Studia Koszalińsko-Kołobrzeskie, 2012, nr 19, z. 2

Stały URI dla kolekcji


Ostatnie zgłoszenia

Teraz wyświetlane 1 - 14 z 14
  • Miniatura
    Sprawowanie sakramentu bierzmowania
    Dullak, Kazimierz (Uniwersytet Szczeciński, 2012)
    The subject of this presentation is celebrating of the sacrament of confirmation. There are two canons only at the Code of Canon Law referring to this sacrament: 880 and the following. What is enclosed by the Legislator at the Code does not exhaust the whole matter, as at the canon # 2 of CCL there already appears an explicit reservation: “For the most part of the Code does not define the rites which are to be observed in celebrating liturgical actions”. That is why the basic second resources of this analysis are the norms included in Confirmation rite applied to the customs of the dioceses in Poland. What needs to be paid attention at in celebration of this sacrament is individual imposition of the hand with simultaneous words prescribed in the approved liturgical books and anointing with chrism on the forehead of the candidate.
  • Miniatura
    Kapłan wobec osób chorych terminalnie w ujęciu biblijnym
    Wilczyński, Krystian (Uniwersytet Szczeciński, 2012)
    One of the most important branches of modern medicine is the paliative care. The subject of that care are people, whose illness terminates in death. At that stage of life many of them are asking about faith and God, searching answers to fundamental questions. Giving answers is a task for theology based on The Holy Bible. The priests are the first people responsible for giving hope in an evangelical meaning. History of Israel contains examples of the priestly care to sufferers, including the terminally ill. The progress of mentality has changed the doctrine of suffering as a consequence of sin for a reason to share love and help, which was shown by Jesus Christ. Catholic Church, obedient to the Savior, always took spiritual and physical care of the necessitous, particularly of those, who were close to the death. The ministry of priests is in Persona Christi, which means that they have to reflect Jesus crucified and resurrected, thereby proclaiming the Gospel of love and paschal hope to the terminally ill.
  • Miniatura
    Duchowość człowieka a polityka
    Wejman, Henryk (Uniwersytet Szczeciński, 2012)
    Przeprowadzone analizy pozwalają na wyrażenie zasadnego wniosku, że duchowość i polityka, choć na pierwsze wejrzenie zdają się sobie przeciwstawiać, to jednak w rzeczywistości są ze sobą powiązane. One obydwie należą do antropologicznych danych człowieka. Są po prostu wyrazem jego działania. To właśnie człowiek stanowi punkt styczny ich obu. Stąd też polityka, choć nie może oderwać się od realiów życia, to dzięki duchowej inspiracji uczestniczących w niej ludzi nabiera bardziej humanistycznego wymiaru. Im głębsze życie duchowe prowadzi człowiek, tym bardziej ludzka staje się jego aktywność polityczna.
  • Miniatura
    Nasze problemy z demokracją
    Sienkiewicz, Edward (Uniwersytet Szczeciński, 2012)
    Man as a social being by nature is constantly trying to organize this aspect of his existence. Democratic systems, similarly as freedom do not explain by themselves. They need a stable and committing criterion constituting an objective truth, which refers to the rules being a basis of human activity and setting out the direction of human action, so as he would not lose his freedom because of bad choices. Human existence in the social and individual dimension, in its freedom and social structures building is only understandable on the ground of ontology, which also best explains its activity.
  • Miniatura
    Teologiczny obraz Boga Ojca u podstaw chrześcijańskiego wychowania do rodzicielstwa
    Parzych-Blakiewicz, Katarzyna (Uniwersytet Szczeciński, 2012)
    The paper bears upon the pastoral question about the crisis of the fatherhood, the parenthood and the family. There is an theological elaboration showing nine aspects of the biblical image of God of Father: the imitation of God of Father, the proexistence of Father, the hope of child, common Father in heaven, the purifying magnanimity, the vision of Father in Jesus, trusting to God of Father, Father giving of the Spirit. In the conclusions one gave four essential plots for pastoral working, taking into account the historical context and theological of the reflection about God of Father: the renewal of authorities, the learning of the trusting prayer, the care of heroic love, drawing from the Divine mercy.
