Roczniki Teologiczne, 2016, T. 63, nr 7

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Teraz wyświetlane 1 - 20 z 23
  • Miniatura
    Nadzieja powszechnego zbawienia jako postać Bożego Miłosierdzia
    Bokwa, Ignacy (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2016)
    The article raises the issue of hope of universal salvation, which is not knowledge, certainty about the ultimate faith of man after death, but only hope based on God’s revelation contained in the Holy Bible. A Swiss Catholic theologian, Hans Urs von Balthasar (1905-1988), undertook in the twentieth century the matter of hope for salvation. A Lublin ecumenist Wacław Hryniewicz (born in 1936) has been dealing with this issue in Poland for many years. This article discusses synthetically the views of both theologians in a mutual relationship. Both of them refer to the Bible talking about God as love. Such an image of God is incompatible with the vision of eternal hell as a punishment without prospects for improvement and conversion of man. The argumentations concern the philosophical and theological nature of man as a being of freedom. It also refers to the testimonies of Christian mystics and saints in favour of hope of universal salvation. This idea is located in the concept and reality of God’s mercy and converges with it.
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    Leonarda Górki „Dziedzictwo ojców” wezwaniem do jedności w różnorodności
    Budniak, Józef (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2016)
    The Church, being on the way to its unity in diversity, should make use of its rich history. There can be found the examples that may be helpful in the reconciliation process of not only the Churches, but also cultures and nations. The paradigm of the reconciliation process are, among others, the Apostles of the Slavs, saints Cyril and Methodius. In his “Slavic encyclical” Slavorum Apostoli (SA), the Pope John Paul II called them the authentic protagonists of ecumenism who effectively strive “to remove or reduce any real or even apparent division among individual communities belonging to the same Church” (SA 14). Reverend professor Leonard Górka, both a witness of ecumenism and a great advocate of the Cyrilo-Methodian tradition, and a longtime researcher and teacher in the Ecumenical Institute of the Catholic University of Lublin, often mentioned the saints in his speeches and publications. He emphasized that the saint Solun Brothers, due to their personality and achievement, are figures that make all Christians sensitive to the longing for union and unity between the two sister Churches – Eastern and Western. His testimony can be the reference point for those Christians who engage all their forces in the process of unification in diversity.
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    Problem oceny Unii brzeskiej na Białorusi
    Drozd, Yury (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2016)
    In the year 2016 we celebrate the 420th anniversary of the Union of Brest. As a result of its signing there arose Greek Catholic Church which plays an important role in spiritual, cultural and political history of Belarus. In connection with the anniversary, the author wonders how this event is viewed by Belarusian historians, philosophers, culturologists and Church figures. Within the framework of the article, on the one hand, the author provides some points of view of those scientists who consider that Greek Catholic Church is a national church of the Belarusian people. On the other hand, there are some arguments of obvious opponents of the Uniatism who in their turn think that this confession is uncongenial to the Belarusians and provides threat to the Orthodoxy. It becomes obvious that civilization antagonism of the East and West influences the position of scientists greatly. Also the problem of the Uniatism frequently complicates the contacts between the Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church. In a certain sense it is a challenge for ecumenical dialogue.
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    Development and Challenges of Ecumenical Movement in Nigeria
    Eke, Vitus Chibisi (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2016)
    “The attainment of union is the concern of the whole Church, faithful and shepherds alike. This concern extends to everyone, according to his talent, whether it be exercised in his daily Christian life or in his theological and historical research. This concern itself reveals already to some extent the bond of brotherhood between all Christians and it helps toward that full and perfect unity which God in His kindness wills.” This statement from the Second Vatican Council’s Decree on Ecumenism, presents journey towards unity of all Christian as imperative for all Christians irrespective of nationality and status. This makes ecumenical movement most relevant in a pluralistic society like Nigeria with diverse cultures and tradition, different ethnic and religious sentiments. The objective of the work is to present different stages of ecumenical movement in Nigeria as well as the extent of participation and contributions of various Christian denominations at each stage of its development. This work also aims at considering those attitudes of many Christians in Nigeria that pose as challenge or stumbling block to the realization of unity among Christians. Some of which are ignorance of the teaching and practical principles of ecumenism, Christian fundamentalism and fanaticism, personal-interest, religious and ethnic sentiments which ordinarily had already created a division and mutual suspicion among Nigerian people. Bearing in mind that Christians are “salt of the earth and light of the world,” the actualization of unity among Christians in Nigeria will serve as catalyst to full realization of peace, justice and unity in Nigeria. Hence, this work propose spiritual ecumenism and Christian cooperation as practical steps to the attainment of Christian unity in Nigeria.
