Wrocławski Przegląd Teologiczny, 2011, R. 19, Nr 2

Stały URI dla kolekcjihttps://theo-logos.pl/handle/123456789/22681


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Teraz wyświetlane 1 - 20 z 25
  • Miniatura
    Doświadczenie tremendum i fascinans w ujęciu psychologii poznawczej
    Zagórska, Wanda (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2011)
    The article attempts to capture basic components of the religious experience within the categories of contemporary cognitive psychology. Based on the outstanding theologist and scholar of comparative religion Rudolf Otto’s (1869–1937) concept of mysterium tremendum and mysterium fascinans it has been assumed that those experiences being in a contrast-harmony relation to each other can be considered as components of religious experience. Applying categories from contemporary cognitive psychology the author tried to demonstrate that religious experience does not have to be dominated by experiences of an emotional nature, because it remains in a close relationship with the process of the perception of God’s existence and actions and with all that belongs to the sphere of Sacrum. Nonetheless the cognitive representation of God, understood as a mirror image of trascendental reality, has to be considered only as an extraordinary complex structure having a profound impact on human behaviours. It is assumed that this structure reflects mainly the experience of God in the context of the relation of contrast-harmony, of which Otto wrote. After presenting the concept of cognitive schemata in psychology with its functions and a three way sort of knowledge that it represents, the article reflects on the concept of cognitive representation of God. Connections are made with the main thesis of Otto’s concept, especially with his idea of polarization of the representation of religious experience. The last part of the article concentrates on the regulating role of the experience of tremendum and fascinans in relation to human behaviour of religious nature.
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    VII Ogólnopolski Zjazd Pedagogiczny „Po życie sięgać nowe. Teoria a praktyka edukacyjna”, Toruń, 20–21 września 2010 r.
    Wawrzynów, Kazimiera J. (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2011)
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    VIII Salwatoriańskie Sympozjum Misyjne „Nie ustawać w głoszeniu Dobrej Nowiny”, Bagno, 9 maja 2011 r.
    Słupek, Roman (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2011)
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    Jak zostać apostołką, czyli feministyczna lektura Biblii w dawnych wiekach Kościoła
    Siemieniewski, Andrzej (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2011)
    Sixteen years ago John Paul II appealed for a “new feminism” to come (Evangelium vitae, 99). Surprisingly, we may find some help in the realization of this task in the very old Tradition of the Church: in St. Jerome’s epistles and in those who followed his steps in the Middle Ages. Jerome asked his correspondents to read the Bible in such a way as to underline women’s place in the history of salvation. He encouraged to study the Scriptures engaging the whole knowledge of ancient languages and biblical environment. The Christian Middle Ages continued this Tradition in the best of its representatives: such writers as Rabanus Maurus, Bernard of Clairvaux and Peter Damiani were directing thoughts of their hearers to the same way of reading the Bible. With the present analysis we try to introduce the appeal of the pope Benedict XVI from his latest exhortation Verbum Domini: “The most profound interpretation of Scripture comes precisely from those who let themselves be shaped by the word of God” (48).
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    Godność osoby ludzkiej w świetle Ps 8, 2-10
    Rosik, Mariusz (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2011)
    Ps 8 belongs to the wisdom tradition of Israel. Author of this psalm praises the glory of God Creator and the dignity of human being. Every man is a sinner but he / she has also the dignity that derives from God. A man is made only a little lower than the heavenly beings (v. 6a) and is crowned with glory and honor (v. 6b). Everything is placed under the feet of man; that means he is a ruler with great authority over all the creation. Only God’s power and authority spread over the mankind as whole and over every single man.
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    Priorytety duszpasterskie w diecezji wrocławskiej w pierwszych latach pasterskiej posługi biskupa Adolfa Bertrama (1)
    Piela, Michał (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2011)
    The period of World War I, which also marked the beginnings of Bertram’s reign over the diocese of Wrocław, was very difficult. It was the time of war, the collapse of the German Empire and the rise of the Weimar Republic. On the basis of the preserved protocol from the Conference of the Deans of 1915, the author has made an attempt to investigate certain pastoral issues to which bishop Bertram and his colleagues paid particular attention. The subjects which were of great interest to the ordinary and the deans in 1915 included: the spread of Christian and catechism teachings by the priests on Sunday afternoons, teaching religion in school, access to Holy communion at a young age and its regular administration in the last years of schooling, pastoral care over seasonal workers, Catholic oversight over young people and youth groups, the St. Boniface association in the diocese, St. Hedwig charity, folkloric missions, and the fight with alcoholism. The next reflection will contain the subjects discussed at the next conference of the Deans in 1918.
