Roczniki Teologiczne, 2001, T. 48, z. 6

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Teraz wyświetlane 1 - 20 z 20
  • Miniatura
    Recepcja nauczania Kościoła współczesnego na temat liturgii jako źródła homilii w przepowiadaniu niedzielnym dla dorosłych „Biblioteki Kaznodziejskiej” i „Współczesnej Ambony”
    Broński, Włodzimierz (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2001)
    The study seeks to give an answer to what extent the teaching of the contemporary Church on the liturgy as a source of homilies is carried out in the Sunday preaching lor adults of the “Preacher’s Library” and “The Contemporary Pulpit”. The problem stated here has been solved by showing first the instructions of the Church on the topic in question, and the issues of their practical realization in 405 homilies for adults of the “Preacher's Library” and 219 homilies of the “Contemporary Pulpit”. This source material has been selected with regard to its considerable temporal gap and a large number of homilies. The selection was randomized, with respect to the requirements of sociological research. Then on the basis of an analysis of the source materials the reception of the teaching of the contemporary Church on the liturgy as a source of homilies was evaluaied. Eventually, some homiletic postulations have been formulated.
  • Miniatura
    Oczekiwania na progu trzeciego tysiąclecia w stosunku do kapłańskiej posługi Słowa Bożego
    Głowa, Władysław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2001)
    The servant of the word of God who enters the third millennium cannot carry any burden of fears or anxieties. On the contrary, he is to bring joy and hope into the new century, for there are many signs of hope at the moment. One has to unveil them and bring them close to people who run blindly towards material well-being, and neglect their spirit. Consequently, the third millennium needs a new evangelization in which the ministry of the word of God will play an indispensable role. The preacher of today and of tomorrow has at his disposal the same sources of preaching as his predecessors had. While using them, however, he must learn the real circumstances of life and culture in which his listeners live. Thereby he will avoid preaching abstract things, or speaking to anonymous listeners. He will talk to concrete people who live here and now. Furthermore, he should speak in an attractive and interesting manner, using a proper, beautiful and comprehensible language. There has always been and is at present the need for the testimony of life, hence prayer and personal relationship with Christ – the Everlasting Word which has became flesh are indispensable.
  • Miniatura
    Opieka duchowa w ruchu hospicyjnym w opinii chorych terminalnie na podstawie badań wybranych ośrodków hospicyjnych w Polsce
    Kalinowski, Mirosław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2001)
    Spiritual care is one of the constitutive elements of hospice care. Apart from the medical level and psychosocial concern about the inner state of man, it is the essential part of the ministry to the dying man. All the above mentioned functions of a hospice unit are mutually conditioned and complementary. If we stress only one of them, it is detrimental to the others, and, consequently, we diminish the effectiveness of the ministry to terminal patients. The spiritual care is a complementary part of the work of the hospice staff. It is commonly assumed that the spiritual state of a sick person considerably affects the effectiveness of medical steps that are undertaken, and it diminishes psychological support. The internal slate of the sick is not indifferent to the social activity of the hospice staff. The empirical research among terminal patients included the question of the global altitude towards faith that the terminal patients adopt, the subject of spiritual care about the terminal patients, and the forms of spiritual care. On the basis of this research some pastoral conclusions have been drawn. The hospice staff believe that spiritual care is needed, but their belief is not proportional to the way they are prepared in this regard. The syllabuses designed to prepare can did ates for palliative and hospice care are deficient as regards the spiritual needs of man. It is of the utmost importance to put more value on the spiritual dimension of palliative care. To learn how human psyche works, a stage which usually finishes preparation in this regard, is only a beginning of the path towards knowing the world of the human spirit. We are not able to reach the end of this path, but the very awareness that it exists makes it that in spiritual aid palliative and hospice care we can notice the whole man and each in particular.
  • Miniatura
    Drogi pojednania grzeszników w Kościele: sakramentalna i codzienna pokuta chrześcijanina
    Krakowiak, Czesław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2001)
    The reconciliation between man and God is carried out in the Church in many ways. It can be divided into sacramental and non-sacramental, liturgical and non-liturgical, individual and collective. The sacramental forms include baptism, the sacrament of penance and reconciliation, the Eucharist and anointing of the sick. Each of them, however, has its own specific character. The usual way of bringing a sinner back to God (we mean the cardinal sin), after baptism, is the sacrament of penance and reconciliation. In extraordinary cases cardinal sins are absolved through the sacrament of the anointing of the sick. The absolution of menial sins may be granted by non-sacramental means, devotions of a penance character, through everyday difficulties born with patience and love, and through the practice of the deeds of penance approved by the Church: prayer, fasting, alms giving and penance pilgrimages. All the existing forms of penance in the Church should be mutually complemented and should bring about a more perfect life every day with the Gospel of Christ.
