Roczniki Teologiczne Warszawsko-Praskie, 2012, t. 8

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  • Miniatura
    Obowiązek świętowania niedzieli i innych świąt nakazanych w przepisach Kodeksu Prawa Kanonicznego z 1983 r.
    Wieczorek, Krzysztof (Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Diecezji Warszawsko-Praskiej, 2012)
    The reform introduced by the II Vatican Council led to the change of an overall picture of the Church. Reform action contributed to transformations being seen in such outside forms as, for example liturgy, or also determining the generally comprehended place of the Church in contemporary world. In consequence of conciliar restoration there also occurred a need of thorough searching and adapting the legislation of the Church to requirements contemporary world is carrying. Therefore the reform of the Church initiated by John XXIII had to also include the Code of Canon Law being in force so far, promulgate in 1917 by Benedict XV. the Council also affected the shape of provisions referring to the obligation of celebrating Sunday and other commanded feasts formulated later in the book IV of the Code of Canon Law from 1983. Code of Canon Law promulgate in 1983 by John Paul II in the book titled “The sanctifying task of the Church”, is presenting legal norms which mainly constitute the base of deliberations about celebrating the Lord’s Day. Celebrating Sunday from very beginning of the existence of Christian communities was connected with participating in the Eucharist. It is the Eucharist, at the beginning celebrated only on Sundays, that for faithful was making presence of paschal events.
  • Miniatura
    Wspólnotowy wymiar wiary w nauczaniu Benedykta XVI
    Chojnicki, Grzegorz (Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Diecezji Warszawsko-Praskiej, 2012)
    Recently in European societies perceiving the man as units tear out of community, family, Church, society is favored. A man deciding about himself, making his own decisions, not-taking values and authority up to the attention, not taking nations or community into consideration is being promoted. Such an attitude is today unfortunately omnipresent in the world full of relativism and individualism. In this context Joseph Ratzinger (XVI Benedict) is emphasizing clearly that in religious context saving the human’s soul isn’t “escape from the responsibility of that, what shared” The faith always finds fulfillment in the relation to people who live next to us. Thus the faith in Jesus Christ is believing him one’s life and, at the same time, significant way to recognize redemption effected by him. However in our times the man is searching for redemption not in the faith, but in the science, technology and the practice. The author is trying to show how nowadays a Community dimension of experiencing the faith, religious yearnings and existential questions is important.
  • Miniatura
    Koncepcja prawa naturalnego i stanowionego w ujęciu św. Augustyna z Hippony. Refleksja filozoficzna, prawna i społeczna
    Lao, Arkadiusz (Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Diecezji Warszawsko-Praskiej, 2012)
    St Augustine’s thought in the matter of natural and constituted law is current also nowadays. It is regarding not only Christian philosophy, where it finds is continuation, but also public and legal life. For Augustine, and behind him philosophical and political Christian thought, thought that the philosopher isn’t creating the truth but is discovering it. Thus the individual and social morality should be based on God’s law and following out of it natural law. And so the constituted law must consider norms of natural law, otherwise is becoming unfair and is losing its power of being in force. The African marks out three categories of law: eternal God’s law (lex aeterna, lex Dei), natural law (lex naturalis) and finally temporal law (lex temporalis). Normative order of human community should be a hierarchical order which would arrange human rights for them to reflect rules of the God’s wisdom. Lex temporalis, provided it is matching natural law, is embodying the seriousness of the God’s law so to speak. It is written down for the maintenance of society in the discipline and on it is being based agreement of citizens in ordering and listening. A help in creating the society and dividing and managing worldly goods are its purpose. Moreover it is supposed to serve the earthly peace and the common good, to protect citizens and to realize principles of the social justice.
  • Miniatura
    Egzorcyzmy w obrzędach sakramentu chrztu z Rituale Romanum 1952 i ksiąg posoborowych
    Porzeziński, Porzeziński (Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Diecezji Warszawsko-Praskiej, 2012)
    Exorcisms have always performed the very important role at the Roman Catholic Church. Their participation not only in ceremonies of the sacrament of baptism, but also in many other sacramentals and liturgical activities is attesting to it. The question about the legitimacy, the shape and the place of exorcisms in ceremonies of baptism is a question about understanding the secret of the evil actually, question about its presence in the world and about relation between the Satan as the personal evil the man and the world. This problem comes down to the issue: to what extent the man by the original sin preserved the God’s image in himself and to what extent is remaining in force of Satan. Pre-conciliar exorcisms included in ceremonies of baptism of adults and ceremonies of baptism of children are in the considerable majority very much old, since they come from Galesian Sacramentary. They were used by the Church from immemorial time, copied for next rituals. The author is portraying the essence of the exorcism in RITUALE ROMANUM from 1952 and post-conciliar books, but is also asking questions about the reform conducted after the II Vatican council which so much reduced the number of exorcisms and almost ousted them from ceremonies, but especially ceremonies of the sacrament of baptism, where they had their place since immemorial time. Retained baptismal exorcisms were completely deprived of their primitive imperative form, but replaced new composition, which, it is sometimes very hard to see as the real exorcism. Whether it means that the contemporary mankind isn’t already liable to destructive takings for the master of this world - of Satan? Whether contemporary talking about demons is an outdated sign of superstitions and former beliefs from so-called “dark ages”?
  • Miniatura
    Historyczny rozwój formy ołtarza
    Radzikowski, Maciej (Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Diecezji Warszawsko-Praskiej, 2012)
    There is no religion in the world, in which there having been celebrating the cult. An oblation is the most essential part of the religious worship. It has a special connection with the altar which belongs to the oldest and the most sacred objects in the history of artefacts of the human culture. And so the altar is as so old how, a human religious and cultural activity is old. Because desire for giving the glory back to deities by making an offering, thanksgiving or imploring is found in a man. So it isn’t a simple thing, to point out when an institution of the altar was bom in history. The author in the article is trying to portray the centuries-old process of developing forms of the “table of oblation” in the Roman Catholic Church.
