Roczniki Teologiczne, 1999, T. 46, z. 2

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  • Miniatura
    Wiarygodność Kościoła realizującego misyjny nakaz Chrystusa w świetle nauczania Jana Pawła II
    Krzyszowski, Zbigniew (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1999)
    The reliable Church today is one that is a sign of salvation and is faithful to the Gospel. The paper seeks to show this kind of Church. It brings hope to the contemporary man, is solidary with him, for it pull him out of the darkness of sin and elevates him to the dignity of the child of God. It is a Church which is mustered for the missionary work, solidary with those in need. It is a Church which realizes aid on a wide scale (promotio liumana), ready for a dialogue with other religions, for it is developing within their context, and is „always [...] ready to give an explanation to anyone who asks you for a reason for your hope” (1 Pt 3, 15).
  • Miniatura
    Wielkanocne zespoły obrzędowe w Opoczyńskiem
    Kupisiński, Zdzisław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1999)
    Easter is not only a time of intense religious experiences, where Christ’s resurrection and His victory over the sin and death are contemplated. Easter, which in our geographical zone falls in the spring period, is connected with many spring customs and matrimonial and agrarian rites. At the beginning of spring, the ritual shows devote much attention to the customs associated with fertility, which was in this way supposed to influence good crops. Those customs were practised both individually and in groups. One of those customs was the old Polish tradition of dousing womenfolk on Easter Monday. The genesis of that custom is hard to explain. In Poland it was joined with the Easter time and it functions under German names. Nowadays, there is a conviction among the people that dousing with water is performed to commemorate Christ’s resurrection and to disperse the crowds which gathered in Jerusalem having heard the good news. On the other hand, the young men took advantage of that tradition, in this way showing their matrimonial intentions to their beloved ones. For some, the custom of dousing contained a certain amount of magic, used in order to ensure the desirable rainfalls which were so necessary for the proper growth of crops. In this case, the custom of dousing would be associated with the care about the earth’s fertility. In the Opoczno region, one could also come across young non-married men who were walking about with a rooster. The custom of walking with a live or artificial rooster was not always bound up with Easter. It probably goes back to the tradition of walking with a figure of a „spring” bird, which was observed in north-eastern Europe. While walking about with a rooster, the young men kept the existing manners kept in that area. The men sang appropriate songs in which they expressed their wishes meant for the members of a given family; they sometimes hinted at some Easter gifts like food products or even money. Those songs also contained some religious elements with reference to Easter and the Passion. In the families where there were some young non-married girls the tradition of walking around with a rooster was more of an entertainment. The second day of Easter in the Opoczno region was connected with walking about with a green tree. It was usually a green spruce or only its top, from 100 to 150 cm height. The tree was decorated in different ways: using goose feathers, coloured paper ribbons, etc. The tree was carried around by girls aged between 10 and 15. Walking around the village they were invited to the houses, where they performed the appropriate rites. Usually they sang songs in which they asked for some gifts. According to ethnographers, that tradition of carrying a green tree or a green tree branch made referred to magic practices, which were meant to arouse the spring nature together with its vegetation and fertility. At present most of the traditions of Easter Monday have disappeared. Difficult financial situation of many families in the past drove them to walking around the households in order to collected some food products for the family. Nowadays, this kind of problems do not take place within the rural community. The only tradition that has remained is that of dousing girls on Easter Monday. However, this tradition does not have the character of a rite any more, it is rather of an individual dimension.
  • Miniatura
    Biogeneza według teilhardyzmu
    Marek, Waldemar (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1999)
    According to P. Teilhard de Chardin life is a stage of evolution on the line: before-life, life, thought and super-life. At the same time it constitutes a „moment” co-extensive towards all the other beings as a „universal element" of evolution. It comes to existence on the foundation of matter: out of material systems and a coincidental event, yet under the immanent and transcendent operation of the Creative Act of Omega, who calls to existence the whole of evolution, and at the same time its inherent life. And this is not hylozoism.
  • Miniatura
    Różaniec żałobny na Kaszubach
    Perszon, Jan (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1999)
    The presented article describes the customs concerned with the prefunerary rosary devotion practiced by Kashubs. In the days between death and funeral the people gather every evening to say a rosary for repose of the soul of the dead person. On the first two evenings there participate only relatives and people from direct neighbourhood, but to the last gathering, named „pusta noc” comes all the village. In this practice the most important person is a leader, who presides in every out-of-church religious activity. The presiding person has in local community particular authority and respect. In some villages before the rosary people sing one of the popular marion songs, afterwards but the traditional Salve, Regina and Dobry Jezu, a nasz Panie. The older generation beliefs, that the soul of the dead person is present by „his" or „her” body, until it is buried. Therefore prayers of the living society are most powerfull not after, but before the funeral. The mourning rosary plays in Kashubian society an essential role, because it articulates a mutual Christian solidarity in the face of death. Furthermore, it reinforces relationships in community, and helps „to get through” the crisis effected by invasion of death. In the last few years the described customs participate in the process of transformation. One can observe a strong (and destructive) influence of the „hospital death” Another important factor changing the traditional way of mourning in Kashub society is a construction of the parochial funeral chapels.
