The Person and the Challenges, 2017, Vol. 7, No. 2

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  • Miniatura
    Formation of Adult Lay Catholics for Commitment in the World
    Stala, Józef (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2017)
    The teaching of the Second Vatican Council develops an understanding of the Church as an integral entirety, present in the world and operating in accordance with its nature and purpose. Every personal commitment of a lay faithful, every effort made and each achievement has an impact on others and the whole Church. However, the commitment of adult Catholics to the world requires their appropriate preparation. Therefore, this article will first present the ecclesiological foundations of the lay faithful’s earthly commitment, and then, the process of their preparation, taking into consideration their personal and religious development. Finally it will also explore the meaning of the community as the place of their permanent formation.
  • Miniatura
    Around the Idea of Compromise. The activity of the Polish Peasant Party „New Liberation” on the forum of the State National Council and Parliament (with a particular emphasis on education)
    Skrzyński, Tomasz (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2017)
    PSL „New Liberation” tried to win the villages. It highlighted its association with one of the major pre‑war left‑wing peasant parties: PSL „Liberation”. Before the war it had gathered many village teachers, focusing its attention on the modernization and development of education. The „New Liberation” declared great concern for the state (including education); it emphasized the importance of religion; it ensured that in the new political realities, an educated peasant „should not be a laughing stock, as it used to be previously, but a citizen enjoying full rights”. The party emphasized the role of peasant educational organizations: „the tremendous importance of this work, which seeks to abolish the eternal harm suffered by the neglected peasant child.” „New Liberation” persuaded the peasants that they should abandon their rivalry with the Communists and Socialists. The aim was to cooperate on equal terms. But, the idea of „New Liberation” to partially represent the interests of the village in the parliament was unreal. The „liberators” failed to notice the insincerity in PPR policy. The aim of this article is to recall the main activities of the Polish Peasant Party “New Liberation” on the forum of the State National Council and Parliament.
  • Miniatura
    Die Wahrnehmung der Pädagogik Johann Friedrich Herbart in Polen
    Wnęk, Jan (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2017)
    The article shows the development of Polish interests in the pedagogical mind of J. F. Herbart. In this work we chronologically presented the most important Polish publications on Herbart we drew attention to the change of its perception in different historical periods. There is no doubt that a large part of Polish authors esteem the educational Herbart and tried to popularize his ideas among Polish teachers. It is understood that the greatest interest in ‘herbartyzmem’ was in the nineteenth century but it declined sharply in the next century. This was associated with the development of new educational systems. The article is an important contribution to a better understanding of the reception of the German educational thought in other countries.
  • Miniatura
    An Assertive Method as Help in Catechesis?
    Vodičar, Janez (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2017)
    The problem of discipline, and motivation in the learning process, is ever more glaring in catechesis. The assertive approach attempts to, at least partially, solve this problem in modern education. This discussion will show that it is possible to use this approach if assertiveness is enriched by the fundamental anthropological discovery as developed by P. Ricoeur in his hermeneutics of selfhood. He does not see human personality as static, but as dynamic, which gives key roles to three forms of passivity: towards one’s own body, towards others, and towards one’s conscience. The concept of passivity will be woven into catechesis, which aligns better to the spirit of Christian theology. The example of Jesus’ catechesis on the road to Emmaus will be used to show the practical usefulness of assertiveness, and the triple passivity in Christian evangelization.
  • Miniatura
    The Vocation to Parenthood in the Context of a Demographic Crisis in Poland
    Świerczek, Antoni (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2017)
    The vocation to parenthood is a constitutive element of married and family life. However, recent decades show that the number of births in Poland is declining steadily. This, in turn, is leading to a decrease in population and population aging in our homeland. The current situation is called a demographic catastrophe, the consequences of which will be felt in the next decades. It is therefore necessary to take concrete steps to change this situation. The aims of this article are to try to describe the present demographic situation in Poland, to recall the main ideas of the teaching of the Catholic Church on the parental tasks of the family and society, and to identify the most important pastoral task, which the Church in Poland faces in this regard.