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    Der Bischof und die Nonne ‒ Münster und Breslau als Erinnerungsorte
    Franzenburg, Geert (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2016)
    The article presents a “virtual” letter encounter between two persons, who have particular backgrounds and purposes in common, although they are contrary personalities: the former Jewish girl and later Carmelitan nun Edith Stein, and the pastor and later bishop Otto Zänker. Both have relations with Breslau as the birth place (Stein) or Bishop place (Zänker) and with Münster, where both, separated only by a few years, lived and taught for several years. Both personalities stand for the common challenge of intercultural and ecumenical dialogue, and of German coping with the Nazi era, and, therefore, for the purpose to combine past experiences, current life and future challenges by remembrance sharing and mutual learning, particular for the young generation. Therefore, only one letter (of Edith Stein) is presented as invitation to formulate Zänker’s answer, and, thus, considering the complex situation in the 1930s and today between cultures and attitudes.
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    Das Sakrament der Taufe als Communio-Sakrament
    Jagodziński, Marek (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2016)
    Contemporary theology emphasizes the personalistic dimension of sacraments as visible and tangible signs of closeness and presence of God, signs and tools of communication and communion. This also applies to the sacrament of baptism. Based on the Bible and the teachings of the Church can easily be shown that the sacrament of baptism is communicative activity in the service of communion. In this way this sacrament becomes the sacrament of the beginning of communion. Such an approach to the sacrament of baptism allows also better to understand his ecumenical dimensions.
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    Ekumenizm polskiego środowiska ewangelikalnego
    Jańczuk, Leszek (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2016)
    Polish neo-evangelical churches manifest stronger feeling of individuality than the historical churches and nurture the conviction that they are the only biblical churches. This way of thinking generates anti-ecumenical attitude against historical churches which in neo-evangelical assessment are not biblical in a strict sense of the term. In the interwar period ecumenical cooperation of the churches in question was limited to the family of neo-evangelical congregations. After World War II, this cooperation was extended to Protestant churches. After the Second Vatican Council some limited forms of cooperation with the Catholic Church came into practice.
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    Paschalna chrystologia Wacława Hryniewicza
    Jaskóła, Piotr (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2016)
    The article describes the key premises and features of Wacław Hryniewicz’s Christology. The presentation is done on the background of contemporary currents in Christology and their classification drawn up by Walter Cardinal Kasper. The sources of the article are limited to the Hryniewicz’s paschal trilogy: Christ, Our Passover (1982), Our Passover in Christ (1987), The Passover of Christ in the History of Man and Cosmos (1991). Deeply biblical, theological, historical and ecumenical investigations were aimed to show, that Hryniewicz’s paschal Christology managed to avoid unilateral presentation of various streams of kerygmatic and dogmatic Christology, as well as of Christologies focused solely on historical Jesus. Paschal Christology is also able to bring together purely theological concepts and the elements of spirituality.
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    Ekumeniczni Jubilaci: ks. prof. dr hab. Wacław Hryniewicz OMI i ks. prof. dr hab. Leonard Górka SVD
    Kantyka, Przemysław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2016)
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    Działalność naukowa Instytutu Ekumenicznego KUL w 2015 roku
    Kantyka, Przemysław; Kopiec, Piotr (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2016)
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    Ks. prof. dr hab. Wacław Hryniewicz OMI
    Kantyka, Przemysław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2016)
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    Bibliografia pracowników Instytutu Ekumenicznego KUL (rok 2015)
    Kopiec, Piotr (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2016)
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    Leonarda Górki hermeneutyka katolickich zasad ekumenizmu
    Kopiec, Piotr (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2016)
    Decree on ecumenism is still the chief source of the Catholic involvement in ecumenical movement. Due to continuously changing of social and cultural conditions and in face of new challenges to ecumenism, it appears as indispensable tool to work out the hermeneutic principles of the Decree content, particularly, of the Catholic principles of ecumenism. This task was taken on by Rev. Prof. Leonard Górka SVD, former employee and Director of the Ecumenical Institute of the John Paul II Catholic University in Lublin. He listed these principles and described a historical context of their genesis in his commentary on Decree, which was presented in his numerous publications and during his lectures. Article stresses the need for the hermeneutics of Decree on ecumenism and inquires the key elements of hermeneutic commentary to Decree created by Lublin theologian.
