Colloquia Theologica Ottoniana, 2012, nr 1

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    Odnowa religijna narodu przez przyjęcie orędzia fatimskiego
    Wejman, Henryk (Wydział Teologiczny Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego, 2012)
    The main message of the article was to present the message of Fatima to the moral and spiritual renewal of the Nation. As a specific purpose designated structure reflection. The appearance of the message required in the first place to present its content. It is a call to conversion, prayer and penance. And these are the constituent elements of the message identified the order of presentation of news in the current reality of human life in society. First of all, man must recognize his own sinfulness and confess it before God. Only then will grow spiritually. In this respect, Fatima’s call to repentance in no way become outdated. Through prayer, one deepens his relationship with God. In this respect, it clearly reveals the validity of Mary Fatima calls for prayer and also revealed his date for the spiritual renewal of modem humans. Every man, if he wants to grow spiritually and affect the metabolism of the national community can not fail to pray, including, above all, praying the rosary. In addition to prayer, another part of the Fatima message, is repentance. In making it, he regains inner harmony, bringing the subordination of the senses to reason and his will, and thus increases in union with God. Thus, each individual must be a man of penance, to which Mary called in the message of Fatima. The more such people, the more people that you create will be nobler.
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    Ikonoklazm i jego argumentacja przeciwko kultowi obrazów w ostatnim z chrystologicznych sporów chrześcijańskiej starożytności
    Pyc, Marek (Wydział Teologiczny Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego, 2012)
    Escalating in the eighth century in the east heretical defied the trend of iconoclasm in the Church adopted the worship images. In this article, is shown argumentation iconoclasts deny veneration of icons. In their view, it can not be reconciled with a genuine faith and practice, accompanied by numerous abuses, is a departure from the old Christian tradition. Binding remained for them the Old Testament prohibition „Thou shalt not do any image” (Ex 20,4). Significant impact on their views were: the idea of „image consubstantial” negative attitude towards the matter and give its ugly head in iconoclasm echo of origenism. Proved to be decisive Christological argument, leading to accusations of supporters of Nestorianism and Monophysitism.
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    Troska Kościoła o poprawę jakości homilii: od synodu o Eucharystii i Sacramentum Caritatis do synodu o Słowie Bożym i Verbum Domini
    Sławiński, Henryk (Wydział Teologiczny Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego, 2012)
    The church is realized in a constantly changing environment. He tries to update their teaching to suit the needs of the people, which caters. Frequently the issue is not about radical changes in teaching, but with a distribution of accents. Noteworthy is also the fact that the teaching persisted in the documents of the Holy See has its history in the theological debates and in speeches by participants in synods convened by the pope. This article is discussed in terms of diachronic concern about the quality of homilies of the Church and the latest trends in approach to homilies disclosed in the period from the Synod on the Eucharist and the aftermath of the Exhortation Sacramentum Caritatis to the synod on the word of God and his fruit in a Post Synodal Exhortation Verbum Domini. First shown reservations representatives of the Church in the quality of homilies, and then proposing ways to improve the quality reported by the participants in these synods, with special attention to the proposals of Pope Benedict XVI made in his Pastoral exhortations. One of the suggestions is to improve the substantive content of the homily by the closer union of systematic teaching of the Church contained in the Catechism of the Catholic Church. It shall be done in such a way as not to undermine the nature of the liturgical homily. Therefore, any proposals to discuss theological issues expected to take in the homilies must respect the specific periods of the liturgical year. Structured content of the catechism is to be regarded not as a substitute, but as a corollary of the Mass lectionary. Directory assistance is to be homiletic, the development of which the Pope has recommended its colleagues. Another called for improving the quality of the homily is their Christocentrism. An important requirement is also of concern for participants in the liturgy and their everyday lives: the homily should help students to overcome the separation between their religious faith and their lives. Substantial assistance to the implementation of these demands can provide reliable formation heralds the homily.
