Family Forum, 2022, T. 12

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  • Miniatura
    Przemiany we współczesnej rodzinie z osobą z niepełnosprawnością
    Górnicka, Beata (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2022)
    Background – Nowadays the family, in the era of postmodernism and in the world of VUCA, undergoes various transformations that concern both its structure, functioning, the performance of family roles, and family ties. The family functioning with a person with a disability is also subject to these transformations, both when the disability concerns the child and the parent. Aims – The aim of the article was to show the changes that are taking place in a family with a person with disabilities, as well as to discuss the problems occurring in it and the possibilities of support in overcoming them. Methodology – The article is a review, focusing on an analysis of the issue based on the literature. Results – The article is devoted to selected transformations in a family with a disabled person. The problems of the functioning of a family in which a child with a disability is raised or in which the disability directly affects the parents themselves are presented. The problems and difficulties faced by these families as they try to cope with the most current challenges of the present day are discussed. Moreover, the issue of the complex determinants of family functioning in the face of disability is discussed, especially in the context of changing social attitudes towards disability. Conclusions – The transformations in a family with a person with a disability are taking place against the background of societal-wide changes. They are complex and diverse and involve many different areas. A family experiencing an accumulation of problems requires specific support, which should be redefined and, above all, rationalised.
  • Pozycja
    Komunikacja afektywna, empatia i wartości rodzinne młodych kobiet i mężczyzn z rodzin monoparentalnych i pełnych. Analiza porównawcza
    Walęcka-Matyja, Katarzyna Kamila; Krawczyk, Justyna Paulina (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2022)
    Background: The modem family changes its structure as a result of the dynamic development oftechnology, economic processes and changes taking place on the labor market. There is an increase in the number of single parents bringing up children, mainly mothers. Objectives: The aim of the research was to determine the differentiation in terms of affective communication, empathy and family values in groups of young adults from monoparental and full families. The relationship between affective communication and empathy as well as family values was also examined. Methodology: The research used the quantitative method, which includes self-report questionnaires (Empathic Sensitivity Scale, Affective Communication Index, Familism Scale and a questionnaire). The study involved 266young adults (160 women and 106 men) from families with a diversified structure (117 people from monoparental families and 149 people from complete families). Results: The obtained results indicate that young adults from monoparental families do not differ in the intensity of affective communication, empathy and family values from young adults from families, full. Women from monoparental families obtained a higher intensity of average results in the material success and achievement dimension than women from complete families. The analysis of the relationship between affective communication and empathy and family values showed weak relationships. More statistically significant relationships were found in the group of young adults from complete families than in the group of adults from minimal families. Conclusions: Coming from a monoparental family is not a risk factor in the development of the analyzed dimensions of psychosocial functioning, i.e. affective communication, empathy and family values.
  • Pozycja
    Wspomaganie procesu organizacji uczenia się dziecka w okresie zdalnej edukacji w doświadczeniu rodziców zastępczych
    Kaszubska-Dziergas, Patrycja; Nycz, Edward (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2022)
    Background: Foster parenting is a particular form of parenthood which requires engagement, devotion, patience and relevant skills. Distance learning in the period of the Covid-19 pandemic posed a challenge to both children-students and their guardians, regarding the new situation. The article is a recording of the subjective awareness of the time of plague years 2020-2022. Study aims: Finding out about foster parents’ experience in the situation of responsibilities set to them by the education system, meant to facilitate the functioning of children during online learning. Research method: The article presents results of pilot research conducted with the use of interview, partly structured, carried out among a group of foster parents in March 2022. Results: The analysis of the collected empirical material proved that as regards their experience and the roles set to them by the education system, foster parents mainly pointed to the shortcomings of cooperation with teachers and the general school in supporting the child’s learning process during the remote education period Conclusions: The awareness of changes, which has arisen in the examined foster parents, as determined by external factors of the arisen situation, indicated the personal need for adjustment to the current educational situation with the aim to aid the young remaining in their care.
