The Biblical Annals, 2015, T. 5, nr 2
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Pozycja Mesjaństwo w Ml 3,1-5 i jego deuteronomistyczna korekta – studium egzegetyczno-historyczneZawadzki, Arnold (Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, 2015)Based on a detailed analysis of Mal 3:1-5, the article attempts to depict a specific function of the socially engaged messianic movement that opposes the incipient crisis of the Judean society in the 5th century BC. As evidenced by the editorial addition in Mal 3:1b-4, the internal discussion went on among the Judean leaders who were concerned about the growing discontent among the population and the subsequent emergence of the prophetic current that with its eschatological and subversive claims could undermine a slow and delicate process of the reconstruction of the country under the watchful and effective control of the Persians. The editorial addition in Mal 3:1-5 reveals the attempt to incorporate the original prophecy of Malachi in the process of extinguishing the embers of the social crisis.Pozycja Czy bibliści pamiętają jeszcze o szatanie?Sokal, Bartłomiej Mateusz (Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, 2015)The following paper aims to respond to some questions raised by L. Misiarczyk in his paper.2 Firstly, the author refers an opinion concerning shortage of studies about demonology and exorcisms in New Testament within Polish theological literature. The second part contains an analysis of the behavior of possessed people as described in New Testament accounts. Third part of the study endeavors to answer a question why the Gospel of John and Paul’s Letters do not mention demoniac possessions and exorcisms. Fourth chapter attempts to describe biblical anthropology that could help to understand whether biblical authors distinguished possessions from mental or physical maladies. Fifth and concluding part discusses suggestion of three possible ways of structuring the texts describing demons. While refuting some of the theses expressed by L. Misiarczyk, the paper underlines a number of valuable assets and topics presented by the author, that yet need to be discussed and reviewed.Pozycja Nazireo dal grembo materno: la finalità e i tratti particolari del racconto in Gdc 13 alla luce dell’analisi narrativaRzepka, Barbara (Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, 2015)The judge and savior of Israel in the “cycle of Samson” lacks the traits usually attributed to these figures: rather than deliver Israel, Samson is pursuing his own personal vendetta. In addition, the story of his birth (Judges 13) not only disrupts the habitual pattern in the stories of the various judges (the corruption of the Israelites, the description of the oppressor, then the cry of the people and finally the intervention God to raise up the savior), but it also creates a strong contrast with the entire cycle where his figure is underlined, over and above any religious component. This study stems from an attempt to discover the particular traits and purpose of such an unusual and extraordinary story as Jud 13. The work consists of five parts, and with regard to the exegetical method, the analysis of the text follows the synchronic criteria of narrative analysis; preliminary considerations, temporal indications, study of the performance of plots and purpose of the story. In conclusion, a few titles incorporating the most significant aspects of the story, which emerged during the analysis are presented.Pozycja Peter Landesmann, Anti-Judaism on the Way from Judaism to Christianity (Wiener Vorlesungen: Forschungen 5; Peter Lang: Frankfurt am Main et al., 2012). Pp. 121 + VIII. $33.95. ISBN 978-3-631-62132-5 (Softcover).Rosik, Mariusz (Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, 2015)Pozycja William Horbury, Jewish War under Trajan and Hadrian (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014). Pp. 501 + X. 4 maps. $110. ISBN 978-0-521-62296-7 (Hardcover).Rosik, Mariusz (Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, 2015)Pozycja Jakob Engberg – Anders-Christian Jacobsen – Jörg Ulrich (eds.), In Defense of Christianity. Early Christian Apologists (Early Christianity in the Context of Antiquity 15; Peter