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    Celebracja homilii w kontekście celebracji Eucharystii i niedzieli
    Kalbarczyk, Adam (Wydział Teologiczny Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego, 2012)
    The homily is part of the liturgy, because - like every liturgical act – requires celebration. To justify this thesis homily was placed in the context of the celebration of the Eucharist and the Lord’s Day. Quoted Church documents speak clearly about homilies belonging integral to the liturgy. It is linked to both its content and function. The homily is a celebration, because celebration of the liturgy of the word, part of which it represents. Both parts of the Mass - Liturgy of the Word and the Liturgy of the Eucharist - are closely related. The priest holding the Eucharist is the celebrant, both when he “breaks the bread for us”, and when “explains to us the Scriptures” (Eucharistic Prayer V). Preacher is therefore celebrant homily preached by him. The fact that the homily is an integral part of the liturgical celebration, related to the legal requirements according to which there is a duty of preaching the homily at all Masses with a congregation on Sundays and holidays. Since Sunday homily is obligatory (weekdays only recommended), it means that it is an essential element of the tour, celebrating the Christian Sunday. Sunday Eucharistic gathering is at the table of brotherhood word and the Eucharistic bread. The homily is part of the banquet feast of words and should be. It is “the food necessary to sustain the Christian life” (IGMR 65), because nothing festive meal “should be” a faithful celebrates the living presence of the risen Lord. Feeding the bread of the word for them is just as important and necessary as the reception of the Body of Christ. At the end of the article is given, what is the celebration of the homily, which ultimately can be divided into the following formula: preaching to celebrate, celebrating proclaim - in fact the liturgy and the preaching is (all), the liturgy is preaching.
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    Teologia niedzieli Johannesa Pinska a list apostolski Dies Domini bł. Jana Pawła II
    Krzystek, Andrzej (Wydział Teologiczny Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego, 2012)
    In the implementation of the liturgical renewal more often we turn to the prereflection on the liturgy in an effort to show the continuation of thinking about the renewal of the liturgy before and after Vatican II. For the pre-theologians, the idea ahead of its time, and their thoughts and proposals found in the subsequent magisterium is priest, prof. Johannes Pinsk (1891-1957) was bom in Szczecin, a prominent representative of the German liturgist and liturgical movement of the first half of the twentieth century. The article about the theology of Sunday, which has its origin in the fact of the resurrection of Christ and continues, bringing great wealth and variety of theological content of pastoral experience. The primary objective of this paper is to show how the post-council papal teaching at the turn of the century, based on the Apostolic Letter Dies Domini, John Paul II in 1998, reflected the views of J. Pinsk on the meaning and celebration of Sunday expressed in the first half of the twentieth century. Theological reflections on J. Pinsk renewal of Sunday revolve around several key themes: the basic theological motivation is that The Sunday of the resurrection of Christ; epiclesis nature of Sunday lets call this day a small descent of the Holy Spirit to restore the liturgical character of Sunday as the day of the Lord, the Community dimension of Sunday shows the doctrine of the Church as the Mystical Body of Christ.
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    Świętowanie Dnia Pańskiego w perspektywie tożsamości
    Misiak, Roman (Wydział Teologiczny Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego, 2012)
    The paper considers the topical issue of The Sunday-term changes in personal and collective identity. Transformation and modernization of modem societies emphasize the urgency the issues of identity formation and duration, are also factor in the celebration of Sunday. The direction of analysis give the following questions: What is identity?, The role it plays in shaping the Sunday celebration of the Christian identity? And what is the connection between these realities? The source is a sociological analysis of literature and the message of John Paul II in his apostolic letter Dies Domini to celebrate Sunday. Dynamism and extent of social change of modem societies entails an identity crisis phenomenon. It also affects Christians. The creation of Christian identity is combined with the fact of the resurrection of Christ, giving rise to celebrate the Lord’s Day practice. Sunday Celebrations creates and renews the personal and collective identity of Christians. Cultivation of the day or the cessation points ultimately on the high valorization of the human person, whose decisions and choices related to the responsibility for shaping their own identity.
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    Formacja eucharystyczna w programach do bierzmowania w metropolii szczecińsko-kamieńskiej
    Lechów, Wojciech (Wydział Teologiczny Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego, 2012)
    Eucharistic Education is an important part of religious education. At each stage of religious development catechesis should lead to a productive, full and conscious participation in the Mass., Because during its celebration fulfilled its primary goal is to bring students into communion and intimacy with Jesus Christ. The task is completed, both the school catechesis and parish catechesis, preparing for the sacraments. The article presents the formation of the Eucharistic elements present in programs to prepare to receive the sacrament of Confirmation, which are in force in the metropolis of Szczecin-Kamien. The dissertation shows that the authors of these programs concern deepens the knowledge of candidates for Holy Mass., Shapes attitudes and develops skills Eucharistic active involvement in the Eucharistic liturgy. It is postulated to also draw attention to the part in Sunday Mass, as a celebration of Day of the Lord.
