Studia Ełckie, 2019, T. 21, nr 4
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Pozycja Ewolucja zdrowia jako kategorii prawnej w systemie ochrony praw człowieka Rady EuropyTabaszewski, Robert (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2019)The aim of the article is to show the evolution of health and its place in the Council of Europe human rights protection system. The author analyses the main legal acts: European Convention on Human Rights, European Social Charter, European Convention on Social and Medical Assistance, Medicrime Convention and many others. The author shows the evolution and approach to health of the Council of Europe institutions: Committee of Ministers, Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, European Court of Human Rights, The European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines, The Steering Committee for Human Rights. In the light of the above analysis legal protection of human right to health remains unsatisfactory. The European Convention on Human Rights does not guarantee a right to health-care or a right to be healthy. This is guaranteed, however, by other documents. From European legal perspective only an integrated approach to human right to health, taking into account both civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights, seems the most stable response to health care needs.Pozycja Ewolucja pojęcia małżeństwa w prawie europejskimSzewczyk, Roman (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2019)When the European Communities were created – in the 1950s – the need to protect human rights was not included in the treaties, as these rights were already guaranteed in the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, to which the founding countries were parties. In addition, the view prevailed that constitutional courts of individual states would watch over these laws. In the 1980s, under the influence of political changes and the expansion of the EUʼs areas of activity, it was necessary to enshrine observance of fundamental rights to the fundamental principle of the EU. In terms of human rights, a commonly known and articulated definition was used in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which in point 1 of Art. 16 says: “Men and women, regardless of any differences in race, nationality or religion, have the right after reaching the age of majority to marry”. In the European perspective, we find a similar provision in art. 12 of the European Convention on Human Rights: “Men and women of marriageable age have the right to marry and to found a family in accordance with the national laws governing the exercise of these rights”. However, the provision in the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights is presented in art. 9 as follows: “The right to marry and the right to found a family are guaranteed in accordance with national laws”. Such a wording does not define a marriage or a family. New quality has been introduced here; the lack of a precise definition opens the way to naming a married couple or family, such relationships that did not fit in previous definitions. This means updating to cover cases where national legislation recognizes other possibilities of family formation than marriage. Such a record does not directly mean that same-sex marriages are granted or prohibited. As we can see, the scope of the concept of marriage and family has been expanded. The goodness of marriage is a natural good, so it cannot be made dependent on the will of the legislator. The path to changing the concept of marriage led through a change in the understanding of the family. The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights was intended to cover cases in which national legislation recognizes other possibilities of family formation than marriage. Thus, the entry in the Charter has been shaped in such a way as to avoid a clear response to the new issue of same-sex relationships; that is, it neither permits nor prohibits because of trends based on social movements. This does not affect the institution of marriage itself, but allows the recognition of other forms of family found in the internal regulations of the states as corresponding to marriage.Pozycja Chrześcijańska radość we współczesnym świecieŚwitalska, Magdalena (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2019)The teaching of the Church speaks of the attitude of joy resulting from the redemption, but the literature on joy is not rich. In theological studies the concept of joy is associated with various God’s actions, which a person can take on such an attitude. The elaboration of the described subject was based on the teaching of Pope Paul VI in the apostolic exhortation „Gaudete in Domino” addressed to bishops, priests and faithful of the entire Catholic world about Christian joy in 1975, the richest and most complete expression of the Church on joy. Also in the teaching and statements of successive popes (St. John Paul II, Benedict XVI, Francis), for whom also the concept of joy and the Christian attitude of joy is a testimony of faith and trust in God. It is the direct and unadulterated Gospel, „Joyful News”, the evangelization of life immersed in God. The successors of apostle Peter, disciple of Jesus, the propagator of joy flowing from the personal meeting of Jesus. A witness to his life, miracles. He who betrayed and whom he was forgiven. Who, unflinchingly, in the power of the Holy Spirit, preaches the teaching of Jesus Christ. Church shepherds show the essence of Christian joy based on faith, hope and love, which source is God. They show the biblical dimension of the joy, its manifestations in the history of the Chosen People, in the life of Jesus, the original Church, Mary and saints. They do not cease to show the practical implementation of Christian joy in the life of every human being, seeking to develop indications for the moral life of Christians by listening to the word of God, meeting God in the sacraments and doing good.Pozycja Rywalizacja o prymat między Związkiem Obodryckim a Lucickim w X w.Sochacki, Jarosław (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2019)The