Roczniki Teologiczne, 1995, T. 42, z. 6

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  • Miniatura
    Nowy Testament o wspólnocie
    Bielecki, Stanisław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1995)
    In the light of salvation history one may perceive three factors which bear on the form of each fellowship. They are the following: a tendency towards life in a fellowship grafted into human nature, the destructive force of the sin, and God’s grace offered to mankind in Christ. Invisible and mystery goods which have their source in the trinitarian life of God constitute the foundations of the New Testament fellowship. The core of this study is pinpoint the essential sings of an authentic Christian fellowship.
  • Miniatura
    Dwudziestolecie studium formacji pastoralno-liturgicznej
    Kopeć, Jerzy Józef (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1995)
  • Miniatura
    Dziecko wobec śmierci
    Kulpaczyński, Stanisław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1995)
    There are attempts to remove death from the everyday life of the contemporary people. In view of the this the paper seeks to reflect on the child towards death. The author discusses death as a biological fact and a social event. He pinpoints that in recent years dying has been entrusted to professionals (in hospitals and old people’s homes), and this becomes inhuman. Natural death is an end of the biological life, but in fact death belongs to life and life belongs to death. The Christian doctrine about the understanding of death is based on the Bible, where God "is not God of the dead, but of the living". (Lk 20:38) The paper pinpoints the specific, from the psycho-pedagogic point of view, reactions of the child towards death, connected with its development of the understanding of time (according to J. Piaget) and child’s images of death. The paper shows how deeply a child experiences the phenomena of passing and death, especially of the closest persons. Various reactions have been discussed, mainly emotional, with which the child reacts to mourning, with a particular emphasis on the need to have parents around. The talks about death must be based on the truth and should be adjusted to the perceptual abilities of the little interlocutors. Duly selected common prayers bear a reassuring and pacifying value. The final part of the paper contains some useful, practical guidelines concerning conversations with children about death, while taking into consideration their religious aspects.
  • Miniatura
    Ksiądz Józef Majka - protagonista katolickiej nauki społecznej
    Pamuła, Stanisław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1995)
    Fr Józef Majka’s key area of research was the Catholic social doctrine. He was among those people of science who were knowledgeable not only as to the foundations of this sphere of knowledge, but possessed a perfect insight into its development. Sharing the lot of the society of real socialism permitted him to see the errors and incoherence of that system. Fr J. Majka was an expert not only of the foundation of the Catholic social doctrine but also of the social matter of the second half of the 19th century. His works taught both the academic milieus and the large masses of his readers an alternative social thinking. His proposals as to the homeland situation resulted from personalism made more profound in the Lublin milieu. It is these personalistic aspects that dominated in his scientific work. He had a good command of the Catholic social doctrine which made a firm background for Fr Majka in his vision of Poland’s functioning in a democratic system. According to him, the new system initiated in 1989 should be grounded on ethical bases. The Catholic social doctrine made more profound over the years allowed Fr Majka to easily orientate himself not only within the sphere of principles but also in the territory of practical social life.
  • Miniatura
    Nowa ewangelizacja w Polsce
    Pawlina, Krzysztof (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1995)
    New evangelization has in recent years dominated the consciousness of the Catholic Church. It has become its main tasks and programme. In 1979 John Paul II began the work of new evangelization in Poland, during his first pilgrimage to his homeland. In successive pilgrimages he would explain the essence of new evangelization and its aims. During the Ad limina visit of the Polish bishops in 1993 John Paul II stated that new evangelization should follow two directions: internally (ad intra) and extensively (ad extra). New evangelization has not been precisely defined by the pope. One may, however, say that it is a second call to preach the Gospel of the world which due to secularization does no longer know the fullness of the Message of Salvation. New evangelization is in a way a pastoral stimulus, which is supposed to prepare the whole Church for the celebration of 2000th jubilee of Christianity in the world. A preparation for this jubilee is to remind man at the tum of the 20th century that "God loves you, Christ has come to you". This second preaching of the Message of Salvation calls for a language and form of communication available to the contemporary man. We mean such ways of proclaiming Christ which would interest and reach the heart of each man. One should tum greater attention in the communication of the Revealed Truths on the personal relations: man - God; I and You. The personal religious experience seems to be the key to new evangelization.
