Wrocławski Przegląd Teologiczny, 2016, R. 24, Nr 1
Stały URI dla kolekcjihttps://theo-logos.pl/handle/123456789/23611
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Pozycja Ks. Józef Zabielski, Roztropność, męstwo, umiarkowanie i sprawiedliwość jako wyznaczniki chrześcijańskiej moralności. Studium tomistyczno-aksjologiczne, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego, Warszawa 2015, ss. 204.Reroń, Tadeusz (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2016)Pozycja Cierpienie a wola Boża u świętej Faustyny KowalskiejSzyller, Halina (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2016)It is hard for an human being to accept his suffering as a part of a process of spiritual growth. However St. Faustyna proves that identification and union with Jesus through the suffering is beneficial to save the lost souls. All her work on the internal life had been based on the union of her own will with God’s will, and her obedience without her logic and opinions. The Saint declares that God’s will is the one and only object of her love. When she stayed at the hospital for three months, suffering from tuberculosis, she realized that this is the time not only for the treatment, but intensive work to save sinners. In order to be obedient to Jesus, and to identify with His sacrifice, she unites with Christ on the Cross. What was important in this union is the suffering and love combined together. She clearly gets to experience all kinds of suffering in her new role. She agrees to her new identity with bravery and devotion: My name is “Sacrifice”. When her sacrifice becomes complete, she declares “My name is the Sacramental Bread “, hidden sacrifice.Pozycja Recepcja elementów mistyki średniowiecznej w inkunabule „Auslegung der heiligen Messe” z biblioteki klarysek wrocławskichSutowicz, Anna (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2016)The presented analysis is based on the incunabulum Auslegung der heiligen Messe that was issued in 1495 and preserved until 1810 in the library of the Clarissan cloister in Wrocław. Now it is kept in the Library of the Wrocław University. We are given an interesting model of creating individual prayer based on contemplating common parts of a mass liturgy. The unkonwn author has derived most elements of his text from the mistique school of St. Bernhard, the abbey of St. Victor by Paris and the Dominican master Ekchardt, although he used the mistical treatises very freely. We can recognise the medieval German tradition of understanding liturgy in meditating every part of a mass by watching all gestures of a priest and keeping on oral supplicating. We are also given the aim of the prayer – cleansing of sinns and evil, earning a favour of the Holy Trinity and spiritual changing. The vision of a holy mass has been presented as the life and work of Jesus Christ but in fact we don`t find a distinct encourage to imitate the Saviour. The deep medieval tradition is shown in preventing from frequent receiving Holy Communion.Pozycja Dokument Stolicy Apostolskiej w pół wieku po „Nostra aetate”Pilarczyk, Krzysztof (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2016)The latest document ot the Commission of the Holy See for Religious Relations with the Jews, the fourth turn, is strictly theological. Taken in the four specific issues: (1) the importance of revelation (God’s Word), (2) the relationship between the Old and New Testament/Covenant, (3) the relationship between the universality of salvation in Jesus Christ and saying that God’s covenant with Israel has never been revoked, and (4) the task of evangelization of the Church in relation to Judaism. In addition, the document provides a brief overview of the impact of the Second Vatican Council declaration Nostra Aetate, determines the status of dialogue Catholic-Judaic and its objectives. The article is a critical commentary on the document and author a discussion on it.Pozycja W. Pikor, Rola ziemi w przymierzu Boga z Izraelem. Studium historycznoteologiczne Księgi Ezechiela, Wydawnictwo KUL, Lublin 2013, ss. 495.Rosik, Mariusz (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2016)Pozycja III Międzynarodowa Konferencja Biblijna „Interpretacja i translatoryka biblijna”. Ostrów Wielkopolski, 7–8 czerwca 2016 r.Rambiert-Kwaśniewska, Anna (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2016)Pozycja Wizja człowieka w nauczaniu ks. Aleksandra ZienkiewiczaKowalski, Rafał (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2016)The text, which follows the teachings of the Rev. Aleksander Zienkiewicz, a legendary academic chaplain from Wrocław, is an attempt to elicit and discuss his anthropological thought. The first part of the text emphasizes the inseparability of Zienkiewicz’s theology from anthropology. His discussion of God