  • Miniatura
    Pojęcie objawienia Bożego w religiach
    Rusecki, Marian (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1999)
    The paper discusses the concept of divine revelation not only in Christianity, but also in non-Christian religions, such as Islam. Buddhism, Judaism, Hinduism and others. He claims that there is a divine revelation in non-Christian religions, thereby refuting various conceptions of the genesis of religion, the conceptions which came to existence in modern times: Naturalism. Rationalism. Positivism, Materialism, Scientism or Marxism. Those conceptions claim that religions are the product of man or of the anonymous forces and socio-economical and political processes. The author dwells on the Christian revelation, correcting some wrong opinions about this kind of revelation, e.g. the fact of natural revelation. He also discusses the contemporary conceptions of revelation, as well as the difficult problem of their reliability.
  • Miniatura
    „Descensus ad inferos”. Aspekty „zapomnianego artykułu wiary”
    Ściborski, Feliks (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1999)
    Christ’s descendance into the kingdom of the dead, defined as „going down into the abyss”, has long intrigued the whole of Christianity. In the New Testament descensus Christi is pictured, among other things, in Mt 12, 40; 27, 51b-53; Rom 10, 7; Acts 2, 24-28; Eph 4, 8-10; Heb 12, 23; 13, 20; Rv 1, 18. This subject matter is very distinct in St. Justin, St. Clement Alexandrian, Origen, St. Augustine, St. Gregory the Great and others. At present, some theologians think it is outdated and „obsolete” Thus it seems necessary to shed some light on the whole reality of „Christ’s going down into the abyss” with a view to the development of the biblical conception of death, so that we could highlight this event as a universal salvation event. Contemporary theology should perceive the mystery in question in an integral manner, in the whole mystery of life, passion, death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ.
  • Miniatura
    Afrykańskie wartości duchowe i religijne
    Zimoń, Henryk (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1999)
    The Vatican Council II in its declaration Nostra aetate and several other documents expressed a distinctly positive attitude of the Church towards non-Christian religions. Three post-Council documents devetod to a dialogue with the traditional African religions point out and express respect for the spiritual and religious values of the African people. Out of necessity, the following ones were chosen and discussed in brief: a spiritual vision of life and cosmos, a notion of the Supreme Being, ancestor spirits, life after death, morality, sanctity of life and community life. These values, like each culture, require supplementing and complementing in the light of the Gospel and the Church’s teaching. They find their deepest justification in traditional African religions which determine the identity of particular peoples and perform a tremendously important role in their life. A religious attitude of the Africans is dominant in the light of notions, life experiences and attitudes. Contrary to the views of some cultural and social anthropologists, religion can not be regarded exclusively as a social fact which fulfils a definite function in the culture. Such understanding of religion ruins its autonomy and does not fully appreciate its value and importance in the lives of the Africans. As a „soul” or heart of culture, religion integrates all its aspects and gives it an ultimate meaning. A characteristic feature of the African communities is that the economic, social and political life is permeated with religious elements and that all more important events and aspects of the communal and individual life are ritualised. A study of traditional African religions and a dialogue with their believers are necessary in order to understand and appreciate the spiritual and religious values and to preach the Good News to the Africans in a better way as well as to inculturate latter in Africa.
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    Rola nauk przyrodniczych w filozoficzno-przyrodniczej koncepcji cudu
    Anderwald, Andrzej (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1999)
  • Miniatura
    Tożsamość ukraińskiej Cerkwi katolickiej w łonie Kościoła powszechnego
    Bartnik, Czesław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1999)
    The Ukrainian Catholic Orthodox Church is a Church with its own Ukrainian-Byzantine rite, i.e. a Church that is called a „particular” or „local” (pomisnist') Church by Vatican Council II. As such, it has its multisource Catholic genesis; it is neither a particle of the Kiev Church, nor the Russian Orthodox Church, nor the Latin Church. This Church has its real ecclesial character, its episcopate, autonomic identification, self-awareness, its „personality” and „name”, written down by the Holy Ghost in the history of the Ukrainian nation.
  • Miniatura
    Współczesne modele teologii
    Góźdź, Krzysztof (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1999)
    As a dialectic between theory and practice, between salvation reality and its moral imperative, theology is defined in its core by the following triad: Word-Mediation-Way Jesus Christ is a historical incarnation of that dialectic. Salvation, brought by the Word Incarnate, is realized through the universal character of the whole of the triad, wherein Jesus is not only the explanatory Word (Logos), but also the creative Word (Dabar) and the Word showing the way (Hodos). Consequently, there are three aspects of universal theologyrational, historical and mystic
  • Miniatura
    Sprawozdanie z sesji teologicznej „Chrześcijaństwo a religie”
    Kaucha, Krzysztof (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1999)
    A theological session, which was devoted to the latest document of the International Theological Committee entitled Christianity and Religions, was held in Lublin on 30th April 1998. The participants heard four speeches. Reverent professor A. Szostek (KUL), a member of the International Theological Committee until recently, discussed the origin of the document Christianity and Religions, its premises, structure and main themes. Reverent father I. Ledwoń (KUL) concentrated on the question of the exceptional character of Christianity. He presented it in the wide perspective of the modern theology, Teaching Authority of the Church and the document Christianity and Religions. Reverent professor Ł. Kamykowski (PAT Kraków) discussed the problem of interreligious dialogue in the light of the latest document of the International Theological Committee. Reverent professor B. Ferdek (PWT Wroclaw) went on sects and new religious movements as a theological issue which had been omitted from the discussed document. The speakers and debaters placed emphasis upon significance of the document and complexity of the issues discussed by the International Theological Committee. The document was highly evaluated, however, certain failings and inconsistencies were noticed in it.