Tarnowskie Studia Teologiczne, 1972, T. 5

Stały URI dla kolekcjihttps://theo-logos.pl/handle/123456789/13502

Alma Mater Tarnoviensis. Księga pamiątkowa z okazji 150 rocznicy założenia Instytutu Teologicznego i Seminarium Duchownego w Tarnowie 1821-1971, red. Piotr Bednarczyk, Franciszek Gawlik, Tarnów 1972 (Tarnowskie Studia Teologiczne, t. 5).

W ramach tytułu wydano dwa tomy nr 5 w 1946 r. oraz w 1972 r.


Ostatnie zgłoszenia

Teraz wyświetlane 1 - 20 z 22
  • Miniatura
    Wprowadzenie uchwał Soboru Trydenckiego na Warmii
    Obłąk, Jan (Kuria Diecezjalna w Tarnowie, 1972)
  • Miniatura
    Duszpasterz – psycholog
    Poręba, Piotr (Kuria Diecezjalna w Tarnowie, 1972)
  • Miniatura
    Dzieje relikwii bł. Kingi
    Szwarga, Kazimierz (Kuria Diecezjalna w Tarnowie, 1972)
  • Miniatura
    Zdrowie psychiczne w życiu religijnym parafii
    Wojtowicz, Stanisław (Kuria Diecezjalna w Tarnowie, 1972)
  • Miniatura
    Idea wybraństwa Bożego w Piśmie św.
    Łach, Stanisław (Kuria Diecezjalna w Tarnowie, 1972)
  • Miniatura
    Z badań nad biblioteką biskupa Janowskiego
    Nowak, Adam (Kuria Diecezjalna w Tarnowie, 1972)
    Bishop Florian Amand Janowski, the first bp of Tarnów, has got until this moment no elaborated monograph. Nobody also has paid attention to his library, composed of books, which he collected during the time, when he was abbot in Tyniec (older books), and later, when he was bishop of Tarnów (newer ones). After the death of bp Janowski, his books, left by him in Tyniec, had been included into the local library. In 1817, when the abbey had been supressed, several books of bp Janowski, as well as a part of the Tyniec library, became property of the Tarnów Seminary, in which there were already other books, belonging to the Bishop. At present there are in Tarnów Seminary 8 books, signed with “Ex libris“ bp Janowski. Some of them have also a second seal of the Tyniec library. Only one of these books is marked “Collegii S.J. ad Sm. Joannem“. May be this book got there after the supression of the Jesuite Order. Important are also the smaller printed papers, because they give to the reader not only a better understanding of the history of the Benedictine Monks in Poland, but, thanks to the dedications in these papers, one gets acquanited whit many events of bp Janowski life. To this category belongs: “Congregatio Benedictino – Polona Abbatum, Praelatorum et Monachorum“ issued in 1774 by I. Schwarz. It contains a concise history of each abbey, as well as “Form a gregis... de dotibus et qualitatibus in qualibet superiore ad regim en assum pto requisitis“ with a dedication of Kieszkowski. 5 speeches of A. Kanty Sieczkowski have an unusually long dedication, written on 20 pages. Among the books of bp Janowski there are also some smaller Polish papers, such as sermons, speeches etc.
  • Miniatura
    Pojęcie a przedmiot
    Regner, Leopold (Kuria Diecezjalna w Tarnowie, 1972)
  • Miniatura
    Obiektywne uwarunkowania pokory religijnej
    Witek, Stanisław (Kuria Diecezjalna w Tarnowie, 1972)
  • Miniatura
    Znaczenie teorii prawd pierwotnych dla zagadnienia punktu wyjścia teorii poznania
    Śliwa, Paweł (Kuria Diecezjalna w Tarnowie, 1972)
  • Miniatura
    Założenia duszpasterskie księdza Piotra Halaka, proboszcza Parafii Gręboszów 1907-1931
    Szarwark, Teodor (Kuria Diecezjalna w Tarnowie, 1972)