constitutes a discussion of man and, conversely, he never regards man as an isolated being-in-itself, but always in relation to the Creator. This thought underpins the teachings of the Rev. Aleksander Zienkiewicz on the sense of life of man or human pursuit of happiness. Furthermore, his teachings on the structure of man as a being consisting of two spheres of power: upper (reason and will) and lower (desires and feelings) and the risks incurred by disturbances in their proper functioning are explained. The final part of the text forms a recommendation of a preferred model of human relations with particular focus on the necessity to respect human dignity.Pozycja Teksty literackie w podręcznikach do religii z serii „Odsłonić twarz Chrystusa” dla gimnazjumKowalczyk, Jarosław (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2016)Literary texts show and introduce people to some useful truths and messages, moral guidelines and warnings, tips concerning the progress, ideals and guiding lights, instructions and models of the decent life. They also provide the important help in the religious education. On the basis of the textbooks for teaching the religion for junior high school from the series “Odsłonić twarz Chrystusa”, there have been presented some literary texts from these textbooks. The author portrayed some epic texts in the textbook for the first grade, lyrical texts in the textbook for the second grade and selected texts placed in the textbook for the third grade of Middle School. In each case they pointed to the connection of literary texts with the subject of the specific unit. In the textbooks chosen for analysis a great diversity of literary texts can be noticed. It intensifies the contents included in the individual subjects and can contribute to the development of faith. These literary texts present important values, such as love or family. Those values can support adolescents in overcoming many difficulties present in the modern world.Pozycja W obronie uwięzionego biskupa wrocławskiego Tomasza I w 1256 rokuJędrzejski, Paweł (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2016)The event connected with the imprisonment of Bishop Thomas I of Wroclaw has been described in chronicles and other sources referring to the history of church in Silesia. The article focuses on the efforts undertaken by Polish Episcopate to defend and release the imprisoned Bishop of Wroclaw Thomas I and to punish Duke Boleslaw II the Horned. The aim of the publication is to reveal the cohesion and bravery of Polish Episcopate not only during the peaceful times but also when the sovereign threatens bodily harm against his countryman. The article proves that polish Bishops undertake definite activities which result in the release of Bishop Thomas I of Wroclaw. It is also important to mention the inflexibility of Bishop Thomas I himself. Moreover the publication proves that bishops are firmly against the dukes ‘temptation to overtake church property. The article also shows the aspiration of bishops to unify Poland under a strong king’s leadership in order to stop the feudal fragmentation and the dukes’ struggle for primacy. The article should find its follow-ups in general elaborations referring to the state – church relationship concerning the church property as well as the influence of church on the unification of Poland.Pozycja Der Begriff „Selbstmitteilung Gottes” in Karl Rahners TheologieGrütering, Michael (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2016)Karl Rahner has influenced 20th century theology through his conception of God’s self-communication. Commencing with his first publications, Rahner converses his idea of God’s self-communication to mankind. The questions and fears of the II. World War – stricken society forced – motivated him to reflect over the relationship between God and mankind. Grounded in the creation of the world by God, he came to the conclusion: God gives himself perpetually. Every personally received revelation is a self-gift from God. He focusses on two relevant forms of self-communication: first of all, God became human in Jesus Christ. God steps out of himself (innertrinitarien relationship) into the world (self-communication or self-alienation from God). Second, through God’s grace is mankind (the human being) capable of perceiving and accepting God’s devotion. Rahners concept of God’s self-communication was a life-long endeavor. He led theological thinking and mannerof- speech back to an immediate encounter and to unique personal love.Pozycja Bóg Arystotelesa i Bóg Jezusa Chrystusa a Bóg człowieka dzisiajGładkowska, Anna (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2016)In contemporary culture is emerging a problem, which interest the public opinion – it is about faith in God, which is a challenge for