  • Miniatura
    Rodzinne uwarunkowania odraczania niezależności od rodziców przez młodych dorosłych
    Komorowska-Pudło, Marta (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2022)
    The article analyzes the problem of dependence of adult children on their parents. The aim of the research was to determine to what extent bringing up in a specific environment of the family of origin determines obtaining or delaying the independence of young adults from their own parents. A survey research was conducted among 428 adults using the David H. Olson Family Assessment Scale and the quality scale of relations between adult children and their parents. The obtained data confirmed the hypotheses that growing up in a balanced family system in terms of Cohesion and Flexibility positively correlates with the feeling of psychological independence from parents in adulthood, and growing up in homes with unbalanced systems, i.e. in Disengagement, Enmeshment, Regidity and Chaotic families, simultaneously communicating in an ineffective manner, hinders the process of psychological separation from parents. Due to the fact that the correct family environment determines the development of maturity to take on autonomous roles in adulthood, and the incorrect one hinders the acquisition of such maturity, it is necessary to strengthen the parents’ ability to build optimal ties and relationships in the family in order to properly shape the process of independence from their children.
  • Pozycja
    The family in the age of pandemics – topicality of the message of the exhortation Amoris Laetitia
    Kłos-Skrzypczak, Aleksandra Janina (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2022)
    The time of the pandemic is a hard test for the family ties. In the face of the difficulties and threats experienced by the families today, the Church reminds spouses about the value of a marriage, which is Gods intention, the fruit of grace and a vocation that must be fully experienced, with fidelity and selflessness. The aim of the research was to present the topicality of the message of the exhortation Amoris laetitia in the context of contemporary events caused by the SARS-Cov-2 virus and underlining the importance of the Church's tenderness in accompaniment, discreet and full of love, for today’s families. The analytical-synthetic method was used in the work on the text. As a result of the analysis of the content of the exhortation, not so much its topicality was emphasized, but rather the meticulous care for family life in many aspects. Pope Francis, giving specific examples, talks about the topicality of the vocation of the Christian family and the challenges that families had to face during the pandemic. The following conclusion can be drawn from these considerations: each family member, regardless of age or sex, plays an important role in social relations, and in the prose of life, the azimuth of actions should be marked by the ‘Hymn oft love’ by St. Paul.
  • Miniatura
    Ways and types of media participation in Polish, Slovak and Hungarian villages. Comparative analysis
    Kinal, Jarosław (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2022)
    Modern technological development of media, together with the possibilities of access to content, has practically bridged the information gap between the inhabitants of village and city. The aim of the article is to present the results of media participation studies conducted in three countries of Central and Eastern Europe. The study was conducted on a random group using the Collected Research Aggregate data, indicating the difference in transmedia participation and identifying patterns of media consumption behaviour in rural areas. To this point, a comparative analysis between respondents representing different media systems with different media practices has allowed to distinguish common features and differences that may be of interest not only to media experts, but also to those managing advertising campaigns in the media in the countries studied.
  • Pozycja
    Nowa dziedzina „Nauki o rodzinie” – dyscyplinarne szanse rozwoju nauki i praktyki wspierania rodzin
    Żukiewicz, Arkadiusz (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2022)
    The aim of the article is to present the basic issues related to legal changes in Polish science. The desk research method was the basic method used during the undertaken research. Based on the analysis of documents and sources, a study was prepared illustrating a new Polish field of science – family science. The article initiates the discourse on family science. It covers the sphere of legal, administrative, organizational and institutional issues. It also touches upon the sphere of education in the field of family sciences and the relationship of this area of higher education with the practice of educational and social services.
  • Pozycja
    Alcoholism as a way of dealing with emotions and transformation in relational family therapy
    Simonič, Barbara; Cvetek, Robert (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2022)
    Alcoholism, which is a major public health and social problem, can be viewed from several perspectives, as its occurrence is a multifaceted phenomenon in terms of its development (causes), effects, and maintenance. The Relational Family Therapy paradigm looks at alcoholism and its dynamics in relation to dysfunctional affect regulation. Dysfunctional affect regulation and the general inability to manage emotions are often mentioned in relation to the development and maintenance of alcohol addiction. The mechanism of affect regulation generally refers to internal processes that allow an individual to maintain their emotions to a degree that feels still bearable for them. According to these assumptions, alcoholics drink in order to cope with difficult emotions, either because they have more negative emotional states than others do, or because they lack the internal resources to cope with these negative emotions. For them, consuming alcohol is a series of repeated attempts to regulate heavy emotions, which often stem from painful past experiences. The process of Relational Family Therapy, therefore, as treatment of addiction, focuses on identifying and transforming the dysfunctional regulation of affect, which is behind addictive behavior. By means of action research methodology, this paper presents the approach of Relational Family Therapy in working with an alcoholic client, with an emphasis on the aspects of affect regulation. We show how the client’s alcohol use appeared as a dynamic of inappropriate regulation of a painful core affect. In the process of Relational Family Therapy, a more functional regulation of the core affect was established, thereby reducing symptomatic behavior (alcoholism) in the client.