  • Miniatura
    Pojęcie, struktura i funkcje symbolu ukierunkowane katechetycznie
    Kulpaczyński, Stanisław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2001)
    In his introduction the author says that the problem of the symbol has undertaken is multifaceted, difficult, and that he is going only to show its concept, structure, and functions. Seeking to understand the essence of the symbol, first its philosophical approach has been presented, stressing that it is almost unknown, is left unknown and points to transcendence. The religious language is in its core symbolical. Il is important here what Paul Ricoeur said, namely that a symbol “gives one to think.” The religious symbol has its axiological dimension related with sacrum. Three areas in which symbol reigns has been shown: riles and myths, dreams, and poetry The catechetic approach to symbol reminds us of its Greek etymology, the distinction made by Karl Rahner and features (Paul Tillich). Eight kinds of symbols in the Holy Scripture have been given as well. The structure of the symbol has also been taken from the philosophical point of view (formal, material, marked etc. content) and theological (the most proper is the religious symbol) with its parts: one that is shown, that is showing and one that is binding.
  • Miniatura
    Jaka muzyka w katechezie?
    Pawlak, Ireneusz (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2001)
    Using various disciplines of knowledge, religious instruction should also take advantage of the science which is called musical education. This term is used in two meanings: as a science about musical formation and as performing practice. Musical education as a branch of knowledge embraces theological and axiological problems (aims, values), strictly theoretical (regularities, principles), technological (contents and methods, means and organization), and pedeutological issues (teachers). The great conceptions of Emile Jacques-Dalcroze, Zoltân Kodâl and Carl Orff are especially important for the development of musical education. These conceptions have made it that musical education has been transformed into a branch of art or performing practice. An artistic conception has emerged from the method of Dalccroze, from the method of Kodâl an educational conception, and from the method of Orff a conception which develops musical skills and imagination through the composition of music. Now the catechist who wants to teach music, and he should be one that teaches it, should learn how to play any instrument, how to read notes, to read music, he should know the methods of teaching music. Finally, he should be well conversant with the selection of appropriate repertoire. Even the best recording will not substitute direct teaching. Teaching music at a catechesis should include music designed for the liturgy, and nonliturgical music as well. In liturgical music the first place is occupied by chants (acclamations, dialogues, hymns, songs etc.), and then follow purely instrumental compositions. In the latter case Orff's method can hardly be overestimated. Now non-liturgical music should serve to memorize the acquired truths of faith, or illustrate them, Hence, there is a need to leach also the so called religious songs. All in all, music at a catechesis should have an auxiliary character. Performing redundant music at a catechesis, or else only one that is popular, deviates from the aim of instruction and is detrimental both to pupils and the Church.
  • Miniatura
    Dydaktyka homiletyki wyzwania u progu trzeciego tysiąclecia. Sympozjum Sekcji Homiletów Polskich, Częstochowa, 16-17 października 2000 roku
    Makowski, Mirosław; Roszak, Arkadiusz (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2001)
  • Miniatura
    Bierzmowanie w diecezji przemyskiej w połowie XVIII wieku
    Słotwińska, Helena (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2001)
    The paper discusses the way the sacrament of confirmation was performed in mid-18th century in the Przemyśl diocese. The first part shows the relationship between the clergy and the faithful in reference to the sacrament of confirmation. There is evidence that the common practice of the sacrament of confirmation at that time in the Church was highly estim ated in the legislation of the Church. The liturgical life of the Church, how ever, deviated from those legal norms. The second part determines time and various “occasions” in w hich the sacrament of confirmation in the Przemyśl diocese was given. Most often the sacrament was given on the day of Pentecost and on the occasion of parochial visitations.
  • Miniatura
    Duszpasterstwo powtórnie zaślubionych jako wyzwanie pastoralne
    Machiner, Marian (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2001)
  • Miniatura
    Celebracja przymierza Boga z ludźmi w świętach żydowskich
    Matwiejuk, Kazimierz (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2001)
    The paper seeks to show the celebration of the covenant of God with people in Jewish feasts. The salvational plan of God in the Old Testament was carried out within the confines of the history of the Chosen People. Various events which Yahweh performed among His people had a soteriological character. These salvational events were celebrated in numerous feasts, especially on the day of Sabbath, during the Passover, the feast of Weeks or Booths, and in other feasts. Their contents were salvational interventions of God. Christ fully carried out the salvational plan of His Father. It is through His offering on the cross and His glorious resurrection that He had redeemed the whole world. He established a New Covenant in His blood with all mankind. The content of the Christian feasts is a paschal mystery. A common element both for the Jewish and Christian feasts is the anamnesis of God’s salvational actions.