the world. Existing difficulties, never-ending doubts, as well as objections to the Christian conception of life are the causes of departing the XXI century man from God. Requirements of Christianity are seen as too arduous and outdated, and as a result, many people resort to his vision of an easier life. The apparent respect commands man, who managed to convince, that following Christ deprives liberty and opposed to human happiness. The author of this study presents a passage, that has come to the people: from the perception of God as an impersonal force, through a personal God revealed in Jesus of Nazareth, to the god, who is identify with power, success, prestige and money – he is the god of “today”.Pozycja Teresa Wielka w życiu i pismach Edyty SteinFeduś, Katarzyna (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2016)This paper analizes in what way Teresa of Avila affected the life and thinking processes of Edith Stein. The author focused especially on a particular moment in Edith Stein’s life, when she discovered Teresa of Avila, to show how it influenced Edith’s spirituality. While reading the book by Teresa of Avila, Edith Stein found God, the Only Truth, and this experience helped her to open up to the whole new world inside her. Teresa of Avila become Edith’s guide, who would lead her along the paths of faith, teaching her the way of prayer and developing her personality. In her many writings, Edith Stein tried to present Saint Teresa of Jesus in such a way, as to make her more familiar. Her insightful analysis of Teresa’s works resulted in the in-depth philosophical and theological reflection of her thought. Another task of the article was to show how much alike elements there are in lifes of both women in an attempt to illustrate, that the similar life experiences influence in a similar fashion the processes taking place inside the human soul.Pozycja „Rozmowa Jezusa z Nikodemem” (J 3, 1-21) jako dyskusja rabinicznaDąbrowski, Maciej H. (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2016)The scene where Jesus and Nicodemus talk at night is sometimes named a rabbinic discussion. Even if on the literary level we may see certain features of this kind of discussion, in reality it cannot be perceived as such. The used terms ῥαββί (rabbi) and διδάσκαλος (didaskalos) not necessarily mean the same. It should be noted that the first of these words most probably is not yet in use in the times the Gospel describes, some claim it to be used anachronicly here. Moreover, Jesus was certainly not a rabbi, and if the term was not yet present in his times, neither was Nicodemus. There is no rabbinic discussion if there is no rabbi. The Gospel seems to be in that matter a witness of its times – probably it uses some images of rabbinic discussion to show that not the Phariseesim / Rabbinism is the true fulfillment of Israel’s vocation, but it is Christianity and only way for the Jews is to recognize Jesus as the only and highest teacher and a true rabbi.Pozycja Wybrane aspekty odnowy liturgii w teologicznej refleksji Josepha Ratzingera pięćdziesiąt lat od zakończenia II Soboru WatykańskiegoBeyga, Paweł (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2016)Fiftieth anniversary of completing the II Vatican Council works allows us to look critically on theology and the post-conciliar achievements in topic of liturgy. The article regards chosen aspects of the renewal of liturgy in Joseph Ratzinger’s theological reflection. A kind of hermetic key proposed by Ratzinger for purpose of evaluating liturgy’s reform contains of three words: intelligibility, participation, simplicity. Author shows Ratzinger’s postulate of reversion to the post-conciliar constitution of liturgy. This theologian on one hand made a theological reflection over matters related to post-conciliar liturgy. On the other pointed the dangers connected with their wrong reception and comprehension. In the article the author also tried to show the timeliness of problems regarding liturgical theology fifty years after the last Council.Pozycja Sacrum Eucharystii – dar, który łatwo utracićBaranowska, Dorota (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2016)Generation brought up on liturgical abuses introduced in result of mistakenly understood instructions of the Vatican Council II, stands before a great task to renew the feeling of sacrum and appropriate respect in relation to Eucharist, which underwent considerable destruction. Faithful, bored with traditional liturgy, began making it attractive on one’s own account, leading even to profanation. Meanwhile Eucharist is the greatest holiness in the Church and a gift about which we are obliged to care. And what should be the greatest attraction thereof? The Person of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.