Veritati et Caritati, 2018, T. 11

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    Działalność patriotyczna i duszpasterska duchowieństwa katolickiego na przykładzie wybranych proboszczów parafii Krzepice w XIX i XX wieku
    Kostrzewski, Paweł (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie, 2018)
    The article discusses the patriotic and pastoral activity of priests: Ignacy Bromski (1835-1923), Zygmunt Zawadzki (1876-1944) and Klemens Gawlikowski (1881-1956). Fr. Bromski took part in January Uprising in 1863, Fr. Zawadzki was an active social activist involved in the action of The Association of Christian Farmers, Catholic Association and pastoral caregiver of Congregation of Little Sisters of Immaculate Heart of Mary working among women in factories in order to acquire them for Christ; Fr. Gawlikowski in the time of occupation worked in Caring Committee and helped the displaced. In the time of service in Krzepice these priests were known as eager, wishing to improve religious life and concerned about material condition of parish, which was visible in some investments and renovations.
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    L’evoluzione della procedura della dispensa dagli obblighi della Sacra Ordinazione – aspetti giuridici
    Kucharczyk, Krystian (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie, 2018)
    This article presents and discusses issues related to the changes that have taken place within the procedure of dismissal from the clerical state to the secular state. Each departure of a clergyman knew the pain for the Church, but it is the Church, for which the highest good is salus animarum, that undertakes deep refections to regulate the state of life of the person deprived of this state after the departure. This article summarizes and discusses doctrinal texts of three different procedures (1964, 1971, 1980). Differences in approach the specifc evolution of the procedure is related to the fact that for the church the supreme good was and will be the good and salvation of the human soul.
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    Uwagi na temat relacji Narodu Wybranego do pogan na podstawie 2 Mch 3-7
    Laskowski, Łukasz (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie, 2018)
    The article discusses the presentation of relationship between offcials of Hellenistic monarchy and Judea and Jews, on the basis of 2 Maccabees. This book discusses this problem from normative point of view. Initial positive relations are destroyed because of political reasons, which are theological background for the author. Variability of monarchs with vulnerability to intrigues are the basic reasons for social anxiety and persecutions. While Antiochus IV Epiphanes has got some positive features, the royal offcials are presented to be the main cause of bad. The opinion on them is always negative. In the theological aspect, the book respects and appreciates some positive features of pagans which enables the existence of pluralistic society and interfaith dialogue. It is possible to repair spoiled relationships, because some pagans keep original kindness, based on the humanistic attitude towards variety and on the high propriety.
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    Duszpasterska troska o religijno-moralne oblicze narodu polskiego w listach abp. Stanisława Nowaka
    Połacik, Łukasz (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie, 2018)
    Archbishop Stanisław Nowak in his pastoral letters written in the period of presiding over the Church of Częstochowa (1984-2011) paid great attention and concern to the faith and the morality of this part of the People of God which was entrusted to him. Many manifestations of this care can be seen throughout his twenty-seven-years’ service. It was principally focused on the care about the shape and the condition of faith in the Polish nation. His letters touched many essential problems related to the experiencing the religiosity both in the social and in the personal aspect. The specifc recipients of this pastoral care were Polish families. He inseparably conjoined the care about families with the struggle for protection of the human life from conception until the natural death. These are the subsequent crucial subjects of many pastoral letters of the first metropolitan of Częstochowa. Finally, the call to fight the national vices, which infuence negatively the People of God entrusted to him, permeated all his pastoral teaching. The present paper attempts to disclose these problems.
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    Inwentarz ksiąg metrykalnych Archiwum Archidiecezji Częstochowskiej w Częstochowie (część III)
    Kapuściński, Jacek; Terka, Mariusz (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie, 2018)
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    Zaburzenie obsesyjno-kompulsyjne jako podstawa poważnego braku rozeznania oceniającego w wyroku coram Ciani
    Wieczorek, Michał (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie, 2018)
    The article shows unpublished sentence Roman Rota coram Ciani from 2004, March 22nd concerning grave defect of discretion of judgment. As the cause of this grave defect of discretion of judgment, the obsessive-compulsive disorder is shown. This disorder is also called an obsessive-compulsive personality disorder. Logically taken evidence of Rota auditors can be a proper example, how to examine matters related to consensual capability. Detected by expert witness anomaly in the form of the obsessive-compulsive disorder, has not convinced the judges to pass an affrmative sentence. The confrontation of relation prepared by an expert witness with all the evidence deserves attention.
