Theological Research, 2017, Vol. 5

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    Świeccy w Kościele. Wybrane uwarunkowania historyczne sytuacji współczesnej
    Strzelczyk, Grzegorz; Jóźwik, Magdalena (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow, 2017)
    The current situation of lay people in the Church is strongly conditioned by how the relationship between laity and clergy (and laity–religious) evolved both in theology and in the practice of Church life in the previous centuries. The article is an attempt at providing a brief account of the history of these relations, beginning from the time when the functional distinction between clerics and lay people originated, through the period in which, in the context of a class society, the concept of states within the Church was introduced, and they were diversified within different perfection hierarchies, to the times when theology completed the circle, once again acknowledging the universal call to holiness in the Church, one that precedes all distinctions.
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    Zmysł wiary jako zjawisko eklezjalne. Kontekst teologiczno-historyczny
    Nadbrzeżny, Antoni (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow, 2017)
    This paper discusses the issue of the sense of faith (sensus fidei) in the life of the Church. The author first describes the contemporary social context in which discussing the sensus fidei is meaningful. He then presents the nature of the sensus fidei and evaluates some major definitions of this concept. Emphasis is placed upon the biblical teaching on this spiritual gift and the milestones in the development of this idea. The author examines the manifestations of the sensus fidei in the personal life of the believer and in the communal life of the Church. He shows the living connection between the sensus fidei and the Magisterium Ecclesiae. The author concludes with his reflection on the dispositions needed by all believers for authentic participation in the sensus fidei. Ecumenical aspects of the sensus fidei still remain an important topic for Christian theologians. The relationship between the sensus fidei and public or majority opinion is a very delicate question. For that reason, the magisterium and theologians must constantly work to constitute the clear criteria for discernment of the authentic sensus fidei.
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    Imago Christi or “just” Imago Mariae? Women and the Problem of Image and Imitation
    Małek, Angelika Maria (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow, 2017)
    The main question discussed in this paper is: Can we say that, in the light of orthodox Catholic theology, woman is an image of Christ in a way equal to man? How Jesus and His Mother should be treated as examples for imitation for Christians of both sexes on this ground? The first part of the article explains the terms imago Dei and imago Christi, and connection between them in their biblical, dogmatical, and contemporary theological-anthropological context, the last one understood strictly as anthropology in documents of the Catholic Magisterium published during and after II Vatican Council. The second part concerns the problem of Jesus and Mary as models for men, and/or women in the present day, on the basis of Church documents, especially Mariological ones. The third part considers the problem of women as imago Christi in the light of Catholic feminist theology. Conclusions are proposed at the end of the paper.
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    Schelling and Luther
    Wirth, Jason (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow, 2017)
    Although it would be a stretch to consider FWJ Schelling a Lutheran, he shared some critical features of Luther’s critical engagement with Catholicism. This essay engages this mutual confrontation, and then discusses the new horizon, what Schelling dubs the Johanine Church, the church for everyone and everything, that is the latent promise of the Lutheran (and Pauline) confrontation with the Petrine (or Catholic) Church. As such, this essay is an exercise in what Schelling called philosophical religion, a fruit of his late turn to positive philosophy.
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    Świeccy – współodpowiedzialni czy tylko odbiorcy nauczania? Punkty zapalne i perspektywy zmian
    Majewski, Józef (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow, 2017)
    There are currently emphatic appeals for increased efforts in order to include laity in vita et in missione Ecclesiae in the areas of theology and ecclesiology. They define the lay person by negation, as a person without the charism of priesthood. Could you be responsible for situations in which you did not receive the gift of grace from the Holy Spirit? Rather the possession of a charism can create the proper Christian responsibility. In other words, this negative theology of laity cannot make for an ecclesial accountability, because it does not recognize in the lay people their own gifts of grace. It does not conceptualize the mysterious connection between every believer and Holy Spirit who dwells in him and who forms an outstanding vocation of every christifideles. This charismatic presence of the Holy Spirit causes everyone to be in a position of responsibility for their own charism in Ecclesia. So, the theology of charism plays the crucial role in a theoretical and a practical repair of ecclesiastic responsibility of lay people. It had been awakened by Vatican II but was present in theology and practiced in the church at most for two or three decades after only the council.
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    Równi czy wspólnie? Kilka wątpliwości na temat równouprawnienia i jedna próba rozwiązania
    Białkowska, Monika (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow, 2017)
    At present the question of equality of women and men is non disputable. John Paul II spoke about it clearly and many times, but for most women his way of presentation of this issue was insufficient. Why? It seems that the use of the expression: „equal rights” is problematic in this context because it results in trading men against women and in proving that because we are equal, we are self-contained. This framework does not open us toward dialogue but it encloses us inside male and female worlds. Certainly it was not the intention of God, when He created us in His image and likeness as man and woman. Indeed we are His image if we are open to each other not only in mind and will but especially in the need of complementarity. Individually we can understand and recognize less than we can together so a meeting with the other sex is a chance for us to realize our potential as man and woman. For this reason, I propose to exchange the notion “equal right” for “co-rights”. It does not bring a category of identity but gives the criterion of reciprocity. In the Church the “co-rights” concept is more difficult to realize in practice than the demands of feminist theology. It requires from men not only the modification of their positions but the need of awareness that they do it for themselves and not only for women. Furthermore it demands from women courage and increasing levels of expertise. However, the starting point for both genders is humility.
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    Luther’s ‘Metaphysics’ in Heidegger’s Beiträge
    Armitage, Duane (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow, 2017)
    This essay argues that Luther’s “metaphysics” is present in Heidegger’s Beiträge zur Philosophie (Contributions to Philosophy), a text many consider to be Heidegger’s second magnum opus. I argue that Luther’s “metaphysics” is present in Heidegger’s Contributions in primarily two ways: (1) there is a Lutheran structure (of existential categories) that Heidegger appropriated not only in Being and Time, but also much earlier in his lectures on St. Paul from the 1920s, of responding to a call and converting in anxious anticipation toward a futural not-yet (what Heidegger calls “the last god”); and (2) Contributions’ project concerns overcoming metaphysics, which involves first thinking through to metaphysics’ conditions for possibility, which means recognizing the “ironic nature” of beyng via what Heidegger calls “thinking concealment,” the logic of which originates in Luther’s attacks on not only Greek metaphysics, but upon Judaism and the Mosaic law as well.