  • Miniatura
    Szafarz sakramentu bierzmowania. Próba wykładni obowiązujących przepisów
    Mazurkiewicz, Dariusz (Uniwersytet Szczeciński, 2012)
    The progress of theology and canon law in the last century has brought a new understanding of the minister of the sacrament of confirmation. It makes us inquire after the current juridical status of this issue and leads us to appraise whether the present norms have the character of the definitive expression of the Church lawgiver. The analysis of the existing norms in this area allows us to become aware of the differences between the Latin Church and the Eastern Catholic Churches. In the Latin Church the ordinary minister of confirmation is the bishop and only few presbyters confer this sacrament on the basis of the universal law or owing to a special permission. In the Eastern Catholic Churches the minister of chrismation is every presbyter. Discussing the way confirmation is administered we should also have in mind the practice of these separated Churches that preserved this sacrament and during its celebration draw from the tradition of the West as well as of the East of Christianity. It seems that the present norms will evolve and the body of presbyters of the Latin Church, enabled ipso iure to administer the sacrament of confirmation, will grow in number.
  • Miniatura
    Praktyka modlitwy o uwolnienie wspólnot Kościoła pierwszych wieków chrześcijaństwa (I-V w.)
    Kowal, Sebastian (Uniwersytet Szczeciński, 2012)
    Prayer for deliverance of demonic influence in the early Church was the domain of all the faithful. Every Christian has the power to cast out evil spirits. It stemmed from the fact that the faith in Jesus Christ and receive baptism, and was based on the power of his name. Every Christian is somehow automatically become an exorcist. The source of the power that was given to the Christians, was the victory of Jesus Christ in his paschal mystery, with particular reference to the death of the cross. In the 5th century the power of exorcism has been reserved for appointed priests.
  • Miniatura
    Liturgia trzech głównych świąt żydowskich
    Jasiński, Karol (Uniwersytet Szczeciński, 2012)
    The paper concerns to the liturgy of the three main festivals of Judaism (Passover, Harvest Festival and Festival of Shelters). There are the following common elements of it: liturgical community in the shrine (Gilgal, Shiloh, Gibeah, Jerusalem), pilgrimages with psalms, processions (with lamps, sprigs and water), renovation of the covenant (reading of Torah) and sacrifice (animals, grains, bread, oil, wine, water). The author presents not only the liturgical rites, but mentions the spiritual dimensions of them.
  • Miniatura
    Elementy personalizmu – podmiotowość i indywidualność – w postmodernistycznej dyskusji filozoficznej
    Bokwa, Ignacy (Uniwersytet Szczeciński, 2012)
    Postmodernity has made a fundamental calculation of the Enlightenment and modern concepts of subjectivity and individuality. The Enlightenment was associated with hope of finding a fixed anchor of interpreting and shaping the world in an autonomous subject. It was to the Enlightenment and modernity not only a center of power capable to take over the world, but actually performing this work on the road to subjugate the natural world through science and its use in the technology. Although the postmodern subject is an individual, it no longer carries the strength of transcendental generality. It seems to be shaped only by speech and communication systems in which they live. Under the conditions of postmodernity, a man is not so much a man in the middle of a homogeneous history, focusing on self-determining identity, but he lives in a situation of patchwork made up of multi-faceted, heterogeneous stories. The social form of life seems to be primarily empty space, which opens up more and more differential community. The space of social existence of a subject is gradually filled by unable to mutual agreement elements of different traditions and the resulting side effects. The place of clear- to this moment- reality, starts to be filled by the incomprehensible shape remains of previous life. The result of these processes is the inability to build in conditions of postmodernity, a coherent identity of one’s own biography as an unbroken unity. Under the conditions of postmodernity, a man lives in a situation of increasing drama of his life story. Individualization of the worlds of life imposes on an individual an increasing obligation of interpretation and integration. It consists of daily necessity for determining, shaping your life, step by step. New grammar, which allows this life to be re-read and "invented" must stand by it.