  • Miniatura
    Attitudes of university students towards institution of a marriage
    Ivkov-Džigurski, Anđelija; Đukičin Vucković, Smiljana; Stajić, Stefan; Sekulić, Milena; Ivanovic Bibić, Ljubica; Milankovic Jovanov, Jelena; Dragin, Aleksandra (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2022)
    Until recently, marriage was the only socially acceptable community of two partners of different gender, with the goal of creating a family and prolonging the human race. The aim of this paper is to examine the attitudes of University students towards marriage and family. The research was based on the survey regarding the attitudes of students from the University of Novi Sad, Serbia towards institution of marriage. Collected data were analysed by using the SPSS statistical software. The main results indicate that 93.8% of respondents want to get married one day; an ideal number of children for a family to have been two (48.4%); 54.6% of respondents strongly agreed that if being in a marriage does not work properly, they should divorce. The results of these analyses and their limitations suggest guiding a future research according to different attitudes of respondents. This research provides the most ambitious and systematic analysis to date the attitudinal evidence on the attitudes of family, future children, and divorce among University students.
  • Miniatura
    Emigracja a proces uczenia się małżonków
    Kupis, Karolina; Kalus, Alicja; Mazurek, Emilia (2022)
    Poland’s accession to the structures of the European Union initiated the post-accession emigration of Poles, which was characterized by the emergence of new directions for emigration. Great Britain has become one of the most popular. An emigration is a significant event in the biography of a person and the whole family. In the light of Agnieszka Bron’s concept (2000, 2006), it is associated with numerous tensions, ambivalence, a sense of helplessness and suspension (the so-called “floating”), and at the same time, it is an educational event. The research aimed to explain the learning process of spouses experiencing emigration. Biographical research was carried out using an autobiographical narrative interview and an analysis of personal documents. Ten marriage dyads staying in a long-term emigration in Great Britain participated in the research. As a result of the study of the empirical material, the following categories of experiences that fit into “floating” were distinguished: surprise/fascination with the reality, sense of loss and loneliness, uncertainty as to the rightness of the decision made, loss of sense of security, attempting to cope with the crisis, choosing a coping strategy and learning. However, not all of the distinguished categories appear in every autobiographical narration. Compared to A. Bron’s concept, the “floating” structure in the biographies studied consists of a more significant number of elements. At the same time, it loses its stages, becomes blurry, and has a mosaic character. Ten strategies for coping with a sense of suspension were also identified, which were high or low orientated toward either: the culture of the host country or the culture of the home country. Most, hut not all, of these strategies enhanced recognizing the new culture. Learning from the beginning is perceived as a value and an opportunity to better cope with the crisis experienced in living in new socio-cultural conditions.
  • Miniatura
    Home and its importance in the lives of Poles
    Duda, Małgorzata; Podkowińska, Monika (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2022)
    Background. Home is an extremely important place in human life. Its significance in culture is evidenced by the multitude of terms, expressions and synonyms used in Polish to describe a house. The relationship between the institution of home and people over the centuries is unquestionable. That is why it is worth looking at the issues related to the home from the perspective of social sciences. Objectives. The authors drew attention to the various interpretations of the concept of home and its meaning, referring to the image of home in the eyes of Poles. The research results show what Poles associate the word home with and what it means for them from the perspective of meeting the need for security, intimacy and love. The article answers the question of whether these are the concepts that Poles associate with home, as well as family home in which they grew up. Methodology. In the article, the authors present the results of the research conducted in the period of November 24-27, 2020 on a sample of 1072 respondents. The sample was selected on a quota basis, from the SW Panel web panel administered by SW Research. The survey was conducted using the CAWI (Computer-Assisted Web Interview) technique Results. Research shows that Poles associate the word home primarily with family, security, shelter and intimacy. As many as 84% of Poles surveyed indicated family as a word they associate with the concept of home. For the majority (68%), the family home in which the respondents grew up is associated primarily with a safe haven. This house is associated with joy (62%) and love (63%). It is a house that respondents simply like (67%) Conclusions. A home is primarily a family, it is a place that allows you to feel safe. Less frequently, Poles identify the word home only with a residential building, a place of permanent residence (34%), or symbolically with the homeland (18%). Therefore, the importance of the home from the perspective of the analysis of family life seems unquestionable. An important issue remains the fact that Poles now associate home with positive emotions, security (70%), peace and quiet (54%), and not with noise, understatement, secrecy or a lie (3%).