  • Miniatura
    Liturgia sakramentów celebracją anamnezy Paschalnego Misterium Chrystusa w czasie Kościoła
    Nowak, Władysław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2001)
    The Paschal Mystery, the mystery of passion, death, resurrection, and glorification of Christ constitutes the very centre of Christianity. It is regarded as a foundation, basis, and key for an interpretation of any Christian cult in the liturgy. It is celebrated, and not repeated. The fellowship of the faithful celebrate the Paschal Mystery in the sacraments: the sacraments of Christ and the Church, the sacraments of faith and salvation, the sacraments of eternal life. The sacraments not only emerge from the paschal mystery like from a source, but they concretely carry them out; including Christians and combining them thereby together in Christ. The Paschal Mystery performed once for all in Christ “is widening” and, as it were, is extended in the liturgy in the time of the Church by the sacramental signs. They in turn are true places of encountering the risen Christ with particular people. The liturgy of the sacraments makes this mystery present. In the sacrament of baptism through which the faithful are immersed in the death and resurrection of Christ, they receive the Holy Spirit and through Him come to the Father. Through the Eucharist, the triumph and victory of Christ over death, by participating in the miraculous and joyful work of grace the faithful proclaim the death of the Lord until He comes (KL 6). The Paschal Mystery is the source and peak, for the whole liturgy and its sense are grounded on the mystery of the Passover of Christ.
  • Miniatura
    Problemy dyskutowane w teologii pastoralnej
    Kamiński, Ryszard (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2001)
    The conception of pastoral theology undergoes continuous development. In relation with this there is an ongoing discussion as regards its development, its name and specific character, the formal principle of pastoral theology and the internal relationship of its composite disciplines, the relationship between pastoral theology and other scientific disciplines, and the relationship between theory and church practice. The adequacy of pastoral theology today and in the future will depend on the way we solve its problems that are under discussion at the moment.
  • Miniatura
    Opcja preferencyjna na rzecz ubogich
    Przygoda, Wiesław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2001)
    Christ entrusted the Church not only with the task to care about the salvation and eternal life of the faithful, but also He wants them to do something in order to transform the world so that man could live his individual and social life in the way proper to his dignity. The author addresses the problem of the relationship between the Church and poverty with particular emphasis on its social aspect. This problem has so far been scarcely discussed in theological studies. The subject matter of reflection is the genesis, sense, range and importance in pastoral theory and practice of the principle of church action defined as "the preferential option on behalf of the poor.” This principle was born in the context of a discussion on the overcoming of appalling misery, in result of social injustice in the countries of Latin America. The discussion has largely been affected by the General Conferences of CELAM in Medellin (1968) and Puebla (1979). The final form of the option on behalf of the poor was established by the social documents of John Paul II, as well as two pastoral instruction of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith as regards liberation theology. The experience of poverty which still concerns a considerable pari ol the people of the contemporary world and the Church persuades us that this option in pastoral care is valuable and topical. The preferential option on behalf of the poor sets high requirements not only to particular Catholics, but also to the Church as a whole. It the Church wants to be faithful to her mission, she must meet contemporary requirements and come up with a pastoral proposal akin to human needs. She must be more solidary and ancillary.
  • Miniatura
    „Raport o sytuacji polskich rodzin” a duszpasterstwo
    Fiałkowski, Marek (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2001)
    Grounded on the foundation of immutable principles stemming out from Revelation and Tradition, the pastoral care of the Church is conditioned by the factors of time and place. If pastoral care is to be successful and comprehensible, it should take into consideration the reality in which the Church fulfills her mission. This requires that we use sociological research, especially various reports. The data from the Report on the Situation of Polish Families, prepared by Minister K. Kapera’s Governmental Proxy to the Affairs of the Family in 1998, are the point of departure to seek an answer to the question what kind of challenges the state of the Polish family poses for pastoral care. Having presented the Report and a diagnosis of the situation of the Polish family, with particular emphasis on the demographic structure of family, its financial and health condition, the situation of children and adolescents, the way they take advantage of culture, the author shows the most important problems which pastoral care in Poland must try to solve.
  • Miniatura
    Prace dyplomowe obronione w Instytucie Pastoralnym KUL w roku akademickim 1999/2000
    Woźniak, Jarosław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2001)
  • Miniatura
    Kronika Instytutu Teologii Pastoralnej KUL za rok akademicki 1999/2000
    Woźniak, Jarosław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2001)
  • Miniatura
    Caritas w Europie w trzecim tysiącleciu. Europejski Kongres Caritas, Warszawa, 22-26 września 1999 roku.
    Przygoda, Wiesław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2001)
  • Miniatura
    Ks. Jerzy Stefański. Sakrament chorych. Gniezno: Prymasowskie Wydawnictwo „Gaudentinum” 2000 ss. 107.
    Głowa, Władysław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2001)
  • Miniatura
    Neville A. Kirkwood. Pastoral Care in Hospitals. Alexandria (Australia): E. J. Dwyer Pty Ltd. 1995 ss. 267.
    Kalinowski, Mirosław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2001)
  • Miniatura
    Richard J. Devine. Good care, painful choices. Medical ethics for ordinary people. New York-Mahwah: Paulist Press 1996 ss. 242.
    Kalinowski, Mirosław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2001)