aim of this article is to examine – based on written sources – the rivalry for dominance within the northern region of the Polabian area between the Obodrite Union and the Redarians who played a prominent role in the Lutitian Union that came into existence in the 980s. Despite the scarcity of source information, it has been found that alliances between these political organizations in the 10th century constituted an exception; moreover, they were of impermanent and transient nature. Instead, each of these groupings individually pursued their own fight against the expansion East Frankish kingdom. The outcome of this rivalry was definitely favorable for the Lutitian Union which not only succeeded in expanding its influence to other Slavic tribes, but also in achieving a dominant position for many decades in the northern region of the Polabian area.Pozycja Jacek Salij OP, Wiara i teologia, Wydawnictwo W drodze, Poznań 2017, ss. 232.Sieńkowski, Marcin (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2019)Pozycja Muzyka liturgii sakramentu małżeństwa w aspekcie historycznymMalec, Marek (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2019)Music accompanies each celebration of the sacraments. In the liturgy of the marriage, music has a special character, because the sacrament is celebrated very solemnly. Music has accompanied rituals and wedding customs in the Church since antiquity. Until the Second Vatican Council, it survived in the rituals and piety of the people expressed in church songs.Pozycja Wychowanie w rodzinie w zderzeniu z ideologią genderCzupryński, Wojsław (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2019)The socio-cultural transformations of recent decades are very intense. They concern the most fundamental aspects of human existence: the meaning and purpose of life, the concept of happiness, interpersonal relationships, the model of society and family life. The events of recent years that have appeared in the landscape of Polish streets (so-called “equality marches”) and the Polish school (e.g. “rainbow Friday”, sex education classes run by LGBT activists) require a thorough diagnosis of this phenomenon and formulating adequate answers meeting new challenges. The family is a sensitive resonator of social and cultural processes in postmodernity. In todayʼs family as a basic social group there are changes that cause concern. Their revolutionary nature results from the questioning of undeniable values until recently, such as the irreplaceable role of the family in raising children, love, responsibility and faithfulness. Questions arise about the consequences of cultural changes in post-modernity for the functioning of marriage and family. Gender ideology is a consequence of losing the right ontological and metaphysical perspective. The gender impact opens the way to the destruction of the foundations of marriage and family as well as interpersonal relationships. A new anti-pedagogy arises on the basis of the gender vision of the world, for which the theory of education consists in rejecting authority, discipline, a permanent system of values, the need to work on one's own character and making any requirements.Pozycja Diecezja Sejneńska (1818-1925). Studia i szkice z okazji 200-lecia erygowania, red. T. Kowalewski, J. Łupiński, M. Niewiadomska, Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Informatyki i Przedsiębiorczości w Łomży, Łomża 2018, ss. 121.Sawicki, Ryszard (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2019)Pozycja Social media jako narzędzie ewangelizacji i komunikacji w KeniiMakuła, Maciej (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2019)The Catholic Church in Africa develops, the number of believers grows, as does the number of priestly and religious vocations. That is why it is important to research the new communication trends in Africa in order to help the Catholic Church in its evangelization mission. Young priests, consecrated and lay people in Africa more and more often take advantage of social media in their work. The research was conducted using a questionnaire method and a free interview method. In order to execute the research in a precise and reliable manner, a trip to Kenya and Nairobi for a few weeks was organized. The research question was to determine how the Catholic Church in Kenya could make better use of social media for information, promotion and evangelization purposes. The research would be a contribution to the professionalization of published content in social media by people actively involved in the Catholic Church in Kenya.Pozycja Biblical and Liturgical Formation in Teams of the Liturgical Altar ServiceWójcik, Mateusz (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2019)The liturgical and biblical education was a postulate set by the liturgical movement before the Second Vatican Council. In this context, one cannot speak of liturgical renewal without upbringing the liturgical clergy and the faithful, which is why this postulate was realized in the Church in Poland, in the curriculum of the altar boys and teachers, developed by the National Ministry of the Liturgical Service. Even, if it was not taken up and carried out in a proper shape in each diocese, it is possible to talk about one general biblical and liturgical paradigm of working with altar servers and lectors. It is worth emphasizing that “the effectiveness and fruitfulness of all pastoral and educational activities are not determined by programs, papers, technical aids and an external organizational apparatus. All these are necessary and useful, but ultimately, the person decides and the degree of their engagement, commitment and devotion to the given matter”.Pozycja Sprawozdanie z Międzynarodowej Konferencji Naukowej nt. „Dobra Nowina w multimedialnym świecie”, Kodeń, 6-8 października 2019 r.Hałucha, Artur (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2019)Pozycja Bibliografia piśmiennictwa duchowieństwa diecezji ełckiej w latach 1992-2017 (ks. Marek Bednarski, ks. Jacek Graszk, ks. Andrzej Jaśko, ks. Zdzisław Mazur, ks. Jerzy Szorc)Guzewicz, Wojciech (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2019)