Roczniki Teologii Ekumenicznej, 2010, T. 2(57)

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    Historia dogmatu Eucharystii. O epiklezie
    Waczyński, Bogusław (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2010)
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    „Anglicanorum coetibus” wobec problemu anglikańskiej tożsamości
    Składanowski, Marcin (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2010)
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    Cele związku małżeńskiego według Marcina Lutra
    Podzielny, Janusz (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2010)
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    Znaczenie Synodu w Dordrechcie dla rozwoju kalwinizmu w Holandii
    Nadbrzeżny, Antoni (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2010)
    This paper focuses on the meaning of the National Synod of Dordrecht (1618-1619) for the history of Calvinism in the Netherlands. The author broadly presents its historical and theological backgrounds and examines the factors that caused this Ecclesiastical Gathering. The National Synod in Dordrecht was held in order to settle a serious controversy in the Dutch churches initiated by the rise of Arminianism. The Arminians (Remonstrants) taught election on the basis of foreseen faith, a universal atonement, resistible grace, and the possibility of lapse from grace. The Synod concluded with a rejection of these views, and set forth the Reformed doctrine on each point, namely: total depravity, unconditional election, limited atonement, irresistible grace, and the perseverance of the saints. One more result of the synod’s work was the decision to authorize a new translation of the Bible from the original languages. The new Dutch translation was first published in 1637 and it became known as State Translation (Statenvertaling). It has had an enormous influence in the formation of the Dutch language and the church unity. The National Synod of Dordrecht was absolutely a high point in the early history of the Reformed Church and with it, the Calvinism orthodoxy has been finally established.
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    W poszukiwaniu nowych dróg ku jedności chrześcijan
    Leśniewski, Krzysztof (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2010)
    The first part of the article describes signs of a crisis of Christianity in the contemporary world. One can distinguished both the deepening of a crisis of faith and various threats, which have been very dangerous for Christians. Among many causes of the modern crisis of faith it should be pointed out the tolerance for pathologies, the triumph of atheistic philosophies, the anthropological reductionism, and the relativisation of personal evil. Apart from that in some countries in the world Christians have been persecuted and even put to death. It is necessary to take into account this general context if one would like to take into consideration the problem of the necessity of common witness on Christ and the cause of the lack of Christian Unity. Today, as the Author ascertain in the second part of his text, it is impossible to deal with ecumenical matters without relating them to various factors influencing on the situation of Christianity in the world. As it is evident, so far the full Eucharistic Fellowship has not been reached by the ecumenical dialogue. Practically, a greater part of agreements of theological dialogues have not got reception on the parish level. There is no common Christian language, which could be commonly used, what it points out to a deep disagreement about the Truth. From the Orthodox point of view unity is to be understood not as a mere administrative arrangement and a human achievement, but as a manifestation of grace and as the fullness of the new life which renews the earth-born and the whole of their world. In order to understand why the Christian unity is so difficult to acquire it is necessary to look at the Church of Christ as a personal community in resemblance of the Holy Trinity as the community of the Divine Persons. The Author in the third part of the article underlines that the Trinitarian relations between God the Father, the Son of God and the Holy Spirit consist the most perfect pattern for relations between human persons in the fellowship of the Church. From such a point of view the Church is not an occasional ‘happening’, where the Word of God is preached and listened to and the sacraments are performed, but as the reality of sonship in the Spirit, that is, as a constant movement of filial grace from the Father, giving his Son to us in the Spirit, and as a return of this by us, ‘giving grace’ to him by offering back to him his Son in his incarnate, sacrificial and risen state as the head of a body comprising all of us and all that exists. The fourth part of the article refers to a question of the unity of the Church and understanding of truth. The problem of understanding of truth in the Church may be expressed in the following question: How can we hold at the same time to the historical nature of truth and the presence of ultimate truth here and now? For an answer to this question it can be very helpful to look at the Greek Fathers, both their failures and their success, in arriving at an understanding of truth which might have meaning for a person of Greek mentality, without betraying or distorting the message of the Bible. Their spiritual and intellectual contribution has been essential for a reflection on the relation between truth and salvation. They underlined that human person as the whole (not only his reason, but all functions of his intellect in connection to soul and body) was committed into the process of learning truth. Therefore bodily ascetism in the Church is one of essential conditions of approach to truth, the supreme road to theological knowledge. It is not possible for human being to come to know the truth of life, the truth of God and the truth of his own existence purely through intellectual categories, relative analogies and conventional expressions, because they give only a relative and conventional knowledge. Knowing God is possible only in Christ, who as the personal Truth has been the source of all truths. In order to know Christ as Truth it requires opening for His presence not only on the level of reason, but approaching Him in ones intellect, soul and body. Particularly, the change of the intellect (Gr. μετάνοια) is very important on the way toward the uniting Truth. There are some important conclusions, indicated in the final part of the article, resulting from the Christian understanding of the uniting Truth for ecumenical endeavors. Particularly important is not to treat the doctrinal ecumenism solely as an intellectual convergence process in separation from all that, what constitute the life of the Church of Christ. One has to remember that notions taken from kataphatic theology should be supplemented by notions from apophatic theology, because the knowledge of God is knowing the Unknowable. Striving for the unity of Christians, similarly to striving for the unity of a human person in relation to God, requires the change of intellect, by the attention (Gr. προσοχή), watchfulness (Gr. νῆψις), prayer, the Liturgy and ascetism.