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    Słowa i czyny Jezusa jako uzasadniona propozycja wiary chrześcijańskiej
    Nowicki, Andrzej (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2011)
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    Absurd jako naczelna kategoria interpretacyjna w egzystencjalnym irracjonalizmie Lwa Szestowa
    Mrzygłód, Piotr (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2011)
    Russian Lev Isaakovich Shestov (Jew by origin, born Yehuda Leyb Schwarzmann) is one of the most controversial minds in the 20th century. His anti-system and anti-rationalistic thought is defined as “The philosophy of absurdity” and is an extraordinary intellectual phenomenon on the philosophical map not only in Europe, but all over the world. This whole article is an attempt to show how the basic categories of Shestov’s thinking (which was glorified by Russian philosophers) such as: “chaos”, “paradox”, “nonsense” and “chance”, became “keys” for interpreting all of reality. They also became the way to discover the antinomian truth about the world. ”Absurdity in everything God.” God created absurdity, chaos and the place devoid of any principles, the “world”. There is the only one truth, which we understand at the very bottom of epistemic despair. We can achieve this knowledge by blind and irrational faith which is devoid of any justification; therefore there is real Tertullian’s credo quia absurdum. In this antinomian world which is devoid of any sense, the most noticeable things are creation and total freedom which causes man to come closer to God.
  • Miniatura
    Budować na prawdzie…
    Kozakiewicz, Stanisław (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2011)
    To build on the Truth…, such was the fundamental massage of the Pope John Paul II’s teaching In Olsztyn, where He stayed the 5-6 June 1991. The Pilgrim from Rome arrived to the capital of Warmia and Mazury from Białystok. It was a very strenuous and long pilgrimage of our countryman to his homeland. It consisted of two stages. He came to Olsztyn at the first stage. The sermon He preached to the Poles recaptured the essence of the decalogue. He spoke there about the VIII commandment: “You shall not Bear false fitness against your neighbour”. The substance of the homily delivered then from the field altar In the vicinity of the “STOMIL” – stadium In Olsztyn reminded us of the God’s order to tell the truth. The Pope stressed that the freedom of speech Carnot be identified with the freedom of the Word. The freedom of public expression of someone’s opinion must be protected as a great social right, but the only speaking about it does not secure the freedom of the word yet. Only Christ gives the man real freedom, for He is the Truth itself. Man must cling to Christ and build on Him as on the Truth, the exact relations with Rother people. The Pope reminded that tere are two ways of freedom: the one brought by Christ and the Rother one – the freedom from Christ chich finaly constrains the man. Only the truth brings the Man freedom, chich is Christ Himself, so – Man should build on Christ, and then his relations with Rother people will be build on Truth.
  • Miniatura
    Stanisław Kowalczyk, Nurty personalizmu. Od Augustyna do Wojtyły, Wydawnictwo KUL, Lublin 2010, ss. 246
    Mrzygłód, Piotr (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2011)
  • Miniatura
    Przygotowanie do małżeństwa i życia w rodzinie na przykładzie diecezji płockiej
    Kamiński, Jarosław (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2011)
    Pope John Paul II clearly stated in his 1981 apostolic exhortation Familiaris consortio, that care for preparing youth for marriage and family life should be the principal pastoral mission of the Church (FC 66). This is a very important issue because the quality of this preparation will greatly determine the quality of their later married and family lives. In Poland, this preparation is achieved in three stages: further preparation, closer preparation and direct preparation. Further preparation begins in childhood within the family. The main aim is for the growing child to have positive models of both motherhood and fatherhood. Only in a family ruled by love can a child develop properly. Closer preparation is intended for youth. This sort of preparation includes Catholic teachings about the family, as well as special pre-marital courses in which knowledge of married and family life is passed on to young people. The final stage, direct preparation, is geared towards engaged couples. It begins three months before their marriage. It includes pre-marital teachings: marital law, liturgical issues, learning about natural family planning methods, individual discussions with a priest as well as all activities related to getting married. The article presents process of preparing for marriage and family life on example of diocese Płock which has introduced new solutions in this range.
  • Miniatura
    Rola zaufania społecznego w budowaniu społeczeństwa obywatelskiego
    Irek, Waldemar (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2011)
  • Miniatura
    Aelred doktorem przyjaźni chrześcijańskiej
    Groń, Ryszard (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2011)
    The paper is designed to explain the title of “Doctor of Christian Friendship” that contemporary theological tradition conferred on Aelred (1110–1167), a Cistercian abbot from the English monastery in Rievaulx. The title, set in tradition of the Church, has a lot in common with the institution of “Doctor of the Church”, an honor officially conferred on eminent saints and scholars of philosophy and theology, who laid the foundation for growth of Christian theology. Aelred, lacking in sufficient erudition and official proclamation on the part of the institutional Church, is called the doctor of friendship more in academic circles, because his theological influence is mostly noted in the teaching on friendship. And indeed, his teaching, despite its Ciceronian-Augustine form, is systematic, coherent and original and therefore deserves him the title of master philosophy and theology of friendship.