  • Miniatura
    Spousal support and illness acceptance in breast cancer patients: the mediating function of meaning in life and sense of coherence
    Krok, Dariusz; Telka, Ewa (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2022)
    The explanation as to why married cancer patients are characterised by better adjustment to illness than unmarried patients is not fully understood. This article aims to investigate a parallel mediation effect of meaning in life and sense of coherence in the relationship of spousal support and illness acceptance in breast cancer patients. A total of 213 women were included in this study. The Berlin Social Support Scales, the Personal Meaning Profile, the Sense of Coherence Scale, and the Acceptance of Life with the Disease Scale were used. Pearson’s correlation coefficient and mediation analysis were performed. The results showed significant correlations between spousal support, meaning in life, sense of coherence, and illness acceptance. Except for protective buffering support, meaning in life mediated spousal supports’ effect on illness acceptance. A sense of coherence mediated the relationship of perceived available support, actually received support, and protective buffering support in terms of illness acceptance. Meaning-based resources play a significant role in accepting the detrimental mental and physical consequences of breast cancer. Therefore, practitioners can incorporate these resources into rehabilitation programmes to improve adjustment to cancer.
  • Miniatura
    Substance Abuse, Social Values Change and Acceleration of Family Destabilization
    Pospíšil, Jiří; Olecká, Ivana (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2022)
    Background: Substance abuse has the potential to change value orientations and affects all aspects of human life. Objectives: The text aims to show the shift in value orientations of respondents who use addictive substances compared to respondents who do not. Methodology: One-way ANOVA was used in the statistical analysis of the dependence of the values on the occurrence of abusive behaviour, with dependencies at the level of p ≤ 0.05 considered statistically significant. Results: There were statistically significant differences between the group of respondents with abstinence from each addictive substance and the group of respondents without abstinence. Substance abuse shifts pro-family values towards greater individualization and thus threatens and destabilizes the family. It strengthens community-oriented values and weakens family-oriented values. Conclusions: The transformation of the value system leads to a destabilization of family ties, which cease to be a priority. Working with values should be an opportunity for social pedagogy, social work, and all types of schools. Non-formal and informal education present particular opportunities for values education. In many cases, it is unnecessary to change the value system, but only to show the non-deviant way of fulfilling values.
  • Miniatura
    The Beginnings of Hospice Care in the Czech Republic
    Polák, Jan; Opatrná, Marie; Svatošová, Marie (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2022)
    The aim of this paper is to review the situation in communist and post-revolutionary Czechoslovakia in the area of palliative care. It will familiarize readers with the enormous efforts of two big personalities in the history of Czech health care: Marie Opatrná and Marie Svatošová, who tried to change the old and inconvenient Soviet health care system and make the care of terminal and dying people more human. A t the end, it will present some challenges which the current Czech hospice care is confronted with.
  • Miniatura
    Wybrane aspekty pracy z rodziną w opinii kuratorów sądowych
    Stasiorowski, Sławomir; Lewicka-Zelent, Agnieszka (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2022)
    n the process of increasing the efficiency of the work of court appointed family probation officers, their views on their work are extremely important. Therefore, the aim of the article is to find out their opinions on selected aspects of tasks undertaken as part of their official duties. At the turn of 2020 and 2021, individual interviews were conducted with 13 family probation officers who shared their views on the positive and negative aspects of their work. They also referred to their sense of security, their professional role and the difficulties they encounter during a pandemic. The information obtained from the respondents is the basis for conducting quantitative research and proposing legislative changes.
