kalb, consciously chose Christ as her Master and bridegroom when she joined the Convent of the Holy Ghost Sisters in Krakow. Accepting baptism, she had to overcome many difficulties from her surroundings. She followed Christ through prayer and sacrifice and reached peaks of spiritual unity with Lord Jesus in love. Having met Christ in her way, Sister Emanuel Kalb chose Him as her Master and Bridegroom. Led through the dark nights of faith, she discovered an unusual chance of uniting with Him by accepting suffering and offering her life for the chosen people and for priests. In the love given her by Christ she had a foretaste of the fullness he prepared for us all in eternity. An experience of the love of sacrifice led her to the very core of the secret of love of the Holy Trinity, which is the beginning of all love.
  • Miniatura
    Fascynacja czy obawa? Pierwsi wyznawcy Chrystusa wobec misterium miłosierdzia Bożego
    Misztal, Wojciech (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2008)
    La proclamation de la bonté de Dieu, de sa miséricorde appartient au cœur même du message accepté et annoncé par les premiers chrétiens. Il y a des raisons pour penser que ce message, cet Evangile, cette Bonne Nouvelle serait accueilli toujours avec l'enthousiasme. On constate qu'aujourd'hui qu­ 'un nombre considérable de personnes, aussi de chrétiens, traite le message de Dieu comme miséricordieux avec méfiance. Pourquoi? Le problème est important. Les textes constitutifs du christianisme signalent la meme difficulté. Ce qui est essentiel c'est la possibilité donnée par ces textes de comprendre ces gens et cherchant pour eux une solution de s'enrichir ensemble avec eux d'une compréhension plus mature de Dieu comme infiniment miséricordieux.
  • Miniatura
    Postulat praktyki ubóstwa w społeczeństwie konsumpcyjnym
    Banko, Kryspin (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2008)
    Nous sommes témoins d'un développement économique dynamique des sociétés, ce qui implique des changements culturels, sociaux et religieux remarquables. L'un des phénomènes négatifs de ces changements, sont des attitudes de consommation d'une ampleur jamais vue. En même temps, nous observons une stratification sociale avec laquelle de nouveaux espaces de pauvreté apparaissent, notamment parmi ceux qui ne savent pas s'adapter aux changements socio-économiques si rapides. C'est cette tension entre les attitudes de consommation marginales et la nécessité de limiter les dépenses inutiles, est le sujet de cet article. Ensemble avec Jean-Paul II, a été faite une analyse de la société de cosommation, pour ensuite, se référant à Emmanuel Mounier – le principal représentant du personnalisme chrétien, démontrer la nécessité de pratiquer la pauvreté dans une société d'aisance. La pauvreté dans ce sens-là ne consiste pas à se priver des biens sans lesquels on pouvait se passait avant, mais concerne surtout des relations humaines. Le pauvre dans la société de cosommation ne méprise pas des biens matériels, mais en tant qu'un homme libre, il s'en sert afin de faire plus pour autrui.
  • Miniatura
    Męskość i kobiecość jako znamiona obrazu Bożego w człowieku według Jana Pawła II
    Gryz, Krzysztof (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2008)
    John Paul H's teaching on God's image and likeness inscribes itself in the whole rich theological tradition, which is present especially in the writings of the Fathers of the Church. According to Pope John Paul II, God's image in man has four basic dimensions. In the first place, it is expressed in the complementary duality of man created as a man and a woman, capable of building a community of persons, and also, on the basis of this communion, forming a relationship with the whole created world. Secondly, God's image speaks of cleverness and freedom of man, who thus becomes the subject, a person. Thirdly, man created to God's likeness is open to God internally, from his own nature, and is capable of entering into a relationship with God, search for Him and enter into a covenant with Him. In this calling to the communion with God, i.e. in the religious life, is the climax of God's image and likeness. Lastly, God's image is a point of reference which makes participation in the life of God Himself possible thanks to Christ's saving act. This participation is the aim of all relationships with God. This is this aspect of the image which theological tradition connected with the notion of “likeness” A different issue is a clear concurrence of John Paul Il's thought with the interpretations of God's image present in the Orthodox theology and in K. Barth. It is difficult to settle the question whether this is the outcome of a visible inspiration of this theology as we never find direct references to particular authors or whether it results from an individual quest based on a common source, which is the biblical truth about the creation of man as an image and likeness to God. Both hypotheses seem equally credible.