  • Miniatura
    Myśl wychowawcza Piusa XI w publikacjach Akcji Katolickiej w Polsce
    Tomkiewicz, Antoni (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1995)
    The Catholic Church has long recognized the importance of the family in man’s formation. The social and religious organizations have also become interested in these problems. In the interwar period the Catholic Action was one of such organizations; it especially promoted formative ideas. The basic purpose of the present paper was to depict some questions connected with the formative problems in the teaching of Pius XI, and popularized by the Catholic Action. Therefore the paper discusses first the genesis and the basic assumption of the Catholic Action. The second section presents the main aims and tasks of formation within the family. The main aim was to restore the Christian spirit in the family. Then the author pinpoints the significance of cooperation between the family, the Church, the State and school in the formative process. The third section discusses the forms and means of influence on the formation in the family adopted by the Catholic Action. The paper pinpoints the importance of the natural and supernatural means in the work of formation, as they were proposed by pope Pius XI.
  • Miniatura
    Posługa wychowawcza salezjanów wobec współczesnej młodzieży (w świetle uchwał 23 Kapituły Generalnej)
    Wilk, Józef (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1995)
    Salesians have joined the post-Conciliar attempts to find some effective ways of the formation of adolescents. They are obliged to this participation in the charisma of their Founder, St John Bosco, whom John Paul II honoured by an unprecedented title "Father and Teacher of the Young People". The paper constitutes a synthetic presentation of the fruits of a pedagogic reflection of the whole Congregation, whose climax was 23 General Chapter and its document entitled "Adolescents’ Formation to Faith - Contemporary Tasks and a Challenge for the Salesian Fellowship". The document contains the complete formative programme bearing by the following characteristics: 1. Faithfulness to adolescents obliges to come closer to young people and get to know their real needs and threats; 2. Faithfulness to heritage denotes a creative interpretation of the thoughts of Fr Bosco who based the whole of formation on the well-known trinomial: love, religion and reason. 3. Competence which results from taking into account the Church’s doctrine and pedagogic sciences. 4. Integrity expressed in the global proposal of the so-called Salesian youth spirituality, a very specific way of the personal development of the young man.
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    Wskazania Kościoła dotyczące duszpasterstwa pracowników służby zdrowia
    Kalinowski, Mirosław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1995)
    People who work in the health service constitute a professional group which calls for a special pastoral care. There are a lot of delicate ethical and religious problems which accompany this care. The author has pinpointed the great activity of the contemporary Church in the world of health service. This is demonstrated by the documents of the Apostolic See, as well as in the addresses of the popes of the post-Conciliar period. The Church’s teaching has been presented by the author at the following three levels: religious life of the health service workers, occupational ethics, and pastoral activity of the health service workers. This is a proposal of the contemporary Church in relation to the basic human experiences, such as disease and death. The Church, too, answers the questions concerning the role of medicine, the mission of the doctor and medical staff towards the patient. At the borderline of these problems there emerges a need for pastoral care about health service workers.
  • Miniatura
    Pluralizm a duszpasterstwo
    Kamiński, Ryszard (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1995)
    Socio-political pluralism is a fact in highly-developed societies. He is being put into effect in Polish society as well. Along with the development of the political and social transformations, initiated in Poland in 1989, this process has accelerated. Accordingly, one has to adjust pastoral care to the present reality. This concerns both the activity of presbyters and various pastoral institutions and bodies, being at the disposal of the Church. Pluralism brings about numerous pastoral consequences. A pluralistic society forms a different profile of religiousness than the traditional society. At the moment pastoral care should stress preaching which prepares to receive faith, making the contents of faith more profound, and strengthening religious and moral convictions.