  • Miniatura
    The necessity to reexamine the definition of the human embryo adopted by the CJEU. Letters to the Editor
    Rieske, Piotr; Kmieciak, Błażej (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2022)
    In 2022, several publications have appeared which require legal and ethical reflection. These are the works of Sheng Ding, Magdalena Żemicka Goetz, Jacob Hann, and Vincent Pasque. They concern two methods of obtaining mammalian embryos without the use of an ovum. One is reprogramming, „going back” to the state of totipotency (zygote). The second one is self-organization into the organism of cells from which it seemed, until 2022, that any cells of the organism could arise, but not the organism or the teratoma. In the second case, the embryos have reached the stage that previously required implantation into the uterus. We propose to reconsider the CJEU embryo definition in an attempt to avoid the instrumental use of human embryos because the current definition is likely to be used for that purpose, especially by means of the article presented by the Sheng Ding team. The authors of this letter (biotechnologist and bioethicist) have doubts concerning the legal status of human embryos, which can probably be obtained after using the data from these publications (l-4). These doubts result from the fact that the reports that are currently reaching the world of science in connection with the above-mentioned research, demonstrate that it is theoretically possible to create human embryos that will not be properly protected by law. The most controversial studies have been conducted on animals. Nonetheless, the project to commence the production of human embryos, for the purpose of using them as 3D-printing organs (albo 3D-printed organs) has already been established (5). The CJEU in the Oliver Briistle v. Greenpeace eV. case defined the human embryo as follows: ‘A human embryo is any egg cell, from its fertilization stage onwards, any unfertilized egg cell into which a nucleus derived from a mature human cell has been implanted, and any unfertilized human egg cell that has been stimulated to divide and further develop through parthenogenesis” (6).
  • Pozycja
    COVID-19 and Family Schedule
    Kovács, Gusztáv (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2022)
    The delicate balance between the private and the public sphere affects families in a unique way, whose social place is to be found at the border of the two. Families are fundamental resources for the public – primarily due to their capacity to reproduce – however, they also rely strongly on the frameworks provided by the public. The latter affects especially the time schedule of families. Two current events have also challenged the sensitive balance between the two speres. The COVID-19 pandemic pushed certain public roles and activities over to the private sphere due to social distancing rules and compulsory lockdowns. Meanwhile, the energy crisis caused by the war delegates these public roles and activities to the private sphere.
  • Miniatura
    Die Rolle der Familie im Genesungsprozess von Menschen mit psychischen Störungen – Deutsch-polnische Vergleichsforschung
    Kanios, Anna; Bocheńska-Brandt, Anna; Engelke-Herrmannsfeldt, Anga (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2022)
    A severe mental illness becomes a critical life event not only for the patient but for thier family as well. Nevertheless, it must be said that the understanding of the mental crisis is usually grater among the family than in among friends or aquintences. In case of a short-term illness or mental crisis a person is usually helped by affection and family warmth. However, in case of chronic mental illness the family, due to the burdens, usually needs help as well (Jasch, 2012). This article is empirical in its nature. The subject of the research are the beliefs of the aid staff, working in Poland and Germany, concerning the role of the family in the recovery process of people with mental disorders. The method employed in the research is focus group interview (FGI). The research was carried out in 2020-2021 in Poland (Lubelskie Voivodship) and Germany (Lower Saxony). The research results has proved a considerable family role in the recovery process of a person suffering from a mental disorders. However, there were differences in the perception of the importance of the impact of two key environments: the family environment and the institutional environment.
  • Miniatura
    Familienfragen in der angewandten Theologie. Sachlage und Methodik Familienfragen in der angewandten Theologie
    Celary, Ireneusz Andrzej; Przybyłowski, Jan (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2022)
    The article is devoted to „family problematic” in the ecclesial and social perspective. Its main objective is an attempt to work out a scientific concept of seeking proposals for practical solutions to current problems connected with the family and the life of its members. The unquestionable value of the family in the Church is conditioned by the internal transformations of the family itself while its role in society is largely dependent on the external situation. The article is devoted to „family problematic” in the ecclesial and social perspective. Its main objective is an attempt to work out a scientific concept of seeking proposals for practical solutions to current problems connected with the family and the life of its members. The unquestionable value of the family in the Church is conditioned by the internal transformations of the family itself while its role in society is largely dependent on the external situation. This article is primarily concerned with appreciating the social dimension of family issues in the perspective o f applied theology. Its main object of study is man as an individual, unique unit, who, however, can develop properly and realize his personal, existential and Christian vocation in social relations, including primarily the family, but also in the church community. To learn about family issues in applied theology, an exploratory research scheme can be used, which involves using the results of critical analysis of revealed truth to interpret the results of secular science research in order to solve specific problems of contemporary families.
  • Miniatura
    Diana Lang, Parenting and Family Diversity Issues. Iowa State University Digital Press, Ames, Iowa, USA, 2020, pp. 276,
    Żukiewicz, Arkadiusz (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2022)