  • Miniatura
    Prof. dr hab. Wacław Hryniewicz OMI – bibliografia za lata 2013-2015
    Kopiec, Piotr (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2016)
  • Miniatura
    Inspirujący wpływ Patriarchy Bartłomieja I na encyklikę „Laudato si’”
    Leśniewski, Krzysztof (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2016)
    Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I has undertaken various activities in order to protect the environment. In the article, he was depicted as the hierarch of the Orthodox Church, who is particularly friendly to all creatures. He has been recognized internationally due to his contribution in developing ecological programs, chairing Pan-Orthodox gatherings and international symposia, and organizing interdisciplinary seminars. The purpose of these activities is to seek solutions to the most pressing problems relating to the environment. For more than two decades, he has organized “green symposia on the water.” In these important meetings participate Orthodox believers and the faithful of other Christian Churches, as well as scientists, environmentalists, journalists and politicians. The aim of these interdisciplinary symposia is to search for possible activities to the world in which we live, in order to save it for future generations. Patriarch Bartholomew’s significant contribution is also calling for a closer relationship between science and theology. Pope Francis in the Encyclical Letter Laudato Si’ appreciates various forms of ecological activities of “the Green Patriarch” and also refers to the problems related to the protection of the environment undertaken by him. It therefore seems to be reasonable to assert that various actions of the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I have had an inspiring impact on the emergence of the ecological encyclical of the Roman Catholic Church.
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    Profesor Leonard Górka SVD
    Pawłowski, Sławomir (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2016)
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    „Żyjąc prawdą”. Relacja z 43 kongresu Międzynarodowej Wspólnoty Ekumenicznej. Praga, 24-30 sierpnia 2015 roku
    Sadowski, Stanisław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2016)
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    Сашко, Ирина (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2016)
    The Eucharistic ecclesiology of the metropolitan John Zizioulas provides for centuries-old Eastern Church experience. Taking into account the Holy Scripture and the teaching of the Church Fathers the theological work of Metropolitan of Pergamon has focused upon the Orthodox spiritual and liturgical tradition. According to Zizioulas the Eucharist is the “Christ mystery,” the sacrament that on one hand is the source of other sacraments and on the other hand leads us to the other sacraments. He understands the Divine Liturgy as the foundation of the structure of the Church because it has the ecclesiological function. In every place where the Divine Liturgy is being celebrated with the local Bishop, there is the fullness of the Church (in Greek: πλήρωμα [plêrôma]). Moreover, the Eucharist with its eschatological meaning annunciates the New Heaven and the New Earth.
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    Ecumenism in the Archdiocese of Malta During the Episcopate of Archbishop Joseph Mercieca (1976–2007)
    Scerri, Hector (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2016)
    The long episcopate of Mgr Joseph Mercieca, Archbishop of Malta from 1976 to 2007, is characterized by the fruitful application and implementation of the Second Vatican Council in this European nation, at the southernmost tip of the European Union of which it has been a member since 2004. This research article studies the gradual development of the Ecumenical Movement in this predominantly Catholic nation from the years immediately following the Council, right through the many initiatives during the period of Mercieca’s leadership of the Church in Malta, particularly the establishment of a Diocesan Ecumenical Commission on a sure footing, the collaboration with other Churches and ecclesial communities, the two pastoral visits of Pope John Paul II and the celebration of a Diocesan Pastoral Synod in the concluding years of his episcopate. This article serves as a case study on the genesis and the subsequent development of ecumenical relations in a local Church, the ecumenical initiatives taken over the years, and the way forward in this important pastoral dimension of an extrovert Church.
  • Miniatura
    Women’s Dignity or Church Tradition? Christian Anthropology in the Debate about the Ordination of Women
    Składanowski, Marcin (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2016)
    The question of the ordination of women not only separates Christian denominations. It becomes increasingly divisive within individual churches and communities. This is why the problem of women’s ordination remains in the contemporary ecumenical movement one of the most difficult issues to deal with. Although it has been fully accepted in many Christian churches and communities, other Christian groups still oppose to adopt this practice and its theological justification. A Christian ecumenical discussion on this topic involves many specific questions related to various branches of theology and ethics. This article aims to present the anthropological context of the debate. The issue of women’s ordination and its relation to church tradition is frequently addressed from the point of view of Christian anthropology and ethics. Therefore the article in intended to show that above-mentioned controversy is rooted in different understanding of human dignity, especially when it comes to its connection to church tradition and to contemporary social phenomena.