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    Parafia miejscem ewangelizacyjnej odnowy Kościoła
    Narecki, Zbigniew (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1995)
    One has recently focused on the many structures and functions of the Church, which decided about her evangelizational restoration. We mean here the following: the family, small groups, catechesis, liturgy and the sacraments, apostleship etc. At times one perceives and it is the parish which constitutes a territorial and organizational basis for the Church; it is within the frameworks of the parish that the restoration is going to be put into practice. It is mainly in the parish that one may participate in the attributes of the Church, which is one, holy, Catholic and apostolic. From the point of view of ecclesiology one describes parish as not only a natural but also supernatural society which intimately bears on Christ and the visible power of the Church. The latter institution being supported and developed by the Holy Spirit as well as by functions, personal and community element, a fellowship of faith, cult and love, should basically contribute to showing the Kingdom of God in the world. It is in the parish that the Church-Fellowship is made present in a very concrete way, since here the redemptive events intersect with the lives of particular Christians, their local societies proclaiming the word, disposing the sacraments and living in brotherly love. Reflecting on the Church being made present leads us to the parish, whereas the constitution of her community character promotes the parish to a pastoral setting in which the Church reorientates. This reorientation mainly consists in a restoration of the evangelizational and community levels, functions or elements. They are co-constitutive, crossing dimensions: the supernatural one which endows evangelization with gifts and charismas and their evangelical union of friendship and fellowship; the natural dimension which is a response to the Restorer’s Grace which is fulfilled in the pastoral and apostolic service by the parish through the particular functions and personal and community elements, especially the dialogue, cooperation and coresponsibility. This "divine endowment" of the parish makes it a territory of concrete "reactions" made present by means of the above subjects and works. Then the whole venture is transformed into one sanctifying and salvational process of restoration in which among individual and collective acts Christ Himself becomes its foundation and principles of the life of the parish, then the local Church and the universal one. The study does not exhaust the subject matter but rather undertakes its most essential aspects. The most important idea is the idea of the Church’s universalism in the life of the parish, which imposes to support a multiform, restorative evangelizational action. This will make it possible to embrace anew with a pastoral reflection not only the divine-human "endowment" of the parish, but its evangelizational mission which, according to the post-conciliar doctrine, has embraced it all and orders it into one awakening and ecclessio-bearing aspect.
  • Miniatura
    Czy zmierzch Kościoła ludowego w Polsce?
    Piwowarski, Władysław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1995)
    The author discusses the transformations of the folk’s Church in Poland in the context of the West European societies. He is interested in the inception, development and disappearance of the folk’s Church. Against the background of other countries Poland constitutes a certain phenomenon with a view to her specific socio-political situation. Accordingly, the folk’s Church could remain almost in her unchanged form. The author discusses in particular the folk’s Church in the three contexts: the pagan, Christian, and lay context. Then he goes on to describe the characteristics and functions of the folk’s Church in the world and in Poland. Finally, he pinpoints her transformations in Poland, signalling her cultural specificity in relation o the West. This specificity consists in a strong impact of tradition, which may hamper the transformation of the folk’s Church into an “insular” Church.
  • Miniatura
    Przekaz wiary we współczesnym pluralizmie katechetycznym
    Rogowski, Cyprian (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1995)
  • Miniatura
    Bibliografia dotycząca duszpasterstwa trzeźwości
    Kamiński, Ryszard; Narecki, Zbigniew (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1995)
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    Sympozjum liturgiczne „Przygotowanie do małżeństwa w parafii i rodzinie” Lublin - KUL 11 maja 1994 r.
    Kopeć, Jerzy Józef (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1995)
  • Miniatura
    Tony Castle. The Pastoral Handbook. London 1986
    Pająk, Włodzimierz (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1995)
  • Miniatura
    Handbuch der praktischen Gemeindearbeit. Hrsg, von Leo Karrer. Freiburg-Basel-Wien 1990 ss. 320. Herder.
    Kamiński, Ryszard (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1995)