Communio, 2020, R. 40, nr 2 (210)

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  • Miniatura
    O istocie kapłaństwa
    Ratzinger, Joseph (Wydawnictwo Pallottinum, 2020)
    The purpose of Pope Benedict XVI’s article is to show the essence of the priesthood. The author notes that the Catholic image of the priesthood, defined by the Council of Trent, and biblically renewed and deepened by the Second Vatican Council, fell into a deep crisis after the Council. The author shows the establishment of an office by Christ, discusses the apostolic succession, the universal and official priesthood, and draws conclusions for contemporary priests. The teachings of Benedict XVI show him as a very realistic, sensitive shepherd and a man of hope. Throughout his life, the Pope meets priests, allows them to speak, and does not avoid difficult topics. In the face of the problems of the Church, the world and specific people, including those who are called, he emphasizes humble trust in Christ and proclaims the primacy of grace, because priestly vocations and the cause they serve are the work and cause of Christ.
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    Sakrament kapłaństwa w teologii Ortodoksyjnego Kościoła Koptyjskiego
    Halkowicz, Katarzyna; Lipniak, Jarosław M. (Wydawnictwo Pallottinum, 2020)
    The aim of this article was to present the sacrament of priesthood in the theology of the Coptic Orthodox Church. The article reminds that the sacrament of the priesthood was founded by Christ, who chose twelve from his disciples and called them apostles. This sacrament is reserved exclusively for men and has got three degrees: the five-degree diaconate, presbyterate and episcopate. The mystery of the priesthood is related to receiving hierarchical gifts through the laying on of hands by the bishop, with the consent and prayerful vigilance of the People of God. It is an indelible grace and the sacrament cannot be repeated. The article emphasizes that in the mysteries founded by Christ, the Holy Spirit heals and transforms those who receive Him. That is why the Orthodox Coptic Church calls the mysteries celebrated the sacraments of faith. Receiving them presupposes human faith and at the same time strengthens and nourishes it. The Coptic Church believes that Jesus Christ himself is in the mysteries celebrated by him.
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    Posługa kapłańska w służbie wspólnoty Kościelnej
    Ouellet, Marc (Wydawnictwo Pallottinum, 2020)
    The purpose of this article was to show the ancillary nature of priestly service. If the priest has lost his traditional leadership in our society, it is certainly due in part to the emancipation of the conscience rising in the wake of the influence of modernity. This influence has entailed a vertiginous decline in a sense of belonging to the Church-institution which those baptized ought to have. But all of the Church’s problems do not depend only on cultural changes. We must recognize that the calling into question of the ordained ministry is also due to certain inadequate theological models.
  • Miniatura
    Refleksje na temat kapłańskiego ojcostwa w świetle współczesnych wyzwań
    Lopez, Antonio (Wydawnictwo Pallottinum, 2020)
    In „Reflections on Priestly Fatherhood in Light of Contemporary Challenges”, Antonio Lopez observes that the current crisis in the Church „represents a call to rediscover what priestly existence is about and to re-decide with greater awareness, freedom, and totality in its favor”. He thus considers the mystery of the priesthood, which is both nuptial and paternal, as bringing together two essential aspects of the incarnate God’s faithful love for his people, both of which involve the integrated maleness of the priest as embodied icon of that love. If we recognize the role of the body and the essential nature of the sexual difference, Lopez argues, then „it is possible to see the conflict affecting the paternal and spousal dimensions of the ordained priesthood centers on one point: the rejection of the fruitful receptivity proper to love”.
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    Kapłaństwo: sakrament Ojca
    Granados, José (Wydawnictwo Pallottinum, 2020)
    José Granados, in „Priesthood: A Sacrament of the Father”, begins with the human experience of fatherhood, which, if taken in all its breadth, changes our vision of the human person: „Fatherhood implies man’s generous openness to another «I» who, while belonging to the father’s existence..., is different from him with an irreducible novelty” The mystery of human fatherhood is transformed in Jesus Christ: „By identifying fatherhood with the surrender of his own life, Christ... breaks definitively the link that ties fatherhood with mortality, that is, he assures a communication of life able to overcome the threshold of death by bestowing the new gift of the Spirit” The sacrament of priesthood, by identifying the priest with Christ the head, allows the priest to participate in Christ’s communication of divine life. Priests are called to make visible the countenance of the divine father, the hidden source of all love.
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    Święty papież Jan Paweł II i kardynał Hans Urs von Balthasar
    Štrukelj, Anton (Wydawnictwo Pallottinum, 2020)
    The aim of this article was to present two outstanding figures of the Roman Catholic Church: Holy Pope John Paul II and Cardinal Hans Urs von Balthasar. They were both remarkable people, not only contemporaries and close associates, but also true friends and great witnesses of faith. Both were gifted by God with many talents and selflessly put their various faculties at the service of God and people. In the spirit of evangelical poverty, they both sought only what leads people to salvation.