  • Miniatura
    Ekumeniczne zapiski „Latającego Holendra”
    Leśniewski, Krzysztof (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2010)
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    Działalność naukowa Instytutu Ekumenicznego KUL w 2009 roku
    Kopiec, Piotr (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2010)
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    Rola Światowej Rady Kościołów w ruchu ekumenicznym
    Karski, Karol (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2010)
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    Podstawy prawosławnego zaangażowania w ruch ekumeniczny
    Doroszkiewicz, Warsonofiusz (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2010)
    The Orthodox Church from the very beginning of the Ecumenical Movement has been engaged into the healing of all sort of divisions and dissection. Many of the dissections divide Christians until today. In all the theological discussions Orthodox theologians emphasize that the Church is not simply an institution, but a mode of existence. The mystery of the Church even in its institutional dimension, is deeply bound to the being of man, to the being of the world and to the very being of God. The Church is also inseparable of its tradition and it cannot solve its present problems without constant referring to the decisive and formative centuries of the first millennium of Christianity. Therefore the contemporary involvement of the Orthodox Church into the Ecumenical Movement comes out from very nature of the ecclesial identity. Ecumenical activities of the Orthodox Church constitute the fulfillment of the wish of our Lord that all may be one.
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    Eklezjologia jedności – perspektywa rzymskokatolicka
    Czaja, Andrzej (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2010)
    The Roman Catholic thought on the unity of the Church has been basically developed in the scope of the ecclesiology of communion. Since the middle of eighties of 20th century the Roman Catholic Church started to define unity as the “communion-unity”. The article in a concise way presents five important issues relating to the Roman Catholic ecclesiology of unity. The Author starts his investigations taking into account the “communion-unity” phenomenon. He underlines that this kind of unity of the Church implies various participations in the same common essence, namely in one God, in one Mediator Jesus Christ, in one Spirit, in one common faith, in one Baptism and in one Eucharist. The “communion-unity” of the Church is a God’s gift and the fruit of God’s initiative, fulfilled in the Paschal Mystery. There are two levels of the ecclesial “communion-unity”: the universal communion of the faithful and the communion of Christian Churches. The second part of the article describes the fraternal fellowship (communion) of the faithful. The Roman Catholic ecclesiology of unity distinguishes two kinds of membership of Christians in the universal communion of the faithful: the full belonging of all Roman Catholics and the partial belonging of non-Catholics. The unity of the fellowship of Christian Churches is depicted in the third part of the article. Since the apostolic period there existed fellowships (communions) which were the local Churches. In each of them there is the whole Church, because in each of them the universal Church of Jesus Christ – one, holy, catholic and apostolic, has been manifested. The Church on the Earth has not only been the Body of many members in unity with the Head, but the Body of the Churches (corpus Ecclesiarum), the communion of the Churches (communio Ecclesiarum) as well. There exists a certain – although not perfect – implementation of the “communion-unity” between the Roman Catholic Church and the other Churches and ecclesial fellowships (communions). The care about the full unity of Christians, as the imperative of Christian conscience enlighten by faith and led by love, is stressed in the fourth part of the article. In order to restore the full communion of disciples of Christ it is necessary to restore the visible bonds, such as: faith, sacraments and supervision. The visible communion of the Church should be the reconcilled diversity, which does not contradict the unity; it should be the permanent unity in diversity. The Author in the concluding part of the article attempts to explain how to interpret the notion subsistit adopted by The Second Vatican Ecumenical Council. Describing the mystery of duration of the Catholic unity, the investigator clarifies that from the Roman Catholic point of view the conviction that the Church of Christ subsistit in her fullness in the Roman Catholic Church does not exclude the recognition of ecclesial existence and qualities of other Christian Churches and Fellowships. Above all one has to remember that the conciliar notion subsistit should be connected with an idea of the pre-existence of the Church in God’s intention.