Lang: Frankfurt am Main et al., 2014). Pp. 263 + XI, 3 graphs. $72.95. ISBN 978-3-631-62383-1 (Hardcover)Rosik, Mariusz (Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, 2015)Pozycja Zdobycie mądrości według Syracha (Syr 6,18-37). Część II: Poddanie się mądrości i jego skutki (Syr 6,23-31)Piwowar, Andrzej (Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, 2015)The second part of Sir 6:18-37 (vv. 23-31) is a continuation of the pericope’s first part (vv. 18-22). Unlike the first part devoted to wisdom formation, however, the second part focuses on yielding to wisdom and its consequences. Sir 6:23-31 may be divided into three sections. The first one (vv. 23-25) is characterized by the deployment of images connected with servitude, the second one (vv. 26-28) employs the imagery of hunting, whilst the third section (vv. 29-31) returns to the slavery imagery of part one. The second part of Sir 6:18-37 thus has a concentric structure with vv. 6:26-28 as its centre. The fragments framing the central part evince the development of the sage’s thought: while section one (vv. 23-25) concentrates only on yielding to wisdom, of giving up on personal freedom and of the hardships the search for wisdom entails, section three in its allusions to section one depicts the glorious future awaiting those willing to make an effort to acquire wisdom. To acquire wisdom, it is necessary to yield to it fully, the way a slave does to his master. A failure to do so prevents one from the acquisition of wisdom. The second prerequisite is a persistent search for wisdom that should encompass all spheres of life. The sage also indicates the fruits the search for wisdom brings, which include rest, joy, and happiness that wisdom imparts to all those that attain it. In the concluding section Sirach presents the highest distinctions available to those who make an effort and acquire wisdom.Pozycja Wiesław Jonczyk, Wprowadzenie do języka greckiego Nowego Testamentu (Pracownia biblijna 1; Kraków: Wydawnictwo WAM 2014). Pp. 123. 25 zł. ISBN 978-83-7767-943-2Piwowar, Andrzej (Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, 2015)Pozycja Mark Goodacre, Thomas and the Gospels. The Making of an Apocryphal Text (London: SPCK, 2012). Pp. 226. £18.99. ISBN 9780281067763. Published in the USA as Thomas and the Gospels. The Case for Thomas’s Familiarity with the Synoptics (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2012). Pp. 236. $28.50. ISBN 9780802867483.Oracz, Anna (Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, 2015)Pozycja Elena Di Pede – Claude Lichtert – Didier Luciani – Catherine Vialle – André Wénin, Révéler les œuvres de Dieu. Lecture narrative du livre de Tobie (Le livre et le rouleau 46; Namur-Paris: Lessius 2014). Pp. 256. € 22. ISBN 978-2- 87299-257-7.Lipiński, Edward (Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, 2015)Pozycja Królestwo Mannaj i staroaramejska inskrypcja z Tepe KalajcziLipiński, Edward (Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, 2015)It was first heard of a Mannaean kingdom from the Bible, in Jer. 51:27, and more information became available only in the 19th-20th centuries with the publication of Neo-Assyrian and Urartaean tablets. An important piece coming from the kingdom itself was added to our sources by the publication of an Old Aramaic inscription from Tepe Qalaichi, south-east of Lake Urmia, probably the site of the Mannaean capital city, the Assyrianized name of which was Izirtu. The stele discovered in 1985 only preserves the final part of a longer text with imprecations against any king usurping the stele. Among the curses one finds an interesting reference to earthquakes. The rectified decipherment provides a running text, datable by palaeography to the later part of the 8th century B.C.: 1) ‘Whoever would drag away this stele [and withhold it] 2) in war or in peace, any kind of pestilence, [as] 3) much as there is on the whole earth, may the gods impose on the [coun]try 4) of that king. And may he be accursed to the gods and may he be accursed 5) to Ḫaldi who is in Za‘ter. May seven cows 6) nurse one calf and may it not be satiated. And may seven 7) women bake in one oven and may they not fill 8) it. And may vanish from his country the smoke of a furnace and the sound of 9) a mill. And may his land be salted and may sway back and forth 10) in it the crack of an earthquake. And that king who would [write] 11) on this stele, may Hadad overturn his throne, 12) as well as Ḫaldi. And during seven years may Hadad not send thunder 13) in his country and may the entire curse of this stele smite him.’ These curses contain no reference to encroachments of treaty clauses and they certainly cannot be regarded as the final section of a treaty. They rather close a eulogy of the ruling monarch, comparable to the Phoenician inscription of Kulamuwa. However, they seem to reveal a situation disturbed by internal competitions in the Mannaean kingdom, echoed in Neo-Assyrian texts of Sargon II. The oracle of Jer. 51:27 ff. has another background. It seems to have been originally directed against Assyria and to date from the time of Esarhaddon, when the Mannaeans with Urartu, the Scyths, and the Medes were opposing Assyria.Pozycja Annette Schellenberg, Der Mensch, das Bild Gottes? Zum Gedanken einer Sonderstellung des Menschen im Alten Testament und in weiteren altorientalischen Quellen (Abhandlungen zur Theologie des Alten und Neuen Testaments 101; Zürich: TVZ Theologischer Verlag 2011). S. 474. CHF 72.00. ISBN 978-3- 290-17606-8 (Hardcover).Lemański, Janusz (Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, 2015)Pozycja Harald Samuel, Von Priestern zum Patriarchen. Levi und die Leviten im Alten Testament (Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 448; Berlin – Boston: De Gruyter, 2014) Pp. 453 + XIV. €129,95 / $182,00. ISBN 978-3-11-031039-9 (Hardcover).Lemański, Janusz (Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, 2015)Pozycja Sprawozdanie z Wiosennego Dnia Biblijnego „«Niewiastę dzielną kto znajdzie?» (Prz 31,10). Rola kobiet w historii zbawienia” (KUL, 24 marca 2015)Kubiś, Adam (1976- ) (Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, 2015)Pozycja Florian Wilk – J. Ross Wagner (ed.), Between Gospel and Election. Explorations in the Interpretation of Romans 9-11 (WUNT I/257; Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck 2010). Pp. 554 + XXVII. € 134.00. ISBN 978-3-16-150533-1.Kowalski, Marcin (Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, 2015)Pozycja James Constantine Hanges, Paul, Founder of Churches. A Study in Light of the Evidence for the Role of “Founder-Figures” in the Hellenistic-Roman Period (WUNT I/292; Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck 2012). Pp. 550 + XXIII. € 129.00. ISBN 978-3-16-150716-8.Kowalski, Marcin (Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, 2015)Pozycja Marianus Pale Hera, Christology and Discipleship in John 17 (WUNT II/342; Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck 2013). Pp. 206 + XIV. €64. ISBN 978-3-16-152219-2.Darowski, Łukasz (Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, 2015)Pozycja Koptyjski przekład Iz 1-39 w manuskrypcie sa 52 (M 568) z VIII w.Bąk, Tomasz (Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, 2015)In this article I attempt to analyze a Coptic manuscript sa 52 (according to the nomenclature of K. Schüssler), from the collection of Pierpont Morgan Library. In this parchment codex we have almost the entire text of the Book of Isaiah in the Sahidic dialect of the Coptic language. The first part of this book is particularly important: the so-called Proto–Isaiah. One third of the text of Proto–Isaiah in Sahidic can be found only in our manuscript sa 52! The presentation and analysis of the codex sa 52 is divided in several parts. The first part contains a short history of our manuscript against the background of the whole Pierpont Morgan collection. In the second part there are some technical informations about our codex (its form, measurements, shape of the letters, manner of writing, etc.). The third part is dedicated to the Coptic text itself and its comparison with the Greek text of the Septuagint (according to the edition of J. Ziegler). In the last part – based on several examples – we try to answer the following question: how the Coptic text of sa 52 helps us in our interpretation of the Greek text of Proto–Isaia, especially when the text of Septuagint is difficult and unclear.