  • Miniatura
    Scholarship granted by the Foundation of Saint Casimir
    Ostrowski, Zygmunt (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2017)
  • Pozycja
    Die Freizeittheologie mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Ruhetheologie
    Ostrowski, Maciej (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2017)
    The author performs an analysis of „theological places” („loci theologici”), as the basis on which leisure theology can be developed. These are: time theology (a linear concept of time, which means that time is a gift to man, if properly used), freedom theology (freedom not as a discharge from obligations but as the possibility to do good), new creation theology (renewal made by the redemptive work of Christ), joy theology (joy of gifts of nature, community with other person, being granted God’s grace), feast theology (time given to a man in order that he could turn to supernatural matters). The author develops ‘rest theology’ extensively as one of the fundamental forms of spending free time. He searches for sources in numerous biblical texts, where this term has been used. Furthermore, he interprets, among others, how to understand God’s rest after he created the world, and how his repose becomes an example to follow for a human being. Moreover, the author explains what the final repose is to be for a person, and how man, living on earth, anticipates an eschatological rest.
  • Miniatura
    The Involvement of the Lay Faithful in Consecratio Mundi
    Osewska, Elżbieta (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2017)
    The term consecratio mundi, despite its introduction to theology already before the Second Vatican Council, still sparks a lot of discussion and controversy. In this article we will address the issue of the sanctification of the world by lay people in accordance with the Church teaching. First, consecratio mundi will be presented as a specific mission of the lay faithful, then the article will present the basic planes of their involvement.
  • Miniatura
    Die Grundzüge der Spiritualität des Ordenslebens im sechsten Kapitel in der dogmatischen Konstitution über die Kirche „Lumen gentium“
    Micek, Mateusz (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2017)
    The article presents the basic principles of the spirituality of consecrated life as they are laid out in chapter VI of the Constitution on the Church. These principles can be summed up as the following: 1. Consecrated life means the imitation of Christ. 2. This imitation is of a charismatic nature, thus can only be lived by vocation, with the power of and originating from the Holy Spirit. 3. The fruits of the works of the Holy Spirit, and consequently, the enforcement of the imitation of Christ is love; a love that is always love towards God and your neighbour. How diverse talents and vocations can be. 4. Thanks to this love, enforced by the Holy Spirit, consecrated life presents itself as a present from Christ to the Church. It is therefore, placed in the centre of Church life and serves the Church not just by obedience and ministry, but even deeper by a living witness that reflects the pilgrimage of a Christian, and the hope for a life to come.
  • Miniatura
    The Dilemmas of Christian Feminism
    Świerczek, Magdalena (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2017)
    The aim of the article is to discuss selected issues of Christian feminism which attempt to reconcile traditional women’s roles in a society with the idea of emancipation. The article is composed of four parts. The first one discusses the basic theses of Christian feminism. The second one includes deliberations on biblical and theological evidence for women’s and men’s statuses. The third and fourth part offer an analysis of biblical examples of women’s autonomy and the postulate of women’s emancipation in the Christian work ethos.
  • Pozycja
    Catechesis in Italy between the Two Vatican Councils – 1870–1962
    Sultana, Carl‑Mario (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2017)
    The article endeavours to give a bird’s eye view of catechesis in Italy as from 1870 to the threshold of Vatican Council II – 1962. The point of departure is a study of the use of the Catechism as the handbook for catechesis. The study will then move on study the efforts of individuals – from priests to Pope Pius X – who sought to positively influence catechesis through their ministry and how different Congresses and Conventions helped in trying to formulate a more coherent catechesis throughout Italy. Finally, the paper will end by a study of the Active Method which was to be the unifying factor for catechesis in Italy prior to Vatican Council II.