  • Miniatura
    Duch święty jako aktualizator zbawienia człowieka
    Kopiec, Piotr (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2010)
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    Nazism and the Protestant Reformation – The Political Theology of Dietrich Bonhoeffer
    Kopiec, Piotr (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2010)
    Polityczna teologia Dietricha Bonhoeffera, jednego z najbardziej popularnych i wpływowych teologów XX wieku, stanowi doktrynalną bazę jego walki przeciwko niemieckiemu państwu narodowo-socjalistycznemu. Bonhoeffer należał do ważniejszych postaci Kościoła Wyznającego (Bekennende Kirche), struktury, która funkcjonowała jako wewnętrzne opozycja wobec oficjalnej postawy Kościoła luterańskiego w Niemczech, sprzyjającej raczej Hitlerowi. Główny rysy teologii politycznej powstały w latach 1933-1936, a więc w okresie zdobywania władzy przez narodowych socjalistów. Bonhoeffer poddaje krytyce tradycyjne rozumienie Reformacyjnej doktryny relacji między państwem i Kościołem, przekazującej temu pierwszemu ogół kompetencji związanych z porządkiem ziemskim. Wskazuje na luterskie zastrzeżenie o granicy ludzkiego sumienia, której państwo nie może przekroczyć. Wprowadzone już w początkach rządów Hitlera „paragrafy aryjskie” oraz „zasada wodza”, a więc konkretne akty legislacyjne, radykalnie zaprzeczają chrześcijańskiemu Objawieniu. Zmuszają Kościół luterański jako instytucję, po raz pierwszy właściwie w historii, do wyjścia z układu podziału kompetencji, jaką tworzyła doktryna o dwóch Regimentach i do przeciwstawienia się władzy świeckiej. Polityczna teologia Bonhoeffera jest teoretycznym odbiciem myślenia społeczeństwa niemieckiego w latach trzydziestych. Jest również świadectwem teologa, który później rozwinie program radykalnej chrystologii we współczesnym świecie, a swoją postawę przypłaci życiem.
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    Konstytucja apostolska Benedykta XVI „Anglicanorum coetibus” i jej implikacje dla życia wspólnoty anglikańskiej
    Kantyka, Przemysław (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2010)
    The article describes the new situation created by the publication of pope Benedict XVI’s Apostolic constitution “Anglicanorum coetibus”. As first there is a depiction of key-notions in Anglican theology, as well as the explanation where so called ‘Anglican traditionalists’ come from. In the next part the Author describes the situation of internal divisions in Anglican Communion caused by controversies over women’s ordination (in the past) and gay ordination and marriage (at present). On the basis of these statements the Author explains why the apostolic constitution “Anglicanorum coetibus” has been necessary and whom is it really addressed to. Then, we find the brief presentation of the content of “Anglicanorum coetibus”, followed by the description of first reactions from Anglican protagonists and adversaries of the papal document. The article next portrays the initiative of Anglican Global South as a response to regrettable developments in Anglican Communion. According to the Author the life-long solution for Anglicans may come with wide-spread adoption of the Anglican Covenant, strongly supported by the Archbishop of Canterbury. The solution opened by the papal constitution will probably atract only a small (about 0,5% of Anglican population) group of above named traditionalists. The article is summed-up by a bitter reflection about the lack of care for Christian unity in controversial decision-making by some Anglican (especially ECUSA) and protestant Churches.
  • Miniatura
    Luter według Bultmanna
    Kantyka, Przemysław (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2010)
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    Tożsamość wyznaniowa – problem ekumeniczny?
    Jaskóła, Piotr (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2010)
  • Miniatura
    Polskie drogi ekumenii
    Górka, Leonard (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2010)
  • Miniatura
    Kościoły chrześcijańskie w Polsce
    Górka, Leonard (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2010)