  • Miniatura
    New Evangelisation in the Light of the Church's Teaching
    Baczyński, Andrzej (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2008)
    Ewangelizacja jest „procesem wielowarstwowym, składającym się z wielu elementów”, jest dynamiczną rzeczywistością ponieważ musi dotrzeć do wszystkich przestrzeni życia człowieka i stworzyć nowe człowieczeństwo. Paweł VI w Evangelii nuntiandi, używając terminów takich jak „przynieść”, „przejść”, „stworzyć”, wyraża ten dynamiczny charakter procesu ewangelizacji. Zadaniem Kościoła nie jest stać na straży Ewangelii jako żywego i cennego skarbu, lub ukryć ją, lecz, przeciwnie, przynieść ją ludziom. Proces ten rozumiany w taki sposób nie jest jednak oczekiwaniem na człowieka, lecz wyjściem naprzeciw i spotkaniem go we wciąż zmieniających się warunkach i sytuacjach. Jest to „zwiastowanie” wizji zbawienia zawartej w Ewangelii.
  • Miniatura
    Maryja wzorem miłości służebnej dla chrześcijanina i Kościoła
    Przygoda, Wiesław (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2008)
    The Church in Poland, like the whole society, goes through transformations. New existential, social, and spiritual problems which are experienced by the Poles nowadays bring about new needs in the religious sphere, constituting new challenges for priests in the Church in Poland. During the times of communism the society almost equally shared poverty rather than well-being. Since 1989 the gap between the wealthy and the poor has been widening. It seems that the Church in Poland rightly reacted to the new needs of the faithful, developing new ways of pastoral and charitable service. The great capital of the Church in Poland are tens of thousands of volunteers. However, a great effort is needed in the formation work in order to not only keep the numbers of volunteers high, but to maintain the organizational and spiritual efficiency. It seems that in a community of the faithful attached to Marian devotion which exists in Poland the example of St. Mary, the Mother of God, can still be a motivating force which inspires to developing various forms of social love.
  • Miniatura
    Wolne związki wyzwaniem dla współczesnego duszpasterstwa rodzin
    Świerczek, Antoni (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2008)
    The most up-to-date task for the ministry of families, also in Poland, is preaching the Good News abut the family, which is the greatest good of humankind, in which and through which individual lives are lived. There is a need to constantly deepen the consciousness, especially through the example of life. Ministry, in its nature, means showing the good and the beauty of marital and family life and accompanying couples and families in often meandering and difficult realizations of their vocation.
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    Sługa Boży John Henry Newman o wiernych świeckich
    Zyzak, Wojciech (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2008)
    The author of the paper shows the teaching of the role of laymen in the Church, which J. H. Newman, Servant of God, (1801-1890) included in his many writings, especially in the famous article "On Consulting the Faithful in Matters of Doctrine" Theses of this convert from Anglicanism referring to the role of the laity came from his integral vision of the Church, full of respect for the hierarchy and clergy, but at the same time, knowledgeable of the meaning of the lay faithful. A concrete expression of his engagement in the promotion of the laity was an attempt to create a Catholic University in Dublin, a short episode of editing the Rambler and care for the formation of lay people undertaken by the Oratorian Congregation. An analysis of these initiatives shows that Newman can be seen as a pioneer of the Council teaching about the lay faithful, who – embodied through baptism in Christ, established the God's people, and made in a way the participants of priestly, prophetic and royal office of Christ – are on their part Christian missionaries in the Church and the world. Newman was presented here as a special spokesman for the participation of the faithful in the prophetic function of Christ, with a special recognition of sensus fidelium.