The Person and the Challenges, 2018, Vol. 8, No. 2

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  • Miniatura
    Anthropology of the evangelical counsels in the school of St. Benedict of Nursia
    Tupikowski, Jerzy (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2018)
    Man is someone real and as such he is immersed in a world that is a task set to him as a person. Therefore, the whole world, as entirely coming from God, and entirely assigned to Him, is constantly bursting with its natural truth and good and, consequently, also beauty. This is an important perspective, both in the order of nature and in the order of grace, also because the synthesis and fulfilment of all values (perfections), which is personal fullness – holiness, is the ultimate reference of the human person to the Person of God. However, this perspective becomes comprehensible only in the field of the realism of the human person’s truth, goodness and beauty, related to their perfect Source, and therefore to the Truth, Goodness and Beauty of the Person of God Himself. In this sense, it can be said that God is the End of all perfections. Holiness itself is thus a specific peak of the elevation of human potentialities to a higher level of being. „Holiness, through the elevation of truth, goodness and beauty to the supernatural level, can fulfil the potential of human nature – reason and will, to their limits; and this fulfilment, in Christian thought, can only take place in visio beatifica, to which this life here and now is supposed to prepare us”. Let us add that the understanding and implementation of evangelical counsels: chastity, poverty and obedience, serve this growth in a particular way. The counsels are the evangelical factor stimulating and strengthening the work of the intellect and free will.
  • Miniatura
    Der Umbruch in den modernen Gesellschaften
    Stala, Józef; Vodičar, Janez (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2018)
    This article examines the processes of transformation of European societies in XXI century, taking into consideration especially factors of post-modernity, globalisation and strong social changes. Post-modernity affects all societies, but particularly those new societies in transition. Authors take the broad concept of “post-modernity” as being important for all societies that have experienced transformation in their political, social, cultural, economic, educational and religious spheres following a political shift from socialist to democratic government. The processes of social transformation affect people living in them strongly, in particular in their identity and relationships.
  • Miniatura
    Prof. Dr. Rémi Brague – Doktor honoris causa der Päpstlichen Universität Johannes Paul II. in Krakau
    Stala, Józef (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2018)
  • Miniatura
    Consequences of Childhood Sexual Abuse for Intimate Couple Relationship according to Relational Marital Therapy
    Jerebic, Sara; Jerebic, Drago (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2018)
    Childhood sexual abuse is a traumatic experience, the consequences of which are numerous in adult intimate relationships. Couples often have problems in maintaining their relationships and frequently face problems in their sexual life. Because of the consequences that they experience and which they usually do not attribute to past trauma, couples increasingly seek therapeutic help. A safe therapeutic relationship enables the formation of new neural connections and a change in relational structures. Identifying and understanding the consequences of sexual abuse with elements of dual awareness is essential for the partnership and healing of both partners. The purpose of the article is to deepen the understanding of the consequences of childhood sexual abuse for couple relationships according to the Relational Marital Therapy paradigm.
  • Miniatura
    Communism as a Spiritual Attack on Man
    Zwoliński, Andrzej (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2018)
    Marxist ideology, and later the practice of the communist state, denied the essential goals of education, making it an important tool for indoctrination. Man ceased to be the highest value, and was replaced by other values that were lower than him. The communist program of raising children and youth in atheism, without God, was an attack on all believers, because it impacted the future of any religion in Russia. The pontificate of John Paul II, the first Pope from a communist country, was impor tant in determining the threat of Marxism. In the encyclical „Laborem Exercens” the Pope stated that “by the use of various kinds of influence, including revolutionary pres sure, it aims to win a monopoly of power in each society.” (LE, 11). The fundamental as sessment of Marxism was made by John Paul II in response to social issues posed by the so-called theology of liberation. This power reaches deep and is vast, because it affects the whole person, in all dimensions of his existence.
  • Miniatura
    Religious Education at Preschool. Main Assumptions and Kindergarten Teachers’ Opinions
    Osewska, Elżbieta (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2018)
    The historical, political, social and cultural issues of the past have strongly impacted upon the current Religious Education at preschools in Poland. In the beginning of sociopolitical transformation of Poland the confessional nature of Religious Education was one of the demands presented not only by the Church, but also by society. Today, even the presence of Religious Education is discussed. In order to understand better the arguments supporting Religious Education at preschools in Poland, this article will provide kindergarten teachers’ opinions on the basis of a research survey, which was conducted among preschool teachers from Malopolska and Silesia region in April and May 2018.
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    The Personalist Vision of Marriage in the Context of its Contemporary Depreciation
    Krępa, Magdalena (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2018)
    This paper presents the personalist vision of marriage referring mostly to Christian teaching on marriage and family. The post-modern society highlights a very critical assessment of the institution of marriage, supporting an individual rather than marital life. In such a situation the Catholic teaching on marriage, and ethos of marriage, is more and more challenged even by Christians, especially in the area of moral decision and life practice. In response to post-modern challenges, Christian personalism refers to the truth about the vocation of man to fulfil their humanity in corporality-determined sexuality. It is not only about anatomic differences but about a different manner of being man in many spheres. Christian reflection, unchangeable as to the assessment of the character of the relationship between a man and a woman, first and foremost refers to a thesis about both the distinctness and complementarity of sexes, embedded in the very human nature. Christian teaching identifies marital love only with the form of the commitment of the person who loves, in their own dynamics, to the good of the person loved. Complete love is directed towards a physical, mental and spiritual union with the loved person and develops from sensuality, through the mental and cultural sphere, to the spiritual domain. A Catholic apprehension of marriage does not question its natural character but defends it, and at the same time shows a radical change that takes place between a man and a woman through the sacramental virtue. Marriage is a deep union and covenant based on love rooted in God remaining the source of Love.