  • Miniatura
    The Synods of the Diocese of Tarnów as a tool for the renewal of the particular Church
    Kantor, Robert (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2017)
    This article analyses the last four synods of the diocese of Tarnów, highlighting their structure and course. Diocesan synods grow out of the needs of the particular Church; they shape the ecclesial reality most clearly by the formulated disciplinary, pastoral and spiritual proposals, reaching the very basic ecclesiastical and social environments. Each synod has its specific meaning in the history of the diocese, and its impact is certainly not limited to the formulated proposals. A diocesan synod has a very important function in the process of formation of the particular Church. The synods of the Diocese of Tarnów were the place of meeting of and dialogue between the bishop, the clergy and the laity of the Church in Tarnów. The present article discusses five points : ”Legal grounds”, “First Synod of the Diocese of Tarnów – 1928”, “Second Synod of the Diocese of Tarnów – 1938”, “Third Synod of the Diocese of Tarnów – 1948”, “Fourth Synod of the Diocese of Tarnów – 1986”.
  • Miniatura
    Reform of the Vatican media, a difficult search for a new path
    Gęsiak, Leszek (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2017)
    Rapid technological changes, which are mainly the result of the progress in computer technology, in the last decades of the twentieth century, have touched every area of life and have enforced numerous innovations. Modern ways of communication and exchange of information, especially the development of social media, have led to a significant and complex transformation of the traditional media. Practically all media companies around the world, in order to maintain their position on the market, have had to make decisive modifications of their ways of working. On one hand they remained available to the users of traditional media, but on the other hand, they look for effective ways of reaching all those who are using only new ways. Similarly, the Vatican media could not remain indifferent to the issues mentioned above. For several years the Vatican has initiated a process of preparation for a general reform of its media institutions. However, these works have accelerated at a great rate during the pontificate of Pope Francis. The reform of the Vatican media is not an easy task. It concerns several independent institutions. Each one of them has their own history and way of announcing the Gospel. The widespread computerization, especially the development of the internet and social media, has also forced the Vatican to reflect on new ways of communicating. Among many questions, the most important were about the effectiveness of evangelization through the media, the ways of spreading the Pope’s message around the world to as many faithful as possible, and about the costs of necessary investments that would allow further, dynamic development and effective functioning of the Vatican media. After the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI, the problems of the reform of the Roman Curia and the necessary savings were raised again during the discussions of the cardinals on the congregations preceding conclave. It became clear that the structural changes in the Vatican would be one of the challenges which would face the next successor of St. Peter. As from the very start of his pontificate, Pope Francis emphasized the necessity of the deep reform of the Roman Curia. The evaluation of the entire media structure of the Vatican was one of the first reforms to be tackled. The reform of the Vatican media has already begun. In the Apostolic Letter as a Motu Proprio, published on June 27, 2015, Francis set up the new Vatican dicastery: The Secretariat for Communication. The plan of changes in the Vatican media prepares for the possibility of any difficulties and turbulences. A four‑year restructuring process was planned. The year 2015 was dedicated to the creation, elaboration and consolidation of the new Vatican media structure. And it really happened. During the next year, 2016, a common administration for the two major institutions which depended on the new dicastery: the Vatican Radio and the Vatican Television Center, was established. During the year 2017 a similar restructuring process is expected in the next four Vatican media institutions: the Vatican Printing Press, the Photo Service, “L’Osservatore Romano” and the Vatican Publishing House. The process of restructuring of the Vatican media is expected to be completed by the end of 2018. Many details of these changes are raising many questions and concerns, especially among the employees of existing media entities. However, the real questions concern the effectiveness of the new system.
  • Miniatura
    Transformation of stereotypical perception of „the image of Poles” in the Russian Empire society during the World War I
    Bilobrovets, Olga (The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow, 2017)
    The cohabitation of different nations in the border of one state creates certain ethnic, social, mental collective nation’s image which changes very slowly. These processes are enhanced during the global historical processes with significant devastating effects which lead to an alteration in public consciousness. During World War І, under the influence of the external crisis circumstances, the necessity to take into account the strategic interests and fundamental values of the nations involved in the war, led to a change in perception of the image of the Pole. The image of a Pole as a disloyal person to Russian statehood had changed into the image of a true confederate in the mutual striving with the enemy. Perception of the Poles as partners in state‑building and international cohabitation became possible only due to global geopolitical changes, the policy of powerful nations, including the Polish territory and the ability of Polish political powers to consolidate their efforts around the idea of statehood restoration.