  • Miniatura
    Bóg jako Pan historii świata i ludzi w świetle Apokalipsy Janowej
    Siemieniec, Tomasz (Uniwersytet Szczeciński, 2012)
    The Article discusses the issue of God as the Lord of the history of the world and the people in the Book of Revelation. It consists of two main parts. In the first part, main titles have been presented, by which God was defined in the Book of Revelation. These titles are: „The One, Who is and Who was and Who is to come”, „the Alpha and the Omega”, „The Beginning and the End”, „Lord Holy and True” (The Sovereign), „Pantokrator” (The Almighty), „The sitting on the throne”. The old testament sources of these titles show, that the main idea, that the Author had, was the desire to present God working in an active way in the history of the World. In the second part of the article, the activities of God as the Lord of the history have been analyzed. There are: the creation, which authorizes God’s ruling, the judgment in its negative aspect (seen as the punishment of the unfaithful) and in its positive aspect (seen as the reward for the faithful).
  • Miniatura
    Przygotowanie do bierzmowania w oparciu o paradygmat katechumenalny
    Maćkowski, Andrzej (Uniwersytet Szczeciński, 2012)
    In the article Preparation to the sacrament of confirmation based on the catechumenal paradigm in the light of the instructions of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults and the pastoral note of the Italian Episcopal Conference Permanent Episcopal Council Instructions on awaking faith and completing Christian initiation in the adult age the author – noticing the shortcomings of the contemporary formation methods offered to the young people preparing to the sacrament of confirmation, who after receiving the sacrament abandon practicing their faith in large numbers – suggests to apply a method of preparation to confirmation based on the catechumenal model. The proposal is motivated by the fact that already the fathers of the Second Vatican Council, facing the crisis of faith of the generations contemporary to them and facing the inadequacy of the formation methods applied with respect to those introduced to the Church, appealed for the reintroduction of catechumenate. Furthermore, the post-Conciliar documents also include recommendations to organize some forms of post-baptismal catechumenate for those baptised as children, for example as part of preparation to the sacrament of confirmation. The author further describes, using the norms contained in the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults and in the pastoral note of the Italian Episcopal Conference Permanent Episcopal Council Instructions on awaking faith and completing Christian initiation in the adult age, how such form of preparation should be organized.
  • Miniatura
    O procesie budowania świadomości kultury narodowej dzisiaj
    Jastrząb, Dariusz (Uniwersytet Szczeciński, 2012)
    The task to realize constant human formation in the area of acquisition of cultural national identity is vitally important and at the same time not easy. The modern man is living under the influence of versatile, liberal-nihilistic tendencies. Creative engagement of people in the creation of a comprehensive, national culture finds its expression when the transcendent (religious) approach is not avoided. The encounter of two components, a human and a divine awakens and leads to a deep awareness, both religious and cultural. In order to obtain correct consciousness, one should particularly rely on the personalizing and socializing functions of the family. In this context, in the natural way one can educate children and adolescents to a conscious responsibility for the life in truth and freedom. A crucial factor in the development of this awareness is also the care about the quality of the mother tongue and as called by the Polish philosopher S. Świeżawski – „the exercise of intelligence”.
  • Miniatura
    Bóg jako „bycie sensu”. Dowód na istnienie Boga Roberta Spaemanna
    Babiński, Jarosław (Uniwersytet Szczeciński, 2012)
    Robert Spaemann is the most eminent philosopher in Germany today. The reasonableness of faith in God constitutes one of most important themes of his philosophy. For this reason, he formulates a new proof of the existence of God in which God is the “being of sense”. Such dispute is unusually difficult, especially after Nietzsche and Foucault's critique of philosophy. Spaemann begins his argumentation with Nietzsche, and his clasical thesis: "I am afraid that we will not be able to free ourselves from God as long as we believe in grammar." This statement is a starting point for the development of “the proof for the existence of God from the grammar”.