  • Miniatura
    Autorytety młodzieży w dobie kryzysu. Implikacje pedagogiczno-katechetyczne
    Gawroński, Jarosław (Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Diecezji Warszawsko-Praskiej, 2012)
    In the process of bringing children and teenagers up the forming of the attitude towards the authority isn’t proceeding in the single-track way. It results from the complexity of the process of communization (socialization) of the man. This process is beginning along with the birth, but developmental psychologists will regard only a four-month-old child as the essence truly social. It is possible then to notice peculiar and deliberate distinguishing the significance of the human facial expression. On average to the sixth month of life the child is learning to distinguish strangers and friends. Coming into existence of the authority at that time has at bases a primal relation child - parents. At the age of 2 the child is starting recognizing the authority of older, discovering resemblance to the own person of adults, and phenomenon of their total dependence from them. Child at first unwittingly, then more and more consciously, is starting accepting orders and commands of parents. Child is starting to regard just everything, whatever they are doing. Personality of the small man is being formed, in this period, practically exclusively under the influence of parents and siblings. Parents are the first source and the forerunner of his attitudes and the morality of the child. It means that authorities and shown positive patterns are, for the young man, helpful in forming of personal practical postures and world of values. Thereby Christian class tutor (religion instruction teacher) should be conscious, that his authority comes from the religious card. And so he is supposed to hand it over in a sense of responsibility, as a guiding light. It means however that waking up the awareness of the Divine origin of authority, particularly of the ones existing in the Church, seems to be one of important tasks of the religious education with reference to the authority. And so in religion teaching it shouldn’t be missing the presentation of values and shaping attitudes based on exemplary role models. At the same time a catechist himself should be for his students an authentic witness and example of life of shown values.
  • Miniatura
    Koncepcja Pierwszego Poruszyciela i problem jego boskości w filozofii Arystotelesa
    Kopeć, Bartłomiej (Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Diecezji Warszawsko-Praskiej, 2012)
    The author in detail shows all metaphysical arguments of the Aristotle justifying the being and the nature of the absolute being and is asking a questions - whether any relation can take place between Aristotelian First Principle and the man? Can he become a god and an object of the worship for the man? In the metaphysical description of world made by the Aristotle the given being is happy when is carrying his nature out. In this way he can only attain happiness. And so, all the limitations of nature, are simultaneously happiness restrictions. For rational beings all forms of the intellectual activity are the most unabridged expression of the nature. The absolute is conducting life of the thought in the most excellent form, therefore is the happiest one. People get close to this ideal in as much as develop this divine ability in themselves. Even though First Principle lives completely separated from world, however the man has one key shared feature - mind. The Aristotle thinks that it is divine root and it is that what make us truly people. It is the mind that lets us lead the life similar to the being.
  • Miniatura
    Specyfika katechezy młodzieży przewlekle chorej w oparciu o własne badania ankietowe
    Małek, Michał (Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Diecezji Warszawsko-Praskiej, 2012)
    The author of the article is showing, that all chronic disease is conditioning sick young people for providing them with the special religious education. If illness requires it, an application of special individualized action towards pupils is essential. It is also necessary to embrace with them their surrounding. The author of the article is putting the following conclusions: religious education action directed at chronically ill young people should demonstrate the significant level of the individuation; the religion instruction teacher should cooperate with surrounding of the sick person, particularly a family, but also teachers, doctors and with the class of the sick person, provided he is attending one; the religion instruction teacher should be driven by empathy with the sick person and have a special preparation; the religion instruction teacher should create the special bond with the ill pupil and his surrounding going beyond the framework of the class unit; chronically ill young people should be, if a medical condition permits, actively included into life of religious community and the class, according to preserving principles of the normalization. In relations with chronically ill apart from the substantial preparation in the fields of theology, catechetic, special needs education and other, tact, real empathy are essential, and more than anything else sincere concern for the good catechize.
  • Miniatura
    Wpływ sanktuariów i pielgrzymek na religijność Polaków po II Soborze Watykańskim
    Tarasiuk, Tomasz (Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Diecezji Warszawsko-Praskiej, 2012)
    The author of the article is presenting the history of pilgrimages and the genesis of the existence of religious sanctuaries of different kind in Poland after the II Vatican Council. Appealing to the Magisterium of the Roman Catholic Church is pointing at relations occurring between them. It is also showing a role going on a pilgrimages is playing with reference to the pastoral activity, affecting the forming of the religiousness of Poles in XX and at the beginning of the 21st century. The author is showing the image of the pilgrimaging in the wide context, as well as their, both indirect and direct influence, for the forming of the religiousness of Polish Catholics. And although the pilgrimage movement to Polish sanctuaries, after 1945, was characterized by different increasing, it is however a post-war period being marked by an intensification of the pilgrimaging, constitutes the important component of sociological and religious understanding the Polish phenomenon of Catholicism.
  • Miniatura
    David Bentley Hart, Chrześcijańska rewolucja a złudzenia ateizmu, Wydawnictwo WAM, Kraków 2011, ss. 304
    Liberski, Arkadiusz (Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Diecezji Warszawsko-Praskiej, 2012)
  • Miniatura
    Jakub i Raissa Maritain, brat Moris, Kontemplacja w świecie, Wydawnictwo W drodze, Kraków 2012, ss. 224
    Grzybowski, Jacek (Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Diecezji Warszawsko-Praskiej, 2012)