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    Działalność duszpasterska i oświatowa biskupa Teodora Kubiny w ziemi wieluńskiej
    Związek, Jan (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie, 2018)
    The first bishop of Czestochowa Teodor Kubina was known as a devout priest and patriotic and social activist. He participated in an active way in the process of reincorporation of Upper Silesia to Poland. He was the protector of Silesian people, Catholic faith and Polish language from Germanization. What is more, he protected seasonal workers, working in German farms, different from Polish society in speech, customs and faith. Poles were Catholics and German people professed protestant beliefs of Martin Luther. On the occasion of 100th anniversary of Poland regaining independence, it should be remained that Kubina was working with people of agriculture. In Czestochowa diocese, agricultural people lived mainly in north-eastern part, so in Wieluń county, later called the land of Wieluń. In another parts of diocese people were working in their farms as well, but at the same time they were working in manufacturing plants. After damages caused by Germany during The World War I, local Polish people lived in very diffcult material conditions. A lot of young people in this situation went to Germany as seasonal workers. Bishop Kubina knew these diffcult conditions of everyday life, because he had been working as a priest in Germany before. He encouraged people to respect Catholic faith and Polish national traditions, to help each other, and to live in economical way in order to improve everyday life after coming back to the homeland. In order to regenerate and intensify religious life of people in the land of Wieluń, the bishop organized in Wieluń in 1929 The Third Diocesan Eucharistic Congress with participation of many Polish bishops including Primate of Poland August Hlond. Thousands of people from the land of Wieluń took part in this event, but also some representatives of another parts of the diocese. Taking care of development of this part of diocese, the bishop took over The Tadeusz Kościuszko Gymnasium and created The Tadeusz Kościuszko Male Gymnasium of Częstochowa diocese in Wieluń, called Bishops Gymnasium. The main goal of this Gymnasium was preparing young catholic intelligence (teachers and clerks) in this area. Some of its graduates became priests. In diffcult time of German occupation, he approved two priests who were constituted by occupational authorities. These priests serviced 250 thousand Catholics of Polish nationality. The secular people in the land of Wieluń showed cult to Holy Mary, honored in many churches and chapels. Marian cult was the sign of patriotic beliefs, because in Protestant Germany this cult was not respected. The religious, educational and social activity of bishop Kubina in the land of Wieluń, mentioned above, was the evidence of bishop’s deep concern about village people, as well as in the rest parts of Częstochowa diocese.
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    Regent Józef hr. Ostrowski z Maluszyna w służbie Ojczyzny i Kościoła
    Kopera, Łukasz S. (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie, 2018)
    Joseph count Ostrowski (1850-1923) lawyer, landowner and politician. In the years 1917-1918 he was a member of the Regency Council of the Kingdom of Poland; co-founder of the Second Polish Republic. In his hometown of Maluszyn he was the guardian of the church of St. Nicholas. He founded the chapel of St. Barbara.
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    Treści dydaktyczne związane z Duchem Świętym w programie katechezy biblijnej dla kandydatów do bierzmowania
    Stypułkowska, Beata (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie, 2018)
    This article shows teaching materials connected with Holy Spirit proposed in in the curriculum of biblical catechesis for the Confrmation candidates, realized in parish. First, the educational and learning goals have been presented, next the teaching material referring to Holy Spirit and the educational forms and methods needed for teaching it. The youth’s preparation to the Sacrament of Confrmation seems to be exceptionally important task of modern religious education. That is why, this publication in material catechesis with elements of methodology of teaching discusses this issue by presenting its own curricular suggestion.