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    Jaka Eucharystia, taka parafia. Kierunki odnowy duszpasterstwa parafialnego
    Półtorak, Kazimierz (Wydział Teologiczny Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego, 2012)
    Pastoral renewal through renewal of the Sunday assembly of believers is associated with multiple lines of action. At the forefront is the need for awareness of being the mysteries of faith and the Church, including in-depth evangelization and catechetical activities associated with the mystery of the Eucharist and the Church. Transformation of the parish road from hierarchical institutions to the parish as a living organism passes through the ecclesial community celebration of the sacraments, so that given by the priest, and lived by the laity, led to the survival of participation in the Church. Password: Like the Eucharist, like the parish mobilizes for an immediate, general work of renewal of the diocesan celebration of the Eucharist, especially on Sundays, in the spirit of Vatican II, to support the transformation in the modem parish. It should also transform the practice of Polish piety, also present in large cities, which tends to marginalize the Eucharist, the Mass, like „the way” to be completed practices of devotion. The Eucharist is often „lost” in the practice of the parish of the more popular and dripping with sentimentality occasional church services: month - of Mary evening devotions to the Blessed Virgin, Rosary Way of the Cross, to the Divine Mercy. Do not depreciating in any way these and other services, it is worth paying attention to the importance of the Eucharist and other liturgical accentuate the proportions in the thinking and practice of pastoral.
  • Miniatura
    W Dzień Pański - śpiewać Panu
    Woźniak, Zbigniew (Wydział Teologiczny Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego, 2012)
    Music and singing are an expression of the joyful experience of the Lord’s Day - Sunday. They are setting the liturgy, and yet they are emanations of the human spirit. The essence of the meeting is the unity of the Holy Spirit, who is principal of unitatis in oratione et al cantione unitatis. Not enough to be physically at Mass. The identity of the Mystical Body of Christ makes himself God sacrifice no other way than through active participation in singing and prayer. The purpose of music is to glorify God and the sanctification of the faithful participating in the Eucharist. Proper selection of singing the Mass and the involvement of all participants in the liturgy, appropriate to exercise the tasks, unite the community around the sacrifice of Christ and the Church, and give the character more worthy liturgical operations. The appearance of some improper practices in the liturgy, the characteristics of each feature and songs, and attempt to „straighten” in light of the relevant legislation, liturgical music and aim to improve during the singing of liturgical celebrations.
  • Miniatura
    Sacrum profokowane - mystērion vs. happening. Koegzystencja religii i kultury masowej
    Dobrzyniak, Magdalena; Radzyński, Przemysław (Wydział Teologiczny Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego, 2012)
    The Sunday crisis is well-described fact, and it is not our goal or purpose of identifying the causes and proposing solutions. However, note that even in the language term “Sunday” has been superseded by “weekend” If the language is a testament to our culture, customs and way of thinking, this shift of emphasis of meaning is significant. Now it is time for this to reflect on whether we, creating the church laity and clergy, do not contribute to the cultural clash with the culture of the weekend Sunday. By introducing into our temples pseudo-artistic experiments or using marketing methods to spread the truths of faith bring to blur the boundaries between the sacred and the secular, common and ordinary. Is the priest at Mass cycling, or spill beer on the floor of the church is for us a clear sign of sacred place where we gather for liturgy? Does the use of sensationalism and news of the first and last pages of newspapers for interior space, which is a place of prayer and to create the conditions for reflection on death and resurrection of our Lord, it really wakes up? Maybe the artist, even if they claim to be believers, but engaged in the preaching of art, which is save humanity and the spirit, is more effective in preaching, for his work - away from the walls of the church, but in a relaxed family - no idiom, exudes, but open to religious experience. Firmly and emphatically said Cardinal. Joseph Ratzinger: “The trivialization of faith is not a new culture, but the denial of it and the counter-cultural prostitution” It is worth to rethink these words.