  • Miniatura
    Luigi Giussani and Catholic Historiography
    Klumpenhouwer, Samuel (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2018)
    This essay explores the difficulties of conducting historiographical research from a Catholic view point. It through the life and writings of Luigi Giussani, founder of the movement Communion and Liberation. Three main approaches to history will be explored: the rationalist approach, the Protestant approach, and finally the Orthodox-Catholic approach. The essay argues that only the third approach is sufficient to examine the historical claims about Jesus.
  • Miniatura
    Karol Wojtyła ou «Le gothique de l’âme et la renaissance du corps». Un nouvel humanisme venu de Pologne
    Kasprzak, Artur Antoni (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2018)
    Few years ago, a poem by Karol Wojtyła, entitled “Przełom”, that is “The Turning Point”, was discovered. Written between 1942 and 1945, the reflection of young seminarian Karol begins with questions, and a personal and very significant answer: “It is thus that the Gothic of the soul and the Renaissance of the body fight in me”. The Gothic aspect indicates the sensitivity to the spiritual world of the future Pope. The Renaissance of the body is linked to its sporting nature and the desire to open to the true relationship with every man, the friendship. This study focuses its research around these two aspects of the internal integration of Karol Wojtyła, showing their development in pastoral and scientific research in the context of its Polish origins.
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    The Crisis of Social Ties as a Challenge for the Christian Vision of Social Life
    Głąbiński, Janusz (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2018)
    The author of this article analyses the crisis of social ties as a huge challenge for the Christian vision of social life. Firstly, he refers to the moral and religious crisis of the postmodern era, and the depreciation of the social status of the human. Then, he presents the uniqueness of human being as well as potentiality. According to the Christian integral anthropology, presented by personalism, man remains a spiritual and material coexistence. In the last part, the author underlines the Christian idea that a society should acknowledge the dignity of each of its members, as well as guarantee the optimal functioning of human communities. Consequently, social procedures and institutions should be preceded by a consensus assuring the ethical minimum. If a society does not accept the fundamental values like: the dignity of every human being, the protection of their life, justice, equality, solidarity, it cannot function, at least not as a community of persons.
  • Miniatura
    Subjectivity in education in the sense of personalization
    Brózda, Łukasz (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2018)
    Although the inclusion of the subjectivity of the individual seems to be the principle of education today, the term „subjectivity” is understood in different ways, which gives rise to contradictory models of education. It happens so in the case of influential and contrary models of subjectivity, presented by the widely understood antipedagogy and Catholic personalism, which ascribe a strong connotation to it. The analysis of this problem in this article will determine the reflection on the understanding of subjectivity and the characteristics of postmodernity in this context. The aim of this article is to demonstrate that personalism not only protects the subjectivity of the pupil but also does not give up education as it happens in antipedagogy. The role of personalistic education is, in no case, to underestimate the subjectivity of young people but to support the process of preferences and to affirm their proper hierarchy of values, without which their fullness of humanity will not materialize.
  • Miniatura
    The Threshold of Victory: Theodicy and Relief in the Theology of John Paul II
    Griffin, Drew (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2018)
    The Twentieth Century provided the religious and irreligious alike with tremendous challenges in regards to belief. Evil and carnage were pervasive and the Church was in decline. In that cultural moment rose an interpreter of that challenge who theodicy was clear and efficient in answering the complex challenge of evil in the modern world. John Paul II, more than almost any other figure of the age, addressed the vexing issue of evil in the modern world. In the corpus of his writing mankind comes to know evil through an act of memory, remembering from where evil sprang, and what evil has done in man to separate him from his creator. And mankind comes to terms with identity of evil as seen and experienced through the act of suffering. Through processing memory, and examining identity, mankind can discover how Jesus Christ’s work on Calvary places us at the threshold of victory.
  • Miniatura
    Spirituality and psycho-organic regulation
    Cvetek, Robert; Gostečnik, Christian; Pate, Tanja; Simonič, Barbara; Valenta, Tanja; Repič Slavič, Tanja (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2018)
    Traumatic experiences are very important for the psycho-organic regulation of an individual. These experiences can very profoundly mark an individual, especially if they happened in childhood. They can be very disruptive and they scream for healing. In this process of healing spirituality plays a crucial role. Religiousness and sacramental life can be an essential regulatory system in the establishment of a functional psycho–organic response and spiritual life.
  • Miniatura
    The concept of man’s salvation in the thought of Saint John Paul II and Paul Tillich: similarities and differences
    Bogdalczyk, Maciej (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2018)
    The presented text aims to distinguish the understanding of the concept of salvation by two significant Christian scholars: John Paul II and Paul Tillich. They come from two separate Christian traditions: Catholicism and Lutheranism. The concept of salvation is so crucial that it is the essence of understanding Christianity and, if recognized as the goal of every human life, the effort of understanding it becomes even more important. An insight into the notion of salvation, based on the indication of similarities and differences in its understanding, makes it more comprehensible and accessible to every Christian.