Roczniki Teologiczne, 2022, T. 69, nr 10
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Pozycja Geltung der Werte beim gestalten sozialer Relationen im Kontext ausgewählter Entitäten der Ethik von Max Scheler. Eine philosophische Skizze mit Blick auf die MigrationsproblematikRynkiewicz, Kazimierz (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2022)The essay deals with Max Scheler’s value problem, looking back at the term “sympathy” in the context of migration question. First of all, phenomena such as compassion and love are taken up, whose hermeneutic and phenomenological relevance are personally based. In order for the concept of the person to be able to unfold its actual dynamics in the real world, however, it must transcend the framework conditions of Scheler’s material vaule ethics, whose concerns appear on the a priori foundation. For this purpose, Karol Wojtyla’s term „suppositum“ is used, which reveals the person as the subject of existence and action. Not only is soocial harmony promoted in real terms, but personal order is also refined from an ethical-anthropological point of view. Ultimately, this has an impact on how the issue of migrants and refugees is dealt with.Pozycja Wybrane organizacje III sektora jako przykład dobrych praktyk i pracy na rzecz przeciwdziałania wykluczeniu społecznemuLada, Anna (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2022)Functioning in society can be a difficult experience for an individual. There are many people from different social groups who experience exclusion, marginalization and alienation. This situation is caused by factors that do not always depend on the individual – disability, family of origin, violence, old age, loneliness, and the experience of harm. In order to minimize these unpleasant consequences, many non-profit organizations implement activities aimed at strengthening the potential of individuals at risk of exclusion or isolation in their statutory tasks. The involvement of the local community and the development of the local community is a great support for people in a difficult life situation. Such activities are undertaken by a number of Associations and Foundations, including: the Little Brothers of the Poor Association, Lublin branch, the Catholic Association for Aid to People in Need AGAPE in Lublin, the Ósmy Kolor Tęczy Association from Radzyń Podlaski and the Growing Zone Foundation in Lublin. The aim of the article is to present and characterize the phenomenon of social exclusion and public benefit organizations as well as to present the activities of selected entities from the Lubelskie Voivodeship.Pozycja Analysis and Interpretation of the Results of Interaction in a Respondents’ Subgroup According to Sibling Position in the Nuclear FamilyKrupnyk, Hanna (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2022)The article provides a review of the modern nuclear family’s condition. I analyse scholarly works by leading local and foreign scientists in the line of parent–child, sibling relations. The peculiarities of the interaction between children and parents are highlighted from the position of the respondents, who have been grouped into subgroups according to the order of birth in the family hierarchy (N = 265). The choice of methods for studying the family interaction of the respondents has been found. The aim is to study the level of development of parent–child and sibling relations, and compare the results in the “The first/middle/last child” subgroups. The methods are questionnaires used to establish the level of parent–child and sibling relationships; the statistical processing of empirical data and graphical presentation of the results were done using MS Excel and IBM SPSS Statistics (v. 27.0). The main positions based on the results of our research will be put into the basis for the development of specific recommendations, which will be useful and helpful in further work of practicing psychologists in the field of family counseling in such subsystems as marital sibling and parent-child relationships.Pozycja Premarital Pastoral Care in Lithuania and Its Challenges: the Problematic Areas of Understanding the DecalogueJuškienė, Vaineta (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2022)Premarital pastoral care occupies an important place in the ministry of the Church and is relevant in every time period. The purpose of this article is to present the format of premarital pastoral care in Lithuania and its problematics in terms of the perception of the Decalogue. In Lithuania, the preparation for matrimony is regulated by the documents of the Universal Church and the Lithuanian Bishops’ Conference. It is carried out in the format of a programme coordinated by the Family Centre. The programme includes essential elements of Catholic family life and faith, as the Sacrament of Marriage presupposes and requires faith. An integral part of the programme of preparing for marriage is the presentation and analysis of the Decalogue in harmony with family life. An empirical study indicates that the engaged couples question some aspects of the concept of the Decalogue in the areas of Sunday celebration, the value of the truth and respect for parents. These areas generate conflicting assumptions for the engaged and are the most difficult to perceive and accept. This reveals the need for constant renewal of the premarital pastoral care and deepening of its content in search of new relevant forms.Pozycja Człowiek w przestrzeni medialnej w kontekście fali sinusoidalnejJęczeń, Jarosław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2022)The basic difference between humanities and the natural sciences lies in the fact that humanities’ research subjects cannot be presented in mathematical formulas. In the digitization era, the division line is no longer so distinct, particularly in the light of this article’s research subject. The paper examines the proportions between direct interpersonal (face to face) communication and communication based on modern communication (online) technologies and the impact of the latter on people and families existing in the contemporary media space. Mathematics, despite its closed nature, sets new directions of thinking and guarantees certain logic. As a result, mathematics offers the verification possibility employing research, as is the case of sociology, for instance. A mathematical sine wave is the starting point and, at the same time, the basis for conclusions and answers in this paper to the research question, making it possible to look at a person in the media space of recent decades, in the COVID 19 era and thus allows to formulate future postulates.Pozycja Piękno i wymagania małżeńskiej miłości w nauczaniu Jana Pawła IIBrzeziński, Mirosław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2022)The experience of love is one of the basic human experiences that make him happy and fulfilled. Every person is looking for love, wants to be given it and give it. However, he often encounters difficulties in learning the truth about what love is, contenting himself with its substitutes, false understanding, reducing it only to feeling and even selfishness. Meanwhile, the truth about love shows that love is beautiful, gives a person happiness, allows him to develop when it makes demands. This applies in particular to conjugal love, which is to safeguard the permanence and indissolubility of marriage, being together for the rest of one's life, and responsibility for handing over life to children. Christ showed us the truth about the beauty and demands of love, and the spouses of Nazareth – Mary and Joseph – were fully realized. In the article, the Author shows this truth about beauty, toil and requirements of love by analyzing the teachings of John Paul II, directed especially to young people and spouses, in which he shows that love is beautiful precisely by setting requirements, and these requirements first they are aimed at a loving person. Love is unconditional and you love another person not because of what they can give, but because of the value of the person himself. Such unconditional, demanding and thus beautiful love also protects the dignity of man – the one who is loved and the one who loves.