    We can penetrate into the pastoral activity of Piotr Halak the person of the parish of Gręboszów by taking into consideration his ideas, methods, mediums, and results of his work. This article attempts to show his pastoral ideas, which in turn predetermined a choice of methods and the pastoral mediums. The analysis of the declarations of the parishionners written after the death of Piotr Halak, parochial chronicles, memoirs, reports exposed in the presence of the members of the Apostolic Union, perm its us to form ulate four pastoral ideas in the following aspects. 1. The spiritual life of the priests. 2. The religions practice of the parishionners. 3. The moral life of the parishionners. 4. The satisfaction of the material meeds of the parishionners. These ideas were the result of his own deliberations, they were closely related to the social, political and religious situations existing in the parish of Gręboszów at the time. The validity and quality of his ideas, as seen by their actuality and ability to satisfy the needs of the faithrul, resulted in the positive declarations of the parishionners, after his death. The fortieth anniversary of the death of Piotr Halak corresponds with 150-th anniversary of the Seminary in Tarnów, where his pastoral activity took root.
  • Miniatura
    Początki Seminarium Duchownego w Tarnowie
    Banach, Ryszard (Kuria Diecezjalna w Tarnowie, 1972)
  • Miniatura
    Pierwsze „przepisy“ Seminarium Duchownego w Tarnowie
    Gawlik, Franciszek (Kuria Diecezjalna w Tarnowie, 1972)
  • Miniatura
    Sprawa zniesienia diecezji tarnowskiej w 1878 roku
    Kumor, Bolesław (Kuria Diecezjalna w Tarnowie, 1972)
  • Miniatura
    Bonum est diffusivum sui. Z zagadnień tomistycznej metafizyki dobra
    Ablewicz, Jerzy (Kuria Diecezjalna w Tarnowie, 1972)
  • Miniatura
    Ideał wychowawczy w ujęciu biskupa Jana Stepy
    Bednarczyk, Piotr (Kuria Diecezjalna w Tarnowie, 1972)
  • Miniatura
    Udział wiernych w odnowionej liturgii Mszy świętej
    Gajda, Piotr (Kuria Diecezjalna w Tarnowie, 1972)
  • Miniatura
    Prymat cnoty miłości w etyce św. Tomasza z Akwinu
    Adamczyk, Stanisław (Kuria Diecezjalna w Tarnowie, 1972)
  • Miniatura
    Pierwszy proces informacyjny w diecezji tarnowskiej w sprawie Sługi Bożej Karoliny Kózka
    Białobok, Jan (Kuria Diecezjalna w Tarnowie, 1972)
    On 18-th November 1914 in Wał-Ruda, parish Zabawa, district Brzesko, died the death of martyr, defending her chastity 16 years old Karolina Kózka, commonly known as a girl of high virtue. At that time was Rev. W. Mendrala curate of the parish. Since the death of the juvenile martyr is current among the faith ful the deep convictron of her saintly life and martyrdom, moreover, around her name a private cult is spreading. The bishops of Tarnów took interest in the whole case and studied diligently the whole matter as to the possibility and need of a process of information in case of Carolinae a beatification and canonisation. On the 3-rd anniversary of her death Bishop Leo Wałęga permitted the exhumation of her body from the burial cemetry to a new grav in the church cemetry in Zabawa. He also presided personally in the ceremonies of exhumation. Bishop Jan Stepa started antepraeparatoria – instituted legal proceedings for an informatory process, appointing by decree from 4.III.1948 Father Karol Szrant CSSR as postulator of the case. But already on 29.III.1949 the latter nominated as vice postulator the Rev. W. Węgiel rector of the Tarnoviensis Seminary. With further preparations to the information process was eharged on 13-th IX.1963 by Bishop Jerzy Ablewicz the Rev. Jan Białobok and appointed postulator. The proces of information super fama sanctitatis et martyrii S. D. Carolinae Kózka, super non cultu, de scriptis had been caried out from 11.11.1965–8.V II.1967. Bishop Jerzy Ablewicz watched over the whole course of this process, patronizing actively in it, and communicating valuable suggestions to the Tribunale of the process and its postulator. Later leaving for Rom ad Limina Sanctorum Apostolorum in October 1968 took there with him the records of the process with an authorised translation.
  • Miniatura
    Dowód św. Augustyna na istnienie Boga z prawd wiecznych
    Brudz, Józef (Kuria Diecezjalna w Tarnowie, 1972)
  • Miniatura
    Pojęcie i rodzaje odpustów oraz sposoby ich zyskiwania
    Dudziak, Jan (Kuria Diecezjalna w Tarnowie, 1972)