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    Nauka religii w Szkole Podstawowej w Trębaczewie (1918-2018)
    Widera, Michał (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie, 2018)
    After regaining independence in 1918 Poland began developing in many areas, including the feld of education. Then a school was organized in Trębaczew in which Religious Education was one of the obligatory subjects. Despite the lack of priests in the diocese of Częstochowa caused by the previous policy of the invaders, catechizing of children and young people was implemented with the help of secular people in the parish of Działoszyn. This development was stopped by the Second World War, which interrupted the activities of both schools and parishes. The priests from ziemia wieluńska were arrested and taken to Dachau concentration camp. Trębaczew and Działoszyn were almost completely burned and the church was destroyed. Teachers couldn’t teach. During this time, the part of believers attended nearby parishes, including Wąsosz, where children could take the Holy Communion, after the proper preparation. After the war, the teaching of religion got back to schools, but the communist system started fghting the Church which resulted in the removal of religious education from schools. Then Fr. Stanisław Piwowarski organized, like many other priests, the teaching of religion at the parish, in the presbytery. Soon catechetical point was opened in Niwiska Górne and then in Sadowiec. Religious education was done by the parish priests and subsequent vicars. Such a situation lasted until the political transformation in 1989. Then the catechization in Trębaczew moved back to the local school again. However, the preparation of children and young people for confession, the First Holy Communion etc. has continually been in process for 100 years of education in Trębaczew.
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    Kalendarium życia bp. Teodora Kubiny. Podróż do Budapesztu (17-25 VIII 1930)
    Kapuściński, Jacek (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie, 2018)
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    Miejsce chrześcijan w świecie w świetle Listu do Diogneta oraz w kontekście antycznej idei πόλις
    Terka, Mariusz (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie, 2018)
    The place of Christians in the world is determined by their contribution in the state. It should be considered through the prism of antique idea of πόλις. Greek πόλις and connected with Roman civitas have got double dimension: the temporal, organizational – political, and the spiritual one, it means metaphysical with crucial for it religious aspect. Plato stresses its theological fundament connected with its reference to the highest Good. The learning of the idea of Good and bringing the Divine Order, visible in Good, into force is seen as the basic civil duty, although it leads to alienation towards the residents of πόλις. For Aristotle the city-state is the spiritual space as well, letting go out of human egoism, in order to be for the others. It is crucial to fnd there the refection to God, as the highest Being and the rule of everything which exists, so of πόλις as well. Varro claims, that it is not divinity, but religion which organizes the spiritual space of civitas. He claims the thesis with religious nature and state religion. The presence of Christians in the world of πόλις has got its temporal and spiritual dimension. The followers of Christ fulfll all civil duties, but they disagree with pagan customs and state cult. Their alienation towards society has got deeper roots which are temporality of existence, unfamiliarity towards worldliness and affliation to the homeland in heaven. The idea of engenderment shows, that the place appropriate for Christians is not designed either by geography, or even by sociology or axiology, but mainly by genealogy. It determines the core of being the Christian and its difference from being “only” human, and enables the difference on the level of customs, cult and reference to basic good for πόλις. Christians can be the soul and power of world, which keeps it in unity, and a proper place for them is existence in the world, but not from the world. Epistle to Diognetus is not opposition to the idea of the city-state, but it shows Christianity as a proper πόλις, but the followers of Christ as real citizens.
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    Wybrane teologiczne argumenty uzasadniające polityczne zaangażowanie Kościoła
    Torchalski, Wojciech (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie, 2018)
    Theological interpretation of biblical texts lets justify the necessity of the Church’s involvement in political life. The religious needs were input in the human nature in the moment of creation. Everyone should have the right to fulfl them. This right opens the space for the action. At the further stages of the Salvation history, the necessity of the Church’s activity for a proper development of political beings has been presented. This activity is the circumscription. Thanks to it, the countries respect the law. The boundaries protect from self-destructive behaviours as well. The Church has to cooperate with the State on many surfaces. The integral development of all societies and particular people is possible due to such cooperation.
