Polonia Sacra, 2014, R. 18, Nr 2 (35)

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  • Miniatura
    Significado de la beatificación de los mártires del siglo XX en España en el Año de la Fe
    Pujol Balcells, Jaume (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II, 2014)
    We can draw some conclusions from the beatification of 522 martyrs of the twentieth century in Spain, held in Tarragona on 13 October 2013. It was so far the beatification of the largest number of the martyrs in the history of the Church. This celebration showed the link with the martyrs of the third century. All of them can say the same: they died for their faith in Jesus Christ. They forgave their executioners. Their glorification is a proclamation of peace and reconciliation and a lesson for all Christians. The courage of the martyrs was at the end not their own merit, but the grace of Christ. The martyrdom manifested the fuller identification of the disciples of Christ with the offering of their Master, Jesus Christ and with God the Father and the Holy Spirit for the redemption of the world. The uplifting witness of the martyrs helps the nowadays Christians to renew their life in the power of the Holy Spirit for the good of the Church and the world.
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    Książę kardynał Adam Stefan Sapieha jako apostoł miłosierdzia w naszej ojczyźnie
    Nowak, Jan (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II, 2014)
    Adam Stefan Sapieha lived from 1867 to 1951. The 100th anniversary of his episcopal ordination creates an opportunity to present his religious and social activity. His great work was based on the ability to mobilize people who were spiritually prepared to help others. Sapieha came from a princely family and was the youngest of six children. After finishing high school he studied law in Vienna. In 1890 he joined the theological faculty in Innsbruck. At the same time he was an alumnus of the seminary in Lviv. He was ordained priest in 1893. After 18 years he was ordained bishop and took pastoral diocese of Cracow. Thanks to his care Cracow became a city of mercy. Cardinal Sapieha cared for priests and their parishioners. The concern for the poorest people filled his daily life. He established parish committees and strived to alleviate the plight of workers. Moreover, he encouraged believers to unite in Catholic organizations. He set up charities to help people affected by natural disasters, war and unemployment. After World War II cardinal Sapieha became the head of the National Headquarters of Caritas. Until the end of his life he was involved in charity work, which made other people follow his example.
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    Beistand bei Trauer. Psychologisch-pastorale Aspekte
    Dziedzic, Jan (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II, 2014)
    Almost every death of a close friend or a relative causes a bereavement. If it follows normally, it is not statistic but dynamic. Its temporariness is defined by stages of stupor, longing and quest for the lost person, disorganization and doubt, finally of smaller or bigger reorganization. If a bereavement should be completed, the mourner must pass through all the stages. The ordeal of a bereavement is important to accept the loss of a close person and acknowledge his or her death as a fact. It is necessary to recover from the stress, which is possible by naming our pain and suffering. It is not recommended to go through a bereavement in loneliness and isolation. Opening to others helps to enter into a new reality and reorganize our life. This information should be also accepted by the society to which the mourner belongs. In order to provide the proper support one should be present next to the mourners, should possess the ability to listen to and accept them as they are in a given moment. When a professional help is required, a psychotherapy may be necessary. In case of a death of a child family therapy is recommended. If the mourning ones are believers the Church’s support is essential.Christian consolation is connected with liturgy, preaching God’s word and love support. Christ who defeated the death by his resurrection brings hope to the bereaved.
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    Morskie podróże św. Maksymiliana
    Kijak-Sawska, Aleksandra (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II, 2014)
    The main subject of the article are the marine travels of Saint Maximilian Maria Kolbe in the years 1930–1936. The article uses the diaries and notes regularly carried on by father Kolbe during each trip. Analysis of these documents allowed to understand and explain saint Maximilian’ sea experience and to emphasize the specificity of each of his journey. Based on Saint Maximilian sea diary one can identify any vessel which Father Kolbe traveled. In the archives of the cruise operators one can find detailed information on each of these ships. These news can help to create a complete picture of the missionary period in the life of St. Maximilian.
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    Mozarabowie a iberyjskie doświadczenie graniczności
    Roszak, Piotr (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II, 2014)
    Mozarabs who defended their Christian identity in exceptional circumstances, historical and cultural after 711 (the year of Arab invasion to the Iberian Peninsula) may become an interesting contribution to the contemporary debate on multiculturalism and its weaknesses. In many of the euchological texts the Spanish liturgy an excellent picture of the struggle for identity. The author of the article analyzed one of the Hispanic mass called Pro tribulatis emphasizes the need to care for own consciousness. Intersubjectivity making by the liturgy understood as an exchange, commercium, and reliance on tradition understood as a creative continuation, transfer, became the foundation of attitudes of mozarabic Christians. Based on the background of historical reflection, the article intend to rethink the difficulties observed in contemporary Spain, influenced by the “new secularism”. Model of multiculturalism, is for many thinkers no longer sufficient and requires a strong correction.
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    Geneza, kontekst i tematyka kazań pasyjnych
    Sławiński, Henryk (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II, 2014)
    The proclamation about the crucified and risen Jesus Christ is the nucleus of the Christian preaching. There are however moments in the liturgical year in which the Passion of Jesus is emphasized in a special way. In addition to the liturgy of Palm Sunday and Good Friday there is also popular devotion during the Lent time, which delivers opportunity to preach the Passion of Jesus crucified. The most famous popular Passion piety associated with the proclamation of the word of God are: The last words of Christ from the Cross and a special devotion in Poland called “Gorzkie żale” – “Bitter complains”. The latter is typically Polish. An important part of this devotion is the sermon, whose main theme is the salvific dimension of the Passion of Christ. It is evangelical story about the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, which provides for the source for these sermons. This article presents the origins, context, content and the structure of sermons preached in Poland during the popular passion devotion.
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    La sofferenza di padre Pio come partecipazione alla passione di Cristo
    Strzechmiński, Błażej (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II, 2014)
    The phenomenon of Padre Pio’s active participation in the suffering of Christ shows us its two complementary levels. Even though the exceptional Grace appears in his soul and body in a visible way, it remains for him an inscrutable mystery. In this paper the author focused on the Padre Pio’s sufferings from Christological perspective. Suffering is valuable only if it is offered up in union with the Passion ofjesus. His Redemptive Suffering bestows a new meaning and value on human suffering. P. Pio didn’t comprehend his suffering as a rejection by God but as an invitation to the participation in the Redemptive Mystery accomplished by Passion of Jesus Christ. The author tried to show the P. Pio’s vocation to participation in the Suffering of Jesus and how he fulfilled it by willingly offering himself up and taking upon himself the burden of his cross.