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    Przesłanie duchowe mistyczek niepodległej Polski
    Urbański, Stanisław (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie, 2018)
    One of the main phenomena of Polish spirituality of the turn of the 19th and the 20th century is women’s mysticism, called the experiential one. It developed in the area of Poland in the time of annexations, and also in the independent Homeland. Women’s mysticism is characterized by emotional-individual way of achieving the mystical union with God, made in the affective sphere by direct learning and experiencing God. The description of experiences presented by mystics show that particular stages of development their mystical life is determined by both compatibility and different context of the message. From one hand, they present deep account of mystical experience and conversation between mystics and Jesus which is some kind of message for people, from another one. The mystic telling the message plays the role of tool and intermediary in God’s hands. There were 38 female representatives of experiential mysticism in the history of Poland, and in the time of Polish independence 28 ones. Female mystics have become the apostles of message thanks to proper supernatural gifts of love. The most important mystical messages contain the message Divine Mercy of St. Faustina Kowalska, the message of Spiritual Infancy of sister Leonia Nastal (1903-1940), the message of Father and neighbor of sister Roberta Babiak (1905-1945), the message of “soul God-Human” of sister Zofa Tajber (1890-1963), the message of suffering for priests and orders of sister Wanda Boniszewska (1907-2003), the message of thanksgiving and worshiping God Father of sister Błażeja Siewierska (1934-2000), the message of dedication of the Sacred Heart of Jesus of Rozalia Celakówna (1901-1944).
  • Miniatura
    Korespondencja ks. Ludwika Gietyngiera z lat 1928-1941. Przyczynek do biografii bł. ks. Ludwika Rocha Gietyngiera
    Kapuściński, Jacek (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie, 2018)
    The beatifcation of Fr. Ludwik Roch Gietyngier (1904-1941) who came from Częstochowa diocese, contributed to an increasing interest of his person, what is well illustrated by local historiography dedicated to his life and work (29 research papers). It would seem that everything has been written about him, but in 2012 The Archive of Częstochowa Diocese received the family chronicle written by his niece. It contained unknown historic sources, including very valuable correspondence of Fr. Ludwik. There are 2 letters and 22 postcards from 1928-1941, sent to the closest relatives and one mate. This collection sheds light on his work and interests, defnitely enriching the knowledge about this priest. That is why, it has been decided to publish it according to editorial standards. A whole has been divided into 3 blocks, corresponding to particular addressees, then chronological context of letters and postcards has been set (19 to parents, 4 to a sister Cecilia and her family, 1 to Mrs. Hajkiewiczowa). Everything has been preceded by historical introduction (Author and addressees’ biography, condition of the correspondence), adding QR codes by means of which, a reader can see some original versions of these letters and postcards.
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    Wychowanie religijno-patriotyczne w Krucjacie Eucharystycznej w parafii Krzepice w latach 1933-1949
    Kęsik, Kamil (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie, 2018)
    The Eucharistic Crusade was founded in France in 1916. It quickly reached the Polish society and the church. The parish in Krzepice is an example of this. In this parish, in 1933 the crusade was established by the priest Władysław Karlik. The Eucharistic Crusade worked without interruption until the outbreak of World War II. During the war its activity was suspended. It was reactivated by priest Władysław Konieczko in 1946. In 1949 the communist authorities disolved activity of all non-governmental organisations. Formation in the Eucharistic Crusade included people between 7 and 15 years old. The first aim was Eucharistic formation and the second was patriotic education. In the parish in Krzepice these two formations were compatible. Eucharistic formation was depended by frequent confessions, participation in Latin Masses, Vespers and by participation in so-called priesthood Saturdays. Patriotic education included regional and sightseeing tours, reading, participation in theatre and film productions and through pilgrimages with the fag of the crusade. The unifcation of over 200 young people around the important issue of religious and patriotic education was a positive effect of the Eucharistic Crusade in Krzepice. Unfortunately the period of the communist regime limited this trend. In the 1990s the new religious groups in the parish were reactivated. However, the idea of the Eucharistic Crusade has not returned.
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  • Miniatura
    Sprawozdanie z konferencji naukowej nt. „Ziemi myszkowskiej drogi do niepodległości” Myszków, 09.11.2018 r.
    Terka, Mariusz (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie, 2018)
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    B. Pitre’a, Jezus i żydowskie korzenie Eucharystii, Wydawnictwo Apostolstwa Modlitwy, Kraków 2018, ss. 240
    Dyktyński, Łukasz (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie, 2018)
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    Ks. Józef Grzywaczewski, The Biblical Idea of Divine Mercy in the Early Church, Warszawa 2016, Wydawnictwo Naukowe UKSW, ss. 378
    Terka, Mariusz (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie, 2018)